Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

[Zitri de Robilia, listen. You will be held accountable for the crimes of the incompetent patriarch, Derren de Lobilia, who attempted to sell the house, and you will be stripped of all authority as a member of the family].

A letter has arrived from House Robilia.

A letter from House Robilia has arrived, announcing that Zitri has been removed from her position as head of household and that her uncle has been named the new head of household.

There was more, but that was the gist of it.

Zitri crumpled the letter into a tight ball and shook her head, realizing she could do nothing about it.

The family name had already been taken.

Her parents had died in a ruse, and her father had become the worst piece of trash they’d ever tried to sell the family name to.

There was nothing to go back to…

She was no longer worthy of the name Robilia.

‘I don’t think I’ll be a member of House Reinhafer for much longer.’

No wonder.

One of the most powerful families in the Underworld is House Reinhafer.

Even as a maid in charge of the youngest son of the family, I was no match for a commoner who had lost her family name.

Sooner or later, I will be dismissed, and someone else will take my place.


‘I’m used to it.’

Zitri gave a self-deprecating smile. It had literally happened to her so often that she was sick of it.

She was unhappy for herself.

An excuse for those who didn’t try? It wasn’t that.

She tried.

I tried every minute of every day, and I learned to hide my emotions and smile without being awkward.

That’s how I lived. All my life.

And this is how she ended up?

Abandoned by her family, unable to even hold the hand of the Reinhafer family she thought was her salvation.

“It’s… too late.”

Her mind, pushed to the limit, fails her from exhaustion.

But she must finish the last of her work and leave.

Zitri de Robilia. She was that kind of person.

One who would never wish harm on another.

As such, she prepared to go hunting to support Nox one last time.

She packed her usual small crossbow and a bag of freshly baked bread and soup.

Even with these things, she couldn’t help but wonder why.

There were no more tears in her eyes.

A squeak.

“Hey, did you hear about the new maid assigned to the youngest master… she was excommunicated from her family. She’s probably as good as a commoner now.”

“Ah… Are you kidding?”

“I’m telling you, if the rumor was true in the first place, shouldn’t you have denied it as soon as possible? You know better than anyone how important reputation is in this business, and the fact that you’re still keeping your mouth shut….”

“If you think so, I’m sure….”

Zitri pushed open the door and stepped outside.

She could see many maids gossiping about her.

It was like this when she first lost her family.

Those who had spoken ill of her father and mother, and the loyal vassals who had stood by her side, died on the gallows.

Young Zitri could only watch.

It would be no different now.

To them, she was not an ally. I don’t think they’re truly in my enclosure just because I’ve been nice to them for a few days.

It was Zitri’s habit.

My uncle, the man I trusted so much, had abandoned me to gain control of the family name.

She shuddered at his disgraceful words and actions.

So she stopped trusting people and instead chose to deceive them.

So they are as ugly as they are… but as they should be.

With that thought, Zitri smiled brightly and greeted the maids.


She wondered why.

Unlike before, she could clearly feel the maids avoiding her.

Suddenly, a bright voice interrupted.

“‘Zitri, let’s go, before Young Master Nox scolds you for being late…!”

“Aah! Yes….”

Zitri smirked, seeing that there was at least one person left whose treatment of her hadn’t changed.

Was this just to tease him?

Or maybe it was out of selfishness.

Either way, it was foolish.

For both herself and Lorna.

* * *

Now, I can sense that things are coming to a head.

I learned yesterday that the rumors about Zitri began to circulate earnestly.

Already there are tales of her abandonment among the maids and butlers.

Perhaps a letter has reached her with a side story.

I excommunicate you from the household.

“For accusing you of a crime you did not commit.”

I know that the charges against Zitri’s father were fabricated, and after days of deliberation, I have concluded that I cannot save her.

I’ve already concluded that I can’t help her now.

Saving her would be too much of a poison for me.

You can never ignore the butterfly effect.

What if the flap of a butterfly’s wings, no matter how small, twisted the course of events?

Then I lose my main hand.

The most important hand I can play is that I know something about the future.

Then there’s no turning back.

I’m sorry for what happened to Zitri, but I have no reason to stop her from killing herself.

I don’t.

“Let’s go.”



The two maids follow.

Zitri is still smiling brightly.

I watch her face for a moment, then turn away.

For the next few hours, I continue to hunt the beast.

I can hear Rona muttering and talking about me.

“Young Master… you seem a bit rough today, don’t you think? You used to have some mercy in your hands, but today you seem a bit…….”

“Is that so…?”

Zitri stammered, still looking at me.

I let out a short breath and look at the scene around me as the horses are being organized. Swords gripped, swords drawn, swords slicing through the enemy’s torso like a painting.

It was all so unfamiliar, so foreign.

It’s a scene that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago.

I breathed, appreciating the naturalness of the scene now.

It was almost time for him to show up.

“He’s not coming out today either.”

I know that a ‘Hidden Boss Monster’ in this [Mia’s Forest] only appears when the number of demons is reduced to less than 20%.

However, it’s random, so I’m not sure which one will appear…

Anyway, the reward is pretty good, so I thought I’d catch it, but I’ve been working on it for a couple of days now and haven’t seen a shadow of it.

What can I do?

I’ll just have to try a few more days.

That’s when I realized.


Suddenly, a harsh crashing sound cut through the air and crashed into me.

I twisted reflexively.

I saw a glowing white line cut through the air, and I could see it hurtling toward me. What is this? The speed is out of this world.

A thought flashed through my mind.

‘A hidden boss has appeared…!’

I immediately drew my sword. I steady my breathing and hold it as long as I can to activate [Time of Genius].


I hear the sound of mysterious wings, and my nerves are on edge.

It was the moment. I feel a girl’s shoulder blocking my view from the back of my head.

“Young Master!”


The girl’s face, with its green hair and porcelain-white skin, was marked by a shallow scar with a solid line. Both my pupils narrowed.


I was instantly convinced at that moment. The boss monster is a flying beast, Zitri de Robilia. She’s in the middle of the sudden situation.

She was standing in front of me to save me, to protect me.

But at that moment, my mind was filled with only one thought.


Why did she save me?

It was incomprehensible.

‘…It was an attack that could have been stopped.’

It was true.

A skill that allows you to react to the enemy’s quickest attacks with the most agility.

Isn’t that the true value of a genius’s time?

An attack that could have been avoided or stopped without her help.

But she didn’t think so.

Abandoning her own safety, she lunged at me to save me.

Was this a calculated move?

‘Absolutely not.’

How many people would be able to run against a demon that appeared out of nowhere?

How many people can do that to someone who wants to use them for food?

How many are there in this world?

To Master Nox, the youngest bastard of House Reinhafer.

I can feel my head spinning.

Zitri de Robilia.

Politics dictated that she must leave House Rinehafer soon.

Then she was to wander from place to place, alone and penniless, until she died.

That was supposed to be her fate…

Cursing her family, even as she died. One who trusted no one.

Why would such a child run for me?

I activate a skill, feeling my gaze waver at the question in my heart.

[‘Hour of Genius’].

Then, along with the expansion of the upper extremity, my sword slowly emits light. The image of the enemy flying in and rushing at me is clearly drawn.

It’s a small, bee-like creature.

Apparently, the attack from a moment ago was a stinger.

‘If I get hit… I could be dead in a few minutes, which means…….’

If we don’t get Zitri out of here soon, she might die too.

I tightened my grip on my sword.

I wondered why.

An extra who was going to die anyway, even if it was Zitri de Robilia.

I felt the sword take on a bit of impatience.

* * *

It was only by sheer intuition that I realized that an attack was coming my way.

I had been unusually unhappy since childhood.

[My Zitri is always falling down like this; what should I do?]

[That’s right, my knees never stop hurting….]

My parents always told me that.

My scars never go away.

Although I didn’t realize at the time that it would evolve into a scar on my heart.


I couldn’t determine the exact nature of the attack on Young Master Nox, only that something was shooting at him.

That was all I could sense.

I wondered what I should do here.

I didn’t think long.

I threw myself down.

I did something I wouldn’t normally do, but I did it for some reason.

For a brief moment, as something brushed against my cheek and a hot drop of blood trickled down, I remembered what Master Nox had once told me.

[If necessary, I will use you, and you will use me, that’s all].

[Who do you serve?]

I hadn’t answered that question.

Yeah, why did I do that.

I wondered why I had been deceiving him, agonizing over my inability to answer immediately.

I would have had nothing to say if I had realized I was a spy, even if the Master had summarily dismissed me.

I thought, Why?

But there was no time to ponder.

The spot where I was struck was only a small area, but what it contained was not.

My body begins to crumble.

I’m out of breath, my mind foggy.

My legs are shaking, and Master Nox steps in front of me again, only to say.

“Just wait, it’ll be over soon.”

For some reason.

I hear a little trepidation in his voice. And a hint of anger.

* * *

For the past few months, I’ve been steadily mastering the sword of House Reinhafer.

When I told my vassals that I was going hunting, they were horrified and exclaimed, “You’re going hunting without any sword skills?

I agreed to train, thinking that I might as well learn a sword technique or two.

Even if it’s not a first-class sword like Supreme Black Sword, the training here is no comparison to other families.

However, I didn’t have a lot of time to practice swordsmanship.

A mere five minutes a day.

Only when I activate the Time of Genius can I fully unleash this power.

Stronger, more fluid, and more beautiful than its original form.

Of course, I didn’t expect to be able to display my sword in this way, but I have no regrets. These two… they’re going to have some heavy words.

‘I don’t know about Rona, but it’s strange to feel this way about a spy, even Zitri, but….’

I don’t think I’m wrong.


The sword flashes, and the wings of the bee-like creature quickly fall off.

Though dealing with a small flying beast is challenging, what’s the greatest advantage of activating Time of Genius?

It slows down perceived time.

That means enemies look slower.

Also, once you lose your mobility. Even the most venomous of bees.

You can easily trample them.

[You have defeated a monster].

[Special Reward….]

Before I could even hear the system chirp, I quickly rounded on Zitri and barked orders at Rona.

“We need to move now. If we don’t, she’ll… die.”

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