That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 4: Fireballs

Chapter 4: Fireballs

After another job, I learned that I would be working in the night as a delivery man. 

The Black Market operated at all hours of the day, but only at night did the true doors of darkness open. 

Basically, we delivery men weren’t supposed to operate during the day. The daytime was when we received orders, and when night came, we fulfilled them. 

So my sleep schedule needed to be flipped, which wasn’t too difficult of a change. 

When the second job of my first night was completed, I went to a hotel that Plex recommended me. I paid for three days which cost 30 coin, and fell asleep as soon as I hit the crappy bed. 

Since I finished the second job only an hour before the sun came up, I didn’t wake up until well beyond noon. 

I didn’t have a clock, but jobs couldn’t start until sunset, which was in another few hours. So in my room, I decided to take a quick look at my crest. 

After the tattoo was formed on my hand, I hadn’t felt anything from it since. 13 stars sitting on my hand and looking pretty. 

No amount of feeling or meditation activated it. There wasn’t some mystical energy that I could feel and control. 

There was nothing. Right now, it really was just a tattoo. 

“That Magisterium probably knows how to activate it. But that’s five months away. I’ll just need to keep trying and see if anything happens. There’s no way this is here for nothing.”

I refused to believe that I was unable to use my crest, so in that case, I just needed time to experiment. 

The hotel I stayed at had a restaurant, so after getting food to eat I headed back out to the warehouse. 

When I arrived, the sun was beginning to set. And inside the warehouse, I found not only Plex, but another man. 

“Ah, John! You’re early.”


“This is Libitus. He’s one of our few coworkers.”


Libitus waved, and I nodded to him. 

When I approached, Plex smacked my shoulder. 

“Good news, I just got an order from a heavyweight, one of our premium clients. It’ll be our first run of the day. After that, I’ll come with you on a few more lightweights, see if you can’t handle things on your own.”

“...I’m fine with delivering, but my biggest issue is still directions. I don’t know where anything is.”

I voiced my most obvious concern. I couldn’t learn the layout of the black market or the city in only two days. 

Plex smiled. 

“That’s actually why I called Libitus here. He has a map detailing all the information you need to know.”


The man walked over to a table. I looked over his shoulder as he unfurled a map. 

It turns out the Black Market was bigger than I thought. There were actually two of such markets that spanned several blocks. And those two markets had very specific entry and exit points. The food shop Plex took me through was one such entry point, and in that market, there were only 4 entrances. 

Libitus explained. 

“There are two markets. The one you went to last night is the Founder’s Black Market. That market is separated into four districts, each owned by four heavyweight mafias.”

“Heh, we have a contract with two of those mafias that let us handle some of their sensitive cargo.”

Plex nudged me smugly before Libitus continued. 

“All our deliveries are marked with the district, the block, the street, and the building number. Most buildings in the market are given a number. Oh, and a little advice, don’t mess around with the unmarked buildings unless you want to get your head taken off. The only reason you go near them is if you have a delivery to one.”

“Mm. Those buildings are almost always owned by the mafias. And if they aren’t, then they’re owned by someone you really don’t want to fuck with, because those guys can fuck with the mafias.”


Libitus rolled his eyes at plex.

“Just know what district you’re in, keep an eye on the block numbers and streets, and you can find your way. Things are pretty orderly in the Black Market, contrary to popular belief.”

“Yea, you don’t let savages handle expensive things.”

Plex chuckled, and after he packed the map, he stuffed it in my arms. 

“Keep it with you and use it when needed, but do me a favor and don’t make yourself look like a tourist. It attracts unwanted attention. And speaking of, you’ll need this.”

Plex reached into his coat and grabbed a sheath. It contained a large knife, one that was worn with usage. 

“A simple knife, but good enough so long as you don’t get on the bad side of a Magus. Just know that nobody wants to get cut, so as long as you don’t push a fight, it probably won’t happen, and you can get your way. At the end of the day, all you need is payment. Now…”

Plex looked up toward the roof, seeing a small window that showed the darkening sky. 

“We should get going. I like to please our clients with prompt service.”

He waved me along, leaving Libitus to grab a few packages and do his own work. 

We made our way to the Golden Trading Post that was already beginning to surge with activity. And when we made it to the restaurant that Chef Black operated, he tossed me a large kabob that held several chunks of savory meat. 

“Thanks Chef!”

“Haha, just watch your back in there.”

The large man smiled, and we passed through. 


Our destination was deep inside the Black Market, specifically one of the four corners that was home to the core of our heavyweight client. 

The Tavera Family. 

They were identified by their saber crest. Most of the members carried an actual saber with special engravings, making them easy to pick out. 

At first their territory was crowded with people and business. It seemed nice, like an eternally festive atmosphere of civilized debauchery. But as we got deeper, all that faded rather quickly. 

Instead, we encountered luxurious buildings and more members who roamed the streets with tasks of their own. Many of the buildings had their interiors completely sealed, but Plex told me that they were home to some of the best products one could buy. Apparently they also manufactured special drugs, but nobody knew where. 

Along the way, we ended up being stopped a few times, but Plex’s identity got us through every time. 

It seemed delivery men really were special. 

And soon, we arrived at the home of the Tavera Family. 

A large manor with armored guards out front, including rows of tall torches that illuminated a red pathway to the front door. 

We walked up, and I stopped with Plex outside the front door. 

Soon enough, the door opened, and we were greeted by a surprisingly beautiful woman. 

She smiled at Plex, speaking with a soothing voice. 

“Plex, we appreciate your timely arrival.”

“Haha, of course, Parif”

“...Who is your guest?”

Parif looked at me curiously. I kept my cool as best I could and simply smiled. 

Plex talked for me. 

“This is my apprentice, John. I’m teaching him, so I hope his presence won’t be much of a bother.”

“...No, it’s not. Come in.”

She opened the door and ushered us in. 

I looked around as my feet hit the stone floor. 

The entire place was lit up with bright yellow floating lights, casting a warm glow on the gold and red interior. 

Golden pillars had pictures of warriors and battles depicted on them, and the red floor looked like marble that had been dyed red. Two staircases went from the center of the room and sloped upward, leading into other halls. 

Parif led us up one of the stairs and through a hall, coming upon a set of mahogany double doors. After knocking twice, she waited about four seconds before opening. 

What was revealed was a study, and a single man who sat behind a massive desk. 

He lifted his head from the book in front of him, smiling at Plex and giving me a curious glance. 

“Plex, and a guest?”

“Yes, Patriarch Tavera. This is my apprentice.”

“Oh? Thinking of retiring soon?”

The man spoke with a sultry voice, and I observed him as Plex smiled as if embarrassed. 

The man had a very clean mustache that he occasionally twisted the end of. His hair was slicked back, and his suit was kept prim and proper. 

Patriarch Tavera turned his gaze from Plex to me. 

“What’s your name, boy?”

“John, sir.”

“Mm. And you’re a Magus?”

Like previously, he managed to guess my little secret without even seeing the crest on my hand.

I nodded. 

“Yes, but I have yet to figure out how to use my power. I plan on enrolling in the Magisterium when they open.”

“Ah, I see. I wish you luck. Let me see your crest.”


Slipping off my glove, the patriarch saw the 13 stars on the back of my hand.

He sighed. 

“A summoner, hm? In that case, a difficult road lies in front of you.

“...A summoner?”

I couldn’t help but question confusedly. 

The Patriarch nodded his head toward my hand. 

“Your crest. Those crests with pointed symbols on them, like stars, triangles, anything with edges, are the indicators of a summoner. You’re no doubt a summoner. Unfortunately, summoners also have the most difficult time within the Magisterium. They are very often outclassed by the Warlocks and Knights.”

The man raised his right hand, revealing a crest of abstract lines, as if it had been slashed by a blade many times. 

“These line crests are the indicators of a Knight, which I am. We specialize in bodily enhancement, like speed, strength, endurance, regeneration, and more. My Tavera Family is a family of knights, and we often come into conflict with the other mafias because of that. And while we’re on the topic of other families, I should brief you on your delivery order.”

The Patriarch suddenly opened a drawer of his desk, retrieving a small wooden box. 

He eyed Plex.

“This box contains a message for our fiery friends at the Clockwork Institution.”

“The warlock mafia?”


He placed the box on the edge of the desk. 

“Take it to them at this arranged meeting spot, and report back here when all is said and done.”

“Understood. We’ll be back before morning comes.”

“Good. And take this deposit too.”

Plex grabbed the box, a small slip of paper, and a bag of coin. With that, he stowed them and bowed. 

As we turned to leave, he spoke once more. 

“Oh, and John.”

I turned, seeing the Patriarch’s small smile. 

“Come back, and I’ll put in a word with the Polaris Family.”

“Thank you, Patriarch.”

Although both good and bad feelings rose up within me, I simply nodded and thanked him.

After that, Plex and I left the manor of the Tavera Family, taking to the streets. 

Plex sighed as we walked, causing me to voice my concerns. 

“When he said come back…”

“It means this may not be a smooth delivery.”

He scratched his head. 

“The Clockwork Institution is at odds with the Tavera Family. So whatever this message is, if they don’t take it well, they may decide to kill us. Of course, we won’t sit back and die so easily, and the Patriarch isn’t one to screw me over. That’s why there’s a meeting spot in neutral territory.”

“...Still. I don’t know if I can fight a bunch of wizards.”

I mumbled. Warlocks were all spellcasters. If this went south, I expected fireballs to come my way, and I don’t know how prepared I was to face that. 

Plex smacked my back. 

“Hey, don’t worry so much. Remember, warlocks take a few seconds to prepare their spells. If these guys really are going to try anything, we have a window to run away. Just don’t remain in an open area with them while at a distance. That just makes you a target.”


I sighed as we continued to take turns down various streets. 

And finally, we arrived at an unmarked warehouse. It looked incredibly worn down, with foliage hanging across rusted metal walls and broken down infrastructure. 

We slipped through a destroyed door that was hanging on its hinges, entering what looked like the ruins of a small factory. 

There were some large machines that hadn’t seen the light of day in years and storage shelves scattered throughout the place. Only in the center was there an open clearing. 

It was there that we met our wizard friends. Three of them, all draped in robes, not bothering to hide the symbol of what I assumed was the Clockwork Institution on their chests. 

Their symbol was that of gears and interconnected circuits, looking like a complex machine. And each of our contacts were carrying themselves with confidence, not likely to be mere goons of the Institution. 

Plex greeted them with friendliness, as was standard in this line of business. 

“Hello, my friends from the-”

“Where’s the message?”

He was interrupted by the warlock in the middle, the one who seemed to be the leader with slightly more luxurious robes than the other two. 

Plex continued to smile while retrieving the wooden box. 

He handed it off to the one on the right, who opened it before handing it to the leader. 

The leader looked into the box for a long while, his expression not changing in any way. 

Instead, he slowly brought out what was inside. 

A finger, with a ring around its severed base. It had long dried, and the sight caused my face to scrunch. 

“...Do you know what this is?”

“Sorry sirs, but we’re just the messengers. The details and context of the product delivered are not our concern.”

“...They should be.”

The leader muttered, his tone falling, and his words causing me to go on guard. 

Even Plex lost a bit of his friendliness as he asked.  

“Sirs, the head of the Tavera family would like a response.”


“Ah, jeez.”

Plex sighed, turning to me with a wry smile. 

“Sorry kid, maybe I should’ve left you. Let’s do our best, okay?”


My heart sunk as I cautiously responded. 

And before I was able to react, I saw Plex’s leg swing out, his foot crashing into my chest with insane force. 

My body was suspended in the air. As I felt the air rush out of my lungs, I could see a flash of light from the direction of the warlocks. 

Fireballs, just as I had worried about. They crashed in the place where I was. 

With Plex’s kick I was safe, my body landing in the midst of storage shelves. Plex also disappeared. 

Adrenaline shot through my body as I heard the explosion. Not long after, I heard Plex’s voice echo amongst the ruined factory. 

“Get going, kid! And don’t stop for anything!”


I grunted while struggling to breathe. Still, knowing how dangerous things had turned, I crawled to my feet and headed deeper into the ruins. 

“Get them. Their corpses will be our response to the piece of shit at Tavera.”

I heard the leader’s voice reverberate. And not long after, I saw a light flash through the shelf I was behind. 

I threw my body, barely avoiding the explosion that toppled the shelf and sent debris flying behind me. 

“We got this one, sir.”

“Fine. I’ll get the other slippery bastard.”


I heard those words while scrambling in another direction, cursing inwardly at my luck. It seemed I would need to run away from two wizards. 

My lungs were still desperately heaving for air as I ran between al the shelves and machines that served as obstacles

I took my time, and only occasionally did a fireball come hurdling in my direction. Every time it happened I was forced to jumped out of the way, and a few times I was still hit by debris, my body becoming a bit battered. 

It only served to wake me up though. With the help of adrenaline, I felt myself become hyper aware, every sound and color being used to indicate where the two wizards were.

However, I was only able to tell where one of them was, and that’s because he was the one launching the fireballs. The second one though…

Walking amidst the storage shelves, there was a long period of silence. I kept my steps as quiet as possible, my breathing light despite how tired I already was. 

But then, I turned a corner, and I saw a figure. My heart jumped, another surge of adrenaline overcoming me as I saw the robed man wave his hand. 

Colors bloomed as white lines were drawn in the air before him. His fingers traced the air, creating circuits that traveled between gears which manifested in cyclical formations. 

It looked like the symbol of the Clockwork Institution. Gears, circuits, symbols, all of them coming together in what I only assumed was a spell. 

And it only took a few seconds before I saw the air distort. In the corner of my eye as well, I could see another flash of light, the sign of another fireball. 

My avenues were cut off. One in front, one behind. 

Those few seconds felt so long, but right as the spell of the warlock in front of me flashed, my shirt was suddenly yanked, my body being pulled to the side. 

I watched as I was pulled through the brittle metal wall of the warehouse, fragments scraping my clothes and skin. Then, I was stopped on the street. 

I heard Plex’s voice. 

“Start running! That one’s an air specialist! Use the buildings to your advantage!”


There were many things I wanted to say, and several questions I wanted to ask. But right now, there was no time to lose. 

Turning in another direction, I took off into some dark alleyways. At the same time, I could hear explosions not far from me, but ones that sounded different from the fireballs. They were also more rapid.

It was the leader, no doubt. Plex couldn’t be having an easy time if even he was hurried. Thankfully it seemed he was also a competent Magus, so he had some power. 

Not so fortunate for me though. Sure I was a Magus, but I had no idea how to use my power. 

I could only run. 

The two wizards on my tail gave chase. It seemed like they were fast too, because even with my recovering speed, I couldn’t seem to shake them off. 

I took turn after turn, and no matter where I went, my surroundings were nothing but dark buildings and creepy alleyways. The people were scarce too, and when I came running, they often shrunk to the side, especially when they saw my pursuers. 

‘No open areas… no distance…’

I repeated these things in my mind. I couldn’t let these guys have enough time to launch a fireball my way, so I needed to constantly be twisting and turning. 

At the same time, I retrieved the knife Plex gave me. My stamina was draining and I couldn’t keep running forever, especially since these guys seemed like they were in better shape than me. 

They were gaining, so my mind rapidly started forming ideas. 

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