Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 1: The End of Time

Chapter 1: The End of Time

Hey guys! Author here!

So, I have been having some medical issues that have made writing hard for the last while. I had some difficulty finding the right mentality to write the complicated character of the headmaster and think of the proper words today so I decided to post the first chapter of the next novel I'll be releasing today.

I know you are all here for TLM and I'm sorry I couldn't get a chapter out today! I'll find a way to make it up with yall, once I catch up with my patreon chapters I'll do a mass release!

Please feel free to give any feedback you have on this chapter!


"God, please let this work!"

Aurus' breathing quickened as he looked at the magic array beneath his feet. Thousands upon thousands of glowing runes were spread out across the hall forming dozens of circles with himself in the middle of it.

The hall he was in was as ginormous as it was empty, the only items that could be seen were those integrated into the magic array. Crushed up fairy wings and 'Ghast Rat's Ashes' were but a few of the items lying in the middle of smaller magic arrays spread across the room.

In his hand Aurus held a white strand of hair excluding a holy aura, it was the hair of a God, one that had died by the hands of their enemies. If he would succeed on this day, it would be because of this hair, this item with near-limitless power.

It was at this point that the massive door at the side of the room began shaking. The door was enchanted beyond belief, but Aurus knew it would not be enough. These things could destroy anything, even the gods. A mere door would not stop them for long.

Aurus breathed in deeply before doing two things. First, he took the white strand of hair and he put it in his mouth, swallowing it, then he took a blood-red knife out of its scabbard.

The red knife was beautiful, it would make any person that saw it fall in love with it, its power was great, but dangerous. If you used this knife once it would not only take the life of the person you kill, but it would take your own life as well.

Ignoring the rattling of the door, Aurus looked at the blood-red knife one last time. It was the knife that was once used by Lucifer, the king of the underworld. And now, he would be the last user this knife would ever have.

Aurus pointed the knife towards the air and took in a deep breath. A moment later two things happened at once.

On one hand, the enchantments on the massive door broke, causing it to open with a bang.

But it was too late, in the middle of the rows of magic arrays stood Aurus, the red knife plunged into his own heart. The holy aura of the hair of Chronos and the demonic aura of the knife of damnation clashed. The amount of energy caused by this clash was unbelievable yet all of it was eagerly absorbed by the magic arrays around Aurus. 

The light coming from the magic array brightened so much anyone in the universe could see it. Any of the final Gods, Devils, Humans, and Demons looked at this light, with but the faintest of hope. Yet after this, everything disappeared into nothingness.


Aurus felt his soul travel through space and time. He could see everything and nothing. He saw the dawn of man and God. The ten-thousand worlds covering the universe, and the destruction of all that ever was.

His soul traveled through space and time until it got to its destination. His soul arrived on earth in the year 2040. This was the beginning of his true journey.

Looking at the world below him, he saw a boy, barely fifteen years old. He had messy brown hair and intoxicating green eyes. In most places, he would be called rather pretty, but in this town where martial arts is rather popular, he was called girly instead.

The boy was crying, he cried a lot. But this time it wasn't because of his situation or because he was robbed once more. It was because of the deaths of his parents. The plane they were in had crashed but a few hours ago. He was an orphan now.

Aurus sighed as he looked to the side, he looked through the buildings in his path and saw a group of four boys heading in this direction. They would reach the boy in mere minutes, making his day even worse.

Aurus moved down, he was a soul, invisible to all. And he would take over the body of his younger self.

At least, that had been the plan.

Just as Aurus began moving down a certain pressure engulfed his soul. The world itself had noticed an intrusion from another world, it was trying to suffocate him.

"No, NO!"

In this weakened state Aurus had no chance at fighting the will of a world, he rushed down as fast as he could but it was too late, parts of himself began disappearing. He could feel his memories being eaten away and his sense of self dissipating.

When he finally got down to the boy, his soul was but a tenth of what it once was. The part that saw itself as Aurus was gone, all that was left were its instincts and desires. The biggest desire of this stray soul was entering the body in front of it, and so it did.


Aurus had been crying for over an hour when something happened, something that would change his life forever. He could feel himself change in but a moment, at first he felt shocked but then he got assaulted by a severe headache. He felt like screaming as changes were made to his mind, yet just as he was about to scream out, he realized something. The pain wasn't actually that bad.

What he had found a terrible pain but moments before, felt more like an annoying itch to him now. As if he was used to much worse pain than this.

His emotions dulled a bit as all that had happened seemed oh so insignificant. His parents died, but somehow he was no longer so distraught by the fact. After all, he had lost so many people already.

Aurus had a moment of clarity 'What? No, I haven't!' but it lasted only for a moment.

He fell into silence as he thought of all that happened to him. He lost his parents, he got bullied, but he didn't do a thing about it.

Anger started taking charge of himself, but this anger wasn't directed toward anyone but himself 'Why the hell haven't I done anything about it?'

Then, the anger made way for confusion.

He could tell something weird happened, his perspective changed, but he didn't know why, had the grief changed something in his mind? Had the death of his parents caused him to see things clearly.

Yeah, that had to be what had happened.

Aurus calmed himself knowing that emotion would get one killed. As for who would kill him, he didn't know, but it just felt right to be careful.

For the next couple of minutes, Aurus sat there, he began feeling somewhat afraid. It wasn't normal to find the death of your parents natural and not care about it. He was supposed to be crying as he had been just minutes before.

Just as he thought the grief might have broken him emotionally, he could hear people entering the park.

He had been sitting in a small park on the edge of town, one that was barely ever visited by anyone but himself. Since it was 9pm it was very unusual for people to enter the area.

When he looked up, he was greeted by four faces, all of them looking straight at him. In the front was the boy called William. He was athletic and smart. He looked handsome, and he did not look like a bully at all, but he had been Aurus' worst nightmare in the previous couple of years. 

To his left was Fitzgerald. He was an extremely large boy that was extraordinarily aggressive. He was somewhat stupid but enjoyed beating people up, hence he was a part of William's crew.

The two boys to William's left were Kenny and Bowles. Kenny was an arrogant brat with a rich dad. He would never join the others in beating or robbing people but enjoyed watching them. As for Bowles, he was a great martial artist, he was probably the best in the group when it came to actually fighting, he was also William's best friend.

When William noticed Aurus saw them he jeered "Oh, look, the princess has been crying." getting closer he continued "Guess what happened guys?"

Stopping shortly before the bench Aurus was sitting at, William asked his friends.

Bowles was quick on the draw as he responded in a fake-confused tone "What happened William?"

Hearing the expected response, William looked at Aurus before responding, "His mommy and daddy were so tired of being with their useless son that they tried leaving the country. But I heard that when his daddy remembered that they would have to videochat with their terrible child when they got to Spain, he got to the cockpit and steered the plane straight down!"

"Tch, he must've truly been a useless piece of shit then!" Kenny said as he looked at Aurus to see how he would react.

Aurus looked away from them but kept his emotions in check. Usually, he would cower in a situation like this, but he didn't this time. He felt in control, but he also felt angry. He wanted to punch William in his face, shut him up right here. The problem was that he knew his own strength, he didn't stand a chance against the boy, for now he simply had to endure, if he wanted to he could break into the boy's house during the night, smash the boy's head in while he was sleeping, he wouldn't be at risk of being beaten in that situation.

'Wait, what am I thinking?'

Aurus once more caught himself thinking things that were way beyond anything he would ever do. 

He wanted to calm himself, try and find out what he was truly thinking, and if something was wrong.

Yet, there was a little voice blabbering away, keeping him from concentrating on his own thoughts and actions.

The boy named William had continued taunting him despite the lack of reaction.


This time, Aurus completely agreed with his spontaneous thought. He really should just punch the boy in the face.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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