The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 113

Chapter 113


You know, that transferee did you not hear about them, oppa? I wonder why he came to Nobira, though.

Ah, I heard about them too, just not the specifics.

Haah Even if you are slow in catching up with recent events, this is way too slow, oppa. Are you the type of person who builds a wall around themselves from the rest of the world? Luckily for you, Im really caught up with everything. Information is king in Pandea! You basically owe me your life, oppa.

My life?

Your life depends on information, but youre slow in acquiring it! You cant survive in Pandea with a half-hearted mindset! Not to mention, youre a summo nevermind.

- You were about to say summoner just now, werent you!

- I know it! You were about to insult me!

- Seol suddenly has a debt to pay lmfao.

Seol felt how quickly rumors spread among the transferees, as even an ordinary one was already aware of what had happened in Yognatun.

But another part of him was also curious.

He was curious about what his actions meant to the other ordinary transferees.

You know about Nobiras downfall, right?

Yes, Im aware.

So the reason that happened was actually because of some terrifying trolls from beyond the walls. Who couldve known the wall protecting the kingdom had a hole in it?

When did you hear about this?

I-I dont know? Its before we entered the Great Forest, so still, do you know how these rumors formed?

Somi lowered her voice as much as she could, like she was about to share vital information.

Apparently, there was a transferee who didnt think it was enough to cross the wall and chased them down all the way to the Yognatun Volcano.


- (Trying his best to pretend he doesnt know)

- (Shocked expression)

- (Oh my goodness!)

So... yeah. From what I heard, they defeated all the monsters in Yognatun and pushed back the trolls who were plotting something elsewhere. All of that was because of one person. By the way, do you know what his powers are?

Are there already rumors about that too?

Apparently, they were already quite famous around here. Nothing much about them had spread before, but since they dealt with one huge event after another... it was like boom! And everything started spilling out.

I see.

They control shadows. Isnt that scary?

What? Scary?

I mean, thats something a clich mastermind behind the shadows would use its eerie too.

Are you saying theyre bad then?

Not at all. Rather, theyd be perfect for our party. My dream was to be a mastermind in the shadows. But you dont look surprised at all after hearing about this. Is this not shocking to you?

It is shocking.

You dont seem surprised at all, though Ah, are you the type whos jealous of famous people? I used to leave hate comments on celebrities too. I get it. Its just human nature.


- Shes oversharing way too much LMFAOOO

- How is that related??? LOL

- Why is Somi so funny lmfao

So, the that person I mentioned earlier was referring to them. Dont you think theyd be absolutely perfect for our party?

How so?

First, Im the only woman in a party whos overflowing with charm nevermind, unnis here too. Well I guess Im not the only woman either now? Still, we have me, whos a great mood-maker.

Is your class mood-maker?

Somi laughed awkwardly and continued.

Ahem and our party also has delicious food.


So Im sure we could do a huge welcoming party if they join, right? Wed also clear the Adventure easily, so wouldnt this be a win-win scenario?

I thought you wanted to be a mastermind hidden in the shadows? Youre still going to give them a welcoming party?

Do you think whether I'm good or evil is really that important? Good and evil is just a matter of preference for exceptional people like them. Still, I guess I made some excessive comments because just lamenting about this isnt the best. Its because we wouldnt still be here if that person joined our party. We would have been back in Nobira by now. Theyre on a completely different level from us, but I guess its also a problem if they did join our party. I bet they have a nasty personality. People who are a bit better than others are all ill-mannered. Judging by their ability to control shadows, Im sure its true,!

I feel like the conversation shifted to you insulting them.

Ah, its just because I have a personal rule of destroying anything that I cant get my hands on

In the eyes of most transferees, Seols actions were more than just special, they were insane.

Even if someone could go to Yognatun alone and defeat the trolls all by themselves, it wouldnt be an easy decision to make.

Because of that, their image of the mysterious transferee was someone completely different from them.

You know, I have a lot of experience.


Like life experience! Even though we havent been transferees for long, Im sure all of the survivors can all agree on one thing. Theres a really easy, surefire way to survive.

An easy, surefire way to survive

Do you want to know what it is?

- This sounds like a clickbait title LMFAO

- The easiest way to survive in the wilderness! Youll regret not watching this later!

- ???: I wont be an idiot who regrets not watching LOL. Lets watch this immediately!

Somi quietly whispered to Seol.

Its connections.


Like I said, connections. Its the same as our previous world, which revolves around connections. Whenever people gather, its all the same.

How did you get to that conclusion?

Can you deny it, though? Consider this. The reason the transferee went to Yognatun alone was probably for someone else! The prisoners were only saved because the transferee's friend was there. If their friend wasn't there, everyone would have died!


- She makes a point!

- I mean, shes not wrong.

- Why the fuck would we go there if it wasnt for Hamun LMFAO

- We would have just ignored them and went to Mirei.

- Han Somi (22 years old, 3-time CSAT retaker, knows a lot about the world)

Gyeongtaek then asked Somi.

So what youre saying is that we need to make those sorts of connections?

"Everyone does this whether they recognize it or not. We're just a bit behind. Nowadays, people call them the main members or main crew, right? Thats just proof that skilled people only hang around with other skilled people."

"Hah, and how exactly are we supposed to build connections then? Are we just supposed to pray that the person next to us suddenly becomes special?"

"No, but fortune does favor the brave. What do you think we can do when we're nothing more than their backdrop? All we can do is read the room, right? We just have to scratch the itch of whatever bothers them and turn them into our people."

Urgh do we really have to go that far?

This is why I call you young, Gyeongtaek. What wouldnt you do to survive? Id clap while doing a handstand if it would let me survive, alright? My point is, we need to find someone exceptional and force our way into their circle.

Do you think wed last, though?

You have to do whatever it takes, Gyeongtaek! Dont you dare let this go in one ear and out the other. This is how heroes are born!

- Maam, thats a lot different from the heroes I know.

- This is the revised edition.

- Ah, I see.

Gyeongtaek then nodded his head multiple times.

On the other hand, Munho was scooping up another ladle of porridge, seemingly uninterested in the conversation.

Mundo I mean, Munho ahjussi are you not interested in this?

Nom Hm? What?

What she was talking about, like becoming a hero.

People already insult old men like me with fat stomachs and bald heads. On top of that, I have no idea what they'd do If I'm delusional too. I know my place.

Dont say that, ahjussi! Youre being pessimistic again.

It seemed like it wasnt Munhos first time behaving like this. Gyeongtaek and Somi expertly handled him.

* * *

Ahjussi, youll find your daughter for sure, okay? What was her name again? Ye Hye Hyerin?

Yerin, Shin Yerin. I hope shes right by my wifes side.

Somi briefly explained Munhos situation to Seol.

So hes been worried about his family since he came over into this world. Apparently, his wife and his daughter were living in another country.

...I see.

Still, ahjussi. Dont you think Yerin would like it if her father was a hero?

As Ive grown older, Ive come to realize that Im not the kind of person who can give to others. Only people with luxury could do something like that. I just need to find my daughter.

...It looks like you were fairly close with Yerin?

Munho, who had been quiet for a while, became talkative about his daughter.

Well... Uh... I guess it wasn't as good after she hit puberty? After that... Well, we lived apart, so calls grew scarce.

- D-Dad, get out of my room!

- Mom! Dads touching my stuff!

- Why can I hear this

- Dont make it too realistic Stop making it realistic. Im getting PTSD, you assholes

Munho looked off into the distance with longing eyes.

She wanted to play the piano, so she studied abroad in Germany with her mother.

Woah that must have been nice for her then. But doesnt that mean you were a goose dad?

T/N: Goose dad is a Korean term for a man who works in Korea while his family is abroad in an English-speaking country for their childrens education. They are called goose dads because they have to travel a lot or migrate to meet their children.

Yeah, I was a goose dad.


Ever since then, it has been awkward between us. Ah, I'm not blaming my wife or my daughter either. How would I have the right to complain when I dont even earn enough money to...

The viewers all commented on the souring mood.

- Beep Beep

- 4:36PM, the mood has died.

- D-Doctor, please! Please save our mood! We cant just let it go like this.

- I apologize, maam. Theres no hope Im sorry, but we have to send it off.

- You guys why am I crying hahaha

- I feel like getting older has made me a lot more emotional, Im bawling right now LOL.

Munho let out a long sigh.

Ah Im sorry, guys. I feel like the mood is all gloomy because of me. Im sorry, I really am.

No, youre fine, ahjussi. Oi, Gyeongtaek! Say something gloomy too!

Gyeongtaek quickly nodded and spoke up.

I-I have aichmophobia, a fear of sharp things!

...Dont you use a sharp weapon?

I do a spear

Are you okay using that?

To be honest, Im not used to it yet.

"I see, you little brat... You were pretending to be normal all this time and"

"Your turn, noona."

"Me? What do I... Ah, I thought of one. I have awful astigmatism. I cant recognize my parents without my glasses."

- Is this a competition to brag about their small flaws? LMFAO

- Its so trivial hahaha

...Arent you a hunter?


Fucking hell no wonder your aim was ass.

Hey, I heard you! And I have Dexterity Assistance now, so its somewhat covered, alright?

Munho ahjussi is a rogue Seol hyungs a summoner our party is a fucking mess.

Seriously, our only option is to run to Nobira quietly.

- What is this awful party LOOOL

- Seols current party: an obese rogue, a hunter with awful eyesight, a spearman afraid of sharp things and Seol.

- Alright, the leader of our group assignment will be

- Seol!

- Oppa, Ill help a lot! (Wont help)

- Leave the powerpoint to me! (Looks like a 2nd grader did it)

- Whens our next meeting then? (No one shows up)

In this dizzying situation, Somi asked Seol a question.

Oppa, by the way, I forgot to ask you something.

What is it?

What kind of summoner are you? I heard there were different types of summoners. What was that called again a demonic beast summoner? I heard they were pretty useful

I just summon this and that.

Since saying he was a Shadow Summoner could expose Karens identity as a shadow, Seol didnt directly answer.

This and that? Are you a Junk Summoner, then?

...Im not.

Junk Summoner hahaha thats so perfect.

Karen tried her best to hold back her laughter but couldnt.

By the way, unni, are you a knight?

Well, something similar?

"Dont worry, unni. Dont feel pressured to do something alone if it gets dangerous. Were not those kinds of people."

Her appearance and demeanor made it hard to tell how powerful Karen was.

And because of that, Somi warned Karen in case Karen felt pressured to do something as the only vanguard.

In an instant, Seol and Karen shifted their eyes.

A presence

Only Seol and Karen exchanged glances, like they were the only ones who detected it.

Karen nodded her head.

Then lets start heading out now. We have a long distance to go anyway.

Huh? Were not going to rest a bit more? Weve walked for so long, though and I thought we agreed to move at night

I want to rest too. However, that isnt really possible right now.

Wh-what do you mean?


Echoes of something large barreling through the forest.

As well as the sound of something very ominous and blunt.

It sounded somewhat like footsteps.



Wh-what? Its coming this way!

The sounds the sounds are getting closer.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

The mysterious monster screamed as it pounded on something.

It was practically proven now that the monster was huge.

Sh-should we hide?

Isnt it better to run away?

What if its fast?! Then what will we do?!

F-Fighting is

Have you lost your mind?

I-I cant fight I dont want to die


Munho covered his ears and murmured to himself.

Sometimes, people feel the sensation of their body freezing when they are in a perilous situation, like deer in the headlights.

Munho just happened to be one of those people.

After all, you couldnt fight a truck coming at you.

Please Please just go somewhere else please



The party covered their mouths, not to let any sounds out.

The monsters footsteps had disappeared.

However, something was different from before.

A shadow.

A shadow was cast over their heads.

Somi raised her head and looked up. She looked to see what was casting the shadow over them.


A giant monster had stuck its head between the trees and looked down at them.

It was a monster that brought fear with just its appearance and a horrid smell

I-Its an ogre its a Forest Ogre



It was as Somi said.

What was chasing them this entire time was a Forest Ogre.

The ogre was as big as a house, with a mouth sparse with teeth and a face that strangely resembled a person, along with the yellow eyes of a beast.

An ogre was a monster whose features instinctively scared humans.

N-No Dont

Despite that, Seol and Karen exchanged glances. Seol then gave Karen a nod.

[Turiax, the Bone Lover, used Bone Break.]

Turiax raised his massive club and swung down.


Somi, its target, screamed in terror.




Everyone believed the club would crush Somi easily.

Well, at least Somi and Turiax did.

However, the club couldnt do anything.


The club had been stopped, unable to go any further.

Before they realized it, Karen unsheathed her sword and stopped Turiaxs club.


Karen had stopped a club multiple times her size like it was nothing.

Somi quickly realized that Karen was much stronger than she had believed her to be.

Furthermore, the more power she brought out, the closer she resembled a shadow.

Wh-what is that


Karens Red Lotus Sword ignited.



Turiax pulled back its club in fear.

The partys gaze naturally went to Karen, then slowly switched to her companion, Seol.


Seol was gathering black energy in his hands.

Can I still take you up on that welcoming party?

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