The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Shadow soldiers and armed men swept the night streets.


Get back into the building! Dont open any windows!

Currently, Nobira was washing away the negative energy that has built up in the city with blood and steel.


D-Do you really think you will be able to handle this? Heka will kill you all!

Itll be a different story if we kill you all before that happens though.



A life had met its end.

Similar things were happening throughout the city.

Though death is what gives meaning to life, there were way too many people dying in vain in the city.

Wolf Krgh You came up with a few good tricks this time but what do you think about backing off now? said Doju.

Why would I do that?

Because Heka will be coming soon. Hes coming to tear your head off from your body for biting me, hahaha

I already know that. Thats why Im in a hurry.


Doju looked for ways to escape from this situation but wherever he looked, there was someone blocking his way.

And if there werent people, there were shadows.

Kibo, are you still turning your dead faction members into your shadows?

Yeah, I still am.

You make me want to vomit I feel awful for them.

This conversations already gone too long. The nights going to be long even with you gone. Farewell.

St-stop it! Kraaargh


The spine-chilling sound of a persons head being separated from their body filled the dead space.

Doju is dead. Tell it to the members of his faction and dont kill anyone who surrenders.


Now is it only Heka left?

Since Heka is still alive, the real plan starts now.

Exactly. Dont relax just yet, we need to find out exactly what moves Heka has made. First, lets rendezvous with Shur.

Blood flowed throughout the city.

It was undeniably a cruel sight but no one showed sympathy to the tyrants death.

Kibo, despite all the commotion, was successfully able to rendezvous with Shur.

And here, Kibos first prediction was wrong.

Heka should have aimed for us before we were able to rendezvous so why didnt he show up?

Either he was confident to the point that he was arrogant, or he was in a situation where he couldnt fight right away.

Kibo then suddenly thought of the mission he gave Mira before the Wolfs Night started.

He sent Mira to a bar after hearing that Heka and Seol were fighting there. And ever since sending her there, he has heard absolutely nothing.

What happened

Kibo, so you were fine.

Ah, you as well.

I heard that you killed Hoju. Now I guess all thats left is Heka.

Just because hes wild doesnt mean that hes stupid. Im sure that Hekas preparing for battle, and then

And then

The two felt that something was off and instantly turned to look at a person who was approaching them.

Kibo! Mira is back!

Mira is?

Yes! B-But

What happened?

I think you should see this yourself.

Step Step

A weak gait.

It looked as if the person walking toward them had lost their meaning.

Someone was walking toward Kibo.



You were safe, thats such a relief.

Kibo, you know

Mira bit her lips and hesitated from saying something.

Kibo patiently waited for her to speak. He knew that if someone as hot-tempered as she was hesitating to say something, it had to be just as important.



With a sigh, Mira put forth her hand. Along with whatever hung underneath it.

A head?

A persons head was nothing to be surprised by here. The city was filled with decapitated heads after all.

Even so, Kibo was surprised.

...Isnt this Heka?


He died? How? Did you help him?

Mira shook her head.

He was like this when I arrived.


Kibo dropped to one knee.


Im fine, I was just way too shocked. Did he do it?

It could only be him. When I arrived at the bar, he was waiting for me with Hekas head on the table.

Kibo closed his eyes.

In the end, the lion has been swept away by the storm.

- Hes probably going to be the most important storm in this upcoming battle. We just have to hope that the storm hits the lions faction and not ours.

Everything after that ended in a flash.

Shur and Kibos forces took the defeated soldiers lives and hopes.

The ruin hunters called this night the Wolfs Night and gathered under Kibo and Shur.

Shur gave the majority of the achievements to Kibo. After all, Kibo was the biggest reason he was able to stay alive through this horrific night.

And with that, the power dynamic in Nobira had completely shifted. The scattered forces all solidified with the wolf at the center.

* * *

And now, Kibo, who had become the leader of all of the ruin hunters in Nobira, was out at a secret location with Mira.

They were waiting for somebody.


What is it?

Is it really okay to spread rumors that youre waiting for someone here?

Its completely fine. Who would even believe it?

Even if someone spread rumors that Kibo was waiting for someone, no one would take it seriously. Rather, they would think that the person who said that had lost their mind.

It was because, currently, everything in Nobira was in Kibos hands.

The fact that someone like him was waiting for someone else was just a poor joke.

Knock, knock.

Im here, spoke a voice beyond the door.

Ah, yeah, replied Kibo.

Before Kibos subordinate opened the door, he quietly relayed a message to Mira while tidying his clothes.

I want you to be quiet today.

Ill judge for myself. I can also tell a thing or two, you know?

Haha, suuuure


There was a smile on their faces, as expected from people who had their worries disappear.

However, as one person stepped through the door, their smiles quickly changed to tension.


It feels like Im seeing you guys often.

The person who entered through the door was Seol.

He looked a bit tired but still exuded immense pressure.

Kibo quickly stood up and welcomed him.

Welcome, have a seat.

As Seol took a seat, the seat glowed a golden hue and was filled with strange decorations.

This seat is a bit much.

Haha this is the exact opposite situation of when we first met.

Kibo, remembering when he sat down in the decorative chair in Seols outbuilding, let out a laugh.

Kibo watched Seol, hoping for Seol to talk first. Seol, noticing that, spoke. It was a trade. Finally, the reason Seol killed Heka came out.

As expected then wouldnt it have been better to accept it back then?

- I want you to help us with our battle against Heka.

Kibo, obviously, hadnt forgotten his request to Seol either.

It was because I didnt plan on getting myself involved back then.

Hm hm well, since its in the past and its a waste of time to hang yourself over the small details What do you want?

The price for killing Heka.

Kibo wanted to know what Seol wanted for doing it.

Seol paused for a moment before answering, Anything.

Not an item?

As long as it can help me, anything.

Oho Why do I get a feeling that Im going to get ripped off today? Kibo furrowed his brows.

I noticed it already the first time we met but you really arent a pushover.

Was my request too much?

Not at all. If its a request from someone who killed my rival, nothings too much. In fact, Ive already sorted out some things that you might want.

Even though Seol had made a unique request, Kibo was generously accepting of it.

Did you think of something?

Of course. Its something that I think youll be really interested in.

Youre making me look forward to it.

I never thought Id be telling someone else about this Id be glad if I didnt get teased for being a light person after this.

It must have been something difficult to say as Kibo was hesitating.

When I was very young Back then, I did anything for money, not just hunting ruins. I even did things that mercenaries would do like guarding, scouting, and even assassinations.

Kibo had a glint in his eyes, as if he were pulling out his old memories from the air.

It happened when I was going around the desert in the west. I was deployed there with my party members, and we discovered someone who was frantically running away from some people.

And you saved them?

I was young back then. My body acted before I could even think. I did get a huge scar because of it though.

So you were able to successfully save them.

They were tired after a long chase after all. Anyway, I killed them all and buried them all in the sand.

And what youre about to give me now is related to the person you saved that day, right?


Seol grew more and more interested the more Kibo talked.

Judging by how Kibos taking a long time to tell the story, it must be extremely important information, thought Seol as he paid attention.

Regardless, I cant believe the connection I made in the desert is going to be further extended like this. He told me that he received a lot of help from me and that he would pay it back someday.

So what are you going to give me?

His debt. To be more precise, Im trying to give you the payment he promised me for saving his life.

Is that worth as much as Hekas head? responded Seol.

Kibo laughed when he saw Seols disappointed reaction. Almost like he had been waiting for this question from him.

Do you know who Orgo is?

Orgo Are you talking about Orgo, the Blood-Drenched?

Youre more knowledgeable than I thought. Were you interested in this side too?

I heard about him for various reasons. Dont tell me is the person you saved related to Orgo?

He is Orgos successor.


Orgo, the Blood-Drenched.

Not only was he a blacksmith, he was also an excellent fighter.

Whats interesting is that despite the nickname of Blood-Drenched, Orgo didnt thoughtlessly kill people.

He was called Blood-Drenched for another reason entirely.

It was because of the weapons he made.

Orgo made several weapons during his life, and everyone who got their hands on one of his weapons all inevitably painted the continent in blood.

And because of that, Orgo fell into despair before eventually disappearing from the world.

The reason that Seol knew so much about him was because

I was Orgo.

Seol could still remember the things that happened back then.

Seol had played various characters with different concepts back then and Orgo was one of the more memorable ones.

Because of his immense innate talent, Orgo would constantly make incredible items out of whatever materials he got his hands on. It was to the point that the items that he made were even better than the rewards you would get from Adventures around a similar level.

Orgo was undoubtedly an incredible character and if Seol had just kept going, Orgos reputation would have rivaled even the last 10 pieces he made.

But Orgo was unable to do that.

He just happened to be weak mentally

The weapons that Orgo made fell into the hands of evil people who covered the continent in blood. That was also around the time Orgo became skeptical of other people.

Orgo had gone through a lot and it had exhausted him. In the end, Orgo was pushed mentally into a corner, making Seol agonize over what decision to make next.

Eventually, there was only one option left.

[[Would you like to give up on Orgos Adventure?]

1. Yes.

2. No.]

The decision that Seol had made was to let Orgo live the life that he wanted.

He believed that it was a much better fate than giving Orgo a tragic ending.

[Adventurer Orgo will now pioneer his own path and fate.]

[Though this heart-racing Adventure is over, his life will still continue.]

Orgo had started his journey as a naive blacksmith but ended it by disappearing from the world, receiving the bitter resentment of others.

But I didnt expect to hear Orgos name again here.

There was a reason that Seol was delighted to hear Orgos name, unlike his other pieces.

Orgo was made after Seol had adapted to The World of Eternity quite a bit.

And as such, he didnt die in vain and he even left behind a few achievements.

It will help me out a lot if Im able to find his traces.

After all, Orgo was a piece that went on a lot more Adventures than Seol.

There was another reason too though.

Hamun was it? Is he still alive?

Hamun was the name of a student he took in as Orgo.

After an entire decade, Seol was finally seeing him again.

His name is Hamun. He doesnt make anything anymore though. However, he did tell me that he would repay the debt. And now, after all this time, its gone to you, said Kibo.

Where is Hamun now?

Why do you think I brought this up?

Seols eyes grew serious.

So hes in Nobira.

Yeah, Hamun is here.

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