Sword Pilgrim

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Kkigigigigig! Kwajik!

Huung! Cheueueueuk!


Loas’ quillon was destroyed.

The cross-guard that protected the wearer’s hand, at the joining of the blade and the hilt.

As the axe slid against my sword, it destroyed the cross-guard and swooped in.

Had I been just a little late to react, my wrist would’ve been severed.

‘He’s not an opponent I can beat right now.’

I was breathing heavily, sweat dripping off my chin, but he wasn’t.

He looked no different than he did before the fight.

That majestic figure, that unchanging expression, and that red hair of his. All were the same.

Even the aura he emanated pricked the skin like needles.

‘He’s big.’

Not just his size.

Even his axe was extraordinarily large.

There was clear gap between our skills.

Predator Sword – Loas screamed as cracks spread on its blade.

Drip, drip.

Blood seeped through Dexter’s glove.

The more I blocked my opponent’s axe, the more my hand trembled.

I teetered on the verge of losing hold of my sword.


I tore off some cloth near the forearm, and wound it around my hand gripping Loas.

“Huu –”

I raised my physical abilities to their limit by circulating more energy, sharpening my nerves till they resembled a well-honed sword.

Chaeeng –! Huuuung!

Every time his axe and my sword collided, red dust rose off the blood-drenched earth, and shockwaves rippled through the air, making the skin tingle.

Kwang! Kwaaang –!

My bones throbbed.

Less than half of the divine power accumulated in the bracelet was still left.

That divine power, purified over a long period, has narrowed the gap between us a little, but that was all. There was a great moat between Callius and the Great Warrior Kel’tuk, that could not be filled with just that.

A great moat of experience, and talent.

A gap that could not be bridged so simply, between the axe and the sword.

At first glance, the contest looked even.

The reality, however, was completely different.

The dual axes had plenty of room to move.

The Great Warrior could go a little faster, add a little more power. He could pierce or deflect Callius’ sword at his leisure.

However, he didn’t do that, and just accepted his opponent’s attacks, as if he was having fun.

Jiik – Biting his lower lip, Callius changed his sword art.

A subtle change that could not be felt unless one observed closely.

The Silver Flower Wave Sword art was no longer the same as before.

The sharp and smoothly travelling sword began to change as if numerous flower petals were blooming on it.

Creating an illusion as if the sword had multiplied into dozens at once.

‘The mystery of the Silver Flower Wave Sword art lies in mutability.’

Change is the essence of its existence.

An art to dazzle and confuse opponents with its ever-changing sword.

A sword for the weak against the strong.

The first sword deceives, and the second also.

Deceive and deceive until you deceive even yourself – that is the art called the Silver Flower Wave Sword.


Petals fluttered in the air.

The divine power contained in the weapon had scattered, and were fluttering all around like flower petals.

The petals hovering in the air attached themselves again to Callius’ sword. The sword, that had been deflected, suddenly circled around and savagely struck again at the enemy’s neck.

Sssk. Seeing the bloody sword tip piercing the air, the Great Warrior curved his lips.

Swaeaeaeek –!

Taeaeeng –!

A violent shock erupted in his arms and then spread throughout his body.

Staggered by the shock, Callius’ body flew through the air at a sudden impact.


Blood splattered through the air.

He had obviously been aiming for the neck.

But suddenly, another axe blocked the way, and Callius couldn’t break through its strong defense.

An obvious mistake.

And that mistake in his sword would now demand death as its price.

Kel’tuk’s axe flew sharply towards Callius who’d been flung into the air at his kick.

Kwaaang –!!

Loas, which had barely regenerated, broke again and flew into the sky.

Chwaaaak –!!

A red line of blood appeared from Callius’ right shoulder to his side.



Red blood soaked the ground.

Callius’ lifeblood was pouring down, unceasingly.

‘I lost.’

The sky looked red.

It brought a woman to mind.

Red as the twilight.


He fell down, exhaling a hot breath.

The air he breathed in was, however, infinitely cold.

The process was very simple.

As you exhale the heat and inhale the cold, your body becomes colder and colder.

The hot blood running through his body cooled down, calming his ambitions and aspirations.


Callius, fallen on the ground, looked at Great Warrior staring down at him, standing tall with the red sky at his back.

His gray pupils were red with blood, and the fleeting moment seemed like eternity.

With each exhalation, hundreds of memories and regrets floated to the surface of his mind.

But even so, time gradually passed, and it all sublimated to one single truth.

“Ah… Aaaaaah!!”

His ears were almost deaf.

The eardrums creaked as if they’d been filled with water.

Nevertheless, one of his talents, [Bard’s Blessing], ironically transmitted the sounds of despair to his eardrums.

“We’re all going to die! I don’t want to die!!”


When Callius fell, the Knights panicked.

Those who had even the slightest wisdom realized that there was no point in running away and felt devastated, while those engulfed in fear ran and screamed foolishly.

The Great Warrior’s eyes frowned.

“Ամոթը չգիտես!!”「Do you know no shame!!」

The Great Warrior Kel’tuk, who had never been marred by shame, threw his axes and killed those who tried to run away.

He killed only those who had tried to disgracefully escape.

Kel’tuk snorted, then looked at Callius with satisfied eyes.

An example of a rare Warrior.

Even though he knew he was going to die, he showed the best sword he could show.

It wasn’t something just anyone could do. To show the highest sword you can achieve despite knowing how high a wall you face. Even for animals, it was logical and instinctive to run away with the tail between their legs facing those stronger than themselves.

Those who can rebel against that instinct are called Warriors, and are to be revered.

So the man deserved it.

The same fate as an Orc Warrior.

Kel’tuk thought so.

So the Great Warrior Kel’tuk took up his axe. To show his final respect.

The enemy’s life must be cut off by his own hands. It was his last courtesy to the Warrior who shall soon return to the embrace of the Gods.


That was then.

Suddenly, Callius’ aura changed.

The light on his pupils disappeared, and a strange air began to linger around him.

His breath, which had seemed like it would cease any moment, now came long and steady.


Kel’tuk narrowed his eyes.

Somehow, Callius suddenly had a box in his hand.

It was unknown where he got it from, but the box was filled with divine energy.

As soon as it opened, Kel’tuk took an involuntary step backwards.

“Սուրբի աստվածային զորությունը.” 「The divine power of a Holy One.」

The divine power of a Saint.

The pure power began to dominate the space all around.

Inside the box was a sacred stone.

A remnant of a Saint.

The reason he brought it out all of a sudden… was it a gift to Kel’tuk? He was bewildered for a moment.

Giving a reward to the enemy who killed you?

He was an enemy, but he was a man who could respect and acknowledge his opponent. However, that illusion did not last long.


Suddenly, Callius ate the sacred stone.


A creepy sensation.

An unfamiliar feeling of uneasiness swept through Kel’tuk’s whole being.

He immediately raised his axe.

Dangerous. Eating the sacred stone shouldn’t have changed anything. However, unlike his reason, his instinct was shouting that he should not leave it be.

Kung. Kung. Kung!

Kel’tuk quickly approached Callius.

And when the axe was about to strike –

Kwaaang –!!

Kel’tuk’s eyes lit up and dimmed down.

The flowing north wind cooled the heat from the air.

A thunderbolt carried by the north wind was blocking his axe.

Kwaaang –!!


He was one step late.

Bernard had flown to here from Jevarsch on the northern winds, using the Thunderbolt Sword – Rakan.

He didn’t even have the time to worry about landing. And as it turned out, there really was no time.

“Callius, this idiot bastard…”

He couldn’t stand to look at the sight.

Bernard’s anger erupted from the tip of his sword.


Kwakwang –!!

Rakan, the Blue Thunderbolt engulfed the surroundings.

A huge explosion resounded.

Kahk! Kel’tuk gave an echoing groan as he was struck by the bolt of thunder.

The Orc immediately lifted his axe high into the sky and struck the ground.

Kwaaang –!!


The ground cracked and broke, chunks of rock jumping into the air.

Whirlik! Bernard, who had turned sideways to avoid the flying debris, slashed them all down with his sword, and picked up Callius before throwing him away.

“Emily! Take him and run away!”


“Don’t worry about me! We must save him! You must save him!!”

“Ah, okay! Bruns!”

“Leave it to me… Huh?”

That was then.

Callius stood right back up.

Blood still poured out from his wounds.

His face was bloodless and his lips blue, as if he could die any moment.

But for some reason, his eyes were clear.

“Master! No!”

Callius pushed Bruns away and staggered forward. His destination was the Life Sword – Lucen, which he had stabbed into the ground before the fight started.

Loas was broken, but he still had one more sword to try.

That didn’t mean Lucen.

“Crazy… Why are you doing that! Don’t you even care about your own life, you idiot!”

Callius looked into the air.

[The Gluttony characteristic is digesting the sacred stone… ]

[Absorbing the sacred stone…]

[Unable to fully absorb…]


Messages scrolled down one after another, and his body was pounding.

‘I feel hazy… But my senses are clear.’

It was a strange state of being.

The mind is hazy, but the senses are clear.

Although I have no strength in my body, everything around me seems strangely clear, as if I am seeing it all with my own eyes and hearing it all with my own ears. As if every single point in space is so near and intimate that I could touch them if I just reached out with my hands.

‘Is it the characteristic of Four Verse Composition?’

The characteristic that brings enlightenment at the doorstep of death?

I swallowed the sacred stone.

It wasn’t something I’d planned beforehand.

It was something instinctive.

But that’s why I am able to move like this right now.

‘The Gluttony characteristic… That is digesting the sacred stone that you couldn’t normally.’

And absorb its power.

It was an unexpected idea from his original perspective.

A reckless and opportunistic trick.

However, that kept him alive.

[The sacred stone has been incompletely absorbed.]

[Six Peak Flowers Bloom in Late Season has risen to the second star.]


Callius, who had absorbed the divine power of a Saint, felt as if all the energy flowing around him could now be caught in his eyes.

Whether this was temporary or permanent, he knew one thing.

‘Six Peak Flowers Bloom in Late Season rose to the second star.’

The quality of divine power increased.

So, what did 2 stars mean?

Callius didn’t know, exactly.

His head was dizzy, and strange lights kept flashing in front of his eyes.

However, the new bud in his Elixir Field calmed his heart.


The blooming second peak exuded a divine power that was quite different from the first.

And it kept absorbing power at the same time.

The divine power of the sacred stone Callius had devoured.

And by absorbing all that external divine power, it built and refined itself.

“Is it…”

His wounds were bleeding so much it wouldn’t be strange if he keeled over and died any moment. Even so, Callius thought while holding Lucen.

‘Now I know.’

How to put the divine power into the sword.


Lucen’s keening resonance echoed through the earth.

Dust spread around Callius, and pure divine power enveloped him in silver light. His eyes saw Lucen turn red, then gradually gray, then blue.

Tricolour Eye.

Correct the mistakes in the trajectory of the sword due to your lack of talent, using the Tricolour Eye.

In this way, it is possible to implement the techniques of the Silver Flower Wave Sword art that could not be used before.

“Silver Flower Wave Sword – White Haze[1].”

The name was given because of how the strange sword technique resembled a vague white expanse in others’ eyes.

White Haze.

It bloomed on Callius’ blade.

Strange sword strikes that seemed to be dancing through smoke.

And soon.


He stepped forward with his left foot.

Dust spread out in a circle, and a strange energy began to dominate the area.

“The White Haze blooms on the earth.”

The resplendent yet mysterious sword skill deceived the opponent’s eyes and pierced through the ground.


The White Haze spread out like ice crystals in all directions, and soon the silver mists turned into sword energy and burst out from beneath the ground.

Kwaaang –!!

As a circle of ten paces centered on Callius exploded with the power of the Silver Flower Wave Sword, Bernard and Kel’tuk were busy retreating.

However, their complexions were distinctly different.

“Where did you learn this! And where are you going?!”

As if he had recognized the power of the sword skill at a glance, Bernard tied Kel’tuk down as the latter tried to run away. If his disciple was unleashing such an ultimate skill with all his might, Bernard couldn’t let that be all in vain.

His Thunderbolt Sword struck.

Pajijijik! Kuuuung –!

Crack! Kel’tuk’s axe, which had been trying to block the Thunderbolt Sword, flew away.

Callius’ Silver Flower Wave Sword burst out from the ground, and this time Kel’tuk could not evade.


He slashed at all the sword petals with his remaining axe, but his skin still gradually cracked, and blood began to pour out of his body.

Chwaaaak! Tudududuk!

He had no way to block all the Silver Flower Wave Sword petals indiscriminately rushing at him.


Seeing Kel’tuk screaming in pain, Callius stepped forward once more.

‘I can do it now.’

Just like when I fought Esther.

The Silver Flower Wave Sword petals collect into a single point, scrape and crush the opponent’s sword, and make it their own.

Not just breaking it, even reversing its power and turning it into an attack.

The petals fluttered like furious waves.

As if each petal in the shape of a sword had its own will.

His gray eyes gleamed with silver.

His jet-black hair shone silver as well.

‘Silver Flower Wave Sword – Raging Flower Wave[2].’

Scatter and condense.

The petals converge into one.

Like waves slowly rushing in together.

Into one great, furious storm.

And right now –

Such a legendary sword skill unfolded in Callius’ hands.

Kwaaaaaaaaaa –!

A storm of flower blades swept through the area.

Editor’s Notes:

[1] 백묘 (白渺) (lit. white vastness) is being translated as White Haze.

[2] 파화로 (破和路) is being translated as Raging Flower Wave.

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