Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 622 The End - Part 2


The Creator was beaming. "Every one of my children will come here, Reth. This is the life you were intended to have—this is the perfect paradise your heart has yearned for your entire life. This is where you'll find peace and perfect justice—and the utter absence of evil. Of course Behryn will be here! Behryn loves me. Life in the world is so painful. Yet he continues to choose love—for others over himself." The Creator shook his head, his eyes going soft. "All my children are my joy." Then he turned to Reth and His face got serious. He gripped Reth's shoulder.

"I know it was so difficult. It pained me every time you were hurt. And it thrilled me every time you chose right, and wisdom, and love anyway. I am so, so sorry you had to endure so much, Reth. But it was necessary. Please be certain, I did not bring any trial to your life that was not utterly necessary—and every step within it. Every ounce.

"I am so grateful for your faithfulness. To Me, and to your mate, and your children—your people. To My people." The Creator nodded when Reth gave him a questioning look. "You were given a purpose, and you walked into it with joy and strength. That is what I asked of you, and you said yes. Thank you."

"You can't be serious," Reth said, shaking his head. "I could never have gotten through it without you. You kept me afloat when that life threatened to drown me. I'm… I'm sorry I wasn't more—"

"Do not finish that sentence." The Creator's voice was deep, warm, and quiet. Yet the Alpha power behind those words… Reth would have submitted again, but the Creator gripped his shoulder to keep him on his feet.

Reth met His eyes—His eyes that flashed gold, yet were blue. And brown. And green. And… they were somehow every color and none.

"Reth, your life before was not measured by every step you took—some of them strong, some faltering. Some off the path completely," He said dryly. "Your life was measured by your motive. Your love for me, your love for others. The heart you brought. I was far less concerned with what you chose to do, and far more concerned with why you chose to do it. And while we both know there were times you failed, that is not what makes me love you. Even in the wake of failure, even when you'd been humbled, or overlooked, or targeted, you continued to choose love, and wisdom. You continued to choose the good of others over yourself. You continued to love even when others didn't. There is no condemnation in that, Son. Never. This is where I stored reward for you. Choosing the good of another—especially at cost to yourself—is the highest form of love you can offer. And you loved well, Son."

Reth stared, awed, swallowing hard. He felt like he had when he was young, watching his father be King. He felt, he realized, the way Gar used to look at him when he was still young. The pleading, hopeful look that wanted to hide how desperate it was for approval.

And the Creator stared nothing but love back to him.

"How can you look at me like that?" Reth whispered.

"Because you did it, Son. I knew you would." And he hugged Reth again, squeezing him tightly and murmuring his affirmation and joy.

Reth trembled with the joy, the feeling of such fullness that came when the Creator touched him.

"But I came so close to giving up," he said hoarsely. "So many times."

"No, you didn't. You just wanted to, which is different. Remember," he said leaning in so his breath washed over Reth's face, smelling like honey, "I hear your heart. Not your hands. And your heart embraced me, Reth. That's all I ever asked."

Reth snorted, laughing, because he knew he'd always fallen short. Yet the Creator took his arm and walked with him, telling him of all the moments He saw that He knew no one else did.

The hours Reth gave when his body was aching, or his mind exhausted, but someone needed a loving word, or a helpful hand.

The days Reth fought his own selfishness and provided for others, even when they were not aware, and didn't acknowledge it.

The moments—like with Lerrin at the River—when he could have chosen power or pain for others, and instead, extended the hand of peace.  And was mocked for it.

"I saw every moment, Reth. Even the ones you don't remember. And I assure you, I have forgotten none of them."

Reth shook his head, walking slowly, running a shaft of grain between his fingers that he'd picked in the meadow.

But the Creator grew quiet, smiling. As the more time he had to think, the more Reth turned his head—as if something called him from just out of earshot.

He was so grateful to be here, his heart felt so full and yet… something was incomplete.

"What is it?" the Creator asked softly.

"I didn't think anything in paradise would feel… unfinished."

The Creator smiled slowly. "It isn't."

Reth held his breath.

The Creator chuckled. "Are you ready to see her?"

"She's here?!"

"Of course she's here. I chose her before you did. She was made for you, Reth, and I would never split a Pair."

Reth stopped walking, turning his head in every direction. "Where is she?"

The Creator stepped back, opening an arm towards the trees in the distance. Reth followed his gesture and his eyes—even sharper than they'd been before—picked out Elia, walking through the grasses in the distance with the Creator at her side, just like Reth was.

Reth blinked. He looked at the Creator, there with him, then again in the distance. "But… that's you!"

"Yes," He grinned.


The Creator chuckled. "Let me keep some of my mystery, Reth. Everyone loves a good mystery."

Reth laughed like a boy, then they embraced again. When he stepped back, the Creator clapped him on the shoulder.

"Run," he said, eyes twinkling. "Go get her, Son."

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