The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 24: The Three-Year Gap Unknown to Him

Chapter 24: The Three-Year Gap Unknown to Him


Karyl reached inside his coat and took out a pouch. To continue his journey, he needed funds, no matter what. The pouch in his hand contained treasures of Kaye Aesir he had obtained in Einheri.

However, he decided against using them and instead pulled out another, smaller pouch. It was something he had brought when he escaped the mansion. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips.


Karyl opened the pouch, revealing gold coins inside. These coins were different from the ones in the pouch from Einheri. These were from Kaye Aesir's era, gold coins belonging to the Old Empire. Although they held their own value, they had to be sold to a jeweler to be used.

Though he was told to spend them freely, it wasn’t feasible for him, a twelve-year old boy, to make transactions with such items.

"It’s fortunate that Elliot hasn’t changed his hiding spot for emergency funds."

Perhaps due to being the son of a merchant who had fallen from grace, Elliot, the third son, possessed a fiery temperament and an unwavering obsession with money. It went beyond mere attachment, so much so that whenever their father gave them an allowance, Elliot would always save it, stashing it away in a small safe without spending a single coin.

"His dream of setting up a trading company would be impossible once the war begins... This money would have gone to waste otherwise. But I'll still make sure to repay the borrowed amount."

For now, Karyl bought a horse in a nearby village. Though the people there had cheered for him, nobody recognized him since he had worn a mask during the goblin subjugation.

Upon leaving the mansion, he had already set his sights on a destination—the port city of Piasta.

Since it was about a fortnight's ride from the mansion, Karyl was browsing the village for food and other necessary supplies.

"Look here, it’s new leather goods!"

"Try this, just taste it!"

From fruit vendors to various shops, the village under the MacGovern's jurisdiction was small but lively.

Thank goodness the goblins were thoroughly eradicated. Otherwise, this place might have been swept away by them.

In his previous life, this place was nothing but ruins, and the smiling people around him were corpses. For the first time since his return, Karyl felt genuinely pleased with the outcome he had created.

He took a bite of an apple lying on a stall while looking around.

When was the last time I freely roamed the empire like this? Maybe this is the first time, Karyl marveled at the wonders of magic.

Suddenly, out of the blue, he heard a man gasping for breath shouting from the entrance of the village, "Make way, everyone! Clear the path quickly!!!"

The merchants and villagers were confused, not understanding what was happening. As Karyl took the last bite of his apple, he looked in the direction the man had come from.

Soon after, his eyes started to gleam. It was as if Karyl's vision had zoomed in, allowing him to see a group rushing towards them from afar. People mumbled in confusion, unaware of what was happening.

Soon, the sound of galloping hooves echoed loudly. As soon as the crowd saw the insignia on the leading banner, they hurriedly cleared the area.

That's definitely... Karyl thought, furrowing his brows.

One of the knights tugged on the reins, causing his horse to rear up.

"Might I trouble you for some water?" asked the leading knight, as he removed his helmet and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Yes, of course," the merchant replied, at first hesitating but eventually bringing out his finest ware.

"Please, don’t worry. Just being able to drink water is enough for me," the young knight reassured the merchant, a faint smile gracing his lips.

Karyl glanced at him. Isn’t that one of the Seven Knight Orders of the empire, the Ryeo Knights? They must be heading to the mansion late... Well, given Father's nature, he would've already reported the spy's death through a magical device.

However, something seemed off. It had only been a day since the death of the spy from the Lurein Principality, Baker.

The Ryeo knights were assigned to the eastern border... Even if they received the report, they couldn't have arrived this quickly.

Karyl tried to recall if the Ryeo knights had ever visited the mansion in his previous life; they didn’t.

If they had, I would definitely remember.

Karyl’s gaze was fixed on one of the knights nonchalantly chugging down a bucket of water given to him by a merchant. Despite his masculine appearance, there was a certain elegance and old-fashioned charm. His face seemed to radiate an inherent kindness, almost as if he was a priest in a previous life.

And true to his appearance, he was one of the few nobles who mingled easily with the commoners, even though he was of noble birth.

Baron Naryl, despite his young age, had risen to the position of vice-captain of the Ryeo Knights.

He was adored by the ladies for his good looks and noble character.

It was because of that very character, that after the Oracle was revealed, he had treated Karyl, a mere barbarian at the time, without any reservations.

I wonder if the ladies know that he turns into a demon on the battlefield. Nevertheless, he's skilled and will soon be promoted to captain.

As memories of the first Oracle War flooded his mind, Karyl couldn't help but smirk.

As if to prove his thoughts, a large battleaxe was firmly strapped to his back, contrasting with his refined appearance.

But why are they in such a hurry?

The Seven Knights Orders of the empire were naturally split into factions, aligning themselves with either the first or second prince. The leader of the Blue Knight Order, Kuwell, had sided with Olivurn, accelerating the division.

They're neutral for now, but the Ryeo Knights are also on Olivurn's side. Maybe there’s another plan I'm not aware of. Karyl licked his lips as he watched Naryl remount his horse.

Should I follow? The thought crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. No, there's little I can do right now. Interfering now will only cause trouble.

If the Ryeo Knights had a significant impact on the continent's history, Karyl would have remembered. Considering his later encounters, it was unlikely that Naryl would die or get injured.

Well, it’s still nice to see him like this.

Karyl stared at Naryl for a while, watching him depart. He didn’t think much of this encounter. Perhaps it would only result in a slight change in his future.

No one knew what kind of butterfly effect it would result in.


Piasta was a bustling port city, teeming with people coming and going.


Karyl had just arrived after a long journey on horseback, but instead of easing his travel fatigue, he looked around with a sense of refreshment.

The lively atmosphere of the city and its vibrant people felt pleasant, but his mood was suddenly dampened like a sudden splash of cold water.

"It can't be done. Absolutely not."

Karyl's looked at a shop with a stiff expression on his face. A gust of wind swung the sign of the shop back and forth, as if indifferent to his concerns.

<Merchants' Guild>

Karyl glanced at the name on the sign once more.

Piasta, situated where the massive Fonein River met the sea, may have been small in size, but its strategic location made it a crucial waypoint for merchants from all across the continent.

There was only one reason Karyl came here.

The sight of over forty wagons lined up in the distance was a spectacle in itself, making the Merchants' Guild a hub where information from all corners of the continent converged.

"The trading fleet refuses to set off. Sounds like they're not planning to work."

"Sir, every journey has its own path." A man wearing a gleaming leather tunic spoke to Karyl, waving his hands dismissively.

Brushing back his short hair, he gave Karyl a once-over before turning away, as if he had no time to spare on a child.

He instead busied himself arranging items on the shelves.

"Isn't there a Ravat Guild here?" Karyl frowned slightly at his attitude and asked.

"I've been at this port for fifteen years, and as I've said before, there's no such guild here," said the man. "There's no other Merchants' Guild here, and none of the merchants travel in the route you mentioned. In fact, if you ask anyone in the city, they won't go either."

The man continued moving stacked boxes as if there was nothing more to discuss.

This is strange... Karyl pondered, his mind racing through the timeline.

Am I too early? His doubts intensifed, as in his previous life he had arrived at this place years later.

This is troublesome.

The place he wanted to go wasn't a dangerous dungeon or some treacherous forest. Yet, nobody was willing to travel there.

The canal was visible when traveling by boat along the great river Fonein. And beyond that lies the Free City, Tatur.

That was Karyl's first destination upon setting foot on the continent.

"No one in their right mind would dock at the lawless port," the man spoke with certainty.

The other merchants around him nodded in agreement, their murmurs filling the air.

Tatur, located at the end of the Fonein River, was unlike any kingdom on the continent. In fact, it couldn't even be called a kingdom.

The only city on the continent without a king. A so-called Free City. Yet, that very freedom also means a lack of laws and order.

Karyl had two reasons for wanting to go to such a lawless place.

To gather information and to establish a foothold.

Tatur, nestled in the middle of the Fonein River, might be barren now, but as the waterways open up over time, it would become a nexus for all kinds of goods and news from across the continent.

Everything he needed was there.

"I don't know what you're after, but give it up. Not if you don't want to die young," a merchant jeered.

"Indeed, indeed," another chimed in.

"Crossing there? Nonsense."

Despite the merchants' low laughter, Karyl hesitated to move, and contemplated instead.

The reason for his hesitation was simple:

Tatur couldn't be reached by land. The only way was to travel up the Fonein River or down the canal behind it. In other words, movement was strictly by boat and Karyl’s current location was the only port that allowed access to the Free City.

While Tatur had no king, the lawless port had an owner. Curan, known as the Lion of Fonein, was thus considered the de facto ruler of Tatur by many.

But the merchants' fear did not stem from his reputation as a pirate.

Anyone who pays tribute is accepted, even the most notorious criminals or barbarians fleeing persecution.

Well... I don’t have any tribute to offer to someone like him.

However, that was a concern for after arriving. The real issue at hand was whether he could even reach Tatur.

The river is infested with monsters.

Among them, there was a giant serpent called the Sea King, a problem that even the empire couldn't handle. But that wasn't it either. Even if he were to encounter the Sea King, there were ways to avoid it.

Given that the route isn't widely known, the Lion probably monopolizes this method.

That's why he held his position as the owner of the Lawless Port. So, what was the real issue then?

It’s the rapid currents that connected the Fonein River to Tatur.

The Fonein, too vast to be just a river, had currents so strong, that they could be compared to those of the open sea.

If only I could open even two of the meridians in my legs, I’d be able to use the Fly spell...

He lamented his inability to fully utilize his great magical power because his channels remained unopened.

The Bracelet of Greed had stabilized his mana, but without open channels, he couldn't properly cast spells.

Suan Hazar, the master of Rabat Guild. He was the reason Karyl had sought the aid of the Merchants' Guild.

Suan Hazar was the first to analyze Fonein's currents and pioneer the water route to Tatur. His magical navigation skills and almost reckless intuition surpassed any sailor Karyl had encountered in his life.

And he was just as formidable in combat on land as he was at sea. Frankly, it was a waste for him to remain a merchant, when his crew could outmatch any ordinary army.

His boats were as fierce as a storm, while his trading fleet moved with the swiftness of the wind. They utilized their unique routes for rapid strikes.

After the revelation of the Oracle, they left behind numerous feats.

From The Sea Wars to the Barca Desert Battle and the conquest of the Forgotten Canal Temple...

After Olivurn's coronation as emperor, Suan Hazar played a significant role in nearly every major event on the continent. Olivurn even intended to bestow upon him the title of Count.

But for some reason, he refused until the end. He always seemed uneasy at even just the mention of the military.

Karyl first met him when he was at the age of fifteen, three years from now.

Even if it’s too early for Suan Hazar to be the guild master, I thought that the Ravat Guild would at least exist...

In Karyl’s previous life, before the revelation of the Oracle, he spent most of his time within the mansion until he was fifteen. In a way, it was as if there was a three-year gap in his experiences.

This was unexpected. By the time he met Suan Hazar, Ravat Guild was already a major guild, well known even in the Imperial City.

Karyl furrowed his brow, astonished that the guild had emerged and flourished within just three years, Karyl frowned.

Where did Olivurn find him? Regrettably, it remained unknown.

I got caught by something unforeseen, Karyl thought, biting his lip.

Maybe I should negotiate with the Lion himself, he pondered for a moment, but quickly dismissed the thought.


All of a sudden, the street became noisy.

...What’s this?

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