That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 90: Don’t Tell Mom

Chapter 90: Don’t Tell Mom

“I’ll see you at the estate later today. We can continue this conversation then.”

“Of course.”

“Also, bring your boyfriend. I’ll need to see him.

“I-I will.”

Umara smiled sheepishly as she said her goodbyes to her friend. 

The Raven Family was unique in that they were more meritocracy than strict hierarchy. Status could be earned through martial prowess and talented students were afforded their due respect. The superiors of the Family demanded as such. 

It was different from the Magisterium. There, even someone talented might not be given an ounce of respect if they weren’t a noble. Umara had seen that clearly with John. Despite having the potential to be top-ranked by the end of the year, all while entire Authorities beneath his competition, his popularity was merely infamy.

Granted, their relationship didn’t help that. Still, Umara knew very few people who actually respected John. One of those few was amazingly the Puppet Master himself, not to mention the head of the Tavera Mafia. 

He seemed to draw more attention from the adults. Perhaps that was because, compared to all the students at the Magisterium, he acted like one. All the other noble children may as well be just that: children. 

That made the Raven Family special. Here, noble titles meant much less. Martial skill was everything, so if a noble child couldn’t rise to the standards or challenges, they would be reduced to a mere commoner in status. Nobody would care about them, especially if they acted out of line. 

Umara had several friends here due to that. The best of her friends, the girl she just met with, was one she had learned from over the years.

During her early years at the Magisterium, in an attempt to teach her daughter about the intricacies of combat, the Duchess would send her over to the Whetted City to spar and fight against the knights. 

And so she met Shadowbane. 

Their personalities were similar enough and they found themselves getting along so well when they first met that they immediately became friends. After that, they continued to battle each other despite the age gap. Umara took it as a challenge, and Shadowbane would create challenges for herself in order to get stronger. 

It was unfortunate that Shadowbane stayed within the Martial League instead of going to the Magisterium. She hoped to one day get into the position to work together again, perhaps in the military, but that was still a ways off. 

After leaving the suite, another one reserved for other Ravens and knights their age, Umara headed back down to the halls in search of her boyfriend and sister. 

She didn’t get any messages so she hoped they were able to get along. She was close with her sister, so she wanted to make sure they had a good relationship as well. 

Besides, Umara didn’t see any reason why Faey shouldn’t be able to have fun with John. He was a good person and definitely knew how to have fun. He wasn’t stuck up and rigid like many noble men. It was one of the many things she loved about him. 

But she knew that things took time to develop. She at least hoped they were able to have a good talk. 

So when she finally turned a corner and found the bar, she peered in curiously as she walked over. 

Only to see John laughing his ass off, and her sister pulling on him with a loopy expression. 

“The hell?”

She tilted her head, and sure enough, John quickly noticed her. 

His expression made him look like a criminal getting caught in the act. And as soon as he spoke something to her sister, she jumped as well, looking over at her with a red face. 

And then, out of the blue, they started running. 

“Go, go!”


“Hey, watch your mouth, you delinquent!”

He reprimanded her even as they ran away, pushing through the crowds of people. 

Umara stood there completely baffled. She couldn’t possibly imagine why they were acting like this. 

Unless they did something bad. 

She had a faint suspicion, but she needed to actually talk to them first. So she gave chase. 

“Ah! She’s coming!”

“Get on my back! Hurry!”

“Okay, okay!”

John suddenly kneeled, letting Faey jump on his back. That allowed Umara to catch up quite a bit, but then, John took off in a sprint. 

Umara’s eyes widened. She didn’t know if he had ever taken off so fast, not even during battles. He usually wasn’t in the position to run, so she didn’t see his speed very often. 

So she was shocked when she actually had to run as fast as she possibly could just to keep them in her sight. 

“Dammit John! Get back here!”

“Don’t stop! Go, my Glider!”

“I’m going!”


Feay laughed as John got a second wind, leaving Umara in the dust. And since he still had his cigar in his mouth, steam puffed over his head with every rapid breath he took. 

Feeling her eye twitch, Umara suddenly took a deep breath, the air element swirling around her body with a gust of wind. 

The atmosphere bent with her command, and with a step, she soared several yards. 

John couldn't run forever, and she had magic to carry her forward. Who said she had to break a sweat to catch them?

Sure enough, it didn’t even take a minute for John to start petering out. Umara had to use magic to even keep up with him during that minute, but after he started slowing down, she caught up. 

Faey squirmed around on his back. 

“Keep going! She’s coming!”

“Ugh, if I take another step I’m gonna barf.”

“What are you two doing?”

Umara caught up as John heaved for breath. He didn’t look incredibly tired, but since he had been drinking, his stomach caught up to him before his stamina did. 

Without acknowledging her, he took a seat on a nearby staircase. Faey stayed on his back, simply sitting behind him and using him to prop herself up.

Well, at least they seemed to be getting along. Umara smiled a bit before John gathered himself and spoke. 

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Why did you run like that? Why is she all red?”

“No reason.”

He turned his head away. He was still clearly a bit drunk, and Feay seemed woozy.

She narrowed her eyes, walking over to her sister and putting her face really close. 

Feay twisted away, but the rank cloud from her mouth made it plenty obvious. 

“You let her drink?!”

“She took mine when I was distracted!”


“I-I didn’t mean to!”

“Yea right! You listen here..!”

Umara scolded her sister, telling her all about how she shouldn’t be drinking at her age and how much trouble she would be in if their parents found out. 

At some point though as Feay started getting down, John stood and waved. 

“Alright, alright. She gets it. Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

“But it is a big deal!”

“No, it’s not. Your sister is responsible enough to know what she should and shouldn't do. No need to badger her for being a little cheeky. So long as she doesn’t do it again, right?”

He tilted his head back at Feay, getting a hasty nod from her. 

He then smiled and ruffled her hair, messing it up and earning a few swipes. 

“See? Just let it be and don’t tell mom. We can head back after sobering her up a bit more.”

“Ugh, fine.”

Umara, exasperated, relented with a long breath. 

Afterward, the three decided to buy some candy and head back up to the stands, taking a random open spot among the crowds of people. 

There, they watched the rest of the races. As the last few races came about though, Feay suddenly asked. 

“Hey John, can we place some bets?”

“You let her gamble too?!”

“Ahh!! That was gonna be a secret!”

“I-I’m sorry!”

He fumbled around as Umara pounced on him, Feay apologetically panicking to the side.


After the last race, Umara, her sister and I went back to the suite. 

Feay was quick to sober up so she drew no suspicions. The only tell was her otherwise unexplained closeness with me.

The three of us kept recent events a secret between us. Like that, we grouped back up with the parents and moved to our next destination. 

It was a theater not far from the stadium. There, we were led into an elevated suite with the Raven Chief. 

Down below us was a huge stage, meant for musical and theatrical performances. 

I sighed a bit. I wasn’t particularly interested in their theater. On Earth we had movies that could depict battles between stars and demigods. Here, they had jesters and actors with painted stage props. 

It wasn’t that I couldn’t respect the art of the play, just that I didn’t find it very entertaining. But who knew? Maybe they would surprise me. It was just unfortunate that my standards were so inflated.

And unlike at the stadium, there wasn’t anywhere else to go. So I was stuck sitting in a chair for the couple hours we would be here. 

Soon enough, the play started. 

It turned out to be something close to a musical, with musical pieces being mixed into the play. 

The tale was a classic hero story, but there was still value in cliches. It told a tale of a man fighting battles against beasts, acquiring allies as he grew strong, and all of them conquering the desolate lands of their enemy before beheading the beastly king. 

Contrary to my expectations, the props used by the actors were incredibly realistic, backed by enough magic to make the stage look like a door to another world. 

However, it was the musical pieces that caught my eye. 

Specifically, one of the ending pieces carried out by three of the heroes as they were approaching the final legs of their journey. 

During a scene around a campfire, they pulled out instruments and played some songs from their hometowns, a way to bridge the gap in their relationships and grow closer. 

But I didn’t care about any of that. What I cared about was the instrument one of them used. 

A guitar. 

Well, it was similar enough. Six strings of varying thickness and a wide wooden body with a sound hole in the middle. It sounded similar too. It wouldn’t take more than a tune up and I could have it sounding like an acoustic guitar. 

I got excited, patting Umara. 

“What? What is it?”

“That instrument. The one the second man is holding.”

“A lute?”

“Yes. I need one of those.”

“Why? Do you know how to play one?”

“I do, in fact.”

I smiled at her, earning a bit of surprise. 

“Wow. Can you sing?”

“I don’t know about that. But I can at least play well.”

“Well, maybe we can get you one.”

“Is there a shop?”

“I don’t know about here, but there’s definitely one at Joffrun. I’ll ask my mother on the way back.”


I responded with a wide grin, making Umara chuckle. 


“Welcome to our humble abode.”

“...Humble my ass.”

I mumbled from behind the group as we walked the path to the Raven Estate. 

It was a castle. Not a mansion, but a castle. 

And unlike many of the other constructions through the city made of white marble, this castle was constructed of black crystal bricks. 

It looked like liquid gold was used as the mortar between each brick as well. Regardless of the materials used, it had to be worth an astronomical amount of coin. 

As impregnable as a fortress and as lavish as the royal palace, this castle covered such a large plot of land that there was actually a field within it. I ended up comparing it to the Golden Bowl in size. 

I let out a long plume of smoke from my mouth as we entered. 

Outside the castle were several carriages carrying students of the Martial League as well as noble friends of the Ravens. We were just one of many attending this party. 

Well, I at least wouldn’t have to worry about dealing with conventional nobles. I had a good impression of the Ravens and knew they wouldn’t stoop to making things difficult for me. 

“John Cooper!”

“Son of a bitch…”

I muttered while turning, my placid gaze falling on a young man who entered the gathering hall. 

Everyone’s attention was caught by his sudden hostility. And sure enough, I felt Umara’s apologetic feelings through our telepathic connection. 

(I-I’m sorry. Another suitor…)

(It’s fine.)

I sighed inwardly. I couldn’t blame her for being pretty. 

“Tindereye, what are you doing? I hope you don’t intend to disgrace our allies.”

The Chief stepped forward, snuffing out the young man’s fiery confrontation. 

He assumed a rigid posture, lowering his head a bit. 

“I apologize, Chief. I wish to challenge John Cooper to a duel!”

“Why would you want to do that?”

The Chief asked with incredulity, as if he truly couldn’t fathom why the young man would want to fight. 

The young man, Tindereye, was a bit baffled that the Chief wouldn’t know. Thankfully for him, the Chief’s wife pulled her husband’s arm and whispered into his ear. 

His eyes widened in understanding. 

“I see. I understand why you want to duel, but they are guests here for our Christmas celebration. Mr. Cooper, a duel holds traditional value for those here at the Whetted City. I’ll give you the option to accept, but do not feel obligated.”

The Chief turned to me, everyone’s curious gaze waiting for my answer. 

I felt my face drop. 

“Man, I’m already halfway to the moon. You’re really gonna kill my buzz, huh?”

“I fight for Lady Umara’s hand! Do you dare do the same?!”

Umara palmed her face beside me, grabbing my arm. 

“John, you can let me take care of it.”

“No, no. I can’t let Lady Umara fight my battles. I am a MAN! And I FIGHT for MY WOMAN!”

“Please stop…”

She covered her face blooming with heat, pushing me to the verge of laughing my ass off.

If I was gonna do this, then you bet your ass I was gonna embarrass her while doing so. 

I took out my golden cigar case, earning a few looks of shock before snuffing my stogie and stowing it away. 

“Alright, I accept the duel. Chief, what are the rules regarding inflicting injuries?”

“They are expected. No knight who shuns injury can truly call themselves a knight.”

“How convenient.”

I smiled a bit, causing Umara to pull my sleeve. 

“Please don’t kill someone.”

“What’s his Authority?”


“Oh. Cutting it close.”

I clicked my tongue as the Chief spoke. 

“Very well. Seems like we have some more entertainment. To the arena! The duel between John Cooper and Tindereye will start in 15 minutes!”


Several people broke out in cheering, bloodthirsty for a new fight.

This family definitely had a warrior culture. Why else would duels be a tradition?

Everyone streamed to the arena, scrambling to get better seats. As for me, I popped the cork on another bottle of alcohol, making my own preparations.

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