Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 72

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 72

Episode 72:

Roberto didn’t know what the object Dio took out of subspace was.

An arrowhead shining in gold.

The shape of a snake decorating the arrow shaft as if it were twisted.

You can tell that it’s an unusual item at a glance, but what on earth are you going to do with it?

Leaving behind Roberto, whose doubts were rising, Dio took out the legendary weapon Nidhogg in his hand.

‘It won’t work out the way you want, Kalfael.’

Nidhogg handed over to Crassus.

In addition to that, there was a remainder of Nidhogg in Dio’s inventory.


‘I didn’t just defeat Crassus once.’

Nidhog is a legendary weapon with the incredible option of destroying the scepter that is the source of mana.

According to the story, it is powerful enough to destroy even the world tree.

Much less destroying the mana core of the space created by Kalphael is not even a task.

‘long time no see. Was the last time you used it to block a red dragon’s magic?’

Dio, who had been using Nidhogg for the first time in a long time, smiled with appreciation.

The only requirement to use Nidhogg is the ability related to the stats.

As long as your Dexterity Intelligence Mana stat reaches 200, you are eligible to use Nidhogg.

It was a figure that could not have been easily created by the old D.O., who had to think carefully about even raising his stats.

However, this does not apply to D.O. today.

Dio’s current level is 250.

In addition to the bonus points remaining at level 200, Solari’s blessing has boosted the number of points that Dio can use.


In the meantime, Kalphael’s space continues to collapse.

Without delay, Dio plunged Nidhogg into the mana core located at Evelyn’s bedside.


Nidhogg’s poison swallowed up the mana core embedded in the ground at once.



“Robetro! “Get down!”

After a blindingly intense ball of light exploded.

Dazzling flashes of light rising from beneath the ground began to erupt in all directions, and the world that had been shaking began to shake even more violently.


The eye of the typhoon that appeared where Dio and Evelyn were.


After hearing Dio’s words, Roberto fell flat on the ground to avoid the raging typhoon.


The sinking sky and the earth collapsing deep into the ground stopped for an instant.

When the mana core was destroyed, the function of the space designed by Kalphael stopped.

Coo coo coo coo!

Kalfael’s magic was completely nullified by Nidhogg.

Now this space cannot cause any harm or interference to Dio and his companions. It


not like the world is falling apart


The space that made up the world was cracked like a crack in a glass window.


In this way, the Libit Swamp created by Kalphael was completely shattered.

“Kalphael, where has this bastard gone?”

* * *

“What the hell is this?”

Crassus opened his mouth as something unbelievable was happening.

Dio’s unconventional move of using Nidhogg to destroy space itself.

This also affected the space where Kalphael and Crassus were watching.



The threads binding Crassus were broken.

Crassus immediately realized that Kalphael’s magic had been neutralized.


Crassus, who was free, hurriedly attacked Kalphael, who was watching the situation with him.



To prevent Kalphael from causing any trouble again, Crassus grabbed Kalphael’s neck and knocked him to the floor.



Contrary to the expectations of Crassus, who thought he would definitely resist, Kalphael was somehow just subdued calmly.

Crassus, feeling doubtful about this, looked at Kalphael’s face.

And I could see it.

His expression didn’t look like he was going to do something fun or do some kind of prank.


Crassus thought Kalphael, who was full of joy, strange, and called him.

Just like



Leavitt Swamp, this place is also starting to crack.

Nevertheless, Kalphael was laughing like a crazy person.


* * *

Kalphael thought he understood at a glance what kind of person Dio was.

On the outside, pretend not to know anything.

However, he himself is endlessly wary and suspicious of his opponents.

A person who pursues only practicality and can make cool-headed decisions in all situations.

That was Dio.

A thousand years ago, he led the army of the sun.

A personality that is completely opposite to that of Daejeon, who was expressed through altruism, kindness, charity, and sacrifice.

So Kalphael had expectations.

Kalfael was planning to kill Dio if he messed up his personal interests like he did with the great warriors of the past.

It’s no fun relying on hopes that have no possibility.

It was far more valuable for Kalphael to find other fun things than to waste time on meaningless hopes.

You might not know.

If you kill the key, another key will appear.

Dio had a very outstanding mind, but he was not as strong as the Great Warrior.

We may not know in the future, but at least not now.

Kalfael was convinced that there was no escape from the virtual space he had put so much effort into creating.

A crossroads of choice that takes place within a limited time.

And the only way to get out of this is to sacrifice your comrades.

I’m sure that’s the only way…

But what if.

What if….

The great warrior who sacrificed himself a thousand years ago.

The great warrior who was the strongest among us.

What if you were stronger without having to sacrifice?

A greater power on top of a greater power.

What if the great warrior was a being who could use power at a much higher level than the power he possessed?

Wasn’t there a need to make sacrifices?

Just like D.O. looks like right now.

His strength is still weak.

However, the method he showed was a new one that Kalfael had never seen before.

It’s so fun.

How long has it been since this?

It was the first time since the Holy Demon War a thousand years ago that something so exciting had happened.




The space was completely broken and Crassus and Kalphael returned to reality.

After escaping from the space, they were moved back to the usurper’s room.

And nearby, like Crassus and Kalphael, were Dio’s companions who had escaped from the Libit Swamp.

“Do you know what you just did!?”

Kalfael, who had been suppressed by Crassus and could not move, grinned when he noticed Schuwald angry at him.

“haha. “I can’t believe the monk is so angry.”

“This guy!”

Schuwald realized that there was no use in arguing with Kalphael, and looked at the condition of Evelyn, who had escaped from the portal.

The portal broke and his appearance returned to normal. Although he fainted, his breathing was normal.

After a moment of rest, Schuwald opened his mouth.

“You will be formally reprimanded for what you did through Walpurgis Night.”

Despite Schuwald’s reprimand, Kalfael did not say anything.

I was just enjoying this situation, which had become more interesting than I thought.

* * *

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, well…”

Dio, who had safely escaped from Kalfael’s space, answered, shaking off a lot of dust.

“Thanks to Roberto’s help, we were able to find a solution.”

Currently, there were only Schuwald, Dio, and Roberto in the usurper’s room.

Kalphael was taken somewhere by Crassus, and Evelyn, who fainted for a moment after the illusion magic was released, was taken to the infirmary by Sepia.


“I think I know why Old Man Ye said he has good persimmons.”

If Roberto hadn’t followed Evelyn, if he hadn’t found the location of the mana core.

Now, Dio was never safe.

“Oh no. “I didn’t do anything.”

Unlike Dio, Roberto looked quite dizzy due to the aftereffects of the portal he came through.

Still, since the condition was not as serious as Evelyn’s, Roberto was able to tell Schuwald everything that had happened.

“…okay. Good job. Roberto.”

“young. “I didn’t know you were this worried about Evelyn?”

“What! It’s not like that. “I’m such a cocky witch…”

“Hehe, are you still saying that?”


“Okay. “It must have been a difficult incident for you to handle…go and rest.”


Roberto immediately lowered his head at Schuwald’s benevolent tone.

Now that Roberto has left, the only people left in the usurper’s room are Dio and Schuwald.

“I feel sorry for you. “Kalfael has always been a man who knows where he will go, but I never thought he would cross the line.”

“I’d like to hear that guy’s story someday.”

“You’re surprisingly calm. “I thought you would be angry.”

“I’m angry.”

I really almost died, but there was no way I wouldn’t feel bad towards Kalfael.

In fact, as soon as I got out of Leavitt, I tried to run to Kalphael, but I had to stop because I was already being scolded by Crassus and Schuwald.

Dio thought that Kalphael, like Crassus, had some kind of background.

In the end, Kalphael is also one of the seven stars.

‘There was no malice in the action itself.’

What he did this time was not because of bad feelings, but because he wanted to test something.

“Kalphael will severely punish you through Walpurgis Night.”

“All right.”

For some reason, it seemed like Kalfael would get into trouble again soon, but Dio agreed with Schuwald’s words without much disagreement.

I was a little curious about what kind of punishment the seven stars would receive, but it wasn’t enough to ask questions.

Being punished itself is important.

It is true that he put me in danger, but the status of the seven stars cannot be ignored.

Now, the power of one person is desperately needed to deal with the Demon King and Luna.

It is an ambiguous situation to abandon an outstanding being like Kalphael.

Since it was better to leave it to the other seven stars here, Dio decided to pay no attention to Kalphael for the time being.

“Now that I think about it, this is the first time I’ve seen you since you woke up.”

“Elder Ye, is your body okay now?”

“Even though I am old, my body is still strong.”

Schuwald laughed at Dio’s greetings.

“What are you going to do now? “It looks like we’ve reached the mural.”

“I think I need to meet the Witch of Balance.”

“Caliope. Her?”

Schuwald asked back as if he was surprised by Dio’s answer.

“yes. Where is she now?”

“I don’t know. “Because he has a very strong sense of wanderlust.”

“Then I can go see you.”

“I understand. Are you visiting because of Evelyn?”

“There’s that too…I need to meet all seven stars.”


Schuwald simply nodded without asking for further details.

The key to reaching the mural is recognized by Solari.

Schuwald, thinking that the path he was taking was the goddess’s will, tapped Dio on the shoulder.

“I know how heavy the burden you are carrying.”

“you’re welcome.”

Dio, who did not have a good view of the Seven Stars, felt fortunate to have Schuwald.

Even now, when Kalphael causes trouble, doesn’t he come running to you at once?

“I have one favor to ask of you.”

“You’re not asking for blood, are you?”

“Haha, it would be nice to get some of that too.”

Schwald joked back at Dio’s words, but for some reason Dio didn’t think he was joking.

“Let’s talk about it.” “I mean Roberto.”

“yes. “Why him?”

“I hope he joins you on your journey.”

Dio looked curious at Schuwald’s suggestion, which got to the point.

“What about Roberto?”

“okay. “I think it would be good for that child to expand her knowledge by wandering the world like a little witch.”


Dio thought of Roberto.

A vampire who doesn’t seem to have much experience yet.

However, it was clear that Dio’s keen sense of accurately recognizing the moment of crisis would be of great help to Dio depending on the situation.

Just like solving Kalphael’s magic.

If he joins the party, he might be able to play his part, but…

“What are you going to do, old man? “If you don’t have Roberto, it’s hard to get blood during the full moon, right?”

“It’s not that I woke up and did nothing. You and Sepia’s blood. As a result of researching this, great progress has been made in ways to curb excessive drinking.”

“Is that so?”

“So don’t worry. It would be better if I or Crassus could join you on your journey, but it looks like we’ll be busy too. “There is also Kalphael’s matter…”

Schuwald thought for a moment and muttered as if he was talking to himself.

“Anyway, I was convinced after seeing Roberto’s performance this time. That child will be a great help to you on your journey. Of course, you can watch his growth as well.”

“…I understand.”

When Schuwald asked for something like this, Dio had no reason to refuse.

“I thought you would say that. So are you going to leave right away?”

Dio was lost in thought for a moment in response to Schuwald’s question.

I don’t think there’s any need to urgently meet Calliope.

Moreover, we have not yet been able to explore all the places in Temberg.

‘I’m going to pull out as much as possible.’

Dio has raised a huge level in the space of Kalphael.

But he was still hungry.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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