Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 4

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 4

Episode 4,

Dio was unnecessarily lucky.

‘A grade…? Is this real money?’

The grade of the mercenary card that was appraised was neither grade C nor grade B, but grade A.

‘I really…’

Of course, it wasn’t as good as the S grade, which boasted a probability of 0.001%, but the A grade mercenary badge was also a very valuable item.

As far as Dio knew, the probability of an A-grade mercenary appearing was about 0.1%.

‘shit. There won’t be any unidentified mercenary cards left…’

Thanks to this, Dio had to completely revise his plan.

If you were to pretend to be a grade A mercenary, it would be nearly impossible to just act as a guide.

However, this did not change the overall plan of joining the mercenary army and going to the temple…

“I want to meet the Master.”

“The Master is not so leisurely that anyone can meet him.”


First of all, D.O. had a completely different stance.

“How about this?”


“At this level, I feel like I’m not ‘just anyone’.” When


threw the mercenary badge in front of the receptionist, the noisy mercenaries instantly became quiet again.

And a moment later, the receptionist accepted the card.


[Old Class A Mercenary Card]

Contents: A card that proves that you are a mercenary who has gone beyond being a veteran and has risen to the rank of expert.

The owner of the old and damaged mercenary badge may have a story about a loved one waiting for him for a long time.


The atmosphere in the hall had no choice but to change completely.

“No matter how much he is a grade A mercenary…?”

If you decide to use your false identity as a weapon, you must be thorough in your acting.

So Dio decided to act like a Class A mercenary from now on.

Even though the level is only level 10.

“sorry. “It’s not because I’m tired from working overtime… It’s really A grade!?”

The receptionist was speechless for a moment when she saw the mercenary badge that Dio handed her, and started massaging the area around her eyes with her thumb and index finger.

The receptionist was so surprised that she even stood up and shouted.

The reaction was such that not only the mercenaries in the waiting room but also people outside opened the door and came in.

The only calm person here is Dio.

It was natural that Dio was calm.

He had already expected this level of reaction.

‘The minimum level of a class A mercenary is 300. It would be difficult to find a level 100 mercenary here in this village.’

Dio, seeing the receptionist’s helpless reaction, slightly frowned and expressed his displeasure.

Dealing with such ordinary NPCs is a very easy task for Dio, who can confidently say that he has reached the top of the order board.

As if it had worked, the receptionist hurriedly placed the mercenary card Dio handed over to the crystal ball in front of her.

The crystal ball, which has an emotional function, radiated golden light as if to indicate that the A-class mercenary pack was genuine.

That wasn’t the only thing Dio prepared.

He showed me a glimpse of the ‘Imperial Medal’ that was inside the leather armor.

“What about that?”

It is none other than an item that can be obtained after completing the subjugation quest given by the empire after the 3rd job change.

Imperial medals are often used as exchange currency.

However, in situations where identity is unclear, it can also be used as an item to prove belonging to the empire.

The status of the empire on the continent cannot be ignored.

Since you can get a free pass to most places with the Imperial Medal, Dio kept a few of them in the warehouse.

From the A-class mercenary badge to the imperial medal.

This was enough for anyone to think that Dio was a mercenary with experience completing missions for the Empire.

“Are we done now?”

Class A mercenaries are usually arrogant.

This is even more inevitable in Evra Village, which is just a small base on the outskirts.

So Dio faithfully embodied that image, which made the receptionist even more desperate.

“Now… just a moment!”

Then, when Dio looked around, the mercenaries were busy avoiding his gaze.

-Are you really grade A?

-Wow… no joke. If you go there, look at the force.

-But the equipment is a bit lame?

-Hey, if you’re A-level, your body itself is a weapon, so would you care about equipment? If we want to save our lives, we don’t have to worry about equipment.

-There are about a thousand A-class mercenaries on the continent, right?

-And the Imperial Medal? Isn’t it the highest rank among A-class?

Dio, who was listening to the whispering words of the mercenaries, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat as he seemed to be bloated more than the typical A-class mercenary.

In particular, the leather armor for beginners that is worn only in the tutorial zone has become the ‘grounded confidence of the strong’ through word of mouth.

But of course I didn’t show it.

Since we have already come this far, the situation is now no different from preference.

‘As long as I don’t get caught, it’s okay.’

While Dio was thinking about that, the receptionist who ran up the stairs came back with someone.

“hello. “This is Cotton, the branch manager of the Evra Mercenary Guild.”

Dio asked him a simple question.

“I guess you said you wanted to meet the Master?”

Dio still maintained an arrogant attitude towards Cotton, a huge man who seemed to have used quite a bit of strength in his past.

However, Cotton bowed his head towards Dio in a very polite manner that was befitting his size.

“Unfortunately, the Master is not at the guild right now. “Can I come up and tell you more details?”

And there was no need to maintain a high-handed attitude any longer.

In the first place, Dio’s purpose was not to meet the Master, but to receive requests with desired conditions.

“good. “Then let’s do it.”

So Dio obediently followed Cotton towards the stairs.

The mercenaries looked curiously at Dio heading upstairs.

Only after he completely disappeared did they start to worry again about the A-class mercenary who appeared like a comet.

* * *

A guild is a group created for commerce and industry.

How many missions did mercenaries perform through the guild?

How high is the satisfaction level of clients?

Based on this evaluation, the country and territory calculate support funds for the guild in question.

Therefore, mercenary guilds want skilled and prestigious mercenaries to work through their guild.

There was a reason why they were scouted separately with compensation money.

Although the achievements of the A-class mercenary named Dio cannot be immediately confirmed.

Even so, Cotton considered it a great benefit just because an A-class mercenary came to the guild he ran.

Securing the title of A-class mercenary is valuable enough that it is not worth the regret.

I’m not sure why he’s looking for the Master.


‘Class A mercenaries are just mercenaries. He must have come here to find the request he needed.’

Cotton thought so and made a promise to himself.

If there is no mission you want, you should create it and give it to them.

Rumble –

Cotton led Dio to the VIP room and personally served him tea.

However, as Dio’s story began to continue, Cotton couldn’t help but feel a bit puzzled.

As Cotton expected, Dio’s purpose was a ‘request’, but…

“So… you are looking for a request to a forgotten temple?”

The level of the request was so different from what I expected.

“that’s right. “There are no other conditions.”

It was natural for Cotton to be puzzled.

I couldn’t figure out why an A-class mercenary would want something that was simply a request to a forgotten temple.

There was one suitable quest, but it was one of the easiest quests that even C-rank mercenaries could solve.

‘I don’t know for what reason…’

Of course, I had no intention of offending Dio.

“I have a request to escort a priest heading to the temple…”

Cotton added, trailing off as if something was wrong.

“Mercenaries have already been assigned.”


“Even if we exclude these people, I wonder if we will be able to pay Dio proper compensation…”

But Dio, who had been listening until this point, suddenly cut him off.

“There is no need for repairs.”

* * *


Cotton blinked at Dio’s completely unexpected words and asked with an expression as if he was wondering what he meant.

“I just finished a request… I just wanted to take it easy.”

“yes? “What do you mean by that?”

The problem with his status as an A-class mercenary is revealed here.

The hurdles for the Forgotten Temple were so low that it was natural to think that being an A-level player would be enough on your own.

However, Dio had to go under the protection of mercenaries, so he needed a good reason to persuade branch manager Cotton.

“Don’t you understand? “You just want to take it easy?”

Cotton broke into a cold sweat as he instinctively sensed danger from Dio, who was repeating the story in an extremely irritated voice.

Dio’s acting was that perfect.

Because Dio didn’t force his temper.

‘I really don’t understand what you’re saying.’

Dio was truly tired from thinking about his plan, and he just didn’t hide it.

“You seem quite… quite tired. “I see you have business at the temple.”

The branch manager, who had dealt with numerous mercenaries, quickly realized the intention behind Dio’s words.

“Are you saying you want to participate in the same position as the escort?”

And Dio answered that question very carefully.

“Well, not to that extent. “If something dangerous happens… I won’t just sit there and watch.”

If Dio had said that he wanted to be an escort, this might have aroused Cotton’s suspicion.

There is nothing more ridiculous than a class A mercenary moving around while being escorted by a bunch of small guys.

It could be said that that was not the answer that a self-respecting Class A mercenary would give.

“Aha, I see!”

And Cotton seemed to be very pleased with Dio’s answer, as if it was the perfect answer.

In the end, Dio’s intention was to participate in the request without compensation and instead tell him not to bother.

“That much is possible.”

“okay. “Now we’re finally making sense.”

Cotton had no reason to refuse since he could use A-class mercenaries as insurance without incurring any special costs.

“The contract is for a round trip from the temple to Evra village. Are you okay with that?”

“of course.”

After making a quick decision, Cotton took out the documents and proceeded with the contract smoothly.

After receiving the contract, Dio smiled and signed the document.

Then the next moment.


Along with the familiar notification sound, two lines of system messages appeared before Dio’s eyes.

[You have signed the ‘Mercenary Request Contract’.]

[Quest will occur shortly.]

“It is an honor to work with you. Dear Dio. I’m sure the client will like it too.”

“Please take care of me.”

Because things worked out faster than expected, Dio felt better and got up straight away.

“Once the changes have been communicated to the client, a departure schedule will be set. “Where are you staying?”

“Let’s stay at the inn in front of here.”

“Then I will send someone as soon as the decision is made.”

After finishing his conversation with Cotton, Dio came down to the waiting room and felt the attention of the mercenaries again.

‘shit. ‘This is difficult.’

The situation is quite troubling as rumors have already spread about A-class mercenaries.

I could say that I was very fortunate that I had prepared a mask in advance.

‘I need to prepare for departure more thoroughly. If you make a mistake and your identity is discovered…it will be the worst situation.’

Dio gained unwanted fame after just one visit.

As Dio’s mind became more complicated, his steps began to get faster and faster.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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