Technomancer: Birth of a Goddess

Chapter 45 – Done Deal

Chapter 45 – Done Deal

Sitting at her desk, Emily pulls out the recording crystal from within her robes and raises it to her eye. Spinning it around, she locates the correct activation rune and channels a small burst of mana into it. The moment the rune lights up, she shuts her eyes as a small screen appears within her mind.

The screen slowly plays out the entire fight from start to finish, and Emily carefully analyses Mr Campanula’s casting.

He appears to be using a different form of gesture casting to me. When I create gestures, I form the magic circle with my hands, but I’m certain those odd motions he makes don’t form any runes. Maybe he’s replacing the mental image with gestures? I can see how that odd finger movement could be flames gathering into a ball if I stretch my imagination.

“But that still doesn’t explain the magic circle being missing,” she mutters to herself, standing up and beginning to pace while chewing her thumb.

The magic circle has to be formed somewhere, that’s certain, unless he’s using elemental manipulation to form his fireballs. But where?

Out of habit, Emily opens her system and begins flipping through recent additions in her notifications using her second core to look for anything relevant whilst her primary core continues her contemplation.



Mute notifications in combat? [Yes]/[No]


Skill created: Perfect Silent Casting (passive)

[Perfect Silent Casting (passive)]

User can proficiently form a mental image and magic circle simultaneously.

-Grants +10% casting speed when casting spells without a vocal component.


Sub-system updated: Progression


[Circle/Stage:] Second


-Intelligence 54/75 (Not Complete)

-Create 1/5 unique E rank machines (Not Complete)

-Learn internal casting (Not Complete)

-Create 0/3 second circle spells (Not Complete)

-Slay 0/1 third circle beast (Not Complete)


Skill granted: Basic Runesmithing (passive)

[Basic Runesmithing (passive)]

User is experienced in the art of creating and using runes.

-Grants +10% rune creation chance

-Grants an instinctive understanding of combining runes up to the third circle.


Magic knowledge learned: Basic Array Formation

[Basic Array Formation]

A fundamental understanding of connecting runes together to form long-standing arrays.


Skill created: Basic Mana Manipulation (passive)

[Basic Mana Manipulation (passive)]

User has fine control over external mana use.

-Grants +10% efficiency and control over mana outside the body


Magic knowledge learned: Basic Alchemy

[Basic Alchemy]

A fundamental understanding of combining magic and magical materials to produce magically charged by-products.


Most of the information is useless to her. However, her core flags the progression requirements on the old notification and alerts the primary consciousness of it.

Wait, learn internal casting? Is that what he’s doing? In that case, the magic circle is forming inside him somehow. Is it dispersed through his body? No, it would make more sense for it to be focused on his circles.

Pausing in her steps, Emily drops to the floor in a meditative position with her legs crossed and her eyes shut. Her second core forms and holds the mental image of her wind barrier while her primary consciousness focuses solely on delving deep within herself and gazing at the circles of power around her heart.

The outer circle is in a state of constant movement, its mana flowing freely out into her body and then being drawn back soon after. The inner circle on the other hand is a serene lake, unmoving and undisturbed by the turbulent flow of its neighbour. Emily wills the inner circle into motion, the mana held within almost instantly forming the intended shape, twisting together to become half of the complicated workings of the wind barrier spell.

Emily excitedly moves to control the outer circle, but as she tries to bend it into shape, the unpredictable motion of her mana flow pulls it back to normal. After trying a few times, stopping whenever she feels excessive resistance for fear of a magical backlash, Emily opens her eyes with a sigh of disappointment.

Damn, I can’t get my second circle to work with me on this. It feels impossible to form the still-growing circle into shape. Wait, maybe it will only work with spells of a lower circle: after all, the system only made it a requirement once I had multiple circles. Also, Mr Campanula is a third circle mage and only used this casting for second circle spells, I don’t actually know if he casts third circle spells the same way.

With the new idea, she closes her eyes and quickly forms her first circle into her favourite testing spell’s magic circle, burning hands. The moment her mental image forms and her circle spins into shape, mana flows smoothly out of her circle, through her arms, and ignites her palms.

“That’s it!” she cries excitedly, gazing at her hand as a system notification pops up.


Skill created: Internal Casting (passive)

[Internal Casting (passive)]

User can proficiently form their completed magic circles into matching level spells for speed casting.

-Grants +10% strength of spells cast internally.


First progression requirement, completed!


Two days later, Emily and Oscar arrive at the Salvia family training room. This time the room is set as a blank space with nothing but a thick steel plate jutting out of the floor In one of the corners.

“I took the liberty of setting up the room for the test. I thought it would be safest to have something sturdy to stay behind just in case,” Oscar proudly explains.

“That’s reasonable, these things are gonna be pretty nasty if they work like intended,” Emily responds excitedly.

They both move to stand behind the metal plate before Emily unclips one of her creations from her waist. Raising it up, she takes one last look at the system description.


[Low-Grade Mana Grenade]

[Rank:] E

[Stats:] +1 Str

[Description:] A mixture of magical and physical explosives packed together for handheld destruction.

[Effect:] Explodes dealing massive magical and physical damage to everything within five metres.


“I call them mana grenades, or MG for short. To use them, either pull out this small pin on top and release the handle as you throw or inject a small burst of mana into this activation rune,” she explains while holding out the small, patterned metal ball in her hands.

She rotates it to show the handle going down one side, with a small metal pin holding it in place near the top. Next to the handle’s mounting point on top, is a small rune carved into the metal.

“The main damage should spread five metres from the point of detonation, but there will still be shrapnel flying out further so gaining cover after throwing is advised,” she continues excitedly as she tears the pin out of place and lobs the MG fifty metres away.

Oscar quickly ducks behind the metal sheet, but Emily casually steps behind it without worry.

“You have five seconds after activation to get to safety.”

He glares at her cheeky grin for a moment before opening his mouth to respond.

“You cou-“ his words are cut off by a loud bang ringing out through the open hall.

Looking to the side, Emily sees a few small, red-hot fragments of metal embedded into the floor and walls near them.

That range is amazing!

With a maniacal grin, she steps out from behind the cover to inspect the damage made by her new toy. Oscar follows her, full of curiosity and excitement.

The damage increases in severity as they near the epicentre. At fifty metres, the floor and walls are decorated with a few shards of metal. By twenty metres, the floor is filled with still-glowing shrapnel, vibrating with the heat of mana. At five metres, the crater starts; a scorched depression with the point of explosion at its centre. Oscar whistles, impressed by the damage.

“Wow, that did as much damage as a fireball!”

“It was acceptable,” Emily says casually, her beaming grin failing to hide her own pride and excitement at her creation.

“How much do you want for them?” Oscar asks eagerly, ignoring her attempt at humility.

“Not so fast, I have another test to show you first.”

Emily turns and walks back to the cover, with Oscar in quick pursuit.

“First we need the control test, stand a few metres away from me and shoot the metal sheet with this once my barrier’s up,” Emily explains while handing Oscar a small, black, six-shot revolver from a holster on her leg.

He raises a questioning eyebrow at her but doesn’t say anything else as she walks away to stand behind the cover. The moment she’s out of view, Emily quickly casts a wind barrier, forming it to cover the metal sheet as well.

“Ready,” she calls out, waiting for Oscar to do his part.

Without hesitation, he raises the gun in his hand and fires a shot at the spinning dome of wind. The bullet flies towards the twisting winds. The moment it touches the barrier, it’s deflected from its intended path and flung into an awkward orbit, hitting the ground harmlessly. Emily drops the barrier a few moments later, casually stepping out and gesturing for Oscar to join her.

“The wind barrier is particularly good at deflecting projectiles, but slightly weaker against direct magical attacks.”

“Obviously. Why are you explaining the spell I gave you to me?”

Emily rolls her eyes, taking back her pistol.

“Wait a second, I’m getting there.”

With both of them concealed by the metal cover, Emily casts her barrier again. This time with a few gestures to not reveal too much to Oscar, her vigilance being raised since their discussion about The Crystal Skull.

The moment the barrier is set up, she unclips another grenade from her waist and injects a small burst of mana before throwing it lightly over the barrier. The grenade lands just beyond the barrier and rolls to a stop a dozen metres away. Emily holds her breath in anticipation.

This time the explosion is muted by the winds around them, barely sounding louder than a small pop. However, just as loud as ever they hear the loud screeching of metal on metal. Oscar’s eyes widen in surprise as he realises what just happened, and Emily enjoys his look of shock while dropping the barrier and stepping around to check the damage.

On the other side of the cover from them, they find shrapnel dug deep into the solid steel, having lost its magical glow.

“How did the grenade break through the wind barrier?”

“It’s a mix of magic and physical objects so they can breach barriers specialised in one or the other!” Emily cries out proudly.

Oscar nods silently, looking between Emily and the grenade’s aftermath with awe and a hint of fear.

I wonder how scared he would be if he realised I could make a revolver punch through barriers.

Keeping her insidious thoughts of her past tests on her own barrier to herself, Emily continues to the most important part of her sales pitch: the price!

“Now, how much do you think they’re worth?” she asks with a teasing grin.

The moment money is mentioned, Oscar focuses solely on her, his apprehension falling away to reveal a hint of greed.

“My understanding is that you want to deal in a mix of contribution points and money, correct?”

Emily gives a small nod, waiting with bated breath.

“In that case, how do ten points and two silver each sound?”

Emily silently considers for a moment, not revealing her excitement over the price at all.

“Add two more points and fifty copper, and you have a deal.”

Oscar quickly agrees with a smile, reaching out to offer a handshake and seal the deal. Emily happily obliges while celebrating internally.

The production cost is only six points and fifteen copper! Selling weapons is great!

“Can I place an order for twenty of these by the start of the expedition?” Oscar asks.

“Sure, I’ll bring them to you when they’re finished. Now, let me do one last test for myself before I leave,” Emily says with a sinister grin as she looks at him.

Her gaze sends a shiver down Oscar’s spine, but he quickly agrees and moves to take cover.

He only seemed slightly scared earlier and his fear quickly turned to greed. Let’s see if we can fix that, I’d rather have him too scared of me to try anything in The Glade.

She unclips the final grenade from her belt and pulls her arm back to throw it. Pouring a strong stream of machina into it, she activates overdrive and pushes in two hundred points of her esoteric resource. The grenade’s uneven edges begin sparking with electricity, forming arcs to her fingers and sizzling in a dangerous build-up. Using a large amount of strength, Emily fires the grenade to the opposite side of the room and then quickly ducks behind the shield.

Making eye contact with Oscar, she grins and clasps her hands over her ears just as a deafening explosion goes off. Oscar flinches and quickly covers his ears as well, shielding them from the powerful soundwave too late. Shrapnel rips past their barrier, trails of fire and lightning mixing as they impact the walls all around, a few hitting their metal cover with enough force to create small dents visible on the other side.

Everything calms down after a few moments, no sounds left in the room other than Oscar’s pained moans as he clasps his ears, and a slight buzz from the dozens of charged metal shards wasting the last of their energy. Emily steps out to observe the carnage with satisfaction. Walking over, she sees an eight-metre crater filled with metal shards planted in the slightly molten earth.

A sixty per cent increase in damage dealt. That’s pretty good!

She turns to look at Oscar. Seeing his gaze of apprehension and horror, she smiles happily.

“Thanks, this has been really helpful. I’ll get your grenades to you as soon as I can!”

He nods absentmindedly as he walks with her to leave the training room.

“Are you selling that last grenade you used?” he asks with a neutral tone, clearly already expecting the answer.

“Nope! That’s a personal model,” Emily answers with a sly grin as she steps through the door into the corridor, leaving Oscar staring at her receding back in lingering fear.

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