Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 598 Countdown


Aaryn's heart sank to his toes and a wave of injustice almost choked him, but he nodded.

Gahrye's eyes were so sympathetic Aaryn wanted to growl at him to stop.

"His name is Xan," Gahrye said. "His quarters are downstairs. But… if his goal is to hurt Kalle, I'm guessing he's outside. It would be easier to ambush us without being seen. And much easier to hide if he doesn't want to be discovered." Gahrye was trembling, from pain or fear, Aaryn wasn't sure. Probably both.

Kalle rushed back and began dressing the wound that looked painful, but not life-threatening. Gahrye just stared at her, muttering something about how everyone felt the need to plunge knives into him.

Kalle looked up, shocked, then burst into laughter, even as her tears spilled over.

They were both laughing and Aaryn wasn't sure if they'd lost their minds, or were just so much saner than him.Â

But he turned and ran, sucking in air through his nose, trying to hunt down the other Protector that was still out there somewhere, but as he turned at the top of the stairs, he slid to a halt.

What if the guy was here in the house, and he left, and then they were here, unprotected…?

He turned back towards the stairs. He had to get back to Elreth! He had to go!

But if he did, Kalle might not get into the portal safely, and the traverse wouldn't be closed, and they'd all die. It would be the end of the Anima.

Everything in Aaryn's body began to shake as the realization hit him—and his very soul resisted it.


No, he couldn't… he couldn't…

He heard a pat-pat-patter next to him and jerked to look down.

His arm was bleeding. A lot. He'd torn into his own skin with his teeth and the cut was jagged and torn.

He wouldn't even be able to get into the traverse until he stopped that.

He wasn't…

He couldn't…


"Aaryn?" Gahrye's voice was soft, grieving.

Aaryn turned around, back towards the door. "I can't," he croaked. "I have to… I won't be able to… I have to make sure you get in there safely." He swallowed hard. "I'm not going anywhere."

Gahrye's head dropped, but he nodded slowly.



Gahrye stood in the doorway to the suite while Kalle powdered and wrapped his arm, his chest aching with pain—for his mate, for himself, for their friend who had just saved his life. And who would now be forced to lose his own mate, too.

It was too much. The Creator was asking too much.

Then Kalle gave a little sob as she wrapped the bandage around his arm and he turned to her, pulling her into his chest.

"You can't, I have to finish."

p But he just shushed her and held her until she gave up and hugged him back. Then, holding her there tightly, he turned his head and met Aaryn's striking eyes, shining with tears.

"I'm sorry, brother," he whispered. "So sorry."

Aaryn tipped his head back and howled.



A few minutes later, when Kalle was certain Gahrye's would have stopped bleeding—and taken a few minutes to powder and wrap Aaryn's as well—Aaryn stood aside to let them walk first.

Gahrye led the way through the house, keeping Kalle at his back while he checked every corner and blind spot on their way through the Big House and to the back door. Aaryn watched her back, checking every room and pillar until they were outside.

Then they started, hurrying, along the winding path to the portal.

"Do they have weapons?" Aaryn whispered to Gahrye, who shrugged.

"We don't provide them, but if they're working with the humans? Who knows."

Aaryn's shoulders wanted to crawl to his ears. He was doing everything in his power not to think about the decision he'd just made. What it meant. What would happen to him.

Everything he'd done, everything Elreth had done, everything Reth and Elia gave up, or Gar fought for, would be worthless if they didn't get Kalle safely into the traverse.

So Aaryn crept along behind them, watching the bushes, the trees, his ears perked for the slightest noise, and his nostrils flaring to pick up the scent of anyone else.

The closer they got to the portal, the more his head began to scream. He couldn't do this. He'd vowed to Elreth. He couldn't stay here!

But then they reached the clearing around the pile of tumbled boulders that housed the portal, and Gahrye hesitated, looking left and right.

"Thank you, Aaryn," he said quietly as they crept the final fifty feet. "If I'd been killed, you would still have been here to take Kalle. I am so grateful—"

"We are!" Kalle said on a sob.

"—So grateful for what you gave up. I'll be praying that the Creator blesses you… somehow."

Aaryn wanted to argue—that wasn't what he'd come to do. He wasn't as noble as they thought. He wasn't strong. He wanted to go back. He couldn't be here!

But he also knew his wound was still seeping, and the portal wouldn't let him in anyway. And even if it did, it would take too long for him to get back across. The sun was rising. Kalle couldn't wait that long anymore.

"I'm so sorry," Gahrye said again. "Thank you."

They'd reached the portal, Aaryn realized. They were there. This was happening.

"I'm sorry to ask more," Gahrye said hoarsely, "but can you stay and make sure we get in?"

Aaryn nodded silently. His mind was racing with all the ways he could push ahead, try to get in first. Scramble through for Elreth… and then be the reason that Reth & Elia gave their lives for nothing? Stop the victory? Hand Anima to the humans?

Aaryn's lips curled back from his teeth as pure, hot rage coated his bones.

He was angry. So fucking angry. And so scared

What was he going to do?

He watched the bushes and trees around them as they reached the Portal and Gahrye drew the knife out of his belt.



Kalle's breathing hitched as she looked up at him. Gahrye's head spun and he choked back tears.

"Are you ready?" he whispered to her.

Aaryn turned his back on them, watching the surroundings. Gahrye was grateful.

Kalle shook her head, holding his hand so tightly his fingers cramped. He didn't care.

"I'm not," she whispered. "But I have to be. So I will."

Gahrye groaned and took her face in his hands, pulling her into a desperate kiss. But he'd barely pulled away, was tucking her hand around his elbow, moving her to his other side so he could open a new wound and get them inside when Aaryn screamed, "Down!"

Gahrye dropped, pulling Kalle with him as an arrow pinged off the boulder right behind where she'd just been standing.

"Go!" Aaryn roared. "Go!" He tore towards the trees, arms out and making himself as big of a target as possible as Gahrye stabbed the knife into his arm with a cry, then grabbed Kalle under his arm and threw them both through the portal.Â

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