Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 34

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 34


While the unprecedented fireworks event in River North was in full swing, Sigmund was cleaning up the back alleys that had been busy the previous night.

“Confirmed suppression of Area 1! Suppression of Area 10 confirmed!”

“Good work.”

Sigmund nodded to his subordinate’s report with an uneasy expression on his face, as if he was not at all satisfied with the back alleys being handled according to Dio’s plan.

As Dio said, Golden Dawn was completely destroyed by Gore Howl’s raid, and Sigmund wiped out all of Gore Howl’s remnants.

‘I didn’t think so at the time…’

Sigmund thought that it would be difficult for Gore Howl to attack without end.

But, as expected, looking at the body of Ludens, who had been brutally murdered by Gore Howl, he acknowledged that Dio’s strategy had worked.

‘The Golden Dawn is completely over. The bomb was also a successful success…’

Sigmund witnessed with his own eyes a huge explosion in the Gorehowl area.

There is zero chance of surviving that explosion.

‘You have the ability. ‘Is leaving Sepia to him the best option rather than finding another way?’

Sigmund, who recognized Dio’s ability, focused on dealing with the remnants in front of him.

“Are we in District 3 yet?”

Sigmund asked, looking at the knights leading the surviving back alley gang.

“That part is also finished and we are on our way back.”

“good. Collect Ludens’ body. “As soon as the collection is finished, we will return immediately.”

“Sig Sigmund!”

As soon as Sigmund could take his eyes off Ludens’ body, the adjutant urgently called to Sigmund.

Sigmund looked again at Ludens’ corpse pointed out by the adjutant and was soon able to witness a strange phenomenon taking place.

Push Sisik –

I confirmed that the pulse was definitely cut off.

As black smoke spewed out from Ludens’ body, which was clearly a corpse, Sigmund and the knights retreated.

“What is it?”

“What is that?”

Black smoke began to rise into the sky, and Ludens’ body, which was emitting black smoke, disappeared without a trace.

“Surely you’re a demon?”

“It’s flying east over there!”

The adjutant shouted, pointing in the direction where the black smoke was flying.

That place is where the Sepia Knights’ mansion is located.

“shit! “Everyone returns!”

Sepia was guarded by knights, but even so, Sigmund hurried out of the back alley.

This is because no one can guarantee safety once traces of the ‘demon’, which brings disaster just by existing, are discovered.

* * *

I definitely thought everything worked out well.

I easily cleared out the troubles in River North and took the items and equipment I wanted from the warehouse without any problems.

Now all that remains is to take Sephia and leave Rivernos.

But something was wrong.

Why is Sepia, who is deeply asleep, in my room?

Who can bind Sephia under Sigmund’s protection?

The perplexity and doubts did not last long.

Behind the sleeping Sepia, a sturdy old man cleared the shadows and appeared in front of Dio.

Neat white hair.

sturdy physique.

Dio knows that old man.

However, the feeling I had when I first met him and the feeling I had from him now were quite different.

An old man who exudes an aura of danger that is equal to or even greater than that of Sigmund, the greatest knight of Rivernos.

‘But how?’

How could that person be here?

I thought he was dead.

No, the leader of Golden Dawn, ‘Ludence’, who should have died.

He opened his mouth towards me.

“Shall we talk?”

Ludens, the leader of the Golden Dawn.

The reason why Tusk was perceived as a ruler who was not stupid but focused on power and chased after money was also due to Ludens’ influence.

Ludens was an outstanding businessman, and unlike Tusk, he achieved his current position with a huge amount of money without having to show much force.

Tusk’s sense of inferiority and competitiveness led him to chase money.

Nevertheless, in the main scenario of the Order version, Ludens’ survival route did not exist, and after Sigmund’s awakening, he disappeared behind the curtain.

‘no way?’

Was it not the dio player’s mistake to think it had disappeared? What if

he fooled Tusk,

fooled Sigmund, and

even fooled the player and never died from the beginning?

Dio remembered Ludens, whom he had first talked to last week.

‘He was clearly an old man who was weak and only smiled.’

However, the spirit of Ludens before my eyes was reminiscent of that of a veteran.

‘You mean it was all an act? What are your skills? ‘Is it stronger than Tusk?’

Dio’s eyes scanned the entire body of Ludens, who was standing reverently, and then took in the sleeping Sephia and the surrounding objects.

Closed window.

Table blocked.

Distance from Ludens.

‘The guy’s power is unknown. If you go for it without thinking, you will get hit back. Besides, he’s holding on to Sepia.’

While Dio was distracted, Ludence spoke to him.

“I have a lot on my mind.”

“…Is there something I need to do?”

“of course.”



Ludens, who answered Dio’s question, snapped his fingers and the door closed by itself.

‘Are you a wizard?’

Dio tried to move the closed door handle, but it didn’t budge.

A completely closed room.

“Start with a simple test before starting the conversation…”


Dio, who had pretended to be interested in the locked doorknob, immediately turned around and the dagger he had sent was instantly stuck between Ludens’ eyes.


Ludence’s new form, which had been pierced through the head, fell backwards and Dio immediately ran towards Sepia.

The dagger hit a vital spot that would have killed an ordinary person instantly.

Nevertheless, Dio pulled out the Great Sword of Crushing and slashed it at Ludens, who was lying on the floor.


The great sword pierced Ludens’ body, cutting deep into the stone floor, and Ludens’ blood was splattered everywhere.

However, Dio still did not lower his guard.

‘The magic on the door is still active.’

just as expected.

At that moment, blood splashed into the air began to flow into Ludens’ body as if it were being sucked into a black hole.

In response, Dio picked up Sepia and hurriedly widened the distance.


There were several reasons why Dio attacked Ludens first.

He said he wanted to talk, but Dio couldn’t believe him.

If you were planning to talk calmly, why did you close the room?

From the moment they blocked the escape, they decided that Ludens was not friendly and launched a surprise attack against the unknown enemy.

And when I fell helplessly after being hit by a dagger, a hypothesis came to mind.

If it survived by faking its death in such a way, it would never be possible to kill it with such a crude attack.

Dio’s prediction was correct, and Ludens, whose body was instantly regenerated as blood clots gathered, stood up again and pulled out the dagger stuck between his eyes.

“Your judgment of the situation is excellent. “When have we ever met?”


“Don’t worry. “The child just fell asleep.”

Ludence turned to Dio, who was looking at Sepia’s condition, and said.

‘Looking at the status window, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Sepia other than falling asleep.’

If so, I don’t understand it even more.

Did that guy named Ludens really mean to test me?

What on earth?

“He’s good at fighting. Even though he is young, he seems like a seasoned swordsman. That’s not all. “You already noticed, right?”

Ludens opened his mouth with an expectant look in his eyes, and Dio chuckled at his words.

“What do you mean? “You’re a vampire?”

“okay. “I thought you would recognize me.”

Even though I hit a critical wound, blood covered the wound on its own.

There was only one race within the order board that could exhibit such unique recovery abilities.

“The destructive power is okay, but it doesn’t meet my expectations. Is there a problem with the equipment? Or is that all your power is?”

Ludens accurately pointed out the areas that D.O. has not currently been able to reorganize.

The Crushing Greatsword is considered the strongest weapon of its level, but it is still a level 60 weapon.

Ludens, estimated to be a high-level vampire, is level 200 or higher.

Unless it was a weapon made of silver, which is a vampire’s weakness, it was impossible to hit him properly.

“why? “Is there a good stake somewhere?”

“Your speaking skills are good.”

“Why are you still evaluating me? “Tests and all.”

“Excuse me. But don’t blame me. “Aren’t you the one who didn’t listen to me?”

“I don’t say it was wrong to attack the old man by combining kidnapping and intrusion.”

“…Haha fun.”

In response to Dio’s comment, Ludence’s arm, which had been behind his back as if he did not want to hang out anymore, relaxed.



As soon as Dio prepared for the attack, Ludens’ new form disappeared so quickly that an afterimage was visible.


Dio raised his sword at the same time Ludens’ vision disappeared.



Ludens’ arm was blocked by the Great Sword of Crushing, but Dio was still pushed up to the wall by Ludens’ power.

“The response has been amazing. But what about speed?”

As Ludens’


hand blade scraped the great sword, an unpleasant frequency filled Dio’s ears.

Kagagagagak –

Vampires basically turn their claws into powerful weapons.

All Dio could do was barely block Ludence’s attacks, which he did not simply swing with his bare hands.

However, even if it responded to Ludens’ attack, it could not catch up with the clearly different speed.

“It’s holding up quite a bit. But how long do you plan on holding on?”

Ludens laughed at Dio, who had big and small wounds, and once again threw up his body and kicked his right side.


“Isn’t this place empty?”

Ludens raised his arm, aiming for the empty space where Dio was trying to block his kick.

Currently, Dio’s left side is completely defenseless.

Ludens knows.

This means that it would be impossible for Dio, holding that huge sword, to block his subsequent attacks at his speed.

However, for a split second, Ludens suddenly felt doubtful.

Clearly, he was only focused on blocking.

Even if it fought back, there was no way it could cause any damage to the vampire himself.

But why doesn’t he give up?

What on earth are those sharp eyes aiming at…


Ludens’ right field of vision was immersed in darkness.

What happened now?

Ludens was able to regenerate without any damage

even when his head was pierced with a dagger and his limbs were severed with a great sword.

But now…


Ludens calmly pulled out the object that pierced his eye.


“It’s a shame. “I was going to throw a bamboo stick.”

Ludens looked around with interest, looking at the identity of the ‘thing’ that was suppressing his regenerative ability.

The room was in shambles due to the clash just now.

And I was able to find a broken table and a candlestick that had somehow been artificially broken into pieces.

The identity of the object that suppressed the vampire’s regenerative power was none other than a ‘silver’ candlestick.

The mineral called ‘silver’ in the order board was not just a precious metal.

The power contained in silver was similar to divine power and was considered a fatal weakness for demons, especially vampires.

‘Was it shallow?’

Dio, who had been aiming for this from the beginning, deliberately intended to create an isolated situation with his back to the wall and no escape.

Since he couldn’t keep up with the guy’s speed, the only way to make the attack successful was to use a counter.

But even if the attack worked, it didn’t mean that he could be defeated.

‘It’s so fine. I thought it was an ordinary vampire, but is it a high-class vampire?’

Dio gave his assessment of Ludens, who was just looking at him with interest.

Now that we have realized that he is a being of a much higher rank than we thought, it would be reckless to engage in an all-out war with Ludens at his current level.

For now, the best thing Dio could do was secure an escape route without confronting him.

‘The door is blocked. Should I go out through the window? Or, somehow, until Sigmund comes….’

In the face of Dio, who was trying to think of a strategy, Ludens just smiled kindly.

He was only briefly surprised by Dio’s ability to cope, but turned his neck lightly as if to show that there was no damage from the attack.

As strong as Dio had predicted, Ludens was not an insignificant opponent to the point where he could be injured just by swinging a silver candlestick.

Clink –

As soon as the broken candlestick, which had suppressed regeneration for a moment, fell to the floor, Ludens’ torn eyeball was instantly restored.


Ludens burst into laughter as Dio, who briefly clicked his tongue at that sight, reorganized himself again.

“Hahaha! okay. “I passed.”

This time, Dio, who was planning to mark the silver candlestick and explode it, frowned at Ludens’ reaction.

“So what? “Do you know me?”

Dio, who was irritated by Ludens spouting out words that he had no idea what he was testing in the first place, blurted out.

“Of course I know. You…”

Ludence’s eyes shine as he trails off.

And one last word.

“Because he’s a forgotten prosecutor.”

Dio froze at Ludens’ last words.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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