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Chapter 25 - 25 - "100% her Copy"

Chapter 25: chapter 25 - "100% her Copy"

With the destruction of the Rune family, the supernatural society was in turmoil.

although the Runes were a closed family, they were still a stronghold in the magician world, so their sudden destruction was something that hard to believe.

the other family trying to figure out the cause, at first they thought it was The Dai-Yak Tribe because they have a complex relationship with The Runes.

but the servant who survives that event, reveals the truth to the others, and what they hear is hard to believe too.

The servant said that the massacre was done by a young man who Rode a big golden bird and used magic with his sword, one swing of his sword Could flatten everything within a radius of a few kilometers, of course, the others didn't believe what the servant said.

They don't believe it, "how can some sword do something like that?" they said, for magician a 'sword' in their eyes is just a tool, something that is useless to them, so how could a young man use a sword to utilize magic and flatten everything?, of course, they don't believe it, But the servants persist with their statements, how can they forget the horror of that day, the horror of a blue fire that burning their castle to ash.

"You're crazy, how a young man can do all of that" The others only said that to the servant, if they said it was done by the Dai-Yak it would still make sense, but some 'random young man', who gonna believe that?


The next day, Taufik wakes up with Jenn in his embrace, naked, because Jenn now is a vampire too, so her stamina increases too and their night activity becomes wilder, although she still can't match Taufik's stamina, she Lasts longer than before, so it was a good thing.

"Hey, wake up!!, we need to go to school"

"Hmmm?... hooamm"

Jenn opened her eyes, then looked at Taufik, and giggled.

"hehe, last night was crazy"

"Yeah, yeah, quick! Before Mom comes, you don't wanna her to see you Like this, right?"

" yeah, hehe, but do you think if we always do it like this, soon, maybe I will get pregnant?"

Heard that Taufik rolled his eyes.



Yesterday, after Taufik is done with The Runes, he goes straight home to tell Jenn about what he has done, telling her that Ha has killed people, but he feels nothing, killing people is just like something he always does, so easy.

But Taufik didn't take that too deep in his mind, that thought just would burden his mind.

Because there is something that he thinks is more important in his mind right now.

"Morning, Mom"

"Morning, you too Jenn, morning"

"Morning, Mother~"


Like always their breakfast is going as usual, with Jenn continuously teasing Linda with the word "mother" That makes Linda angry, that is a rare scene for Taufik, who is usually teased by his mother.


Linda looks at her son, who laughing at her.

"Why are you Laugh? are you that happy seeing your mom get teased"


Taufik said straight, didn't think about it at all

"Ahahaha, even your son is on my side, MOTHER~"

"... You twooo"

"Hahahhaha" x2

That's how they keep going through their morning together, laughing and teasing each other.

Taufik who laughed, set his mind, looking at her mother.

"Mom, I have to tell you something"

Taufik said in sirious tone.

Linda looks at her son.

"Hmm? What?

Jenn just looking at Taufik, strangely.

'Wait!!, now? do you want to tell her now? although I said to tell her soon, please!!! consider the time and place too!'

"Dear, are you sure?"

Jenn asks if Taufik really wants to tell Linda, right now, and Taufik just nods his head.

"Yeah, I will tell her now"

"Okay, do as you Like"

Looking at the two of them, who suddenly become serious Linda asks.

"What is this? did something happen? Or will I finally have a grandchild?"

"Mom, I know is hard to believe, but I'm..., your son is no longer human"

"... What"

"I'm no longer human, Mom, I'm a vampire now"

Taufik then turns his blue Eyes to the red one and shows her his Fang.

Linda was silent for a while, looking at Taufik's eyes and his fang.

"...okay, but you still my son,... Right?"

"Yes, Mom I'm still your son, I'm became a vampire just three months ago, but I'm still your son"

"If so, then it's okay as long as you are still my son, even if you become a dragon, you always be my son, so it's okay"

"..." x2


They were on their way to school, unlike what Taufik thought, his mother accepted that her son was no longer human so easily, too easy, to the point he suspected that he wasn't her son, but Taufik was happy that he had told his mother about it.

"Hahahaha, what I said is true, right?"

"... Yeah, that level of carefree, am I really her son?"

Jenn just looks at him, Streangly again.

"What? you basically her copy, we don't need any DNA test, you were 100% her son"


"Ahh, whatever, I've already told her, it's like a big Boulder has been removed from my shoulder, it's a pleasant feeling"


The school went as usual, teacher explanation, chatting with friends, lunch break, studying again, and then going home, always like that, nothing new, the only reasons he still doing it, was because of his mother and the fact that the one who teaches him, is he own girlfriend, Jenn, so he still go to school.


After school, As usual, Taufik will be training in the forest behind the school with Jenn, he wants to try the reward he got yesterday.

"So, you said, that Rijal was still alive, how is he?"

"Him? Her mother is from Dai-Yak so maybe he will live with them from now on"

"It so, I hope he will be a better person"


Taufik then wants to get the blank blueprint from the system inventory, but Jenn seems to want to continue the conversation, so Taufik as a man will listen to her first.

"Now that, the Runes is gone, my family maybe will contact me sooner or later"

"Why?, After all of this, they never contacted you, so why now?"

"Although Robins family was one of the best back then, when my father took over as the patriarch, the family condition started to decline, he borrowed money here and there, sold the family assets, and he borrowed the most from the runes"


"After, the Runes is gone, and with you burn the castle to ash, nothing remains, so without the contract, even if Rijal knows that the Robins have a loan to them, without the contract the loan becomes null"

"Can your father do that?"

Jenn shakes her head.

"No, he will do that"

"So, why he will contact you?"

"I don't know, maybe another marriage contract? when with the runes he receives much money, so maybe he will try to sell me again? who knows?"

"And you know that I will never let that happen, right?"

"Hehe, yeah I know"

Jenn then hugs Taufik.

"I love you"

"Me too".....





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