Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 90 - Alpha Male Bullsh*t


The blow wasn't hard enough to break bones, but she was taken so off-guard, it threw her off her feet without warning and she forgot to roll, hitting the hard-packed dirt with a thud that rattled her teeth and shoved all the air out of her lungs.


She couldn't breathe.

She'd been winded in training before, many times, and she hated it. Her body panicked, unable to suck in air. Her father had talked her through the process more times than she could count. Just stay down, relax as much as you can. Then breathe—when your body will let you.

But the reason she'd been distracted was because the wind had brought the scent of her favorite male that made her heart sing. And when she turned, the same moment she'd felt the blow, the most beautiful voice in the world had shouted at her.

Aaryn was here. What was Aaryn doing here?

Voices shouted and called around her. She tried to roll onto her side and see what was going on, but she still couldn't breathe.

Tarkyn had knelt at her feet and was reaching for her leg, his eyes concerned, when there was a snarl to Elreth's right and two of the soldiers that had formed the circle around them went flying to make room for Aaryn's large frame as he plowed into the circle, calling her name.

She tried to say she was fine, but she still couldn't pull in a breath, and her vision was beginning to sparkle. Shit. Shit.

She thought the warm hand on her ankle must be Aaryn until the snarl turned deadly and everything happened in slow motion.

Aaryn leapt for Tarkyn, his voice deep and gravelling into a growl. "Get your hands off my mate you—"

Tarkyn instinctively rolled, bringing his hands up to block as Aaryn reached for his throat.

Without a sound, the soldiers, trained to defend their own, flowed towards the two males, en masse.

Elreth shoved onto her feet, finally managed a tiny breath, but couldn't push enough air out to say anything and ended up within the fray, trying desperately to pull Aaryn back as the rest of them descended on him.

"HOLD!" Tarkyn barked and everyone froze.

Elreth sucked in, the air wheezing in her lungs and Aaryn whirled to find her—while the soldiers all reached for him again. "Aaryn stop! It was training!"

"Everyone stand down!" Tarkyn snapped, "Three paces back."

The soldiers didn't even question, but took three steps back, in time, and stood at attention, awaiting more orders.

Aaryn had one hand on Tarkyn's brace strap, the other arm was in Elreth's hands.

There was a breathless moment where the two males stared at each other and Elreth saw Tarkyn's eyes shift, then it all hit home.

She was Queen.

These assholes all needed to listen to her.

With a growl of frustration, she pushed between Aaryn and Tarkyn. "Let him go!" she growled. Aaryn shuddered with the urge to challenge her—she could scent his anger spike—but even as his chest swelled, he clenched his fists, and submitted, letting go of Tarkyn and stepping back, though his upper lip curled away from his teeth.

Tarkyn, to Elreth's relief, only pushed to his feet and brushed himself off. He didn't taunt Aaryn, or even comment to her.

Elreth looked at every male present to ensure none of them were about to leap back in, then nodded once. "Thank you," she said firmly. "I apologize for the misunderstanding. I didn't know my—Aaryn was joining us. I would have warned him."

At her slip. Tarkyn's eyes snapped to her, but he covered quickly, turning his head to include all his men when he gave the order. "Fall in line, ten circuits at double-time for not being able to touch the Queen," Elreth felt Aaryn bristle beside her and she shot him a look, "then line up for inspection. Go."

The soldiers didn't look happy about it, but immediately fell into lines and began to jog for the edge of the field where they began the circuits.

Aaryn's jaw was twitching, still tight, and his eyes were narrowed, but he had control of himself at least. He put himself at her shoulder, lips pressed thin, but no longer baring his teeth. Elreth cautioned him with her eyes before turning to face Tarkyn.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly enough that the guards wouldn't be able to hear.

"No need. I take it this is the mate we're meeting to discuss tomorrow?" Tarkyn said. His jaw was tight too, but he held himself in check a lot more successfully than Aaryn. "When the bond is new, it's easy to become… protective."

"The bond is brand new," Elreth said. "And incomplete. It's making both of us a little tense."

Something flitted across Tarkyn's gaze, but he only nodded, then turned to Aaryn. "I understand your concern, Aaryn, but you will need to become accustomed to this. El—your mate is a fighter. We cannot train without touching. It was unfortunate she was distracted just when I threw a blow, but I'm certain the same has happened to you at times. We all learn from these moments. Better that they happen here than in battle."

Aaryn nodded tightly. "True. I will… work on remembering that she is more than capable of defending herself."

"You got that right," she muttered under her breath, folding her arms. "Tarkyn, I'm sorry we disturbed your training. I only wanted to come to evaluate the new crop and invite you to stay on as my Captain. I'd like to announce that officially at the next Security Council if you'll accept the role."

"Of course, Sire. It's an honor."

Elreth rolled her eyes. "Please, I'm Elreth to you and I'll remain that way." Then she shot another warning look at Aaryn. "I enjoyed the sparring, and I'd like to do it again soon—though I promise to warn my mate next time it will happen."

Tarkyn chuckled. "Don't be too hard on him. I would have felt the same way if you were my mate," he said.

It was the strangest feeling—the words were innocent. But there was something on Tarkyn's face she couldn't read. And she felt Aaryn bristle behind her. If he'd been in beast form, his hackles would have stood tall and his teeth bared.

She didn't say anything, but she shifted her weight to press against his shoulder.

They were going to have words about this when they were done.

"Thank you for your patience, Tarkyn."

Aaryn huffed. Anger bubbled in her chest. What was it with males getting shovey every time someone laid so much as a finger on their females? It wasn't like she would growl at every female who…

She gulped as an image of Gwyn touching Aaryn's arm flashed in her head, and pure, hot rage speared through her.

"No problem at all," Tarkyn said, unaware of her thoughts. "I assume you'd like me to censure the guards, so they don't let slip about the mating bond?"

Elreth blinked. "They would have heard?"

"They certainly heard Aaryn refer to you as his mate when he ordered me to keep my hands to myself," Tarkyn said tightly. "And if any of them got close enough to scent you properly, they could confirm it."

She glanced at Aaryn, who was looking less angry and more sheepish now. "Yes, if you could ask them not to speak of it until we have made an official announcement… do you think they'll hold to that?"

"I believe so, they're young, but these are my officers in training. I'll make it clear to them that if they want any hand in protecting their Queen, they'll keep their traps shut."

Elreth smiled. "Thank you."


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