That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 36: Drunkard

Chapter 36: Drunkard

As I contemplated the near future, Feiden suddenly asked me a question, continuing our conversation. 

“How about you, John? I hear you’re a Cold Summoner. You made quite the disturbance when you entered. I heard all about you and how you directly entered the fourth year class.”

“Yea. Because of my age and how I was already Authority 3, I was placed into it. That, along with my summons. Their pure lethality makes them capable of killing above their level.”

“Ah, that’s impressive. So this is your first trip, correct? It’s a big jump going straight to working with the military. Do you feel prepared?”

“Well, if it’s anything like the Puppet Master’s scenarios, then I should at least be able to keep myself alive.”

I shrugged. It wasn’t like I had to adapt a spear or sword technique to the behaviors of beasts. My guns were simple. Point and shoot. The only things I had to worry about were my positioning in relation to the enemy and how the sounds from my guns attracted attention. 

Feiden nodded. 

“Yes, the Puppet Master is very good at preparing people for the Scourge. If you can survive those scenarios, then you should be able to handle yourself on this trip.”

“Good to know. And hopefully, I’ll be placed into teams I’m familiar with. I’ve only worked with the Elites, so if I’m thrown into a group with normal fourth years, then I’m not sure how things will go.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that too much. The Puppet Master will be overseeing the placement and management of the Elites. You’ll be placed into a group that he’s given you before and with people that work well with you. They can’t have us dying, after all, so there’s no way he’ll put you with completely new people.”

“Oh. Well thank goodness.”

I smiled, one of my concerns being taken care of. 

After that, Feiden and I continued to chat for the remainder of the ride. Since we were heading to the outskirts of the city where the Central Terminal was, it didn’t take too long. 

And once we arrived, we got off the carriages before entering the Terminal. We were all herded toward one area where our Rail was being prepared and our luggage loaded. 

There was time to hang out. Most people just began talking, but I had my attention directed elsewhere. 

Looking around, it wasn’t long before I spotted Rayla in the crowds. Our huge group was obvious, so she didn’t have an issue finding me. 

Leaving the others, I walked over to her who had a beaming smile. 


“Hey, Rayla.”

We hugged, and for a moment, I couldn’t help but think that we no doubt looked like a couple. 

She asked once we separated.

“Everything packed?”

“Yup. Most of what I own is in that chest.”

“Good. How does your body feel? Have you recovered?”

“For the most part. Still a bit sore.”

“Light a cigar then. That Rail ride is your last chance to really rest. You’ll be busy for the next month.”


“You just need to worry about yourself. I know Maxwell probably gave you things to do, but don’t let all that keep you from taking care of yourself.”

“I’ll be fine.”

I spoke reassuringly. Like with the Tavera trip, she was worrying again. And I could only speak to console her.

And she let out a sigh.

“I know. But you know I can’t help but worry. The Scourge is dangerous. It’s not like fighting people, and you haven’t had much practice.”

“I’ve been training against those puppets without rest, so I’m not completely unprepared. Besides, I’m good at staying alive, or I wouldn’t have survived the Trenches for as long as I did.”

“Yea, you are good at what you do. But that only scares me more.”

She suddenly hugged me again. I could only respond in kind. 

“...Just worry about your life first. Nothing matters more than keeping yourself safe. Promise me that.”

“...Alright. I promise. Only if you stop worrying so much.”

“No thanks. That’s my right as the one sending you off.”

I smiled as we continued to hug. It lasted quite a while, both of us simply taking in the other’s warmth and comfort. 

“All students, prepare to board!”

Then, there was a shout. It made me lift my head, and from within my arms, Rayla sighed. 

“I’ll miss you, John.”

“I’ll miss you too. When I get back, we should head to a restaurant. I doubt the food at a military base is any good.”

“Hehe, no, it’s not like the delicacies of the Capital. So I look forward to your return.”

She smiled at me while we separated. 

I stared at her for probably a few seconds longer than I should have, taking in the image of her deep red hair, lovely face, and mature body before finally turning away and walking. 

It was oddly difficult to leave, as if I were leaving her instead of leaving for a trip. I don’t why it felt like that, but it did. 

But those weird feelings faded when I got back to the group and saw Tana snickering. 

“Who was that, lover boy?”

“A close friend of mine.”

“Uh-huh. That hug was 10 minutes too long to just be friends.”

“Hey, she worries. Besides, she’s pretty. I like hugging pretty girls.”

“Hoho, is that right?”

“Yea, so don’t come looking for me to hug.”

“Ugh! Rude!”

Tana stomped, causing Umara to laugh as we boarded the Rail. I glanced back one more time as we did so, seeing Rayla smiling and waving. 

I waved once before disappearing into the train, my smile fading before a sigh escaped my mouth. 

Afterward, we Elites were led to one particular car. The place looked like a living space with rows of couches instead of basic chairs. 

Having been on one of these before, I simply slumped down into a seat. My hand then dug into my coat, pulling out the golden cigar case. 

Slipping out one of the cigars, I cut the end with the cutter before sticking it in my mouth and lighting it. The lighter device was actually built around a small White Crystal, one that heated up and could be placed against the end of the cigar to burn it. 

It was incredibly easy, but my mind wasn’t on that. 

After lighting it and taking a few puffs, I let out a long plume of smoke which momentarily faded. 

After putting the case back in my coat, Umara came over with a surprised look. 

“You smoke?”

“It’s not a drug type. It helps with physical recovery.”

“Oh. I didn’t know they made recovery medicines in the form of cigars. Where is it from?”


I directly refused to answer, causing her to pout before taking a seat next to me. 

“The Rail should take about half a day to arrive.”

“This base is pretty far then.”

“It’s a frontier base, so yea.”

“Right. Is there a bar in this Rail?”

I asked while standing from my seat, the cigar making my body feel a bit better. 

Umara looked at me weirdly.

“Maybe? It’s been a while since I’ve been on a Rail.”

“Well, I’m going to look.”


Umara went silent, but she still got up and followed me. 

I left the car, going to the others before finding a bar. I took a seat and ordered a drink.

Umara sat beside me. And it seems Tana followed since she arrived as well. And another unexpected guest was Feiden. 

I looked at him with raised brows. 

“You drink?”

“On occasion. I like to taste more than drink.”

“Oh. I like to drink more than taste.”

I shrugged as he ordered some wine. I got myself something that was similar to tequila, my favorite liquor. 

And Tana looked around, her eyes curious like a kid seeing something new. 

I raised my brow.

“You gonna get something?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve never really drank.”

“How old are you?”

“Old enough. I’m not a kid.”

She snapped, causing me to raise my hands in retreat. 

In the end, she went to Umara who also ordered a drink, asking about what she should get. And when she finally got a glass filled with a brown liquid, she looked at it with anticipation. 

Then, she took a sip, immediately coughing after while shaking her head. 

“Blegh! How do you drink this?!”

“In time.”

Feiden chuckled and chimed while I smirked and tapped Umara.

“Umara, get her something sugary.”

“Hehe, okay.”

Laughing, Umara ordered another drink for Tana. This time, it was a purple color. 

Tana tasted it warrily, and this time, her eyes widened in surprise. 

“This is good. I only taste a bit of the alcohol.”

“That’s the point. Just don’t drink too much. I don’t need to be dragging you into the military base drunk off your ass.”

“I think I’ll be fine.”

Tana smiled while downing her drink and asking for another one. I just shook my head. 

Like that, the four of us just hung out and chatted. But over time, more people came to find us. 

First it was Ruden the summoner, then Hailey, and then Heubert showed up. 

And with so many coming over, more people came to check things out. I saw more Elites who I had done scenarios with, greeting them all as they took a seat at the bar. 

Some ordered drinks, others just hung out and socialized. But for the most part, the car turned into a small party, everyone having fun. 

It lightened my downcast mood, that and the buzz from a few drinks. 

Well, we had half a day. It was enough time to filter the alcohol from my body. 

And Tana would surely need it. 

“H-Hey, Umara. I’m pretty, right?”

“Yes, Tana. You’re very pretty.”

“Thank you so much! Hey John! Fuck you!”


Feiden burst out laughing, his face a bit red as he slammed the table. 

I sat there stunned. It seemed Tana was an aggressive drunk. 

Even the bartender couldn’t help a chuckle, making me shake my head and ignore her as she went off to try and fight someone. 

I watched with a smile, letting out long plumes of smoke with my cigar. 

‘Makes me feel old.’

I laughed inwardly, pretending like I was some wizened old man with my glass of liquor in hand and a stogie in my mouth. 

Another good thing about these cigars was how long they lasted. They didn’t burn through quickly. In fact, one cigar could burn for about 30 hours. And I had stocked up before leaving, meaning I had more than enough to last me through the next month. 

“Can I try?”

Suddenly, I heard Umara speak from the chair beside me. 

I looked at her for a moment before taking the cigar out of my mouth and passing it to her. 

“Just suck air through it.”

“This really isn’t a drug, is it?”

“No. The only drug I use is alcohol.”

I said that while taking another sip. 

And after a few seconds of playing with the cigar, Umara put it in her mouth and breathed in. 

“Cough! Ugh. It actually tastes good, but my lungs don’t like it.”

“Yea, mine didn’t either at first. But it helped keep me alive, so I got used to it.”

“Mm. My body feels good. This has some really good medicinal properties.”

She looked at it curiously before taking another puff. She held it in a bit longer that time before coughing it back out and handing it to me. 

“So what do you really do?”

She suddenly asked, causing me to laugh. 

“I told you. I’m a delivery man.”

“I don’t know if I trust that.”

“I’m not lying. If you don’t believe me, I don’t know what to say.”

I shrugged. I didn’t care if she believed me or not. If anything, she was better off not knowing. 

She glared at me for a few more seconds before gradually turning away. Still, she stuck by my side. I couldn’t help but find her a bit cute. 

Umara was a talented Elite, hence why she had earned her position. And she was rather pretty. 

Her face was sharp, and her wit a bit sharper. Her hair was actually dark gray, like ash. And her signature Warlock robes were often either black, purple, or a combination of both. 

Usually she also carried a staff, but right now, it seemed to be stashed away. I couldn’t see any obvious spatial accessories on her body, so they were either covered or integrated into her robes discreetly. Making a spatial device that couldn’t be easily found wasn’t uncommon, at least in the black markets. 

At the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder about her own background. She tried to pry so often into mine, so I got curious. 

“Are you a noble?”





“Duchess Talerria. She resides over the City of Joffrun.”


I suddenly went silent, my eyes going wide.

And then, I laughed. 

“Bahaha! Shit! No wonder I thought that look was familiar!”

“What? You know my mother?”

“Hah! Not personally, but I suppose you could say we’re acquainted professionally.”

I thought back. I had met Duchess Talerria not long before leaving Joffrun. 

And thinking about it, she really resembled Umara. She was sharp, the color of their hair and clothes were the same, and she enjoyed digging into people’s business. 

We hadn't even met before and the Duchess had asked all about me. It was like she couldn’t go without knowing everything about someone, or at least enough to satisfy her curiosity. 

Like mother like daughter. They were almost identical. 

And Umara grabbed my arm, shaking it. 

“How did you meet my mother? In what context?”

“I was finishing a job and we bumped into each other. Heh, she snoops around just as much as you do. I swear, you two are twins.”

“What kind of job were you finishing? Was it that trip you were on? Why did it take you to Joffrun?”

“Not telling. Do you know what kind of business your mother works in?”

“Yes, but she works in several industries. Which one are you talking about?”

“Heh, nice try.”

I chuckled, causing her to shake me harder. 

“Tell me!”

“If your mom hasn’t told you, then I’m not. She’d kill me if she found out I did that.”

“I won’t tell.”

“I can’t take that risk.”

“Tell me!”


I dodged Umara’s glare, refusing to give up the information. 

“If you wanna know, figure it out yourself.”

“I’ll follow you when we get back to the Capital.”

“That might actually be dangerous for you.”



“...I hate you.”

She said that before snatching the cigar out of my mouth, putting it in hers before walking away. 

I only laughed as I heard her cough more. 

After that, the rest of the ride passed smoothly as I chatted up some new friends and avoided a drunkard who we had to eventually pin down to keep her from drinking more.

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