Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 194: Overcoming The Mind

Chapter 194: Overcoming The Mind

"Let's do this!" Villin said with a glint in his eyes.

In front of the walls were a massive amount of stone soldiers, they stood in squares of about five-hundred soldiers per. If they had shields it would be extremely similar to how the Spartans fought. In actuality, giving them shields was the next thing on the list but he didn't have to think about that right now.

In order to get to the wall, he would have to go through four layers of formations, this meant he would have to destroy at least two-thousand-five-hundred stone soldiers, and that was if the soldiers in different legions didn't attack.

As for now, even though they could detect him from far away, they didn't make any moves. Thus far Villin hadn't done anything negative to the mind so he and his magic power were still seen as good.

This wouldn't take long though, as Villin's hand hovered over it, the goods within the carriage began to disappear as new items began being made.

Firstly, he put on armor made out of Blue-Mythril. Technically he could also make it out of Mythril and it wouldn't differ much as in how much magic power it requires but he didn't have any experience with Mythril so the armor wouldn't be good at all.

As Villin gazed at the legions he would have to be faced, his magic power began making a hundred different items behind him.

As he was waiting for his items to finish forming, Villin looked at the carriage and horses. The horses were gone, all the magic power within them had been used on the preparations, the vast majority of goods within the carriage were gone as well with only a few crates remaining.

After seeing how stable the magic power within the carriage still was, he decided to condense it further and made it into a backpack full of cotton that he could carry. He frowned slightly as he noticed the amount of magic power within it, "I'll have to be careful, I have to try and conserve the magic power within this backpack so I have enough to defeat the second layer of defenses." he told himself.

After putting his attention on the forming of objects again for a little while, they were finally getting finished. Looking behind him, Villin saw ninety-nine one-meter-tall puppets. Each of them was blue, made out of one of the materials Villin worked with in Atlantis that was both durable and conductive. 

The puppets didn't have expressions or anything of the like, they were faceless and emotionless. Each of them had a massive amount of runes on them, they were identical to the puppet he had with him in reality when it came to enchantments.

Each of the puppets had strands of magic power leading back to Villin, it would be rather hard to control this many but he would have to to get through this.

As for the final item Villin created, it was a greatsword that was lying on the ground before him. Since one of the laws in this place stopped you from casting magic, he was forced to use cold weapons and runology, the web didn't function here.

When he properly mentally prepared himself, he looked at the enemies once more, and then he charged.

The greatsword in his hands was heavy but he could still easily run with its weight. As he ran towards the legions before him, the puppets rang alongside him. 

Still, the legions did nothing, moments before the two sides were to clash, Villin paused, and at the same time did his troops.

"Actually, we might be able to take advantage of the fact they don't see us as a threat yet."

Villin frowned as he looked at the stone soldiers but a meter away from him. They wouldn't make a move even if he went right past them, hell, the wall would even open up to let him pass, the only reason he couldn't pass by like so if because he needed to create himself an escape path.

"Wait, it can't be that easy," Villin questioned as he came up with a plan.

Under his command about forty of the puppets moved forwards, passing some of the soldiers, they were spread out across the four legions he would have to destroy to create a path to both enter and leave through.

"Wait, could I really?" As Villin further questioned the possibility of this new plan of his, ten more of his puppets moved forwards, passing by the soldiers entirely and standing close-together next to the wall.

Right now, each of the legions he would have to pass had ten puppets spread out across the five-hundred troops, and ten more were situated at the wall behind him.

The final forty-nine puppets were standing close to him, in front of all the stone soldiers. "Well, here goes nothing," Villin noted as he sent a signal to each of the puppets mixed within the stone soldiers' legions and the ones at the wall.


Each of the puppets self-destructed at once causing a massive explosion to take place. Villin covered his eyes as stone fragments flew all over the place, the force of the explosion even caused him and the other puppets to have to take a couple of steps back as they nearly got blown away.

When the shockwave had passed, Villin took his hand away and looked at the scene before him. It was total devastation. The self-exploding force of these puppets was incredible and they managed to take care of nearly all of the stone soldiers within the four legions they had to pass. There were only a couple on the outskirts of this place that survived, and most of those still lost an arm or two.

Seeing the charred grass and the holes in the ground, Villin felt somewhat lucky that the ground didn't sink in and he quickly began running towards the massive wall that had a clear hole inside.

As soon as the puppets exploded, the legions to the left and right of the ones they took care of began moving towards the place the section they were defending, luckily they weren't all that fast.

Villin managed to pass by what used to be the locations of the first three legions before finally encountering enemies, less than a hundred meters before the wall.

Villin didn't hesitate to swing his greatsword cleaving through two of the soldiers at once. At the same time, some of the puppets jumped forward and detonated fifty meters before Villin, taking care of most of the reinforcements that actually managed to make their way here in time.

Thanks to these, Villin managed to get through the hole in the wall after killing just a couple of soldiers himself.

Once through the wall, the laws lost shape, and the puppets that survived changed back to pure magic power alongside the backpack. Villin smiled as he looked back, the soldiers should go back to their original positions soon, this meant he would have a clear path out, and he still had plenty of magic power for the second layer of defenses.

He intended to move through the memory layer quickly and breach the defenses of the second layer when he noticed something on the edge of his perception. He saw a memory that seemed isolated from the rest, locked even. He decided to have a look at that at a later date as he quickly made his way to the second layer.

And so, before he knew it, he found himself standing on volcanic rock. There was a small carriage with a donkey next to him and a ropebridge in front. The ropebridge was long and when looking at the other side, he once more noticed some stone soldiers, but there were only about two-hundred here. Behind the soldiers was a massive enchanted wall, much more sturdy compared to the previous one, and lastly, hanging from the wall at various points were stone wyverns that looked at him as he stood there.

Even though they had noticed him, Villin knew they wouldn't attack before he was on the ropebridge, above a chasm filled with lava. Then, the soldiers would line up and fight him, tiring him out, while the wyverns would try to push him over the edge.

Generally, after seeing the stone soldiers on the previous layer, people would expect these would be the same, it was likely that, since they didn't instantly attack and there were only two-hundred, the attacked would make some stone soldiers for themselves and sent those over the bridge.

But, in actuality, the stone soldiers standing there were hollow and weighed almost nothing. This obviously meant they wouldn't be hard to kill at all and their hits didn't have much weighed behind it but that didn't matter.

This place held the laws of exhaustion, heat, and weight. The bridge was extremely long, and you would get extremely hot, together with the soldiers this would completely exhaust you, and then the wyverns could push you into the lava.

It was also the case that the bridge could hold little more than a single person, if you put anything too heavy on it, it would break and you would lose the opportunity to reach the other side.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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