Tenkomori: The Homecoming Club Conquers Another World

Chapter 35: The Daily Life of a Ten Year Old - The High-Speed Battle

Chapter 35: The Daily Life of a Ten Year Old - The High-Speed Battle

That was impossible.

No one in the Reedwald can beat that Hunter Fitch. Not even the "Sword of the Deep Silence", "Battle Axe of Destruction" Nerio, or Roland could match him. Even if the Knights and the Adventurers' Guild put all their strength into it, they would still be killed by that one little monster.

That thing – it's me.

Name: –

Race: Human

Level: 14 (+6)

HP: 45/45

MP: 87/87

Str: 13

Int: 15

Dex: 16

End: 11

Agi: 36+2 (Max Speed: 43, Acceleration: 45, Mobility: 41)

Charm: 16+1


Language Comprehension, Claw Sword Attack, White Flash, Maximum Speed Up 3, Acceleration Up 4, Mobility Up 2, Presence Detection 3, Stealth 1, Pursuit 2, Claw Technique 6




Silver Hunter

Its level and strength are low. It has not learned any magic. However, it has unusually high agility, so no one's sword could reach that Hunter Fitch. If it doesn't hit you, you don't get hurt. If it doesn't hit you, you don't die. That's what I've been doing for ten years.

And that's not all.

"Mirana, use it!"

Pidosios sends out a command.

The Hunter Fitch reacts, and as soon as Mirana pulls a sachet from her pocket, she screams as it cuts her from the second arm to the shoulder.

Yes, this Hunter Fitch can understand all languages. It can understand any instructions. It even had the intelligence to guess what they were. It's a monster with both wildness and intelligence.

Not many demons, even humanoid subhumans, understand this much.

"Back off, Piddo!"

Salma pointed her curved sword at Hunter Fitch, with Pidosios behind her.

They are a group of talented men, but only two of them are unscathed.

Dailas and his men may be able to return to fight again. But their encirclement has been avenged, and it broke their formation from the start. There was no one near them, and they were not so naive as to allow them to join up with the others.

A puff of snow and smoke.

At that moment, Pidosios makes his move.

He leaps out with his dagger in the opposite hand and swings his curved sword at Salma.

Neither of them could see. They just swung, relying on their intuition.

Both their dagger and curved sword cut through the air. And the remaining attack was also avoided by the Hunter Fitch.

As expected of a C rank. It was a good decision to turn to attack even with intuition.

However, even if the fast tortoises were lined up, there was no way they could bite the rabbits.

Well, it can also evade me.

"Now that was a “Lightning Bolt”……."

Pidosios hurriedly checks Hunter Fitch, follows its gaze, and finally sees me.

I slowly approach him, as if to show Hunter Fitch.

By coincidence, the two of them coordinated their attacks, but they were easily evaded. In case you were wondering, it was the fastest one I had on hand.

Frankly, I didn't want to fight.

It was as if I couldn't predict the outcome. If the true identity of the invisible monster was an unimaginably powerful enemy. I want to bring back the information even if I had to abandon the "Sword of the Deep Silence". But my information was worthless. Even if I brought it back, it would not solve anything. Even if we were able to corner him, it would be impossible to catch him if he tried to run away.

I am the only one who can cross him head-on.

And if I let him go now, when will I get another chance?

I have no choice but to make sure I get him here.

"Do you have a healing potion?"

"Yes, I do. What the hell are you ……?"

"Take your people and get out of here. I'll kill it."

I dare to declare, that Hunter Fitch recognizes me as an enemy.

Immediately after that, we cross paths.

Rhino Sword and its claws make a fierce sound.

The moment the claw is popped, I feel astonishment from Hunter Fitch.

It must have been the first time someone has speed like its speed. Don't worry. It's the first time

I've defended myself at full speed, too.

Hunter Fitch pulls back its long claws.

Can it change its length at will?

Normal species don't have that ability. It seems to be a unique ability of the mutant species, but

I don't feel obligated to wait for them.

Before the claws return to their original length, I will make my move.

Kicking the snow, I close the distance at once.

I've already activated the "High-Speed Movement" function. My current agility is 43, and the only thing I am losing is acceleration.

If I am losing acceleration, I should keep running and maintain my maximum speed.

The Hunter Fitch, who had avoided the sword's slash, kicked up a large tree and began to counterattack.

Once again, the swords clashed violently.

Black and white run through the pure white world.

Again and again, they bounce off the snow and shake the trees.

A high-pitched sound echoes through the forest at each crossing. As the swords slash through the silver and the claws slashed through the armor.

Bathed in countless wounds, neither I nor Hunter Fitch stop.

"What the hell is this ……?"

Pidosios mutters, but even he couldn't pull it off.

Countless slashes.

I was already about to make a noise.

It was a battle I had prepared myself for, but it was the equivalent of running around without breathing. If I had time to breathe, I would slash and duck. Such a situation continued endlessly.

Since physical strength is calculated from HP, I should have more energy than he did. However,

Hunter Fitch showed no signs of pain. Is this the strength of quadrupedal walking?

No matter what, I had to stop, no matter whether it persisted or made a noise.

The duration of "High-Speed Movement" is one minute.

After that, my agility will return to 36.

The moment the Rhino Sword made contact with the claw, the blade changed its line and swung forcefully.

Hunter Fitch avoids it with ease. But what he wants is distance.

The effect of "High-Speed Movement" wears off, and I immediately reactivate it.

The magical power flows into my legs and permeates them like a net.

The elevation system of denaturalized magic does not directly raise the value of abilities. It is a pseudo-reinforcer composed of magical power.

The Hunter Fitch observed closely as I readjusted my sword with a pretense that nothing had happened.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never forget to use the right tools to get the job done. It's hard to do …….

I charged forward without care and jumped into another top-speed slash.

The "Sword of the Deep Silence" has already retreated.

If they realize they are at a disadvantage, they will retreat immediately. Without such a retreat, adventurers would not be able to survive.

It may seem unsympathetic, but I would have been in trouble if they had not done so. If there is a gallery, we have to pay attention to every action. At top speed, me and Hunter Fitch could be two or three meters apart faster than the blink of an eye. If I had been careful not to get caught in the middle, I could have easily been pushed aside.

And as we crossed paths again and again, I began to grasp the difference in speed.

We had more maneuverability, while Hunter Fitch had acceleration. Both have an advantage in the thickly wooded forest, but they operate very differently.

I can turn around with almost no loss of top speed, but Hunter Fitch cannot change direction that smoothly. Instead, they use their acceleration to reach the same top speed at once.

After taking advantage of each other's characteristics, Hunter Fitch and I ran through the forest.

The slash-and-slash battle, which felt like an eternity, lasted only a few seconds, then tens of seconds.

And again a minute looms.

If your agility drops at the moment of the fight, it will lead directly to your death.

When I readied my sword to check him, Hunter Fitch took its time in cutting back and slowed down slightly.

No, it doesn't. It's timing the effect to wear off.

As expected, just before my movement slows down, Hunter Fitch accelerates.

The effect of "High-Speed Movement" disappears, and my whole body becomes as heavy as lead.

I can understand his words, but I can't seem to read his expression.

I activated the "Lightning Bolt" that I had prepared.

Hunter Fitch stops abruptly at the sudden appearance of a large number of arrows, but it's too late.

"Blast away!"

The fifteen blasts that were shot out shaved the snowy ground and crashed into the trees.

Hunter Fitch squealed briefly and dropped to the snow.

"Seriously, ……?"

I am stunned.

It has natural flexibility that is not shown in his ability values.

I shoot out so many high-speed arrows at close range, only one hit.

It evades most of them with its movement. Hey, that's foul play.

Hunter Fitch quickly got up and stared at me with angry eyes.

I hurriedly activated my "High-Speed Movement" and immediately after that, I played with the shimmering claws with my Rhino Sword.

I had no choice but to go all the way with him.

I'll dive into the mire or whatever.


One by one, they continued to attack and defend, swinging their swords and claws at each other countless times.

It was an all-out effort in the truest sense of the word. When I am swallowed by the Tremble Cube, I am doing it instinctively. But that was more like a runaway. I just poured out magic without thinking. Now it is different. I showed all the skills and experience I had acquired since he had started training, and he beat it.

Still, it's not settled. Hunter Fitch and I are too well matched.

The only gap in our slowing down every minute, we switched from Bolt Arrows to multiple chants of "Flame Blow". The range is short, but it has a wide range, so I don't need to spread them out in large numbers. My priority now is to conserve magic power, and it is only a check. Hunter Fitch also attacked, aiming for that point, but it was wary of the "Lightning Bolt" I showed before and did not pursue too hard.

As each side's moves were exposed, the rest of the game was a skinning contest.

And even the thinnest skin, if you keep on peeling it off, reaches the flesh.

I realized that Hunter Fitch and I were covered in blood. This is also reflected in the parameter of our HP. Hunter Fitch's HP is almost half, and mine is two-thirds. The only advantage I had was that

I had more than its maximum health, and the only direct hit was a single "Lightning bolt".

After I had fired "Flame Blow" for the umpteenth time in multiple chants, I asked him, "Aren't you having fun?"

Hunter Fitch stopped moving at my words.

"Have you ever fought with all your might? I never had. I now understand a little better how the old masters of swordsmanship wandered around in search of a stronger opponent. Someone to whom they could put the skills they had trained and honed to the test. I thought that killing each other was just the ravings of a bloodthirsty madman. That's why you too…"

I am engulfed by the white monster's fury.

The rage was palpable.

The intensity of it took my breath away.

For the first time in my life, I felt fulfilled in battle. I just wanted him to respond to it.

What I got in return was an unexpected response.

And, unexpectedly, the result was the same.

The hairs of the hunter fitch stand up on end, and dense magic covers every strand of pure white that can be seen.

So you finally cut the trump card.

The "White Flash".

A rare skill that doesn't even attract "Appraisal".

Hunter Fitch's body looked one size larger. The muscle mass has increased.

Then I was about to readjust his sword, a chill struck my whole body.

Hunter Fitch's outline blurred.

With a hunch, I leaned my body to avoid something – his right chest was ripped open.

The feeling of my bone being cut and the intense pain. There was no time to worry about that.

Where did it go?

The snow around him jumped and the trees swayed. But I can't see it.

The "Presence Detection" barely detected its presence, but it could not grasp its position.

I activated my "Earth Shield" in the dark, but it cut me off easily.

I had predicted this. From its name, I thought it would be an offensive skill or a physical enhancement.

However, I didn't expect this much.

It was no longer a battle of speed.

It was a one-sided overthrow.

I swing my sword, relying on the sound and signs, but nothing is caught.

My cheek was ripped open, my arm was slashed, and my forehead was split open.

Still, I desperately swung my sword. I deploy my magic shield. I unleash attack magic in all directions with multiple chants. I dodged through all of them, easily entering their bosom and slashing them to pieces.


It was the first dirty word I used in my life.

With no time to be lost in emotion, I chant multiple "Earth Shield" chants, build walls on both sides, and run out in a single breath.

Repeatedly destroying and rebuilding, I reached a huge tree.

With my back to it, I turned around.

Facing the angry face, I invoked "Appraisal".

After seeing it, my cheeks involuntarily twitched.

Maximum speed 52, acceleration 55, mobility 50.

No wonder I can't see it. ……

No, it's more like something to break the ice…

The moment I looked again, the Hunter Fitch scraped away.

My left arm, which I raised as quickly as possible, splattered blood faster than I raised it.

Then a light shock to the head.

No pain. Did this guy use my head as a scaffold?

I regain my composure rather than anger at the joke.

Let's calm down. Calm down anyway.

Because of the giant tree at my back, it cannot attack me from behind.

I should be on the lookout for attacks from the front, left, and right. First of all, avoid instant death.

Put the Seiran cloak from the left shoulder to the front. With "Slash Resistance 3," it should not be easy to cut to pieces.

I concentrated on protecting my head and heart and charged at the hunter fitch.

Each of my swords swings through the air. And the pain in my limbs and torso increased with each swing.

I ignored it and turned my attention to the "Appraisal" in the slightest of gaps.

I immediately discover a change.

A decrease in magical power.

Does "White Flash" consume magic power? But the decrease was negligible. I will bleed to death before I use up all of it.

Is there any other way to break through?

As I glanced at him, I saw a flicker.

Was that a blink

No, no, my magic is diminishing.

It reminds me of the changes in Majumag. Is this a renewal?

As I continued to gaze at it, the magic power decreased again.

Not only that.

Its physical strength is also decreasing. Before Hunter Fitch activated "White Flash" its physical strength was more than half. But now it is less.

But why?

I noticed something strange when I saw Hunter Fitch slash my right arm and easily dodge the sword of the counterattack.

It's bleeding at the mouth. Is he coughing up blood?

Oh, yeah, it's coughing up blood.

The "White Flash" is so powerful that every time he moves or slashes, it's hurting itself.

It's not using its skills well.

In short, it's a game of patience.

Either I will bleed to death, or it will go over its limit and destroy itself.

I hold the Rhino Sword in my right hand and the Rhino Stiletto in my left.

Let's do it.

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