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Chapter 4 - 4 - New motivation

Chapter 4: chapter 4 - New motivation

When he left his room, Taufik moved into the living room, where he saw his mother eating Fried chicken while watching the news.

He sits down next to her and picks up the Fried chicken at the table.

In these past few years they've been doing this, After work her mother always brought food for them to eat together, so at dinner, Taufik will only ate a little so he still could keep her mother company when she came back after work. that was the least he could do for his mother right now.

Ever since his father died, his mother has gone on to pursue her goal of becoming a designer that she has since she was a little girl.

At the beginning, She started it by working in several boutiques to gain experience, and after several years, and she feels that she had gain enough experience.

She then opened her own boutique using her husband's insurance money that she had been saving.

She was quite successful in her work, proven by her who had worked several times with famous figures like artists and models who liked the clothing designs she had created; so their family was quite wealthy for a 2-member family.


When she saw her son sitting next to her, she smiled kindly, but then she was suddenly startled by how her son looks right now.

She hadn't noticed it when they met earlier because he covered his head with a towel, so she didn't realize the change in her son, she then asked in worried.

"Fik, are you okay? You look a little pale; you're not sick, are you?" His mother said.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine," he replied, trying to calm her down.

"Well, if you say so, but if you feel uncomfortable, just let me know, okay?" His mother said, still feeling worried about his son.

"Yes, Mom, I know."

After saying that, they continue their activities and watch the news; right now, the news is broadcasting about recent missing persons cases.

Hearing the news, her mother is slightly worried, then turns to her son, and says.

"Fik, lately there's a lot of missing cases, so be careful when you leave or come back from school, don't wander around and just go straight home! okay?"

Said His mother with a hint of worry that could be heard from her voice.

When it comes to cases like missing persons, her mother always overreacts, but given what happened to his father, it's understandable.

"Relax, ma'am, your son is quite strong, so you don't have to worry; when they come to me, I will beat them all! Ahahaha~"

Taufik said sounding a little childish, Trying to alleviate his mother's anxiety.


but there was no reply from his mother. He felt something was wrong; Taufik quickly turned to look at his mother, and he saw his mother's expression, which looked even more worried than before.

Seeing this, Taufik realized what he had just said was wrong; he then held his mother's hands with two of his hands, then.

"....I'm sorry, Mom, I'm just joking"

He said quickly, feeling guilty for making his mother worry.


There was still no reply from His mother, but after a while, she hugged Taufik and said something in a sad voice.

"...It's hard enough for me when your father is missing; if I lose you too, I'll probably go crazy"

She said, hugging her son tightly, afraid her son would suddenly disappear like his father did.

When He heard his mom's sad voice, the feeling of guilt felt like squeezing his heart.


'Don't worry Mom, now I know why my father is missing, when I find enough evidence, I will tell you everything... no I will find him then bring him back, just wait a little longer when I know how to enter the hidden world I will begin my move, just you wait'

Though Taufik who has found a new resolve to grow stronger in addition to protecting his mother, he will use the power he has gained to the best of his ability.

With the new motivation to grow stronger, Taufik also hugged his mother back, but the feeling of guilt for making her sad still lingered in his heart.

"You don't have to worry Mom... I'll never leave you; I'll always be by your side, Mom, so don't worry"

he said while stroking her back, trying to calm her down.

After he felt that his mother had calmed down a bit, he slowly let go of her and said.

"But I tell you the truth when I tell you that I am strong"

He said, pointing out his forearm muscle that had grown stronger after fusing with the progenitor vampire Bloodline.

"See?" He asks, pointing at his muscle.


His mother just chuckled at her son's behavior and then said.

"Yes, I do believe you, so can my strong son get me a glass of water from the kitchen? I feel a little thirsty" His mother asked him.

"Yes, ma'am, this strong son of yours will do as you command"

He said, Immediately standing to get his mother a glass of water

But before he could take a step toward the kitchen, he heard his mother say.

"Fik, did you grow a little taller?"

She said, Found her son's height it was taller than what she remembered.

'How does she know? I think she doesn't realize that, Because she didn't question it after we'd been talking this long. Is that what you call a mother's instinct?'

he thought, quickly trying to find an excuse for his sudden burst of height to his mom.

"...A-Ah~ about that, Lately I've been exercising in my room a lot; maybe I'm getting taller too, who knows? Hehe~"

He said with an Awkward laugh while Scratching the back of his head and avoiding his mother's Gaze because he felt that his excuse sounded a little inconclusive.


His mother kept looking at him because she also felt that her son's excuse, indeed, sounded a little inconclusive.

The way her son avoids her, Gaze also looks a little suspicious to her.

"...I don't know that"

Said his mother after she was done examining her son, but still could not figure out how his son suddenly grew taller in one night.

"... But why are you exercising so suddenly? Are you falling in love so that you want to look better? Can I expect a granddaughter soon?" She said, teased her son.

"... Mom, I'm just 17 this year; what about this granddaughter thing? I don't even have a girlfriend yet!!"

He said, irritated at his mother's teasing.

'A granddaughter? please ask that after I find a girlfriend first'

Taufik thought all his life; although many Girls were trying to get close to him, Taufik never once took them seriously.

"What!! you don't have a girlfriend. Do you have a problem? like being a ga-"

She said with fake shock but got cut off by her son when she wanted to finish what she said.

"Mom, it's enough!! I'm normal, okay? I just haven't found the right person yet"

Taufik said to his mom while sounding a little angry.

"I'll go get your water!"

Said Taufik, then Rushed to the kitchen to get his mother's glass of water, not wanting to hear his mom reply.

See this; his mother giggled at her son's reaction.

"Ahaha~ you're so handsome but don't have a girlfriend yet, it's normal for people to doubt"

She said, shaking her head and looking at her son's retreating figure.


It's always her joy when she teases her son about a girlfriend because he was single from birth when he was so handsome.

When Taufik returned to the living room, he gave his mother her water and then continued watching the television, his mother just lay her head on her son's Thighs and continued watching the television, By the time they thought it was almost midnight, they were cleaning up and going back to their rooms to rest.





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