Tangled By Fate

Chapter 454


“Do you think the Mistress of the Magic Tower needs a summer house? We have all kinds of summer, autumn, winter and spring rooms in the tower. Who do you take me for? A beggar?”

Veronica furiously shouted at him. Her sharp voice pierced through Duke De la Pole’s ears and shook his heart.

For the first time, he felt nervous around her. He nervously licked his lips.

“Mistress Silverstar, please calm down...”

Veronica sneered. “Calm down?! How do you want me to calm down after you dared to insult me? You dare to look down on someone as powerful as me. It’s no wonder why your daughter acts this way.

“It must have been you who taught her to act like that. Duke De la Pole, you have to be punished for what you have done.

“You have chosen the worst person to upset today. I won’t be lenient to you. You think your wealth, your property and your power are abundant. But I’ll make you change your mind in a week.


“You will find out what happens when you insult the Mistress of the Magic Tower. When you do, don’t come here to beg.”

After that, Veronica didn’t want to see him anymore. She signaled Sebastian to take him away.

Along with Sebastian, a group of guards came. They were all wearing black clothes and their faces were covered with the same color of cloth.

When arms guards surrounded Duke De la Pole, he cautiously looked at them.

‘Damn it! This is not how it should have ended. I have to make a peace treaty. We aren’t prepared to fight against the Magic Tower yet.’

He didn’t notice that droplets of sweat formed on his forehead.

He stole a glance at Veronica but her back was facing him. He couldn’t see her expression. He clenched his fists.

‘Maybe she is just acting. She just got married and knows some things about wealth. That doesn’t make her powerful.’

He said, “Mistress Silverstar, I came here with my goodwill but you weren’t kindhearted enough to accept my sincerity. I can only back away.

“In any case, the Mistress of the Magic Tower is too immature to deal with. You don’t have to pretend to scare me. I’m old enough to understand your inability to do certain things.”

Veronica stayed silent. She didn’t show her expression.

This time, she wasn’t acting. She was truly angry

‘How can people look down on others simply because of wealth and power? They are all just temporary. You cannot take them with you after your death.’

‘They can leave you anytime they want. They aren’t even men’s true friends. So why are people so obsessed with those things and push away the most important thing on earth?’

She asked herself but she couldn’t find an answer.

Some people are just too foolish to understand what’s more important than earthly temptation.

“You think I’m unable to do certain things,” she muttered. “You have no idea what my position is capable of.”

Duke De la Pole didn’t hear her words. He stood up and said, “I’ll be leaving, Mistress Silverstar. I hope we can meet again in different circumstances.”

When he addressed her as ‘Mistress Silverstar’, there was a hint of mock in his tone.

Sebastian glared at him. Since Veronica didn’t order him, he couldn’t attack Duke De la Pole.

Veronica smirked. “Different circumstances? Indeed, we will. That will be very soon.”

‘What nonsense is she spouting? Does she think she can lay a hand on me? Ridiculous!’ Duke De la Pole scoffed.

After he left with his servants and gifts, Veronica stared out of the window for a long time.

No one knew what she was thinking.

Sebastian saw off Duke De la Pole to the gate and then came back.

The group of people who were with him previously was gone by now. They were just illusions made by Ovior’s magic.

“Mistress, I’m sorry I couldn’t punish him,” Sebastian apologized.

Veronica said, “You don’t have to apologize, Sebastian. You have done nothing wrong. Prepare for an assignment. You and your friends have to do something for me.”

Her emerald eyes glinted. Since her back was facing him, Sebastian didn’t notice it.

“I’ll do anything for you, Mistress. You only have to order,” he replied.

“I will.” Veronica smiled. “Being a mistress is fun. All I have to do is order and people will work for me. Is this the taste of power? No wonder people crave it.”

Then, she turned around and told Sebastian, “Tell your friends to get ready. I’ll make Duke De la Pole regret what he did today.”


The next day, at a ball of a noble’s family, Duke De la Pole was surrounded by people.

“I’ve heard about you going to the Magic Tower. What did Mistress Silverstar tell you? Did she punish you harshly?”

“How did she talk? Is she good enough to talk about any diplomatic issue?”

“Did you get punished harshly, Duke De la Pole? What about your family members? Are they all right?”

“I’ve heard that she was a cruel woman just like her husband. It’s good to see you in one piece, Duke De la Pole”

Duke De la Pole heard them and laughed heartily.

“Thank you for caring for me so much. But you, my friends, are worrying way too much. She isn’t even worthy of my time. What Mistress of the Magic Tower?

“This is utter nonsense. How can a mere woman do something to me? She acts all high and mighty but she is nothing really.

“I tried to appease her anger with gifts from the east but she rejected them as if they were nothing. She only knows how to act spoiled.

“She has nothing in her brain. I can only guess that the Master of the Magic Tower only wanted a puppet to please his eyes.

“He wasn’t actually looking for a partner who could become a proper Mistress of the Magic Tower. I suppose warming his bed is also an important role. Haha!”

Other noblemen laughed along with him. At the same time, they were also relieved.

Duke De la Pole played an important role in the kingdom. He had lots of power and influence across the capital city.

As a result, many nobles supported him. He was a pillar to most of the nobles in the kingdom.

If something were to happen to him, it would affect them all.

The worst part would be that if Duke De la Pole became an enemy with the Magic Tower, they would be too.

What feared them was not the Magic Tower but Arthur.

He always got away with anything no matter how cruel he was to the nobles. That’s because he had the endless support of the King.

Since their King was the ruler, they couldn’t do anything to change his mind.

As long as he supported Arthur, the noblemen could never beat him in the game.

They were relieved that the Mistress of the Magic Tower was totally a farce.

As long as they didn’t have two Arthurs as their enemy, they were fine with it.

Under the influence of a little alcohol, they began to talk dirty about Veronica.

“She is a rare beauty, isn’t she?”

“I must say she has a seductive body. She must be good in bed if Arthur that playboy could stick to her for a year now. I heard he never held a woman for more than a month.”

“The way she was showing off her body during the bouquet, I knew for sure she was there to seduce us. She just acted politely to be hard to get. As if we will fall for that.”

“Whatever it is, I want to have a taste of that woman whom the playboy became loyal to.”

“Maybe he became her lapdog. Who knows?”


They all burst into laughter and talked like Veronica was some kind of street girl.

As they were making fun of her, someone hurriedly came and began to look for Duke De la Pole.

It was his secretary.

Duke De la Pole noticed him and frowned in annoyance.

“Albert, what do you want now?” he asked. “We are discussing something important here.”

Albert, his assistant, didn’t seem to be bothered by his anger. He was sweating profusely.

He wiped his sweat with a white handkerchief and started, “D-Duke, I have something to say to you. Can we talk somewhere private?”

Duke De la Pole narrowed his eyes. He was having a good time but his assistant ruined it.

“What is it? Just say it here,” he ordered.

“But Duke...”


“Just say it already.”

Albert gulped and then reported, “We heard a report from the port that the ten ships you sent last month were all destroyed in the sea storm.

“All the goods are gone. The crews are all dead. Only one captain of one ship was alive and was able to come back to the port.

“He shared the grave news to the locals and then died. His body was half-eaten by a shark. I’m not sure how he was alive until he reached the port.”

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