That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 58: Suits

Chapter 58: Suits

After our day of hunting, my schedule went back to normal. 

We had three weeks until the next trip out to another military base. During the second week though, I took care of a few orders of business. 

First, and most importantly, was my advancement formation. 

I could now begin making my way to Authority 5. So far, my advancements haven't taken me more than 2 months each. 

But when I received the next advancement formations from Maxwell, I realized that there was no way I would be doing this in just a month or so, regardless of how I progressed over time. 

The advancement formation to Authority 4 looked like a complex circuit board. The one for Authority 5, however, was several times more convoluted. 

But even that wasn’t enough to describe it. For one, the formation actually had three layers to it, resulting in me receiving 3 large sheets of paper the size of my torso from Maxwell. 

Each sheet of paper looked like the schematics for a CPU, and they were all supposed to layer on top of each other, interconnecting between thousands of different points. 

Comprehending the entire thing would only begin the process of creating another Spark and usher me into the doorway for Authority 6. It wasn’t until I became Authority 6 that I would finalize the creation of the second Spark. 

So for 3 Authorities, I would be trying to create a single Spark. 

Of course, it wasn’t as simple as just repeating the process I used to create the first one. 

First of all, because I already had a Spark occupying my mind, creating a second spark would introduce conflicts. 

The first Spark was constructed by creating an engine of Psyka. This meant that a vast majority of my Psyka now resided within the Spark. As for the rest of my mind, it was like an ocean powered by currents, the first Spark likened to a boat which could be purposefully driven. 

But the boat and ocean were intricately connected. Although there was the entire ocean that was my mind, all its energy had been focused around the boat. This meant there was nothing else to give to an additional boat. 

So in order to advance, one had to not create another boat, but turn the ocean and its currents, the memories and computational power of the mind, into something more direct and functional like a river. At least, that was how Maxwell described it. 

The way I understood it, the next Spark would be turning my Hard Drive of a mind into an SSD. And with an SSD, all of the information within my mind would flow far faster. The components of my mind would likewise function faster proportionally to the increase in information flow rate. 

The next three advancements would restructure and upgrade my hardware so that it could accommodate a much stronger technology, which was the second Spark. 

By the time I was finished, I would already be climbing beyond many powerful summoners, even those above my own Authority. The power that these advancements would grant me were radically better than the standard. But of course, this also meant that it came with more discrepancies. 

Unlike the standard formations that had been improved upon and utilized for centuries, these formations were completely new. It wasn’t certain that they accurately described the path forward. So unlike the narrow and clear path I had been on previously, the way forward was now a bit blurry and winding. 

But thankfully, I wouldn’t be without a guiding light. 

Maxwell knew more than anyone how his formations weren’t completely refined. Although he had been working on them for decades and he wielded a mind that I couldn’t even fathom the power of, there may still be some small errors or inconsistencies. 

While I would be on my own for the most part, simply trying to comprehend things in the first place, he offered me help should I absolutely need it. If there was a part of the formation that simply didn’t feel right no matter what angle I took it from, then he would give me advice and explain things. 

Not only that, but he told me that even without him, there was only so far off the path I could go before nature itself stopped me. 

Advancements were by no means a mistake or man-made creations. They were firmly rooted in nature, and humanity’s development of Magi and the system of advancements were actually all discoveries, not inventions. 

Sure, it took a lot of trial and error. But the perfect system wasn’t dictated by the Magi themselves, but the feelings they garnered when hitting certain milestones. 

Like in everything else, nature would always let you know when something was off. There was a reaction to every change, good or bad. And if something was bad, then nature would resist and attempt to correct it. 

This applied to Magi as well. Going down the wrong path introduced several negative effects, the most obvious of which was pain. 

I had forgotten it since I hadn’t experienced it in a long time, but when I used to deviate from the formations back during my second Authority, I would feel a searing pain in my mind. After all, one needed to circulate Psyka according to the formations. If you circulated that energy incorrectly, it would cause a backlash, like an engine misfiring. 

What this meant above all was that Maxwell’s formations, while definitely not the standard, were validated by nature itself. The very fact that I didn’t feel pain when circulating the Authority 4 advancement formation meant that it was technically correct. 

This meant that the standard formations that created weak summoners were also correct. That fact caused me to question several other things, like why there were multiple routes of advancement and what they meant. But that was beyond me right now, so I didn’t bother thinking about it. 

Anyway, I at least felt more reassured about my decision. I said that I would help Maxwell and be his guinea pig for this new system of advancement. That might’ve been mainly driven out of my desire to be a part of something bigger than myself, maybe my desire to be special. But I had stuck by my words, even though I was also a bit nervous about it. 

Maxwell’s explanations gave me more solace. I at least knew that I would achieve some success, and failure wouldn’t be permanent. If I encountered an obstacle, then I merely needed to work with Maxwell to find the correct path, because no matter what, the path was in fact there. 

And along with the formations I was given, Maxwell handed me an Authority 5 White Crystal which would be the engine for my cultivation. 

Although I was significantly more powerful than a summoner at my level, compared to knights or Warlocks, I was only average, maybe above average. Sometimes I forgot that this path wasn’t actually making me better than the standard, just better than the weak baseline for summoners. 

So an Authority 5 White Crystal was more than enough for me. 

After receiving my items, I sighed a bit. I didn’t want to have to start all over again on comprehending a new formation, especially one that seemed impossible to figure out. But I didn’t exactly have a choice. 

Thankfully, studying these formations was mildly interesting. I simply enjoyed using my powerful mind, and gaining results from the formation was rewarding. So I didn’t have an issue spending at least a couple hours a day studying. 

So with all that, one of my biggest orders of business was checked off. But there was yet another that I needed to take care of. 

And it involved Umara. When we both had some free time, we headed over to the tailor I was recommended by the Key Master. 

It was naturally located within the Black Spider Market, but it wasn’t one so easily accessed. 

Maxwell had recommended to me a tailor a while ago, one that I used for some more basic formal clothes equipped with mild defensive and convenient enchantments. Back then, I had spent over 30 Gold Bullion on a single suit, which at the time felt like a price gouge. 

Now though, I would be making my single largest purchase to date. 

I approached a building in the market. It was entirely unmarked and made of pitch black wood. 

I almost couldn’t see the floor with how dark it was. It seemed to absorb all light, leaving only the faintest indications that there was something there. 

And from the entrance, there were two white strips of light that drew a path toward the receptionist's counter. 

A man stood there behind a curved podium. There was nothing in front of him, and he looked like his only job was to simply wait there for the occasional rare guest. 

“Good day, Mr. Cooper.”

“Oh, hello.”

I was surprised that he already knew my name, but at the same time, I couldn’t find it that odd. I was already numbed to this kind of thing. 

“If I may, can I see your Golden Key?”


With his request, I pulled out the Golden Key from the Key Master. 

He nodded when he saw it before waving a hand. 

“Please, follow me to meet the Couturier.”

“Thank you.”

I smiled and followed, Umara linking arms with me as we were taken down another drawn path. 

It took us through what I could only assume was a hall before we arrived at a large double set of dark gold doors. 

After opening them and stepping through, we entered a room that was all black like previously. In the center of the floor, however, was a bright white ring. 

There was also a man waiting within, who looked at me with bright eyes. 

“Greetings, Mr. Cooper. I’m the Couturier Hans Meier. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


“Now tell me, what can I create for you today?”


As he said that, several more rings of light that wrapped around the ceiling lit up. 

The walls also revealed several mirrors, allowing me to see every angle of the room. 

I glanced around while responding. 

“I need a suit, fit enough for the highest class gatherings.”

“Of course, sir. Anything else?”

“I didn’t have anything else in mind, but if you let me know what else you provide, I wouldn’t mind getting more.”

“Then allow me to display our selections of features.”

He smiled and clapped, and from the ground, a few hatches opened up to reveal several sets of clothing. 

There were standard suits, noble suits, and royal suits fit for a king. The glamor could ascend to any level and I knew there was more to these suits than I knew. 

After all, with higher quality materials and design came inherent capabilities. My other suits, which were far cheaper than these, came with defensive and comfort features. There was no way these didn’t also come with those.

Hans listed some things off, describing several of the suits. 

“We offer just about anything you can think of, but most clients come to us for the longevity and integrity of their clothing. Our most basic suits can resist Authority 4 attacks, and we are capable of constructing coats that can withstand the onslaught of even Authority 10 beasts. Due to our special materials, every piece of clothing also comes with a certain level of self-mending capabilities. And besides defensive properties, our suits provide only the most comfortable features. As for its appearances, our fabrics can sport anything from basic colors to the most eye catching or profoundly deep visuals.”

“I see that…”

I was mesmerized while looking between the suits. 

Magic on this world did things that science hadn’t yet been able to do on Earth. And what I saw on these suits seemed to defy all common sense. 

One suit looked like it was a portal to the depths of space. I could see stars and explosions of colors, and the image wasn’t static. It would change with my perspective and position, shifting as I moved to reveal more fantastic images. 

Another suit looked like the incarnation of fire. It burned, but there was only a bit of warmth coming off of it. It looked just like real fire and I couldn’t fathom how it was doing so. 

Another looked like it was crafted of a single piece of fogged glass, while another looked like it was made of amethyst. 

It was flamboyant and not something I would wear unless it was a joke, but nevertheless, it clearly displayed great skill and ability. 

So my imagination was the limit, but I also couldn’t say that I was very artistic. While my mind functioned faster, that didn’t suddenly make me good at everything. 

But I realized that I at least had to have an idea. That caused me to look at Umara. 

Technically I was getting this for her in the inevitable situation where I would have to dress nicely for a bunch of nobles. I was committed to her and that would involve making certain decisions around her. 

But part of me wanted to make these suits a bit more versatile. I didn’t have the money to buy a new suit for every occasion, nor a dozen of them. 

So I thought about it for a bit before pointing at one of the more basic suits.

“I need something that can fit multiple occasions, not just a single party.”

“Ah, so we seek versatility. Worry not, Mr. Cooper, the suit you take away from this place won’t be worn but once. Our selections come with the ability to change certain aspects of their visuals. For now, how about you give me a selection of colors? I will design four different suits, and you can tell me how you like them.”

“Alright. Let’s go with… Black, purple, red, and gold.”

“Understood. Give me a moment.”

With his smile, all the suits in front of me disappeared. Then, four blank suits took their place. 

And with a wave of the hand, he began casting several spells that enveloped the suits, warping their shapes and colors. 

One spell also surrounded my person, seemingly measuring the different portions of my body using a series of notches. 

With that, the suits conformed to the general shape of my body, yet they all had different styles. 

The first of them was the most basic suit type worn by thousands of others throughout the capital during their day to day lives, sporting basic dark colors. 

The second was a step above, designed for normal formal events put on by the lower class. This one had black pants, a red shirt, and a black coat with some red trim. It looked really refined, but not so outstanding as to be out of place. 

The third was a step above that, designed for the most formal events a normal person could go to like Vatsy’s Gala. This suit was quite a bit more dazzling with the same black foundation, but now with gold designs and trim. It looked more like an art piece than a suit. 

And finally, the fourth suit was the most stunning of them all, clearly designed to be worn to noble gatherings. 

This suit was black paired with a purple shirt and vest along with some purple shoes. The purple vest had subtle black designs woven into its fabric, and these designs seemed to meld together with the designs on the jacket. 

The black jacket shimmering purple designs flowed across its entire body. But despite being obvious, the designs weren't overwhelming or showy. Only when looking closer at the suit would you be able to appreciate its intricacy. 

Not only that, but inlaid into the entire design was thin golden lace. However, this golden lace couldn’t be seen under normal circumstances. 

If you weren’t looking directly at the suit, you wouldn't be able to see it. But as soon as you did, you would be able to see an odd glittering gold that didn’t seem to be a part of the suit itself, almost as if it were shimmering beyond the fabric. It even looked like it was flowing, as if they were tiny veins pulsing with light. 

I took a step back and looked at all of the suits. They would all fit different occasions. I wouldn’t really need anything other than these four if I were to buy them all. 

At least, that depended on whether it was frowned upon to wear the same thing to multiple noble occasions. I didn’t exactly give a damn, but I had to for Umara’s sake. 



Umara tore her eyes away from the suits when I called her, letting me ask. 

“At your noble parties, am I going to have to wear something different every time?”

“Ah, well, yes and no. Some parties have themes, others are standard gatherings and some are holiday events. The girls are really the only ones that have to worry about having a ton of dresses. I don’t think the men care enough to worry about that, but for certain things they have to. For holiday events, you can wear the same thing every year since it's the same holiday. For gatherings or more personal affairs you can just wear something nice depending on how well you know the host. But for the biggest events like the annual King’s Court Ball, nothing but the best is required, and all the girls and most of the men have something new every year.”


I hummed in thought. At the very least, I wouldn’t have to worry about buying everything now. If I needed something, I had time to get it. 

Suddenly, Umara spoke again.

“Y-You don’t have to worry so much about that. That last suit over there is more than enough for the nicest events you’ll have to go to. The others also check just about every box for varied events, though I would recommend getting some color variations of the second and third ones, just for a bit more variety.”

“If I may.”

At that moment, Hans chimed in, waving toward the second and third suits. 

“The third suit can have its color scheme changed at will. While it can’t shift its design, because of our special fabrics, their colors are capable of becoming any of our predetermined palettes. This is changed by the handkerchief. Observe.”

With a wave, Hans took out seven different handkerchiefs. 

And he put a white one into the chest pocket of the third suit, making it flash and change its color to a white variation. 

He also had red, blue, dark green, violet, gold, and the original black. When slotted into the chest pocket, it could shift to any of these base colors while simultaneously changing its trim and design colors to match. 

It amazed me, and I realized that this single suit was actually 7 suits in one. 

Then, he went on to display the same thing with the fourth suit, just with a bit more limitation. Instead of being able to turn into any color, it was restricted to white and black, the color schemes basically flipping to their opposites. 

As for the others, well, they were cheap enough to buy multiple sets of. Not to mention that the first suit was standard, and I already had a few pairs of regular suitwear. Plus, my coat was already nicer than even the second suit, and I wore it daily.

“Would you like to try on the last suit?”

“Hm, sure.”

Hearing Hans, I nodded. That prompted him to wave to the side, revealing another room. 

“Along with our suits, we offer special undergarments. Step inside the room and change into the pair already selected for you. Once you come back out, we can dress you.”


I followed along and entered the room. It was basically a changing room, and after the door closed, I stripped myself and put on the singular pair of what seemed like spandex underwear. 

It hugged my body but wasn’t all that tight. It was also black just like the entire building was, eliminating the ability to make out any curves or definition when looking at it head on. 

I walked back out in just that, my gaze going straight toward Umara. 

She’s already seen me shirtless, but she still got rosy cheeks while trying to divert her gaze, and failing. 

I chuckled a bit and stepped back into the circle. Then, Hans brought over the suit pieces one by one. 

Pants, shirt, vest, jacket, shoes, and a necktie. I put everything on while he straightened whatever he needed to. 

And I looked between the mirrors, feeling like a new man. 

I almost couldn’t believe how good I looked. And that wasn’t out of my own narcissism. This suit was just so well made and fit me in the perfect way, making me look like some kind of rugged royal fit to rule a kingdom, bringing out all my good points as if they were obvious.

I fell in love immediately. I felt like it was perfect.

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