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Chapter 7 - 7 - the beginning

Chapter 7: chapter 7 - the beginning

"Ms. Jennah? What the hell are you doing out here? "

Ask Taufik, seeing his teacher sitting on the ground while in fear.

Hearing the voice of her student, Ms. Jennah came back to her senses and quickly asked back

"What did you just do? how did you manage to unleash such powerful magic? And also without chanting too...A-All I know, only dragon and fairy species can use magic without chanting because they have their own magic system, but humans can't do that, A-are you sure you are still a human being?... and blah blah blah " Ms. Jennah ask a plenty of questions for Taufik.

"I'm not" Is what Taufik wanted to say right now, but he decided to keep it in his mind.


"...You haven't answered my question teach, why are you here? I was pretty sure nobody followed me when I entered this forest, so how could you suddenly get here? and what the hell is that dragon and fairy thing?"

said Taufik, trying to sound a little intimidating.

Hearing Taufik's question, who looked at her with a rather threatening gaze, Ms. Jennah trembled a bit and then responded to Taufik's question.

"...I- I followed you with an invisibility magic that would've erased a person's existence as long as their mana can provide, probably because of that, but... seeing the level of magic you showing earlier, you should have realized if someone was following you using magic, right?"

'How am I supposed to know that? I only know That you existed like 2 days ago'

Taufik said in his mind, again.

"You? Magic? How?"

Taufik asked, trying to dig for more information from Ms. Jennah.

'by hearing the system's explanations yesterday I'd already suspected in this world there might be a witch or something like that, but...

Thought Taufik as he looked at Ms. Jennah

...I didn't expect to find it this quickly, ehh~ no, more precisely I was found by them'

"Wait a minute, your answer still doesn't explain why you're following me. so spill the bean quickly or else....."

Taufik said, then once again manifested the blue flame like before on his palm, but because he limited the flow of his Mana, the fire only appeared at the size of a basketball, but the heat that was released was no less than the previous one, So it still looks threatening.

Seeing the fire that appeared in Taufik's hand, Ms. Jennah was a bit freaked out and quickly began to explain her reason, But still a little nervous.

"Th-That was... that was from this morning when I entered the classroom... I saw a stream of mana radiating from your body, it was the purest man I'd ever seen. so I was curious and when school was over I saw you stealthy entering the forest... at first I found it quite normal because all the teachers in school, mostly, already knew that you usually come to the forest, but when I remembered your Mana flow this morning... I decide to follow you"

Ms. Jenna said, Then Taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down before back to continued her words.

"Although I'm not very good at magic... But the Robins family is a family of Magician that has existed for a long time ago... so as a member of the family I've met plenty of Magicians and none of them have a Mana as pure as the Mana you have... at first I thought you Ware a Dragon that kills my student then pretend to be him so I was a bit afraid before, but seeing your mana flow I dismissed that thought immediately... Because from what I know about Dragons is their attribute was "chaos" so their mana flow will be the same... I have given you my answers, s-so, can you dismiss that fire? hehehe~"

Ms. Jennah says, looking up at Taufik while trying to look cute.

'Don't look at me like that, please!! although it's cute, but please remember your age!'

Thought Taufik, then tossed the fire into the crater that was created a while ago, then went back to ask Ms. Jennah again.

"What do you mean by my mana is purer? Are the other Magician is not the same?"

Hearing That Ms. Jennah put on a Confused look.

"... I'm not sure if you really don't know or just pretend to not know... That was the first and most important lesson if you want to be a Magician... if you know what mana is, you be able to understand why your pure mana is so precious"

Said Ms. Jennah while looking at Taufik with a suspicious gaze, but Seeing Taufik remain calm, she continued her explanation

"Haaa~ whatever, if you want to know what MANA is, first we have to know from where MANA came from, if I explain everything to you it's going to take a long time so I'll just cut it short"

She said, then began to explain the origin of Mana to Taufik.

(This was not the actual history, it was just some idea from my wild imagination so don't take it seriously, There may be some that happened but the rest was my pure Imagination) :v

So at first, this world didn't have a MANA, but that changed when emperor 'Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus' took over as Roman emperor in 54 AD.

Since his ascension to the throne, Emperor Nero has been known as a ruthless emperor, not only to his people but also to his own family, as he did when he poisoned his brother at a party with poisonous wine because he regarded his brother as an enemy who one day might snatch the throne from him.

Even his mother didn't escape from Nero's cruelty, 'Agrippina Minor' the mother, who also constantly committed acts of violence in the name of Nero and often boasted her position as queen fuelled Nero with great anger, Fearing his authority would be taken by his mother, he then makes a plan to kill her.

After successfully killing his mother, Nero accidentally finds a sealed box that belonged to his mother, and Out of curiosity, he assigns an expert to open the box.

When the box opened, Nero found a book that looked very old and had a language that he did not know; with great curiosity, he gathered several linguists together to translate it for him.

Months After months had passed, the book had been translated, and Nero was delighted to read it; he wondered what kind of book his mother so carefully kept that it had to be sealed like this.

Nero then read the book carefully, it can be seen from his expression as he flipped the book sheet one by one that the book was not an ordinary book, and after he was reading the book.

Nero feels that the knowledge he has about this world is crumbled into pieces within each sheet of the book he reads.

Fearing that knowledge would spread widely, instead endowed them with a reward, Nero ordered his soldiers to kill every linguist who participated in the translation of the book instead.

Nero felt it was necessary, considering The knowledge contained in the book, this knowledge could lead some to wonder about their existence as human beings.

It tells about life before humans set foot on this earth, The book is about a great war that happened on this earth between the devil's camp and the angelic camp that lasted for millions of years and continues to this day, it says that war ended temporarily because the first most human, Adam set foot on the earth.

Adam's presence on the earth gets a reaction from each of the camps.

They think Adam and his descendants have the potential to end this never-ending war. So They will continue the great war when they have finished assessing the existence of these so-called humans, which will either benefit or harm their camp.

That book also contained knowledge of the magic used in that war, but it was mostly the magic the devil used.

At the end of the book, there is a special magic to summon demons and angels, but the part that contains the calling of angels is incomplete, and only the parts of the devil are complete.

The devil's summoning required the summoner to sacrifice two souls of humans that they have a close relationship with and thousands of souls of ordinary humans; by completing the summoning of the devil, the summoner can request anything, and the devil will grant it.

Knowing what the summoned devil had promised, Nero as a power-seeking mad man was naturally Interested, but since the close humans he had were his mother and brother were already dead, he was about to give up, but then he remembered his wife who was pregnant, he then decided to did something that even the devil might feel they were inferior compared to him.

And so, as time going, Nero managed to summon the devil at the cost of the lives of his people.

The Devil is called and fulfilling the contract, but who does not know the nature of the devil, they always try to find a loophole in every situation for their own benefit.

Nero, who was impressed by the magic used by the devil he read in the book, asked the devil for the same magical powers, and the devil who heard the request had to brainstorm since when the wars were abolished thousands of years ago, the MANA on earth became thinner and nearly disappeared.

Although the devil is famous for their cruel and cunning nature, if it is related to the contract that concerns their souls, they always try to fulfill their client's request; they will do anything no matter how and don't care about the consequences of their actions.

So the devil had the idea to open a Passage from the earth to hell so that the MANA in hell could be channeled to the earth, so the MANA in the earth would be active again and could be used again.

But the decision makes the MANA on earth contaminated.

Nero, who feels invincible, grows even more in madness over the years of his reign; he begins to sacrifice many souls again to give them to the devil in exchange for gaining more power for his goal to conquer the whole world.

since only Nero knows how to manage the MANA in the world right now, he has the confidence he can achieve it.

The demon who sees Nero's action feels it's time to harvest Nero's soul because, for the devil, the best soul is the soul of the fallen one and has many sins.

So the devil began his plan, and then he quietly distributed the methods to manage the MANA from this world to people who had some influence at the time.

The selected person slowly began to master the MANA, and when they saw that the people were no longer able to resist Nero's behavior, they urged them to act immediately; Nero automatically heard the news, But he didn't take them seriously.

Feeling the time had come, those who had mastered the magic gathered the army they had built for this day and rebelled against Nero.

The group was led by a Roman governor in the province of Gallia Lugdunensis," Gaius Julius Vindex," Then declared his allegiance to the governor of Hispania Tarraconensis "Servius Sulpicius Galba" And other governors too, To gain more support.

Vindex, Galba, and other governor armies easily outmatched Nero's Army.

Vindex and the group of magicians then go to deal with Nero themselves because only they have the possibility of defeating Nero, who already mastered MANA earlier than them.

Nero, who felt invincible, looked down on them and then decided to wait for them to come to his throne, but he was shocked to see that the group was capable of using MANA, which made Nero off guard.

Nero was Severely injured but the group was not without injuries either, especially Vindex who used MANA just to Enhance his physical body, he was the one who received a fatal injury from Nero's Attack

Nero, who is confused about how they can use magic, then remembers the devil who has a Sly smile; he immediately gets Angry and calls out the demon's name, but he doesn't get an answer and eventually resigns to his fate.

But Nero who was a man who had high self-esteem, automatically refused to die at the hands of a group of people he considered to be weaker than himself, didn't find any escape route then chose to end his own life.

When Nero chose to commit suicide, the demon who had witnessed the event from beginning to end was surprised and then smiled widely because the fallen soul was already precious, but the soul that chose to end its own life would add value to that soul in the devil's eyes.

Once the demon had finished harvesting Nero's soul, he disappeared and was never seen again.

With that, 68 AD was the year when the emperor Nero, who was infamous for his cruelty, was officially dead, but the one who led the rebellion, Vindex, also died because of his fatal injury.

Galba who was the first to swear allegiance with Vindex, claimed the throne of the empire because Vindex was dead and Nero didn't have a successor, while for the rest of the group, Galbaa tried to recruit them to work for him, but they refused and asked galbe to keep their existence as secret for the future generation and preferred to continue to practice the magic further to pass their knowledge to their descendants.





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