Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 122: A Creature Of Darkness

Chapter 122: A Creature Of Darkness

If previously the elder looked like an abomination, then now it looked like a being from hell.

Out of the darkness of the cave came a being completely unlike the elder they had seen but minutes earlier. The creature was two meters tall now and looked slim, appearing humanoid. Its black skin seemed as if it was made out of darkness itself and its eyes were just as dark.

Her legs and arms were toned and could be considered to be of a regular length once more. Now this creature had only a few differences compared to humans. For one there was the lack of expression on its face and the fact that the eyes consisted purely out of a pupil. Another massive difference compared to a human was the hair. The hair flowing from the creature's scalp was silver, the odd thing was that it seemed to be made from liquid, giving a mesmerizing feeling to it.

Compared to its previous self it was a beautiful thing, her boobs which were soggy and almost rotting before were bouncy once more, the lack of nipples didn't affect it negatively either. As for the nether region, there was absolutely nothing between the creature's leg, if it wasn't for the boobs the creature would seem to be genderless.

But all of this weren't the more alarming things, for one, Villin could see the creature was gazing at him with its pitch-black eyes. He could feel its gaze even though he was in an area that was still properly lit up by Ruby's. But this was incomparable to the feeling he got when she opened her mouth. He saw no teeth as he expected, instead, there were tentacles dozens of black tentacles moving in unison.

As soon as the creature left the cave a white and black streak came out of her wand. Similar to before the white streak went toward the creature itself while the black streak was aimed at the floor beneath the creature. Yet when they were a meter away from the creature, they simply dissipated.

"Ohhh, how beautiful this new body of mine is, it truly has all been worth it!" unlike before the voice didn't hurt the two of them mentally, it did however strengthen the effects of the earlier scream as now Ruby too lost complete control over her arms and legs.

"You know how frustrating it has been? Stuck on these islands for decades, waiting, watching as my intellect began to wane. Oh how terrible it has been, but now, I can feel that it all has been worth it. All of the suffering, the loneliness, being condemned by my peers." the creature breathed in heavily through its nose.

"Truly I have you two to thank! It had been years since a stray magus last arrived and I fear my lifespan was about to come to an end." the creature approached the paralyzed Villin who at this point wasn't even capable of using his magical energy properly, thus being incapable of taking control of his puppet.

It crouched down and put a hand on Villin's cheek. "For years I had been waiting for my followers my companions to come, to help me become powerful once more. So tell me, why did nobody come. I once had the world in the palm of my hand and yet nobody came for me, why is that boy?"

The creature with its expressionless face looked Villin in the eyes awaiting an answer as Villin could feel the control on his face lessen allowing him to speak. Even so, Villin felt his thoughts were muddled and he wasn't able to think of a clever response in a short period of time, and so he spoke honestly "I don't know who you are. I am mortalborn."

Hearing his final sentence the creature looked at him with the same expressionless gaze as before, even so, Villin could feel the creature was somewhat surprised.

"I see, at least my teachings have not completely disappeared." The creature paused for a moment as it stood up completely.

"It would feel like a waste killing someone like you. Once I have grown in strength, I will grant you an invitation." having said this it walked over to Ruby who was breathing in a panicked version. Unlike Villin her thoughts weren't bemuddled. "Hmm, a third-generation Xiezhi bloodline with a hint of Sphinx. Could you be the Von Hauser descendant?"

Ruby who also had her head released from the creature's grasp nodded fervently "I-I'm Ruby Von Hauser"

"Hmm, I see. Even though I disagreed with your family on many matters, they are some of the most honorable people I have ever met. I have to admit, your great-grandfather is one of the few people I regret killing. In his name I shall spare you today." the creature walked away from Ruby as well before looking into the sky. He was staring at the magic eye staring down at them.

"But for now, you two should forget about me, until it is time."

Both Villin and Ruby suddenly felt a foreign force invading their minds, heading to their memories and sealing away the conversation they just had. As the two fainted the black figure rubbed its hands "Now, it is time for me to leave."

With these words, the creature disappeared into thin air, stunning all those who were looking through the magic eye. It was only seconds later one of the runemasters arrived. The magic eye had been there ever since Ruby looked up with a pleading expression. As soon as they noticed the teleportation array Villin and Leonardo used was repaired with the cooperation of a number of runemasters, even so, it was only now that they arrived.

Soon after, all of the matches were canceled and everyone was brought back to the Lannister house.

Villin and Ruby were sent back to the white tower, for the following week they would be healing from the mental damage they had taken. During this time, magi expeditions were sent to the cluster of lesser islands the talented youth were sent toward, and what they found shocked them.

Hundreds of cannibals were found and even though most were in the early stages, still being mostly human, there were about a dozen in the late stage, at which point they were already very dangerous.

As for those that had truly evolved, there was only one case, the one that took Villin and Leonardo. But as for the identity of that 'person', it was completely unknown.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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