That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 136: Point of No Return (R-18)

Chapter 136: Point of No Return (R-18)

Tana was awake and Feiden had arrived in the Capitol. Although Tana would need to go back to her parents estate to check in, she would be coming right back. 

There wasn’t much time until graduation, but we wouldn’t actually need to attend. Apparently, all of the fourth years who survived were having issues even if they didn’t gaze upon Anarchy, so going to a graduation ceremony wasn’t in the cards. 

They would simply send us a nice certificate stating that we had graduated along with a display of all our accolades and achievements. Our identification cards would also be updated to display the fact that we were alumni. 

All of that hardly mattered now though; only 6 weeks after the graduation was official, we would ship off to basic training. 

They weren’t wasting any time. It wouldn’t be long before I was a military man. It was strangely ironic that I, the American, would be joining a force other than the US military.

Well, we had all already experienced military life and were generally adapted to it. Now, after some training that would mold us into what the Kingdom wanted, we would be living that life every day for the next several years. 

I didn’t have any hopes of ending my contract soon. Apparently, those that came out of the Magisterium were automatically contracted to serve for 12 years. The Kingdom was under constant threat, so they didn’t have any room for short-term contracts. It took time for Magi to become strong, and due to their greatly increased lifespan, they had plenty of time and energy to give. The Kingdom had no qualms taking advantage of that.

I understood why. It was just an unfortunate reality here. My only issue was how I would go about dealing with the people.

The night after we met up with Tana and Feiden, all of us decided to go out for a nice dinner. Tana wasn’t leaving just yet so we would all have one more day together as a squad. We all promised to meet the next morning. In fact, they would be coming to my hotel room. 

For now, I was hanging around the room with Umara. I stood by the glass, staring out at the sunset-illuminated streets of the city with my fancy eyeballs. Those posters of me that sprang up after the Magisterium Tournament were all gone now, the usual assorted advertisements and notices of Capitol life having replaced them. 

My mind was on the military though. I could only sigh, thinking that it would be more  years of trying to keep myself safe from my fellow humans. 

“I am not looking forward to this.”

“The military?”

“Mm. More bullshit politics, more angry old assholes I’ll have to dodge. Question is, how am I supposed to keep myself safe? I barely survived a year. How am I supposed to get through a dozen?”

“It’s not going to be the same. The military isn’t the Magisterium.”

Umara set down her book, looking up from the couch. 

“The Magisterium is full of a bunch of immature children that have yet to really experience what it’s like to fight for their lives. Elites and fourth years are only a bit better off due to their greater experience with missions and combat. But it’s a fact that the military does a good job of beating that out of them, even the noble children. There’s a chain of command that can’t be flaunted. Sure, there’s plenty of nepotism, but remember your own words on who keeps the nobles in check.”

“The Scourge does that.”

“Exactly. We’re in a state of constant war, even more critical with Anarchy on the loose.. Nobles have little time to deal with their petty and dramatic children because they’re needed on the battlefield. Even more than that, they can’t go around sabotaging their fellow soldiers because that directly reduces our ability to fight the Scourge. If there’s too much infighting, we’ll collapse. They know that, so they’re forced to bend. If a noble child comes and tries to oppress a higher ranking officer, they’ll get their teeth kicked in, and they’ll have nobody to blame except themselves. Of course, there are limits and exceptions, but that’s generally how it is.”


I rubbed my chin in thought. 

“So if I’m the same rank as a noble child…”

“You two will be equal. They can’t do anything to you, nor can their parents. Chances are, you’ll be underneath my mother. If anybody does anything to you unjustly, there will be hell to pay. There are rules in the military and they aren’t loose like those at the Magisterium. Once again, without order, we fall. You’ll prove yourself to be valuable in short order, and with that charm of yours, I have a feeling you’ll be just fine in the military.”

“Hm, hope so. Anything better than how things were at the Magisterium is acceptable to me. You’re my next concern though. What about your marriage? Won’t they keep trying to get me out of your life?”

“No. At least, not nearly as much.”

She shook her head. 

“The reason they were trying to marry me off so quickly was precisely because of the military. There’s no time for marriage negotiations and courting, our full focus is on fighting and growing. And children aren’t that valuable unless the parents who have them are at the ends of their talent anyways.”

“So why was your marriage such a big deal now? Wouldn’t it be customary to wait until after the military?”

“Because they wanted to lock me in. A lot of things can happen during one's service, and they don’t like to risk any potential love affairs. So they marry us off while at the Magisterium. And then the military is just a decade or two of fighting. A married couple may not see each other for years during that time, but since they’re already married, when the time comes to continue the bloodline, there are no arguments to be made even if they have different thoughts.”

“So it just minimizes variables.”

“That, and it opens up the alliance. If I got married right now, even though I wouldn't have children for a decade, the husband’s family could start working with the Talerria household. That means business acquisitions and political favors. It’s a decade’s worth of profit to be made before even considering children. There are more than enough reasons to make it happen now.”

“And we fended them off.”

I smiled. It seemed like I pissed some people off a lot more than I realized. 

Umara nodded. 

“Yes, we managed to hold off until we could be safe. But we still can’t do anything right now. If we were to suddenly talk about getting married, all those issues would pop right back up and they’d be coming at you full force. I’m not supposed to even be thinking about that stuff in the military, so we’ll need to act like that’s true.”

“So we wouldn’t be able to get married for another 12 years at the least?”


“That’s… a long time.”

I put my head on my arm propped up on the glass, eliciting a knowing smile from Umara.

“That’s exactly why I asked if you still wanted to wait. It would be a long time to wait.”

“... I’ll have to think about it. Wouldn’t there be a risk of having kids though? Or do you know the magic for that stuff?”

“I don’t know the magic yet since my affinities don’t align. But I’ve got things that do the same thing.”

“And the risk of someone finding out about Inception?”

“Well, given how powerful my Aura is now… Only the most powerful people I would come across would notice if they looked.”

“You mean the only ones that matter?”



We both stared at each other before she sighed. 

“I guess we have to wait.”

“Not necessarily that long. It’s not like they can watch us all the time. Eventually, we’ll get our chance.”

“Or we can just do it right now.”

“Y-You just said we have to wait!”

“Fuck that.”

“Girl, I outta-”

I stomped over and grabbed her leg, yanking her off the couch before throwing her over my shoulder and marching to our room. 

She squeaked when I threw her on the bed, her face already thoroughly flushed

“W-What are you doing?”

“I can’t stuff my dick inside you yet, but since you keep pushing me, we’ll have to settle.”

“S-Settle? For what?”

“What do you mean, what? You getting nervous? You asked for this.”



I reached over and put my hand over her mouth, shutting her up while I pulled my shirt off.

I stared at her eyes, awash with nervous excitement, and locked lips with her, gently spreading her legs with my knee.

Her breathing hitched a bit once my hands started moving. She hadn’t been dressed in anything except a long robe she usually slept in, so once I undid that, her undergarments were exposed. 

I’d seen a lot of fancy underpants and lingerie on Earth so nothing here was all that impressive. But the way she filled out her silky sports-like bra almost had me howling. 

After a few more passion-filled kisses, I pried myself off her burning face and stared into her eyes.

“Do you want to take it off or should I?”


“Actually, just stay quiet.”

I snickered before reaching over and slipping my hands under the bra, waiting until she lifted her arms in approval, allowing me to slip it up and over her head. 

She arched her back in tension as I threw it to the side, giving me two eye fulls of titty. Her face looked like it was about to explode as I simply stared, taking in every riveting detail. 

Full, plump, firm, and shapely. It was just about the most perfect set of boobies I’d ever laid eyes on. And there was an oddly shaped birthmark, a patch of bright white skin just under her left boob, which gave them a bit of personality.

She didn’t say anything as I looked, but I could intimately sense her through her Aura and knew just when to dip back down and start kissing her again. 

Our bare chests pressed right against each other. Her nipples were already rock hard just like the pecker trying to poke through my pants. 

She writhed sinuously underneath me before I separated again and smiled. 

“You’re very beautiful, by the way.”

“...You’re poking me.”

“I’ll be poking you in a different way pretty soon. Remember how I said you’d enjoy the tongue?”


“Well I wasn’t talking about kissing. Now, I’m gonna start moving down. All you need to do is relax.”

I moved down to her neck, and contrary to my words, she started tensing in anticipation. 

I could only laugh inwardly, going from her neck to her clavicle, before heading down her chest and circling around her nipple. 

I could practically feel her heartbeat shake the bed as I started sucking.

For a little while I was practically making out with her boob, giving it some love before moving to the other one. I wouldn’t neglect either.

A few minutes later, once she calmed a bit and her legs started shifting, I lifted my head and made eye contact. Her face was so flush she looked like she might pass out. It was cute, because she still had no idea. 

But I couldn’t keep her waiting. Her lower body was practically begging me to do something already, so I made my way down her stomach, planting kisses along the toned path of her abs.

I got slower as I got lower, her legs spreading as I moved in to where my leg once was. 

And once I got there, I threw off her panties before tracing the outer region with my tongue, doing some reconnaissance. 

Honestly, I was surprised to find that she was completely bald down there. There wasn’t even peach fuzz, and no indication that hair had ever grown. It took some effort to hide my quizzical thoughts, lest she get self-conscious. 

Not that I was complaining. I pondered it a bit more while tracing her labia, wondering if genetic hair growth was different for humans in this world, but once I started hearing her moans, those thoughts vanished.

With thighs wrapped around my head, legs on my back, and fingers kneading through my hair, she breathed, moaned, and writhed with the rhythm of my tongue. Another thing I was shocked by was how wet she already was. It was clear she didn’t need much foreplay, if any at all. 

She was already going, so I decided to spare her the tease and dive in. 

Once my tongue split her folds and rolled over her clit, her moans threatened to turn into screams. 

I could feel her opening twitch, not to mention her fingers gripping my hair so hard that my hair was about to get ripped off my scalp. 

She was already at her climax, and I had just gotten here. So I decided to go all in and shove my tongue straight into her vagina. 

Seriously, my tongue was so long that I could roll it over her clit while tongue-fucking her pussy. I really didn’t know why the enhancement had to make my tongue longer, but I wasn’t allowed to complain after seeing the results. 

Umara immediately started cumming, her jerking body splitting into a dichotomy as her hands pushed me away but her legs locked me in. I had to use my own arms to hug her waist and keep her steady as she lifted her hips into the air, all while continuing to move my tongue in and out. 

I was slow but thorough. Her voice and moans were quivering even after two minutes passed, so I just stayed in my lane and worked the surroundings when she got too sensitive. 

It was only after several more minutes that she calmed down. And once I was finally allowed to surface from the depths, I looked up at her to find a hot mess of rapid breathing and tangled hair. The sheets underneath her were also kinda soaked…

I hadn’t even thought about grabbing a towel, but there was no use crying over spilled milk. 

I went back up and locked lips with her again. She was almost lethargic, but at some point smiled and spoke. 

“I’m glad I took a bath.”

“It’s always best right after you do.”


She nodded before suddenly gasping when my fingers found their way back down between her legs. I chuckled while massaging the area. 

“Don’t worry. Sensitive, huh?”


“Just relax. How did it feel?”

“Well… I understand what you meant. I just… Haahh…”

She let out another moan as my fingers danced around, making me smile. 


“I’m just… a little winded. But we’re not done yet. You don’t get to rip my clothes off and make me a mess without some kind of consequence.”

“Ooh, shiver me timbers.”

“Shut up and take off your pants.”

I laughed and stripped off my sweats. Then she pushed me down where she had once been and straddled me, giving me a bit of full frontal nudity. 

Her chest still slightly heaved, giving her breasts an eye-catching jiggle, but what caught my eye was the fact that she was still dripping sticky fluid all over my crotch. 

Then her hand reached down and started stroking me through the fabric. My underwear quickly became a sticky wet mess of juices, so I just laid back and relaxed, letting her pull the last of my clothes off. 

She bent down while getting a good look. I could feel her breath on my shaft as she moved her fingers around it. 

“It’s sticky on the tip.”

“He’s just happy to see you.”

“He? What, you name your thing?”

“Meet the Fresh Prince.”

“Oh god.”

She rolled her eyes before licking around the tip. And just as I was about to make another quip, she dove in and swallowed the thing whole. It was a good thing I was clean down there too.

I let out a long sharp breath, feeling every sensation vividly. It seemed like the Crown had given me a few other… sensory enhancements. Her tongue twisted around like it was a lollipop as her lips moved up and down along the shaft, her nipples occasionally gracing my legs to send shivers of excitement through us both.

I reached out and stroked her hair back. She wasn’t the best at blowjobs, but fuck if I cared. I loved this girl and it still felt too damn good. 

It didn’t even take a few minutes for me to get there. She seemed to sense it through my Aura and started sucking harder. 

And then I hit that climax, Umara’s tongue rolling around the tip as I let out a sharp breath. 

Everything unloaded straight into her mouth, spilling out and down the shaft when it was too much for her to hold. It almost felt like I was pissing with how much came out. It was a good thing that my mind was far stronger than normal. My eyes almost rolled back in pure bliss. 

Instead, I looked down to see a long stream of white spilling from her mouth when she came back up. 

I was almost confused when I saw so much juice. Since when did that much come out? Not only did it coat Fresh Prince, but there was a big puddle right between my legs. Not to mention what was dripping from Umara’s mouth. 

Was it the Vigor? Or was I really just that backed up?”

I held my poker face as Umara gulped down the remnants in her mouth and cleaned off her face.

“Not bad.”

She licked her fingers a few times while raising herself back up to straddle me. 

Then she sat her pretty pink folds right down on my bulging shaft, grinding up and down. There was so much natural lube that it slid effortlessly. 

“Think you’re up for more, pretty boy?”

“Girl, you’re playing a dangerous game.”

I reached out, grabbing her neck and flipping us over. This temptress really knew how to play risky games. 

Once she was on her back, I picked up her waist and brought her pussy to my mouth. I didn’t even warm her up, choosing to stick my tongue straight in. 

It was shocking how deep I could go. My tongue was over double the previous length, not quite triple, so it didn’t sit at the surface of her hole. The only difficult part was trying to push through with how tight she was. 

She squealed a bit, half from the surprise of me raising her up, half from how rough I was out of the gate. 

“I’m still a… I’m… Haahh!!”

I didn’t even listen to what this girl had to say. She wanted to play around, then I would play around. 

Her legs wrapped so tight around my head that she may as well have been trying to break my skull like a watermelon. The sheets crumpled as her intense convulsions pulled them from already messed-up corners.

“I’m…! It’s…co… aah!”

She almost sounded pitiful as I felt her pussy convulse around my tongue in pure pleasure. I made sure to give her clit some feel-good as I pulled out as well, causing her to jerk a few times before I gradually set her down. 

Like last time, her legs stayed locked around me for a couple minutes as she quivered. Even so much as kissing her thighs would earn a jolt. 

Her entire body was tender, so once I rose from her legs I brought her into an embrace and started making out. 

We were wrapped around each other within a messy bundle of sheets. In the moment, I don’t think I could’ve been more thankful for the hotel room. 

It was secluded. Not even the Duchess could intrude. Nobody could stop us from doing whatever we wanted. It was the one safe place within this entire Kingdom for me and mine. I had the Key Master to thank for all that.

Umara was butter in my arms, but I was already raring to go again and she noticed. She didn’t let anything stop her as she shifted over and started sucking like she would take the juices straight out of my balls.

She went up and down, slowly but surely, her pretty pink tongue playing around until I came again. Then we shifted back around and I worked on her some more. Not with my tongue, but with my magic hands. 

I wasn’t as rough this time around. Sitting her between my legs and laying her on my chest, slightly inclined against the headboard, I played with both her pussy and her boobs. The fun bags on her chest were rather addicting to feel up. I just couldn't stop kneading them or playing with her nipples. So squishy yet so firm.

She chuckled even while I fingered her. 

“Having fun there?”

“These things are great. You should bring them out more often.”

“Hmm, we’ll see. This… This’ll be my last one.”

She let a breath out into my neck as her hand reached back and pulled my head down. 

I looked at her. 

“You sure? We can stop here.”

“Don’t you dare. I’m already… Just finish… Go faster…”

I moved according to her wishes, my fingers fluttering through her lips and rolling across her bean. 

Her breathing hastened as my hands moved faster until she shuddered and suddenly bit my neck. 

I clicked my tongue when I felt the sharp pain. Thankfully she quickly shifted and started sucking rather than biting. 

It was clear that her climax this time wasn’t as amazing as the others. She reached her limit, so I took my hand away and focused on kissing her. 

She paused at some point, asking between breaths.

“You want… one more?”

“Heh, honey I’m doing just fine. Any more and Fresh Prince will be sore tomorrow.”


“Mmhm. We should just try to go to sleep.”

“... It’s wet though.”

She looked down, seeing the large wet patch of sheets in front of us. With our… “activities”, we had each contributed half of the mess.

I titled my head.

“Wonder if these are magic self-cleaning sheets.”

“I’m not betting on it.”

“Then we’ll have to get some room service tomorrow. Let’s just go to the couch for tonight.”

I shifted around with those words, scooping her up before climbing off the bed. There was no way she was walking. 

It wasn’t like I didn’t have experience, so two rounds wasn't nearly enough to put me out for the count. And while her body was strong too, she’d never come like that in her life. It was as thrilling as it was exhausting. 

I sat her in a chair first before running and grabbing some unsoiled sheets and laying them across the couch. Once it was comfortable enough I laid her on it. Then I grabbed the only decent blanket left before joining her, bundling ourselves under with our nude bodies cuddled against each other. The couch was nice, but it was definitely a squeeze. Thankfully I could be an accommodating big spoon. 

She turned to me at some point. 

“You’re poking again.”

“Half mast, sweetheart.”

“... Use my thighs.”

She shifted around before I could protest, sliding me right between her legs. I could even feel her lips, and everything was still more than lubed enough. 

I was no longer at half-mast. 

Clicking my tongue in mock chastisement, I decided to bite her neck in response as I slid in and out. 

Her breathing quickened, as did mine, and it didn’t take long for me to finish. She spoke as I did. 

“Just do it. Right here.”


I exhaled as she squeezed her legs tighter, my hips slapping against her ass and everything unloading right between them. 

We stayed in that position for a little while. Now both of us were tired. 

I mumbled.

“The couch is ruined too now…”

“I don’t fucking care… I love you.”

“Love you too.”

We kissed a few more times. Umara passed out soon after, exhausted from the experience.

I just laid there, waiting for Fresh Prince to make his retreat before I was finally able to fall into a blissful slumber. 

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