Tang Dynasty:Live with princess Changele, Li Er is going crazy

Chapter 5 - Princess Changle's Taste Feast!

Chapter 5 - Princess Changle's Taste Feast!

Chapter 5: Princess Changle’s Taste Feast!

Xiao Ran was getting ready to grab a bite as dinner time approached. Checking the refrigerator in the icebox, he found it lacking. Opening the door, he noticed it wasn’t snowing heavily outside, but the northern winter was still chilly. With darkness settling in, he decided not to go out and settled for the last bucket of instant noodles, accompanied by a lone ham sausage.

“Let’s make do with this!” Xiao Ran started boiling water. Returning to the bedroom with the noodles, he contemplated Li Lizhi’s silent distress. Despite her reluctance to talk, it was evident she was going through a rough time.

When Xiao Ran returned, Li Lizhi maintained her seated posture. Sensing her need for solitude, Xiao Ran refrained from saying much. As the instant noodles neared completion, Xiao Ran, feeling bored in the living room, decided to retreat to the bedroom to check on Li Lizhi.

Curious about Li Lizhi’s state, Xiao Ran noted her continued silence. Preparing to eat, he opened the box, releasing the instant noodles’ steam and aroma. Unbeknownst to Xiao Ran, the noise caught Li Lizhi’s attention. She turned to observe, still maintaining her silence.

Taking a bite, Xiao Ran was surprised when Li Lizhi suddenly turned and sniffed the air. Intrigued, she asked, “What is that?” Xiao Ran explained it was instant noodles. Li Lizhi, intrigued by the smell, expressed her interest.

Xiao Ran was shocked that the fragrance reached her and offered her a taste. Li Lizhi, keen to try, asked if it was acceptable. Xiao Ran, secretly struggling with the limited food, agreed, not expecting her to be so direct.

As Xiao Ran continued to eat, Li Lizhi watched him intently. Unable to resist, she asked to taste the instant noodles. Xiao Ran agreed but inwardly noted the unexpected lack of courtesy from the princess.

In no time, Li Lizhi eagerly approached, removing her shoes and declaring, “Let me taste it!”

The food piqued Li Lizhi’s interest from over a thousand years ago. Though questionable in terms of health, the enticing aroma had a taste that she found incomparable to the current Datang.

Understanding that the Tang Dynasty’s princess likely had no exposure to 20th-century technology, Xiao Ran handed over the instant noodles. Li Lizhi, standing on the other side of the dividing line, received the warm instant noodle bucket, unable to resist the tempting smell.

Not accustomed to plastic forks, Li Lizhi imitated Xiao Ran, preparing to taste the unfamiliar dish. Xiao Ran jokingly asked if she was afraid of poison, but Li Lizhi, realizing that he had eaten it too, dismissed the concern.

Li Lizhi eagerly inserted the fork and prepared to taste the instant noodles. Xiao Ran, mindful of boundaries, refrained from going too far, and Li Lizhi, understanding the situation, expressed her lack of fear.

As Li Lizhi took the first bite, she was captivated by the unique aroma and flavor. The taste of instant noodles was an unparalleled sensory experience for her. Her eyes widened in disbelief, shining with excitement as she looked at the instant noodles and then at Xiao Ran.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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