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Chapter 22 - 22 - Foolish Son

Chapter 22: chapter 22 - Foolish Son

After that embarrassing event, the class goes as usual.


Other than Some school kids picking a fight with him during lunchtime, just because they didn't like him dating Jenn, nothing Happened even after school ended.

and now Taufik and Jenn were on their way home, although other teachers were still at school to review today's lesson, somehow Jenn still went home with him.

"I heard some boys pick a fight with you Again, today"

Jenn said, seeing her boyfriend was in a bad mood.

"Yeah, those boys never give up, no matter how hard I punch them, They'll only be back the next day as new, It gives me a headache"

"Hehe, Don't think too much, at some point, they will also give up"

"You can say that because it's not you who goes through all That, Heck, Even now they make it some sort of competition and they have a regular audience too, I tried to avoid them, but they just search me all over the school, that I think is more troublesome, so I don't have any choices but to face them, Maybe I should seriously drop out of school right now, it's not like I'm afraid of them, it's just, it's just, too troublesome to face them every day, you know"


Jenn who heard about it, couldn't say anything, she had known for a long time that the kids at school picked a fight with Taufik because of her, But she just let it go, thinking the school authorities would do something about it, but it's been over two months since then and they didn't do anything to solved that case, so she can't say anything about that.

"Ahahaha...., ah right, you say you will search the location of the Rune Family today right, Have you thought of a way?"

Jenn said trying to change the topic.

"No, but I will do something about that, what? do you have a way?"

Jenn shakes her head.

"Nothing in mind, like I told you, I only know that they live inside the forest, and they put some powerful illusion, so no one can Watch them, even the road can't be seen, although I know you were strong, but still, please be careful, okay?"

"Hmm, I know"

At first, Taufik thinks of using his skill 'sky eyes', then using 'All-Seeing Eyes' to dispel all the Illusion, but after he gets Garuda he will use him as a mount to fly and then look throughout the forest with All-Seeing eyes, Although the concept remains the same, he thinking using Garuda is more simple.

And for now, Taufik will go home and change his uniform, He thought of using the leather armor he got from the system.

"Damn, this armor makes me look better, The material is also comfortable and feels very fitting"

Taufik admired himself in front of the mirror, doing some poses, and then getting out of the room.

"Jeen, how do I look?"

"... Wow, you look more handsome, where did you get that armor?"

"Hehehe, I made it with my magic, amazing right?"

"Yeah, that's good"

Although Taufik has told almost all of his secrets to Jenn, however, he still makes the system's existence a secret, not because he does not trust Jenn, but because he doesn't want to tell anyone about the system, even if that person is his mother.

"Haha, thanks, I will leave now, tell mom that I will be home late today, okay?!"

"Hmm, you don't have to worry, I will tell her, be careful out there"

Taufik then kisses Jenn, then tells Garuda to come out, Taufik has given the Garuda a name, and his name is Nāgāntaka, The name is inspired by the garuda skill 'dragon eater', 'Nāgāntaka' comes from Sanskrit also means dragon eaters, so Taufik though the name is very suitable for the Garuda.

"Nāgāntaka, come out!!, we have a job"

"Kccahhk" - Garuda chirp (:v)

Nāgāntaka then comes out of Taufik's chest and flies straight to the sky, if not for the concealed magic That Taufik cast, maybe everyone in this area would have seen the reborn of the legendary bird in Indonesia, but sadly only Taufik and Jenn were close by can see it.


Jenn said in surprise, then got close to Taufik to check if he was okay.

Taufik chuckled a little when he saw Jenn's expression.

"Relax Jenn, that was my familiar 'Nāgāntaka' a Garuda"

"You're familiar?"


Jenn pointed at Nāgāntaka.

"That Garuda?,...the bird of legend?, Our national symbol?, and the vehicle of God Vishnu? that garuda?"


Jenn looked at Taufik with her mouth wide open, didn't believe what her boyfriend had just said.

she thought that he was a vampire was a surprise enough for her but now, he had a familiar too, not just an average e familiar, but Garuda, that garuda, the garuda from the legend, how could she digest all of that information.

"... You never stop to surprise me, what next? tell me in advance so I can prepare myself"

"Hahaha, You overreacted, okay I will go now, Nāgāntaka come down!"

"Kccahhk" Garuda chirp.

When Nāgāntaka was down, Taufik climbed to garuda back.

"Fly Nāgāntaka, take me to the high so that I can see the entire forest!"

"Kccahhk" (I swear this is Garuda chirp)

Nāgāntaka then flies high enough to the point that Taufik can sew the arrow of the earth, but is too high.

"Nāgāntaka, come down a bit, we're too high"


When Taufik feels the high is good enough, he then activates his 'All-Seeing Eye'.

Not long after, something happened, like a stone being thrown into a calm lake, suddenly a ripple appeared in Taufik's point of view, and the ripple spread in every direction, in a semi-circle form, after that the scenery changed, which was originally a normal forest, then something like castle emerged in the middle of the forest, complete with a paved road.

"Wow, how could they hide something that big all the time? the silent castle stands alone inside the forest, It's like some setup in those fantasy stories, but... "

The castle is not silent at all, maybe because of Taufik.

the people in the castle are running around in panic.

"I haven't done anything yet, but their reactions have been like that, has anything happened before I got here?, did jaan and his Tribe do something?"

"So, how am I supposed to start this?"

What Taufik said was indeed the truth, after Jaan told his tribe about what the Runes had done, the Dai-Yak Tribe couldn't hold their anger anymore, although the chief and some of the Panglima Against the decision to attack the Runes, but the tribesmen and other Panglima could no longer stand the Runes' behavior, saw this the village chief unable to do anything, and then the attack on the runes began.

Like the title "The Silent-Killer" Dai-Yak Tribe attack it's Very deadly and unpredictable, with The Dai-Yak hidden weapon 'Sumpit' or blowgun killing someone they consider an enemy is very easy because this weapon doesn't make any sound when used, many members of the Runes have dead with this weapon.

Not only that, their most frightening technique is the 'Flying-Mandau' technique, Although its name is Flying Mandate, it does not mean the Mandau (the Dai-Yak Sword) is flying, it is the user who becomes invisible to the enemy with the help of light spirit power, so only their weapon is visible to the enemy, So it makes some sort of effect like a flying Sword, so it's named Flying Mandau.

facing the attack from the dai-yak tribe, Argus the head of the Rune Family has tried to do some things, but because what he fighting is an invisible enemy he can't do anything about it.

so he can only just sit back and watch his family members get killed one by one, he has a way to win against them, but if he uses it, the Dai-Yak Tribe will only get angrier and crazier, so he still doesn't use it.


Inside the castle.

In Argus Room.

Argus right now heard a report from his subordinate.

"patriarch, Our illusion is be penetrated again"

Heard that Argus massaged his forehead, Because of the continuous attack from The Dai-Yak Tribe, Argus had never had enough sleep these few days.

"... Again, what they use this time, is it a Flying Mandau again?"

The subordinate shakes his head.

"No, patriarch we don't see any flying Mandau today"

"So, what attacked us?"

When the subordinate Heard Argus's question, he hesitated to answer it for a while.

"... Nothing patriarch, we don't see anything, the alarm just gets triggered"


"We don't see anything, patriarch"

"Then, what?!"


"You fool, if you don't have anything to report then don't, back to your post, if something like this happens again, I will kill you myself"

Argus said angrily, getting more headache after he heard the bullshit from his subordinate.

"Y-yes patriarch"

"And call the person who causes all of this, that good for nothing son!!"

"Yes, patriarch"

not long After the servant is gone, rijal then comes the his father's office, looking pale and scared.

"I-I'm here, fa-father"

"...Look what you've done, look!!, I need a little more time, just a little time, then our family will rise to the top, beat that Ana'karaeng Family, but because of you and your Foolish action, here we are"


"what I expect from that woman gen, like your mother you also a fool, but your Mother still has some use for me, but you? Nothing, you just bring trouble for me"

"B-but fath-"

Rijal's speech was interrupted by a voice that came from the outside, it sounded very casual, yet it sounded very loud.

"Cek cek, do you all hear me, ekhem.. "

"Cek, cek....






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