Tenkomori: The Homecoming Club Conquers Another World

Chapter 71: The First Year at the Academy - Extraordinary Council Meeting

Chapter 71: The First Year at the Academy - Extraordinary Council Meeting

Chapter 71. The First Year at the Academy – Extraordinary Council Meeting

The next evening, after leaving the Adventurers' Guild, I headed for my destination.

Following behind me was a familiar, yet nostalgic presence.

"I'm glad you guys are back."

I turn around and speak to him.

"That's great, but where are you taking us?"

"Circumstances. I can't say. Wait till we get there."

The four guys in the back, "Battle Axe of Destruction" looked at each other suspiciously.

Elphimia and I consulted with our new collaborators and decided to call in some helpers.

The first candidate was "Everlasting Crop". He is a rare adventurer with good fighting skills and no ill will.

The runner-up was "Serps" led by Haleist, but I did not know them personally and could not predict how they would react to this situation. If there was any concern about our feelings with the absence of "Everlasting Crop" I wanted to give up on our helpers.

I had no idea that "Battle Axe of Destruction" would be relaxing in the cafeteria.

I was told that he had returned to Selene this afternoon. I heard he also went to my house, where the boys were training in the backyard in the landlord's absence.

Seeing them as they had been before they left, I felt my tension dissolve.

Elphimia was the only person I could call an ally without any concern. I had to face an opponent whose entire picture was uncertain. I must have been nervous without realizing it.

Soon after, the destination comes into view.

Ose noticed my gaze, and Danil also seemed to have guessed from what I said and where we were.

"Is the destination the town hall?"

At these words, Markant and Valerie also turn their attention to the government building.

The government building was located west of the center of Selene. It is a joint government building and the seat of all administrative offices, the council, which is responsible for decision-making in Seren.

At the place's entrance, Elphimia and Colmis, the dean, were waiting for our arrival.

I bowed to the dean.

"Thank you for waiting."

"No problem. So, these are the helpers?"

"Yes, they are C-rank adventurers, the "Battle Axe of Destruction".

The dean and the "Axe of Evil" greeted each other.

Elphimia was silent during this time.

From my eye corner, I could see that she was lost in thought, but her eyes were constantly moving.

Then he looked at Markant's axe and smiled thinly.

"It's good. Maybe you'll need it."

Markant twists his head.

"Who's the young lady over there?"

"She's Elphimia Clouette. She's the star of this one."

"A case?"

"It's no big deal. It's just a dead man's hunt."

The look in the eyes of "The Axe of Evil" changed at my words.


I asked the dean to rent a room in the government building.

The council members have already begun to gather, but I have to explain the situation to the "Battle Axe of Destruction". I just skimmed over the main points.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as I finished, Markant was taken aback.

He was not pleased. I had only been in this kind of trouble in the past few days, and the rest of the time I was just a student. Well, I'm also an adventurer, but I live in peace.

Danil examines my story and opens his mouth.

"With that story, I have a few questions. First of all, you don't have any proof that the person who was studying in the mansion, and also the body, is an Esard, do you?"

"Yes, neither. But the advanced nature of the research narrows the subject down significantly. Esard is the most likely candidate. And he was wearing a ring that could use a golem. If Elphimia had not come along, he might have gone undetected forever. There would be no point in faking his death. It could be the body of a collaborator or supporter, but then–"

Suddenly, I felt a look from the dean.

He was urging me to hurry with his eyes, so I cut him off.

"Sorry. I don't seem to have much time."

"Then, just one more thing. How did you conclude that there are undead?"

"It's the nature of the procedures and materials were in the material. If the material is that rare, it would be strange if nothing happened. That is not only my opinion, but experts at the institute have made the same decision."

After answering that much, I said, "I will give you more details later."

We quickly made arrangements and went to the meeting place on the third floor of the government building, the extraordinary council meeting.

The security guards at the entrance looked sharply at the appearance of the armed group, but they seemed to be on the same page and allowed them to enter after a simple check with the dean.

It's called the extraordinary council meeting because they held it at the request of at least half of the council members or by the chairman.

While Elphimia and I were taking a break, the dean explained the situation to Ravi Bertincain, this term's chairman and head of the guild of magic guilds. Ravi's position was unclear, but I left the decision on that matter to the dean.

I wanted to involve the adventurers because of the possibility that the council itself might turn against us. In Selene, the Adventurers' Guild is an outsider. I judged it unlikely that they would be involved. When I brought up the subject of helpers, the dean immediately agreed. I thought he must have guessed what I was thinking, and I also thought he could not read the situation.

Four council members were seated at the round table in the conference room.

There were a lot of important people here, they were the chairman of the council, Ravi, the vice guild leader of the Magic Guild, Nigus Virtus, the dean of the Rapunas Academy, Yeva Reysin, and the general commander of the Selene Guard, Kinele Sabrois.

The dean greeted the members lightly and took his seat.

Elphimia and I were right behind him, and "Battle Axe of Destruction" was further back by the wall.

All but the chairman seemed concerned about the armed group that had entered the room.

One of them, Yeva of Lappunas, was eyeing us, and then glanced at the dean.

"Help me. You're old, aren't you?"

"It's all part of the agenda. I've asked you to be present."

Ieva muttered, "Oh," and turned her half-open eyes on us.

She looks like a tough old woman. She seems to be the head of Lapunas, but she is the opposite of our grandpa. This one was in tears in the garden.

Ieva sniffed, turned her gaze back to the dean, and sneered.

"Well, we're both getting old, so don't take it too hard. Oh, by the way, how's the pain in your back? I got some good medicine the other day–"

The expression on her face didn't match what she said.

The dean not paying any attention to her expression was engaged in a health talk, a specialty of the elderly.

It seems that this old lady is a surprisingly good person with a bad expression on her face.

The health talk eventually turned to a report on recent developments, and the dean began to talk enthusiastically about Lily, a girl he hired. He is proud of his grandchildren.

Whatever it is, you can afford it, Dean.

If you are not good at this, you will end up killing each other after this. I am impressed that you don't feel that at all. Someone is at the top of the class with only "Earth Magic 2".

Amid such chit-chat, Bence Paracus, dean of the Lurkut Academy, and Manikto Riovet, director of the Selen Magic Institute, also entered the room.

When only two people left, one of the council members became impatient.

"Chairman, I don't have time for this. I would like to know at least what is on the agenda."

Kinele, the commander-in-chief of the garrison, appealed to the chairman in a quiet tone.

His words were polite, but they exuded the high-handedness characteristic of those in high positions.

"I can't do that. This extraordinary meeting of the council is a very important matter. I cannot reveal the agenda until everyone is present."

The chairman refuses, but Kinele persists.

"My men are still scrambling after last night's disturbances. I don't have time for a leisurely chat."

"I have been informed of that as well. The investigation will be over soon."

"–To the chairman?"

Kinele was surprised but quickly moved his eyes toward us.

He looked at us as if he was about to ask us a question.

The trouble is, I know what he was talking about. I had shot a flaming fireball so loudly that it seemed to have caused quite an explosion that echoed through the warehouse district. When I peeked in on my way home, I saw the warehousemen and guards moving left and right. I guess warding doesn't shift the sound.

Since I couldn't confess now, I passed the silent questioning with a clear face.

After a few more moments, the door to the conference hall opened again.

Entering with a chuckle was Yals Alastair. He is a hale and hearty old man, a former A-rank adventurer who specializes in the fire attribute but is also an expert in advanced magic.

Escorted into the room by Yals was a half-elf.

My and Elphimia's gazes met.

She gently put her hand behind my back, and gave the sign, "You guessed it".

Lislia Saijito. The only family of Esard.

But her race was Revenant.

Not elves or half-elves.

Unmistakably undead.

She was just a beautiful half-elf who greeted me with a smile.

When I heard the details of her story, I wondered what she might be.

The sight of her tending to her flowers overlapped.

Lambert is going to mourn. I didn't realize she was the one at that moment.

I cut my gaze and brace myself.

This guy might be a nastier opponent than I assumed.

The average undead inherits few of their abilities from before they were born. But Lislia handled multiple intermediate magic, and her physical abilities went beyond Markant. They are equal to or better than vampires and other advanced undead.

If they went on a rampage, the council members with less fighting ability would be killed.

As I was raised my guard against her, the council chairman cut in with a hawkish grin.

"Everyone is here. Let the extraordinary council meeting begin."

At this declaration, several people turned their attention to an empty seat in the corner of the room.

That's the secretary's seat, perhaps. There are only the council members and us in this room.

The matter is so important that we don't have a secretary.

The trustees noticed and tensed up slightly.

"Last night, two students from the Cartilard Academy of Advanced Studies discovered the "Trephas Masnito," the hidden house of the Ghosts, which had gone missing."

At the chairman's words, Kinele glared at him again.

Which one is this?

I don't want to deal with a magic swordsman when Lislia alone is a formidable foe.

As we were trying to make a decision, the chancellor gave us a look.

Elphimia nodded her head with her eyes.

In response, the chairman folded his hands and continued.

"And they found a body and research materials in the mansion. I will distribute copies of them now. Councilor Halikal and I were convinced that the author of the documents and the body was Esardo Saijito. As you know, he was a rare alchemist who died of illness 40 years ago."

The council members looked at each other suspiciously.

The one who remains unconcerned is Lislia Saijito, who is smiling despite the stares she is receiving.

Prompted by the chairman, "Battle Axe of Destruction" distributes materials to the council members.

Then instead of returning to us, they remained scattered and waiting by the wall.

Lislia glanced at him, but the other council members were glued to the distributed materials.

Attached to the document is Rackendale's analysis.

It is a conclusion drawn by me, Rackendale, and Helena.

It's an analysis of the challenge to resurrect the dead. As a result, the undead will be created.

Manikto, the director of the Institute for Magical Research, who is well versed in alchemy, and Yals, a researcher, read over the material as if they were devouring it.

In the attached analysis, the efficacy and synergistic effects of each catalyst are also briefly summarized.

Even though the material itself is difficult to understand, this one is easy to understand. Even the council members, who were not very good at reading, could understand the contents.

"Show us the original!"

Yals Alastair suddenly barked.

"I know Lord Esard! He would never do such a foolish thing!" 

"I agree with Councillor Alastor. Let me see the original to confirm it has not been tampered with."

Manikto also appealed, and the chairman nodded his head in agreement.

"Very well. But do not touch it."

With that, I laid the parchment on the table.

The two men took the copy and compared it with the original.

When they found out there was no tampering, Manikto sat down, but Yals turned his anger on us.

"What do you guys want?"

Oh, I see. We have fabricated the story.

It's an interesting thought, but what's in it for one student?

As I was taking it in stride, my vision was suddenly interrupted.

"Are you insulting my students, Councillor Alastor?"

The two old men glared at each other fiercely.

You're good, gardening old man. You have gall against a former A-rank adventurer.

While the elderly men were sparking off. The other council members were exchanging glances, and looking down at their documents.

But although they were looking, no one was reading.

If the documents and analysis are true, what happened?

Why did Lislia not say a word despite the mention of her late husband?

She's a beautiful woman who just smiles.

Everyone in the room sensed the strangeness of the situation.

The stalemate was getting worse for the garrison commander, Kinele Sablois.

"As an outsider, I can't judge whether these documents are authentic, or not. I don't even know who the body is. If it is genuine, then we can't afford to be complacent. First of all, we must clear everyone's doubts."

Then, he gives a sharp look at Lislia.

"Councillor Saijito. Could you please accept either the appraisal or the sacred magic?"

"Kinele! You are disrespectful to Lady Lislia!"

"I know I am rude. I know it's disrespectful, but it's a waste of time. But it's worth it. If all it takes is one magic, I'll be quick."

"You ……!!!"

Yals was furious and came at him.

Don't protect her, this old man. Is he involved, or is there something that comes to mind?

Either way, the way he was acting – I guess that's what it means.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to get involved in your love life, old man.

"You don't need to do that."

As I cut him off, all eyes were on me at once.

I signaled to Markant.

At that moment, he trusted a holy axe right next to Lislia.

Lislia looked down at me with a sideways glance without changing her expression.

"The Axe of Sacred Strike is a magical tool of the sacred attribute. Councillor Saijito, could you please touch it?"


The dean stands in the way of Yals, who is closing in on me.

"Out of my way, Kormis!"

"I refuse."

I left Yals to the dean, and I stared at Lislia.

How will this work?

If she refuses, I and "Battle Axe of Destruction" will surround her while Elphimia will activate "Sanctuary". She says it's not very effective against the undead above the intermediate level, but it can inflict pain. By doing that we'll make it harder for her to activate magic, and we'll decrease Lislia's fighting strength.

The rest – is it up to Yals?

If Yals becomes the enemy, our old man couldn't hold him back. The chairman can counter him, but it's not the same as a sword. We'll need to be prepared for the room to be a sea of fire.

Lislia slowly looked around at us and smiled at us.

It was a beautiful, yet somewhat sad smile.

That one smile is enough to make everyone's skepticism fade away.

Even though we knew it, we couldn't believe it.

No matter how you look at it, she is a living person.

If it weren't for the "Appraisal," I would have doubted myself, too.

Then Lislia took off the beautiful ring and placed it on the round table.

"Looks like it's all over."

Instantly, as if waking up, the council members went into battle stance and moved away again.

Lislia extends a white finger.

The tip of the finger is the axe of the holy axe.

While everyone held their breath, she touched it.

Her fingertip crumbles easily.

One of the council members screamed slightly, and a sob escaped.

Lislia had already lost touch with the holy axe.

Still, her wrist, her arm, crumbles to ashes.

Looking at the ring, I furrowed my brow.

What are you thinking, you undead?

What does any of this mean to you? Is this going to help you escape?

I checked her skills and magic in "Appraisal," but nothing in her abilities directly related to this action.

Is she trying to resurrect herself like a vampire?

No, that should be impossible. That is purification. Even vampires disappear. Still, it is the highest class revives, and this guy is not that undead.

So it's just purification?


Elphimia's voice brought me back to myself.

"Where is my grandmother!"

Elphimia asks, pointing her short wand at me.

I look at it, then down at the necklace in her hand.

Lislia's smile deepens.

"Yes, you …… are Serteres' granddaughter. You look a lot alike. But I don't know where she is. Because I didn't meet her."

The ash had eroded halfway down her chest.

And yet, unperturbed, she smiles.

Unmistakably undead. She hates the living and has an insatiable obsession with existence.

But this one has no hatred, no attachment to her existence.

I look into her eyes and ask her.

"What the hell are you?"

Lislia tilted her head, looking mystified.

"Well, …… I-"

Suddenly, the words were cut off and fell out.

What had been Lislia's body suddenly spread out on the chair and the floor.

In the silent room, everyone was speechless and continued to stare at the unmoving ashes.

How much time had passed?

When I came to, the council members had started to move.

The chairman, the dean, and Kinele had gathered, and other council members engaged in a small but intense discussion elsewhere.

Elphimia was still staring at Lislia with an expression that made her want to burst into tears.

"Hey, Alter."

Markant stands next to me.

"I don't know about you, but I'm …… uncomfortable."

I couldn't respond.

I looked over at the sobs and saw Yals on the floor.

What happened? What was happening?

I couldn't grasp my own emotions.

It's just–Markant, it's a coincidence.

I too.

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