Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 234: Creation Of A Powerhouse

Chapter 234: Creation Of A Powerhouse

When Silver looked at the headmaster, she was stunned beyond belief. Normally he just looked slightly sickly. But if you properly looked at him you would feel the power within the man. Even if he didn't want to, an invisible pressure would bring all those around him down a notch. It was something that was inevitable if you were one of the most powerful people alive.

But the man before her now felt different. The normally luxurious black robe he was wearing was ripped all over, going as far as to show the headmaster's extremely pale skin.

Said skin was also ripped open in a multitude of places, a black liquid, as well as red blood, seeped out of the various cuts.

His head was completely bald in some places as the hair seemed to have been burnt off while his right cheekbone was visible since the skin around it had been destroyed. His upper lip was also gone, showcasing his teeth.

The pressure this powerful man generally emitted was largely gone. It was fluctuating constantly from weak to moderately powerful. His magical energy was clearly unstable, a sign of a dying magus.

"Headmaster! What happened to you? Why did you attack? It's me, Silver!" Silver said quickly, completely oblivious to what was going on.

In response came the headmaster's steady voice, sounding no worse than normal, "In my final moments, I choose you as my executioner. We shall fight. If you lose, you shall die. Fight me with your full might, show me that my choice has not been a mistaken one!"

His powerful voice surprised Silver but before she could even respond, the headmaster disappeared, she felt him reappearing but a moment later as yet another purple streak headed for her back.

Despite being unclear of what was going on, Silver wasn't as surprised this time, she turned around swiftly and her own purple streak met the headmasters, causing a large explosion to erupt within the room.

Hot winds coursed by Silver's face, nearly burning up her eyebrows but she ignored it as she retaliated with her own spell, a line of blue flames headed for the headmaster, moving unpredictably and expanding near the end, as to not leave an opening for the headmaster to get through.

Silver was surprised at the speed of the spell, it seemed to be a decent bit faster, and stronger compared to normal, but she didn't have time to think about that.

She saw a look that seemed to be disdain, on the headmaster's face as he once more disappeared from his position, reappearing on Silver's right, far away from her spell.

With hardly more than a dozen meters between the two parties, a duel quickly commenced. Spells were being cast every second both at the enemy and countering the spells that were being sent at them.

At first, it seemed that both Silver and the hurt headmaster's current limits were to send out two spells per second but, surprisingly, Silver began casting quicker and quicker with the headmaster adjusting to her. Before Silver even realized it she sent out a dozen spells within a second, to the point where her wand was about to break under the pressure and the headmaster had difficulty matching her speed.

"You are weak, you will always be weak!" the headmaster taunted as he blinked away from his position after which the type of spells sent out changed to those slightly more advanced that took more effort and time to cast as well as defend against.

Silver felt her mood affected as an angry expression took over on her face, the power of her spells continued to increase as they got brighter in nature.

"Look at you! You shiny ideals and weakling friends are nothing compared to the might I hold!" The headmaster bellowed loudly, ignoring the fact that fresh shallow wounds continued to appear on his arms and legs as his spells began to weaken and Silver continued to grow stronger.

Silver felt irrational anger take hold of her mind, "Your immoral and old-fashioned beliefs are what is wrong with this continent! You sacrifice the young without thinking about their lives, their families. If anyone in this world deserves to die, it is you!"

While these words were being said something incredible happened. Silver's wand cracked further but instead of it shattering, only the outer layer of wood did so. It fell to the ground, revealing a silver wand that seemed like it was made out of liquid. It flowed as it resonated with Silver. When she finished her sentence, a blinding light came from the wand as a pegasus made of light sprung out of the wand, filled with Silver's will it grew before crashing straight into the headmaster's body.

The headmaster didn't move back an inch. The light entered his body before disappearing, leaving only a white mark on his chest. He looked down at the mark as his wand dropped to the floor, he then fell forwards, onto his knees. 

When Silver realized what happened she was stunned, she had no idea why she would do anything like this, go this far. She rushed over, her silver wand dimming and falling to the floor, and grabbed the headmaster as he fell to his side.

"Headmaster! I swear, I didn't mean to do this! I don't know what came over me! There was this power and then rage overtook me!" as she said this she quickly took the headmaster's wand and tried to cast healing spells on him, all of which were completely ineffective.

The headmaster took in a haggard breath while he looked at Silver through squinted eyes, "It is not your fault." she got out through difficult breaths "This is how it is meant to happen, this was how it was always going to happen."

Tears came out of Silver's eyes as she saw the healing spells have no effect, "No, it wasn't! I never meant to, I promise."

"Oh, I am sure you did not." the headmaster responded with difficulty, "But your mind did. You disagreed with me on nearly everything. We were never supposed to live in the same age."

Silver was a mess as she tried to comprehend the situation, "Then why didn't you kill me? Why did you continue to bring me here to drink tea?"

"The tea, is not just tea. It contains my very being. It s only because of the tea that today was possible. I saw my demise was coming and needed an inheritor. The tea allows me to transfer my power when the time comes." 

When these words were said a white shadow came out of the headmaster's body, Silver saw it looking upon her, and then, without any further ado, it entered her, it allowed her to further own the power she had gotten in the previous minutes.

"Now, let this be the last time you shall be called 'Silver'. Silver is now the name of your wand, you shall henceforth be called, the headmaster."

The next breath the headmaster let out was deeper than the previous one, and he never breathed in again. 

Silver wanted to do something, she tried, but no spell she knew helped.

She didn't want to stop, but she didn't have a choice since, in the following seconds, the headmaster's body turned to dust, and in turn, that dust disappeared.

Silver was left, kneeling before a tattered robe as she looked at it, the wand she was holding within her wand cracked, crumbled, and disappeared as well, since its one true owner was gone as well.

She had no idea what was going on, everything had gone so fast. But before she knew it, the door through which she had entered, was opened. Ten magi she had never seen before stood there, wands in hand. They looked at the room, saw the empty robe, Silver, and the Silver wand lying a few meters away from her.

The ten magi all kneeled at the same time as they lowered their heads, "Headmaster!"


Far away, in the Decorus throne room. Elsa Decorus was hurt as she stood before a window. Many wounds covered her body but she was healing slowly. Behind her was the corpse of the previous Mafoli headmaster, he died this very same day, when the headmaster had attacked.

But now, as she looked through the window, she smiled as she felt something moving through the air and magic itself, "HE'S DEAD!" she bellowed with extreme happiness, "THE HEADMASTER IS DEAD!"


In an undisclosed location, a creature of darkness was creating a fortress out of magic itself when it felt a tiny change within the magic it was using.

"It seems I chose a good time to return," she said softly, only heard by the subordinate closest to her.

"How do you mean mistress?" the male voice responded.

"A powerhouse just died, go find out which one."

And with those words, yet another mission was created.

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