Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 148 - Questioned


They entered the Elder's building and almost as one, the Elders turned to watch them, stone-faced, as they walked across the floor to the correct position on the floor before them. The start contrast with the days before was breathtaking to Aaryn.

Previously, they'd entered to find only Elders present, all eyes on them, but mostly over smiles. There had been chairs provided, and the questions were presented as opportunities to find solutions.

Today, there were no chairs awaiting them. No smiles. And three tall males standing before the two rows of Elders, as petitioners.

Aaryn had heard the stories when Elia and Reth were called before the elders on petition. But they had faced accusations of treason. Surely that wasn't what was happening here?

When Elreth took her place, shoulders back and eyes unflinching, despite the gray cast to her face, Aaryn shifted to put himself between her and the males. Until he knew exactly what was going on, he would not leave her unguarded.

There was a moment of tense silence when they took their positions, then Lhern stood, his face somber.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Sire, and… Aaryn. A petition has been brought by the Equine tribe that must be answered swiftly. As the Elder apparent, I give you my word we will address this immediately, and make our ruling as soon as the evidence is presented. You will not be asked to wait."

"What are the charges?" Elreth asked. Aaryn wasn't sure she was supposed to interrupt him, but Lhern didn't seem angry.

"The Equine, having heard the announcement for your Mating, are concerned that your Mate may have positioned himself for power. They wish to see evidence of the True Mate's bond to be certain the Creator has indeed chosen Aaryn, and that Aaryn has not manipulated you."

Elreth snapped her head around to stare at the males on Aaryn's other side. "Do I strike you as a female who has her head turned by nothing but a pretty male?"

Tobe, the tall, fair, former Lieutenant to Captain Behryn, and now Equine Alpha with Behryn away, shook his head. Aaryn was relieved to see his eyes pinched and grieving. He had once been close to Reth. He did not enjoy bringing the former King's daughter to charges.

"I bring the concern of my people, as their mouthpiece to you, Sire," he said carefully. The other two males each looked at him sharply, but Elreth's lips pressed thin.

She flashed the sign for 'Alpha male bullshit.' Aaryn would have sniggered if the situation weren't so serious.

"Who answers the challenge?" she asked abruptly.

Lhern cleared his throat and they all turned their attention back to him. "The accusation stands against Aaryn. However, Sire, if it is given foundation, it may call into question your position as Dominant.

Elreth growled. "There is no basis for this whatsoever and all of us know it!"

Lhern didn't react, but Huncer gave Elreth a flat look. Elreth stared back, unashamed. Aaryn wanted to salute her.

"Ask your questions," he said quietly but firmly. "I have nothing to hide."

Lhern grunted. "That is not your call to make, Son," he said, more gently than Aaryn likely deserved. "This is a formal petition, brought in the traditions of the Tribe. And so we must follow the law." He glanced over his shoulder at all the other elders lined up beside and behind him. "I call public witness. The Horn of petition has been sounded. The Council, petitioners, and accused stand convened. Our decision will be upheld by the Anima. And because this petition is held to the throne, Elreth, your chair in these matters must be forfeited until this matter is resolved. Do you forfeit your right to cast ruling on this matter so all Anima may be confident in the ruling of the elders."

"I do," she said through her teeth.

Lhern nodded his acceptance. "And do all gathered vow that they will tell only the truth as they know it, answer every question to which they know the answer, and do so without guile?

Elreth, Aaryn, and the Equines all nodded, muttering their affirmations of the vow.

"Very well, then we would hear the accusations, we would hear the answers, and we will make our ruling. Tobe, tell us why you called the Horn, and what charges you bring."

Tobe nodded and took a small step forward. The two with him, hung back, but glared across at Aaryn while their leader spoke.

"The Thunder Herd were concerned after the announcement of the Queen," Tobe said with an apologetic glance at Elreth. "Our people have heard from among the disformed, that Aaryn holds a position of power in their… ranks." He bit the word off, as if it irritated him.

Aaryn's stomach went cold. How did the Equine's know the disformed had 'ranks'?

"We ask three questions: Firstly, at what point did the Queen learn that the male here was her True Mate? Secondly, if they are True Mates, why has the bond not been completed and their scents not entwined? And last, what power does the male stand to gain, and has he been scrutinized by the elders to ensure there is no agenda being fulfilled through this union?"

"This is ridiculous!" Elreth growled. "Any male who I took as Mate would receive power just by virtue of aligning with me. And you yourselves know—"

"That was not the question, Sire. And you would do well to wait until you are called upon. In this meeting, your precedence is waived. You will wait until you are called on to speak," Lhern said firmly.

Elreth sucked in a breath, but did not waver. She nodded once, then continued to stare at the elders, her eyes glittering.

Lhern turned his attention back to the Equine males. "Tell the elders what has brought you to bring these accusations, and what information you have received that would indicate guilt?"

Tobe nodded once. "The Equine are not unaware of the difficulties of the disformed. While we struggle, as all tribes do, with some prejudice among the herd, as a whole, we view the disformed as true Anima and welcome them among us.

"Some of the disformed and their families approached me last night after the announcement. They believed Aaryn had been pursuing the Queen for some time—years. And that he had recently indicated he would make progress with her. The conversations were calculated, and preemptive. There was no known or acknowledged link between the two as few as two weeks ago. And in fact, the Queen offered him a Cohort position—which would have ruled him out as mate.

"With these things in mind, I would ask how the Queen came to be aware of what she believes is the bond between them."

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