The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Seol asked Jamad a question after hearing Jamads confident answer.

Theyre trying to use Purga? Are you talking about the Old God Festival?

You know about the Old God Festival? How the hell do you know about that too?

Seol furrowed his brows and changed the subject.

So thats why they abducted people from Nobira

Im sure the attack on Wiggleton was also just a part of this. The captured citizens were likely all tossed into Purgas mouth to receive his powers.

...Then wouldnt the people captured from Nobira share the same fate if we do nothing?

Of course. And then theyll use Purgas powers again to attack another city or to attack Fortress Gulia.

I doubt it would be possible with just trolls oh no, is this also connected to Setena?

The Setena Kingdom was located to the east of the Nevenia Kingdom. Setena often fought with Nevenia as its land was harsh and infertile.

If Setena was involved with the trolls, the situation was much worse than Seol had first thought.

Jamad continued, almost like he was agreeing with Seols thoughts.

Even if Setena did amass as much power as it could, it would be impossible for them to defeat Nevenias knights. However, there could be an opening if the Sulfur Skull Tribe caused a commotion on a different border or if they attacked Fortress Gulia. This was all something that the little brat of the Sulfur Skull Tribe, Zando, suggested.

Why was the plan rejected then?

Its because some of the chiefs at the meeting, including me, rejected it. Our relationship with Setena wasnt too good back then, and there were also a few other problems.

If everything that Jamad told him was the truth, he had essentially received valuable information for free.

How much time do we have left then?

Until what? Ah, are you talking about the time left before they offer the captives as offerings?


Im not sure I dont know what they did, but if they escaped through land then it would take probably a week yeah, they probably arrived at the volcano today.

This meant that it would also take Seol about a week, or even more, to arrive at the volcano.

We have less time than I thought.

No, thats not necessarily true.


Its not like the old god is their subordinate or anything, theres no way that an old god would go according to someone elses schedule. Also, Purgas the type that enjoys fooling around, so hes probably toying with them now. Theyd probably start with a Consolation Ceremony to make sure that they dont infuriate him, then take a lot more time before they ultimately sacrifice them.

How long?

Probably a month.

It takes that long?

Yeah. And since it takes that long, Nevenia could probably withstand their attack if they properly prepared for it. However, since Nevenias royalty doesnt know about their plans, theyre just stuck defending the fortress without being able to do anything.

Seol rubbed his chin and thought to himself.

Its probably impossible, huh? asked Seol.

What is?

Convincing the army in Gulia to deploy elsewhere.

Hmph. So youre telling me that your plan is to go to Gulia, convince the commander there to deploy the army, and then have the commander go to Nevenia to convince military authorities there?

Yeah, I get what youre saying. Alright, lets head to Gulia for now.

Karen gave a despondent laugh.

Isnt that the same plan as before?

Its different, Ive given up on persuading the commander. In the first place, their goal is to deter the attack and that doesnt matter to me at all. All I have to do is save Hamun.

Well, do whatever you want. Then, are we going to be leaving immediately after arriving in Gulia?

Yeah, we will.

Seols eyes looked further north, at something which he couldnt see with his own eyes.

Well be heading to the Yognatun Volcano.

* * *

There were less than twenty members.

And even then, the majority of them were gasping for air, completely exhausted.

It had already been a long time since they buried their horses, yet they pressed on further and further.

Gasp Gasp

Fucking bastards so they came through here.

The passageway isnt that big. Only a small number of them can pass through.

The exact amount they needed to attack Nobira.

Mira, what should we do? Shouldnt we notify Gulia?

Mira looked at her comrades with bloodshot eyes.

Their eyes were the same as well, likely due to their lack of sleep. Even though they were all tired and haggard, none of them complained.

Well be too late if we pass by Gulia. And if they were going to make a move, they wouldve done it earlier, those bastards

I doubt those idiots even know about this. What the hell are they defending when this exists

There was a tragic story behind how Miras party had ended up all the way here.

After absorbing all of the ruin hunters in Nobira, Kibo's faction created a system.

Kibo ceased personal participation in ruin expeditions and instead oversaw multiple independent ruin hunter factions under his leadership.

One of these factions, obviously, was Yu Miras faction.

Miras faction was successful in their first expedition, but when they returned, they were faced with an incomprehensible situation.

[The location has been destroyed.]

[Your location is no longer set as Nobira.]

[You must now set a new location.]

What greeted them was neither Kibo nor the residents of Nobira.

It was the remains of a razed city.

They searched through Nobira, completely at a loss for what to do.

They were simply hoping that there would be a hint or a clue that could help them understand what happened.

As Mira hurried through the streets of Nobira. As she saw the survivors dying on the streets or quickly trying to escape the city, someone called her name.

- Gasp Gasp Is that you, Mira?

- Ahjussi!

Mira ran into a comrade of hers who was caught under the debris of a destroyed building. Though he was luckily breathing now, it was clear that he didnt have much time left.

- What What the hell happened?!

- Nobira was crushed by them

- Them?

- The the trolls.

Mira was furious, but barely managed to hold onto her senses.

- J-Just hang on for a little bit, okay? Ill get you out of there

- No its too late for me. Just let me die.

- Ahjussi!

- Leave Forget about Nobira and live on, Mira. Theres no place for you here now.

It was a shocking statement. It felt like her world was crumbling down.

- What about Kibo?

- Hes dead.

- Dont lie to me!

- I guess I cant fool you, huh How shrewd Hes been caught by them.

- Where are they?

- I dont know. But they did bring wagons with cages on them, so there are probably tracks


- You have to leave, Mira. You have to live on.

- No, I cant do that.

With the light of life slowly escaping his eyes, he left his final words for Mira.

- Then What are you still doing here?


- Hurry, go after them


The man had died.

- Find them.

Mira and the ruin hunters scoured every last inch of Nobira. And not too long after, they discovered tracks that were likely made by the trolls.

- Its to the north.

- What are we going to do now?

A transferee which had survived and still remained in the city came closer to them.

- Dont go after them, youll all just die. No one chased after them.

- What?

- All of the transferees in Nobira received a revenge Adventure. Still, they all ran away to Kongory. Even if you chase after them, youll be the only ones.

Mira simply nodded.

- Step back.

- You You must be out of your mind! This is practically suicide!

- What should we do, Mira?

Mira pulled her hood over her head.

- Were chasing after them.

- Lets go!

All of the transferees with Mira received a similar message.

[Adventure Cold Revenge is scheduled.]

[This Adventure is very dangerous.]

[You have skipped your Rest.]

[You begin your next Adventure.]

[Your 13th Adventure is starting.]

[Adventure 13. Cold Revenge]

And like that, Miras party had tracked the trolls traces all the way here.

As they were unable to have a proper rest or even a proper meal, their conditions were at their absolute worst.

After passing through a long, dark tunnel beneath the countrys border, they arrived at a point beyond Nevenias border.

So from this point on, were no longer in Nevenia, right?

Weve collapsed the tunnel, but it wasnt done properly since we didnt have enough time. They can probably just restore it again.

Its fine, we have more important business anyway.

Mira was looking further, at something that she could barely see.

Theyre heading over there.

What are they plotting?

As she looked even further ahead, she saw a massive mountain.


It was the Yognatun Volcano, a massive mountain where an old god, Purga, the Fire Monkey, resided.

* * *

Seols party, like Miras party, relentlessly headed north.

There were no real issues for them other than the fact that the terrain became increasingly harsher.

Furthermore, it was quite a bit louder now after the trolls attack.

It was to the point that even the bandits here, if they did exist, would have headed south after the recent events.

How much longer until we arrive in Gulia?

About four days?

Damn, this is taking so long! Ah, but wasnt this around the time when you were supposed to meet Chao?

It was pointless to talk about.

There is no way Chao would be waiting there when Nobira was burned down.

Hm We worked so hard to get the item she wanted though Was it all for nothing?

Thats something to figure out after we finish this first.

So once again, were in the same situation as before. Damn, it

Jamad then asked Seol a question.

Even if we head to Yognatun through Gulia How are you going to face the Sulfur Skull Tribe?

Im going to worry about that once we arrive there. We'd be late if we made plans first before we moved.

Thats true, but

Karen then pounded on her chest with a proud look on her face.

Just trust me and Karuna. Were invincible together, Master.

Thats the exact reason why Im worried, though.

Huh? What do you mean?

Karen and Karuna had a Unique Skill that made them stronger when summoned together. Karen was already powerful enough now, and if Seol had another summon just as powerful as her, saving Hamun wouldnt be difficult at all.

The problem is Im unable to summon them both at the same time.

Look, elf. It looks like you havent properly understood the situation here since you dont stay in the Shadow Space for long, mocked Jamad.


Right now, its very cramped.

That was the problem.

Seol lacked Shadow Space.

Even though Seol was somehow able to summon Karen alone, it was impossible for him to summon Karuna too when his stats had been adjusted.

I dont have enough Wisdom.

Currently, Seol had way too little Wisdom compared to the number of summons he had.

Though he could command them, he didnt have enough to perfectly control them.

First, lets think of a way to quickly increase my Wisdom.

How would there realistically be a way to do that?

Either that or you have to face the Sulfur Skull Tribe on your own, Karen.

Ill think really hard about it. Im sure well come up with something if we all think hard.

- She switched sides so fast LMFAOOO

- I guess the Sulfur Skull Tribe is too much, even for her.

- She read too many murim novels LOL

It had become night once more and Seol went to sleep after making Jamad, who slept during the day, stand guard.


The further north they traveled, the colder the night air became.

The chilling wind made Seol inch closer to the campfire.


Come closer

Seol opened his eyes.

What was that?

He heard someones voice, like a phantasm.

Seol shook his head and looked around him.

Jamad then quickly spoke to Seol who had just woken up.

So you woke up. I was just about to wake you.

...Whats going on?

Look over there.

Beyond the dark field, he could sense something coming closer to them.

Wild animals?

No, its a peculiar energy.


As the thing approaching them flashed a beam of light, Karen got up too.

Whats going on? Wild animals?

...So you were up too, huh?

Hehe, I just wanted to joke around. What should we do, Master?

After asking Seol, Karen walked toward her sword to grab it.

Should I kill them before they come here?




After realizing that the hallucinations he heard were related to it, Seol stopped Karen.

For now, lets just watch.

After a bit of time, it had reached close enough where they could recognize each other.

Seols party could now clearly see the being in the field.

...A troll?

Are they a member of the Sulfur Skull Tribe?

What approached Seol was a troll.

As all of the trolls near Nevenias borders were likely members of the Sulfur Skull Tribe, they prepared for battle. But then, the troll showed that he recognized Seol.

Snowman! Its me!

Who that voice dont tell me!

As the troll waved his finger, a bright light appeared in front of him.

It was a troll wearing old-fashioned glasses.

Its me, Mael!

[The requirements have been met.]

[Helper Mael, the Star Child has appeared in this Adventure.]

[Helper Mael, the Star Child will join you in this Adventure as an ally.]

Why is Mael here?

North of Nevenia, Seol had run into an unexpected ally.

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