Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 124: Rewards

Chapter 124: Rewards

"My god," Villin exclaimed in disbelief after having a look at the total at the very bottom of the list.

Crumb had given Villin and Ruby a long list full of items, on the left half were the items themselves while next to them was the price they would get if they gave it to the white tower.

The first items were already enough to give a good idea of how wealthy they could be now.

47 low-grade cannibal corpses - 1000 x 47 = 47000 magic crystals

Forty-seven thousand for just those. And it had to be said that currently, Villin, who could be said to be one of the richest second graders only had thirteen thousand crystals.

In total about a third of the cannibals that were found after the events that had taken place were seen as those in their cluster. The tunnels connected about a dozen 'families' each of which had four cannibals on average, the riches of each of these families were considered to be theirs.

This wasn't the white tower trying to form connections either, this was the case for anyone who finds cannibals, the finder's fees include everything gotten from the community you found.

With the price of the regular cannibal's corpses being so high, Villin and Ruby obviously knew the price in total would be astronomical. There were three high-grade cannibal corpses on their list, each going for fifty-thousand crystals and one living high-grade cannibal that went for double that. Apparently, cannibals as a whole were extraordinarily valuable, the materials that could be gotten from their bodies were used in some of the high-grade pills.

Other than these corpses there were three other items that contributed a bunch to the overall value they would get.

The first of these three items were the fires. There were three soul-fires of the third tier. Seven soul-fires of the fourth tier and two soul-fires of the fifth grade.

In total, these fires went for another three-hundred thousand crystals. They were extremely useful in certain studies, the energy they emitted was also immense. If the energy could be repurposed and cleansed the value one could get out of it was ginormous.

The second valuable item that was in there was the equipment made from Blue Mythril. Altogether the equipment was worth fifty-thousand crystals.

This, however, was incomparable to the value of the Blue Mythril mine that had been found. If the two of them decided to give it to the white tower they would get a hundred thousand crystals and forty percent of the profits.

Once the two of them got to the bottom the total amount truly was shocking.

In total, they would be getting one million and one hundred thousand magic crystals and forty percent of the profits the blue mythril mine made.

Soon after Ruby and Villin were left alone to discuss. For a few hours, they both gave their input where they tried to get a good understanding of what to do. They estimated the white tower would be buying the resources for about ninety percent of their actual value. Something that was completely worth it to them considering it was extremely hard to sell these items and some of them had an expiry date.

At the end of a long discussion, they had made their decision. They would be selling almost everything on the list except for a few things. For one, all of the Blue Mythril equipment would be taken by them. Additionally, they would take any and all of the enchanted objects that were found as well as the equipment used to do things such as blacksmithing and pill-making.

The equipment and enchanted objects would be for them both while the lifestyle equipment would go to Villin.

As for the rest, Ruby would be taking sixty percent of the magic crystals and Villin forty percent. This was what they ended up agreeing on. As for the Blue Mythril mine, the profits would be split in half.

And so they announced their decision to professor Crumb. A few hours passed before the man returned with a small bag filled with crystal holders. Each crystal holder could only hold about fifty-thousand magic crystals. This meant over twenty crystal holders were required for all the funds.

Professor Crumb would be delivering the rest of the items to them when they were in The Academy. Villin asked for his items to be brought to the Athena's Forge guild tower while for Ruby it would be sent to her room.

It was only after this that they could finally go back to The Academy. Even though they had only been away for a week and half of the time they were unconscious, both of them felt that it had been way too long.

They were glad to be able to return to The Academy. Kayley and Hawk were already sent back so now it was just the two of them. They were now some of the wealthiest people in the entire school. Probably more wealthy than the brunt of the teachers.

Villin got a bit of a deja-vu. He recalled the first time he had gotten a bunch of magic crystals at once. It had been because he was unlucky and someone attacked him. This time, once more, it had been caused because of his bad luck and suffering.

He would have loved to say that it had been worth it, after all the amount of crystals he had gotten were more insane than he could've ever expected. But every time he tried thinking this way he thought back to Leonardo, when the boy's skull was deformed and how the boy's face seemed to age within seconds, turning into a skeleton and finally to dust.

He recalled the terrifying creatures that had taken him captive and how lucky he was that Ruby was there to save him, and after this how lucky they both were to be able to take down one of the creatures, something only possible because their spells coincidentally complemented each other. And then how at the end, according to Kayley and professor Crumb, the evolved creature simply let them go.

Almost all of it was caused by luck, his weakness had never before been so obvious.

Before stepping into the teleportation array both of them composed themselves and switched their mindsets. This wasn't the time. They were alive, healthy, and rich. Now they would have to start accepting that and move on.

When Villin looked over at Ruby he saw her determined expression, and when she looked at Villin she saw the exact same. Then they both walked through the teleportation array.

A few seconds after they arrived in the third grade, the journalists who had been waiting there noticed their appearance and began asking questions.

The duo completely ignored them and pretended they weren't there, taking the shortest path back to the second grade. When they finally got through the teleportation array leading to the second grade they were once more questions, luckily there were only two journalists now, one for each of the major news networks here.

Villin was about to ignore them once more when he reconsidered and looked at the journalist for 'A Magus' Aid'. As for 'Today's Oddities', Villin completely ignored them since he still recalled their article shortly after he joined.

"I'm willing to do a short exclusive interview with your paper." Villin said to the boy representing 'A Magus' Aid'

The boy was obviously ecstatic and led both him and Ruby, who had decided to join him after hearing his words, to their headquarters in the guild hall.

It had to be said that their place looked rather nice. Even though it was made out of wood the building was large and spacious being two floors tall. The two of them quickly got led to the second floor before their interviewer came in, in this case, they got to meet the owner of this branch of the paper. A boy by the name of Maximillius with blonde hair came and greeted them politely before sitting down.

Villin made it clear early on that he would be leading this interview, he ignored most questions Maximillius asked and simply retold what he wanted to be known.

Villin revealed that both himself and Ruby were taken to compete in a tournament for talented youth. They both won the enchanting and magic array tournaments getting them both a bunch of money. After this, they were both taken to a large island and a battle royale type competition began. In this competition, he got in an extremely dangerous situation being saved by Ruby in the brink of time allowing them to both end up in the top five.

This was the story he ended up telling. It gave a reason for his sudden increase in money and his disappearance. It would also let people know of their great talent in enchanting and magic arrays as well as their talent in combat. Finally, Ruby would be getting honored as well as his savior.

Even though Villin was sure Ruby would want to keep the situation as quiet as possible, this wouldn't be good for Villin. After all, he needed people to join his guild in the future. Still, he compromised keeping most of it secret and praising her multiple times.

At last, Villin would be able to get back to his guild tower and see how things were going.

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