Tales From the Terran Republic

Chapter 187: Intermission: Paradise Found

Chapter 187: Intermission: Paradise Found

“You gotta be kidding me!” a lean brunette said as she looked at an older gentleman sitting at his desk, both wearing the utilitarian blue jumpsuits bearing a stylized Jupiter patch and embroidered with their names, the deceptively plain outfits indicating employment by the single most desirable employer in the Republic, Zeus Industries.

“Afraid not, Luka,” the man replied. “We have squatters.”

“Squatters?” Luka asked in disbelief, “In Zeus Seven?”

“We have someone or something living in there,” the man replied, “unless the rats have figured out how to operate pressure doors and water valves...”

A holographic image of a box trap appeared.

“or build traps.”

“Well fuck me running,” Luka said in amazement.

“We also have tools, supplies, and equipment disappearing, objects moving, and mysterious power drains,” the grey-haired man said as images and graphs appeared floating just in front of the walls of his office.

“Do we have anything more solid than someone or something?” Luka asked as she examined the walls.

“Nope,” her boss replied. “Whoever they are, they are pretty good at either avoiding or spoofing the cameras. It wouldn’t be too hard. Those systems are basic models from before Yellowstone and were never intended for more than simple monitoring and process control. Station Seven was never a secure facility and was never upgraded or hardened during the wars. It was just where we got our roaches. We’ve maintained it and kept it running as a ‘nature preserve,’ but that’s it. We just have a few drones buzzing about keeping an eye on things, but that’s just because actually going in there is kind of gross and a great way to get roaches. Remember the outbreak on twelve?”

“Ugh,” Luka grimaced. “Those bastards got everywhere.”

“So, the long and short of it is that I need you to take a team in there and find out exactly what we are dealing with. This could be anything from some weird hermit to scrappers to actual fugitives, so be careful.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Luka replied,” Anyone who willingly lives in the roach hotel is someone I don’t want to meet. Don’t worry, we’ll get rid of them.”

“Now play nice, Luka,” her boss said sternly, “We don’t know they are a threat. Don’t go knocking skulls without at least saying hello first. We don’t need to escalate something that we don’t need to escalate. Just investigate and, if possible, make a report and seek guidance before proceeding further.”

“Be nice to the roach fuckers,” Luka smirked, “got it.”


Teeva awoke to something tickling her cheek. With an idle flick of her long sticky tongue, she nabbed it and pulled it into her mouth.

She chewed and smiled.


“You finally awake?” a voice asked in the wonderfully absolute darkness of their new home.

“I guess so,” she said as she rolled over.

She, moving on all fours, crawled over to her companion, nabbing a few more hyper roaches as she did so.

“You’re going to ruin your breakfast,” Kvaaan chuckled as he nuzzled her.

“Mmm!” she said as she wiggled her long snout. “It smells delicious! What is it?”

“What do you think?” Kvaaan laughed.

“Is it roaches?” Teeva asked excitedly.

“Aww,” Kvaaan chuckled as he turned the skewers on the amazing little cooky thing they found in some sort of strange kitchen, “you guessed. It was supposed to be a surprise!”

They both giggled.

“The battery is getting low,” he said as he handed her a skewer.

“I was wondering when it would do that,” Teeva said as she pulled a roasted hyper-roach off the skewer with her tongue. “That thing is just unnatural.”

She munched happily, savoring the juices.

“I wonder what a ‘Hitachi Supercapacitor’ is,” she said as she pulled off a second roach.

“Probably some Terran secret technology or something,” Kvaaan shrugged as he fiddled with the knobs on the little cook box they found yesterday.

“Can you even imagine what this thing would fetch back home?” Teeva mused. “I bet we could buy our freedom, maybe even freedom for our entire families!”

“If they didn’t just lock us up and take the thing,” Kvaaan replied. “That’s what they would actually do, you know.”

“Yeah,” Teeva replied sadly.

She ate another roach and then crawled over to examine the marvelous little cooker.

“You figure that thing out yet?”

“Well,” Kvaaan said, “we know it’s some sort of cooking device. This knob controls the heat, and the numbers on the dial seem to correspond to how hot it gets. It’s very accurate, and the heat is so even! It’s wonderful!”

“What about the other knob?”

“Oh!” Kvaaan exclaimed, “This is really amazing! Watch.”

He pulled out a shorter metal wire on the amazing cook box and turned the dial.

The wire started to magically rotate!

“Ooo!” Teeva exclaimed.

“It turns the food all by itself!” Kvaaan said happily.

“This little magic box is amazing!”

“Oh, that’s not all!” Kvaaan exclaimed. “The metal bit will rotate even inside a pot!”

He removed the wire, put a beaker on the mysterious device, and put the wire inside.

It resumed spinning!


“And it will spin really fast, too!” he exclaimed.

“So what do all of the other buttons do?”

“I haven’t figured all of them out yet,” Kvaaan replied, “but if you turn the temperature knob all the way down and then press it in… you can keep turning it down!

He did so and giggled.

“What does that do?” Teeva asked.

“Just watch!”

Within a minute, frost started to appear on the surface.

“It gets cold?!?”

“I couldn’t believe it either!” Kvaaan giggled.

“How could the Terrans abandon something like this?” Teeva asked in utter bewilderment. “This thing must be worth a fortune! I heard they were wealthy beyond measure, but to discard a treasure of this magnitude? It defies all wisdom!”

“And just how many of these were in that single room?”

“We should get them all!” Teeva exclaimed.

“Oh, we will,” Kvaaan smiled as he kissed her, “and just think what other treasures must be hidden here!”

“But why did they abandon it all?”

“Who knows,” Kvaaan shrugged. “They are so different from us that there is no way to understand them. For example, they built this paradise, and it just sits vacant, practically unused, a bounty beyond comprehension just… sitting here...”

“It won’t be vacant for long,” Teeva giggled as she placed Kvaaan’s hand on her belly.

He smiled with true contentment, wishing this could last forever.

It never did for his kind, but he wished with all of his heart that it would.


“Alright, listen up,” Luka said to five other men and women, all clad in sealed combat armor, “Everyone knows the mission, but I want to make this clear. We have unknown individuals somewhere in this station. Numbers unknown, identity unknown. Our mission is to locate and assess, but we have no idea what we will run into. Our first priority is for all of us to go home safe.”

She readied her Zeus AKSS520, its resemblance to the AK series barely recognizable.

“Fix stunners.”

Everyone pulled an under-barrel attachment from a recess in their armor and slid it home with a click.

“Hopefully, this will just be a recon, maybe a meet and greet,” she said, “But we don’t know what it will be. Marta, Clive, Kamal, and Nami, you are our designated stunners. Set your trigger. Timmy, you and I will be the hitters, standard armor piercing dual purpose.”

She and Timmy chambered a round.

“Once inside, we will deploy sensor drone pattern gamma with our sniffers under AI control.”

She pressed the airlock control panel, and the doors started to cycle.

“Anything other than a rat, cat, or roach is our target,” she said, “Once again, this is a recon mission. We are not to engage unless we have no choice or receive direct orders.”

The group entered the airlock.

“Everyone clear on the mission and their roles?”

“Aye,” the group said in unison.

“Switch to subvocal,” Luka said.

[Luka: Com check]

[Marta: Check.]

[Clive: Check.]

[Kamal: Check.]

[Nami: Check.]

[Timmy: Check.]

[Luka: Opening airlock. Establish perimeter.]

The airlock opened, and the group sprinted into the entryway, quickly securing it.

[Luka: Sensor pattern gamma. Release sniffers.]

A series of armored nodules on their armor detached and rapidly flew out in all directions.

[Luka: Engage optical cloaking. Sonic dampeners on. Proceed to level twenty, main concourse.]

The group disappeared and moved with silent, practiced precision, only the faintest shimmers revealing their presence.


Teeva and Kvaaan cuddled in the comforting darkness.

There was a quiet little squeak.

“Well, hello there,” Teeva cooed. “As a matter of fact, I do have something for you.”

She pulled a roasted hyper-roach off a skewer and tossed it towards the rat.

“It’s so cute that it loves your cooking!” she giggled as she snootled Kvaaan.

“My culinary mastery transcends race.” he chuckled as he snootled her back.

He sighed.

“I guess we need to go get some water and check the traps, huh?”

“I suppose,” Teeva replied, not wanting to end their embrace.

They both picked up an empty poly canister with their tails and, together, left their little nest.


[Marta: Level twenty section A survey complete. No contact.]

[Luka: The box trap is gone as well. Sniffers picked up something abnormal, but it’s stale. Looks like they went further in. Proceed to section B promenade.]


Teeva lapped at some of the water from the spigot in the wall.

“I can’t believe how good it is!” she exclaimed as they filled their canisters.

“Yeah, I can’t get over how pure the water is here,” Kvaaan replied. “Wait! I hear something!”

Abandoning the canisters, they ducked into the shadows as a dim light became visible.

” Sounds like one of those food wardens,” Kvaaan whispered as he laid his snout on the deck plates.

Moments later, a familiar blue-white light became visible as a cargo drone flew past.

They clung to the shadows behind some strange arcane device for several minutes.

“It should be gone now,” Kvaaan said quietly. “That should be it for the day.”

Teeva started to quietly weep.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“That warden,” she wept, “It’s carrying enough food to feed several families, and they are just… dumping it… I… I don’t understand.”

“I think… I think they are feeding the roaches,” Kvaaan said quietly, comforting her. “The piles are always covered with them.”

“But… why?” Teeva implored. “How many of their people could they feed with this bounty, and they are just… just… throwing it to the roaches.”

“And to us,” Kvaaan said gently, “We shouldn’t complain.”

“Do… Do they have so much that they can cast such wealth into the darkness? This place is huge. How much do you think they…”

“Try not to think about it,” Kvaaan said as he gently stroked her with his snout. “Think about how full the traps will be. I bet they are overflowing. Let’s go check. That will cheer you up!”

He was right on both counts.

“Look at how full they are!” Teeva said happily as she lifted a wire cage packed full with hyper roaches.

“Told ya,” he smiled. “We have enough to last for days. Let’s just take them with us. We’ve left them in the same place for too long.”



[Luka: They aren’t here either. Guys, I think this is going to be a long one.]

[Kamal: Are they even still on this level?]

[Luka: This is where the most recent activity is. Based on analysis of the trap patterns and where they are drawing water, power, and gathering rice, they are on this level somewhere. Let’s take thirty, have lunch.]


Teeva and Kvaaan cautiously crept into the “kitchen.”

“Look at all of the cookers!” she exclaimed with delight.

“And we found another of those battery things!” Kvaaan replied. “With two of them, we won’t need to recharge for a long time! That means we can go further away to do it!”

“That’s good?”

“That’s very good,” Kvaaan replied. “Power is very valuable and the easiest thing to measure. The overlords might miss some water or a little food but could notice even a little power being taken where it shouldn’t be. If the overlords could see it, the humans certainly can. That’s why I went so far to recharge the battery.”

“My dashing rogue!” Teeva giggled as she snootled his flank. “Thank the warm sweet earth that I had a weakness for bad boys!”

“Let’s grab as much as we can,” Kvaaan said, “We’ve come here far too often, and a treasure trove like this simply has to be watched.”

They filled the makeshift mesh bags they had fashioned from wire they discovered in one of the machinery spaces.


[Luka: We have a trail. Sniffer six has a warm one species undetermined. Submitting analysis. Keep sharp, people. We are on them. Estimated number of contacts: two. Adjust cloaking to one hundred percent.]

Her team moved swiftly along the corridor, their drones rapidly moving in a search pattern, checking each intersecting passage.

Even with that, they took no chances, verifying each one clear as they moved, now without even a shimmer.

About ten minutes later, the group came to an abrupt halt as sensor fifteen showed two strange quadrupeds ambling down the corridor, each carrying a large bag on their backs.

[Luka: Fucking looters. No weapons detected. Distance to contact three hundred meters. Species unknown. Sending scans to HQ now. Maintain distance to contact at two hundred meters.]

[Nami: They are stealing lab hot plates and glassware? The Hitachi I can understand. Those antique supercaps are worth some serious cash, but glassware?]

[Kamal: Maybe they are running some sort of illegal lab in here. This would be the perfect place.]

[Luka: You have a point. If these guys are running a lab, there could be more of them, or they might be packing something the drones missed. Kamal, Nami, you are now hitters.]

Kamal and Nami switched their triggers.

[Luka: HQ, do you have an ID on these xenos?]

[HQ: Yes we do, Luka. We just didn’t feel like telling you. What do you think, girl?]

[Luka: How long does a database search take anyhow? Stop playing Asteria and get back to work :D]

[HQ: Might as well, that dragon princess quest is fucking impossible!]

[Luka: You still haven’t beaten it?]

[HQ: The stupid bitch keeps getting killed! It’s like she’s trying to die or something! Hang on, we have that ID. It wasn’t in our system. We had to query the Empire. They are Delbath, poor bastards. They are subjects of the Kilven Dominion.]

[Nami: The Kilven? They are a long way from home. What do we know about them?]

[HQ: They are a subterranean species from a planet with extensive limestone cavern systems, which they later expanded as their technology improved. Alert: They have impressive active and passive echolocation as well as incredible hearing. Your sonic dampeners will not be effective. They will still work, but you will appear as “holes” to them. Be careful about any noise, and keep at over 600 meters on solid metal.]

[Luka: Aggression level? Natural weaponry?]

[HQ: Aggression level: Passive. They have no natural weaponry but are very strong with very “sticky” pads. You have no threat from impact, but you don’t want one to grapple you. Activate joint protection.]

[HQ: Command from the boss: Apprehend looters for questioning. Species vulnerability: Unlike many subterranean species that have eyes, they are very sensitive to light. Bright light will likely disorientate them, and a strobe set at 30 kHz will likely cause seizures.]

[Luka: Thanks, HQ. Engaging target.]


Kvaaan and Teeva ambled down the hallway.

“We have so many of those cookers!” Teeva enthused, “And I just love these round vases!”

“Yes, but how are we going to keep them upright?”

“Oh, I’ll weave a little someth—“

They both suddenly fell silent as six small hexagonal… things flew down the hall with an almost inaudible buzz.

In less than a second, they were surrounded.

Teeva screamed as they were suddenly bathed in a hellish light.

“The overlords!” she howled, “They found us!”

“This is Zeus Industries Security, Special Operations Division,” Luka’s voice suddenly announced from all directions, utterly confusing them. “You are in possession of illegally obtained Zeus Industries property! Lay down all stolen property and any weapons you may have upon you, step forward twenty meters and lay prone with your limbs fully extended to the best of your ability. We mean you no harm, but we are armed, will protect ourselves, and will use any and all force necessary to detain you. Again, you will not be harmed in any way if you comply. We do not wish to harm you. Please do not make us do so.”

“What do we do?” Teeva howled as she covered her eyes with her hands.

“The humans have found us,” Kvaaan said with despair. “They are much more powerful than the overlords. We do what they say, Teeva.”

They carefully set down their treasures.

“Oh great overlords,” Kvaaan said, prostrating himself, “We wish to obey your righteous commands, but we know not what a meter is. Please forgive our foolish ignorance.”

“Just start walking slowly,” Luka commanded as the terrifying hellish light dimmed to a faint glow. “I will tell you when to stop.”

“We rejoice at your mercy which we do not deserve,” Kvaaan called out, “All praise to the mighty humans, exalted be their name.”

They both slowly walked forward, their snouts touching until Luka told them to stop.


Teeva and Kvaaan lay on the floor, their snouts gently touching.

“It was… wonderful,” Teeva sighed. “I knew it wouldn’t last forever… but I had hoped...”

“Yeah,” Kvaaan sighed, “It was a foolish dream, but one worth dreaming, my love.”

“What do you think they will do to us?”

“I don’t know,” Kvaaan replied, “The humans are powerful and fearsome beyond measure.”

“At least…” Teeva said with a little smile, “We were free, just for a little while...”

Kvaaan smiled sadly.

“It was worth it,” he smiled, “These days with you… It’s worth anything they do to me.”

They lay together, gently stroking each other with their snouts in silence, savoring each second they had left.

It was only a few minutes before an ominous sound could be heard coming ever closer, causing the very floor beneath them to vibrate.

A glowing light appeared ahead of them, drawing ever closer.

Soon they could make out six humans, their surfaces hard and unyielding, holding their fearsome rifles.

Behind them was one of their floating wardens, much larger than any they had seen before.

It wasn’t long before the terrifying group reached them.

“Don’t move,” Luka said firmly as they were surrounded, and the strange flying thing settled to the ground, its front opening revealing a large empty space.

It was a flying cage!

“One at a time,” Luka said as the group held their weapons at patrol ready, “enter the vehicle.”

Reluctantly they separated their snouts.

Kvaaan moved first. Once he was inside, Teeva followed.

“We are going to switch off the lights for your comfort,” Luka said as the doors closed, “But sensors are still active, and we will be able to see what you are up to. Don’t do anything regrettable.”

Once the doors were securely closed, the team climbed onto the exterior of the hall truck and attached themselves to the sides.

The vehicle started to accelerate as it moved down the wide corridor.


A couple of hours later, a very confused Teeva and Kvaaan found themselves in a darkened room. They hadn’t been beaten or shocked with prods or anything.

They were just shown to spacious and comfortable cell, given sheets to cover themselves with once it was clear that while they were happily naked in each other’s company, they clearly felt exposed once caught, offered water and food, and simply told to wait.

“I just wish they would get it over with,” Teeva whispered as they hid under their sheets together. “What do you think is going to happen to us?”

“I don’t know,” Kvaaan whispered back. “They are simply beyond my understanding.”

There was a beep, and a kind-sounding voice said, “I’m coming in.”

The door opened and a thin human man with white hair, wearing a simple blue jumpsuit, like the ones that they used to wear, walked in, followed by two humans in their hard shells.

The human in the jumpsuit sat at a small table built into the wall.

“I understand that you two were caught in Zeus Seven… looting hot plates and beakers?”

“Please forgive our transgressions, mighty one,” Kvaaan whimpered as he extended his head from under the sheet. “The sin was mine alone. Teeva is blameless, abducted by me against her will, stolen from her rightful masters, another sin for which I confess and await your righteous judgment.”

“Mighty one,” the old man chuckled. “My name is ‘Tak’. That is what you can call me.”

“But, exalted one I—“

“Tak,” the old man said firmly. “You will call me Tak, and that is final, understand.”

“Y-yes… Tak.”

“I can’t stand all the rest of that nonsense,” the old man smiled. “It gets really old really quick. First of all, there is no ‘righteous judgment’ you need to be worried about. We aren’t the overlords, and in the Republic, you are NOT a slave. As of now, and as long as you remain in the Republic, you are free, and the entire full might of both the Republic and Zeus Industries will ensure that. The Dominion has no power here. In fact, I would like for them to try and test that so very, very much.”

“I’m… I’m free?”

“Yes, you are,” Tak replied, “Slavery is not recognized here. Nobody has ownership of you, your kidnap victim, or the children she carries.”

Teeva started to make a weird little snorting noise as she began to weep. Her children were free!

“Now, knowing that you are free both from your bonds and from any reprisals,” Tak said pleasantly, “Were you sent here by your overlords to steal equipment, materials, or technology?”

“N-no, my lord.”

Tak sighed. He hated titles, but further insistence was pointless.

“That’s a shame,” Tak smiled.

“Exalted one?”

“Nevermind,” Tak replied, “Now the huge question that everyone is wondering… Why were you stealing laboratory hot plates and glassware?”

“The cookers, Great One?”

“Oh, please don’t tell me you were using that stuff to prepare food!”

“I’m sorry, Exalted One! Please forgive us!”

“Oh, you’re forgiven,” Tak said with a horrified look on his face, “But you should NOT use those hot plates for cooking food or that glassware to prepare it in! God only knows what that stuff was used for!”

He pulled out a communicator.

“We need a full med workup and tox screen on our guests right now! It’s an emergency! One of them is pregnant!”

He turned to Kvaaan.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get you checked out and fixed up right away!”

He smiled at the pair.

“So, what brought you to Zeus Seven?” he asked.

“I found out that Teeva was with child,” he said quietly, “It was an accident. We didn’t mean for it to happen. It just… did...”

“These things do happen from time to time,” Tak said gently, “even to us.”

“We didn’t have permission, Great One,” Kvaaan said sadly, “The punishment for that is… severe… both in our culture and under the righteous and just laws of our benevolent overlords, forever may they reign.”

“What would have happened?” Tak said, preparing to get angry.

“I would have been sent to the death mines,” Kvaaan said quietly, “and Teeva, she would have her children taken away as soon as they no longer need her for sustenance, and she would be married off as a lesser woman or if nobody would take her, sent to the mine herself where… where… It would be bad, Mighty One.”

“I see,” Tak said icily.

“The penalty for trying to escape the kind benevolence of our kind overlords was just ritual execution,” Kvaaan said, “So we decided that if we must die, we would do so together.”

Tak nodded approvingly.

“We worked near a starport, I fixed and made things, and Teeva worked on an overlord’s estate. I also… profited from sin.”

“Now that sounds interesting.”

“I made things and fixed things that people shouldn’t have,” Kvaaan said. “I also could obtain things that people should not have. I recently was able to acquire was blasphemous books, movies, games… Anything one’s heart could possibly desire from the Republic. That is how I met Captain Rob.”

“And he got you two out?”

“Yes, Great One,” Kvaaan said. “We pledged ourselves and our children and our children’s children to his service if he would save us. The Great Captain Rob said not to worry about it as long as I could… ‘hook him up’?… with someone to replace me, which I was able to do. He then, at great risk to himself, stole us from our rightful masters and spirited us away.”

“I like him already.”

“He is a great man,” Kvaaan said, “I am honored to meet such a noble, courageous, and generous soul. He gave us passage and shared his food without asking for anything in return. He said that I had made him plenty of cash already.”

“So why did you come here, to Jupiter, and especially why the Hell did you go to Zeus Seven?”

Kvaaan sighed happily.

“On his magnificent vessel, which he actually owns, can you believe it, Great One, a man so wealthy that he owns a starship?”

Tak smiled.

“Truly magnificent,” he agreed.

“On his grand flying palace,” Kvaaan sighed happily, “The noble and mighty Captain Rob discovered hyper-roaches on board. They smelled so enticing that I couldn’t help but sample one. They are delicious!”

“I think I see where this is going,” Tak smiled.

“The Great Captain Rob said that we could have as many of them as we wished! We delighted in them until we could find no more.”

“You ate a hyper-roach infestation?”

“We apologized profusely for our greed, but Captain Rob said that he was so wealthy that a few snacks meant nothing to him.”

Tak laughed.

“He also said that if we loved them so much, he knew of a magical paradise where the creatures were so great in number that we would never be able to eat them all and said that he would take us there… and he did!”

“The Great Captain Rob should have taken you to Zeus One and had you go through customs. I might have to have a little chat with him about that.”

“He said the same, Mighty One,” Kvaaan replied, “but we were terrified and begged him not to turn us in for fear of being returned to our owners. He said that it would ‘probably work out’ and delivered us to that wonderful place.”

“Well, he was right,” Tak shrugged, “It did work out after all.”

“We will never forget how wonderful it was there, even if it was only for a short time, my lord.”

“Well,” Tak replied, “We will get you back there as soon as possible.”

“You will?!?” Kvaaan snorttootled, “I… I mean, thank you, Great and Mighty—“

“On ONE condition,” Tak said, cutting him off.

“Anything, oh Great One!”

“Call me TAK!” he said with no small measure of annoyance, “Just fucking Tak. That is the ONLY thing I demand. That’s IT! Tak! My fucking name is Tak!”

“Yes, oh mighty Tak!”

“God fucking dammit!” Tak yelled, “Just Tak! Nothing else before or after it. Got it?”

“Yes… Tak.”

“There,” Tak said with a smile, “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now you can stay on Zeus Seven as long as you wish, you, your kids, and any other of your species that just happens to show up for some unknown reason. The place is huge. Before that happens, we need to make sure you didn’t poison yourselves eating off of lab equipment, give you both a checkup, make sure that a diet of Jovian rice and roaches is sufficient for your physiology, give you a little bit of training on what is safe in there and what will kill you dead, and get you some proper cookware for fuck’s sake!”

“I… I...” Kvaaan stammered.

“Since you no longer have to hide,” Tak said with a smile, “we do have some areas that we have rendered safe...ish, and I would, until you are fully trained, ask that you remain in those areas, but there are plenty of roaches, clean water, and rice. They are also closer to the dock, so it will be convenient for all of us. You have kids on the way, and they will need pre and post natal care.”

“Why, Tak,” Kvaaan asked, “Why would you do all of this?”

“Why not? It is my station, after all.”

“Your… your...”

“Yep,” Tak replied, “I own all of this. I can do whatever I want, and I want you to stay there. Besides, I think you will become very useful in time.”

“I… I will?”

Tak smiled.

“You can move safely in absolute darkness and have at least some technical ability and a bit of, shall we say… spirit. That station was abandoned very quickly in the end and has never been salvaged properly. I’ve always meant to do it, but there has always been something else more pressing going on, or simply too understaffed. Those Hitachi micro welders you dredged up? Now those are worth retrieving and decontaminating. So are a lot of other things. Bring those things to me, and I will make it worth your while. The place also needs some permanent staff. This might come as a shock to you, but a full time job there is NOT something humans want. Zeus Seven could use not only you but probably a few more of you.”

“I don’t understand,” Kvaaan said, “you would do all of this for me?”

“I’m very successful,” Tak replied, “Do you know how I got that way?”

“No, oh grea… I mean no, Tak.”

“When I see something promising, I take advantage of it, and I think you are very promising where Zeus Seven is concerned. I will benefit from this far more than you, trust me.”

Tak got up.

“Now I’m sure you are both pretty exhausted,” he said. “So I’m going to give you some space. Once the doctors have made sure you haven’t licked the wrong beaker, we’ll send you back to your new home, show you the safe zone, and work out the rest as time permits.”

“Thank you… Tak.”

“Wait!” a voice called out from underneath the sheet.


“I have to know,” Teeva said, still hiding. “Why did you leave such treasures in that place?”

“Because it was all completely infested with roach eggs,” Tak chuckled, “Back then, we didn’t quite know how to deal with them, and they were wrecking entire ships and stations. Your favorite treat is one of the worst pests there is! We couldn’t risk taking anything out of that damned place. So we decided to just shut the doors and deal with it later… over a hundred years ago… Never got around to it.”

“If they are such a pest,” Teeva asked. “Then why do you give up so much of your wealth feeding them?”

“For one thing,” Tak smiled, “Jovian rice is not expensive. However, the most important reason is that I always repay my debts, and I owe those little monsters everything.”

“You do?” Teeva asked, “How do you owe a pest ‘everything’?”

Tak sighed and sat back down.

He turned to one of the guards he long ago gave up trying to run off.

“Could one of you get me some coffee?” he said with a smile, “This is going to take a while.”

He turned to his two new residents.

“Get comfortable,” he smiled sadly as a doctor carrying a very large scanner rushed into the room, “I’m about to tell you a little story.”

He sighed.

“Have you two ever heard about the Sol Wars?”

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