The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 7: The Dragons Heart

Chapter 7: The Dragon's Heart

[You want to know a way to achieve Metamorphosis?] Narh Di Maug asked.

"Yes," Karyl confirmed.

[Well... that would involve consuming the heart of a dragon.]

"A dragon's heart? Yours?"

[Don't be absurd. I wouldn’t give mine to you. Besides, you should have gone through Metamorphosis before you turned fifteen. For someone of your age, hunting a dragon would be pointless,] Narh Di Maug replied, chuckling dismissively.

"So, there is no other way?" Karyl pressed.

[Well... unless you go back in time. It seems like a joke, but you said you've been adopted by the MacGovern Family, right?]

"Yeah, but what does Metamorphosis have to do with that?"

[The only place where you can find a dragon's heart is the MacGovern residence.] Narh Di Maug revealed.

Karyl recalled the memories from his past life, a slight smile tugging at his lips. Narh Di Maug, the dragon, having lived far longer than any human, remembered many ancient events. Among the stories he shared, one was particularly intriguing. He had revealed the alias of Kaye Aesir: The first dragon hunter.

Karyl's gaze was already fixed on a specific location. No further explanation was needed. He had his answer.

Kaye Aesir has hidden a dragon's heart in Einheri.

His eyes sparkled with determination.

I will obtain it.


In the mansion's office, Kuwell discreetly summoned Taylor, the chief steward.

"How is the boy doing?" inquired Kuwell.

"He appears to spend most of his time in the mansion’s backyard. According to Sir Paulhendt, it doesn't look like he’s practicing swordsmanship..." Taylor reported.

"Is that so?" Kuwell remarked, listening to Taylor’s report. "I thought he would come to see me at any moment, but it's surprising he hasn't yet."

A week had passed. "I can't wait any longer," Kuwell murmured, stroking his chin.

"Yes. You have been significantly delayed already. The knights are waiting at the Lutean Fortress; any further delay, and the Emperor will be displeased," Taylor stated.

"That's true," Kuwell acknowledged with a nod. Then, he commanded resolutely, "Bring Karyl to me."


In the late evening, the air grew considerably cooler, contrasting sharply with the day's heat. Karyl sat in quiet contemplation. Suddenly, a glimmer of satisfaction ignited in his eyes.

Good. I'm slowly getting the hang of it.

His days at the mansion had become monotonous since his arrival. Despite the icy cold stares from his brothers, Karyl remained focused on his tasks. The prohibition from entering the training grounds didn't faze him. For Karyl, Paulhendt's swordsmanship techniques were unnecessary.

I can reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship on my own.

His memories held all the essence; he considered himself his own best teacher. Having traversed the path once already, he could reach the peak faster this time.

What I need to do is craft a body capable of wielding that swordsmanship. His plans included even the heart of the dragon. I’ve laid the foundation to accept the heart.

He had devoted his mornings to building strength and his evenings to fighting imaginary foes.

I must not dwell on my past self. Knowledge of swordsmanship is futile if the body can’t keep up. I need to consider the enemies I can currently defeat and surpass them, one by one.

His training was far more strenuous and unique than actual combat, tailored specifically to his needs. In the mansion, there was no one, except for Kuwell, who could match him in swordsmanship. And today, finally, Karyl wore an expression of satisfaction.

I've made enough progress to start. Now, there's just one issue left to resolve... His thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Young master," called Ruben, his face tense with concern. Gulping nervously, he continued, "Master Kuwell has summoned you."

Karyl nodded, as if he had been expecting this. It seems that issue will also be resolved, he thought to himself, ready for the next challenge.


"This is Karyl," he announced.

"Come in," Kuwell invited.

As Karyl entered the office, he could sense the palpable tension filling the room.

Karyl exhaled softly, stepping inside. This solitary meeting with Kuwell was a first since his arrival at the mansion, a situation he had rarely experienced in his past life.

"Take a seat," Kuwell gestured toward a sofa, looking out the window. "I've heard about your unique training," he remarked.

"It's merely a physical conditioning regimen, a training method passed down in my tribe," Karyl explained, though he was not entirely truthful. Regardless, Kuwell seemed to pay little attention to Karyl's training. After all, it was a training method nonexistent in the world. It wasn't something that could be understood through explanation, and even if he were curious, Kuwell himself likely wouldn't know what it entailed. His interest lay elsewhere.

"I plan to leave for the royal palace tomorrow. I'll be away for a few days to report, so the mansion will be unattended,” Kuwell disclosed.

Karyl's eyes flickered. Finally, he thought.

"The reason I called you here is this." Kuwell retrieved something from a drawer. It was a small dagger, sharp and unadorned. "This was left to me by your father," Kuwell stated.

Agnel, Karyl recognized it instantly. It was the legacy of the Black Eyed tribe's chief, Karyl's biological father, Karliak.

“You don’t seem surprised,” Kuwell noted, observing Karyl's calm reaction.

He showed no surprise, just a slow nod in acknowledgment. Kuwell looked at Karyl, his expression one of wonder. It was as if Karyl had already known about it.

"You haven't visited the library yet?" Kuwell probed.

"No," Karyl responded briefly.

"Are you not curious? I thought you'd rush there immediately after seeing you that day," Kuwell said, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I didn't think the time was right," Karyl admitted, his tone reflective.

Kuwell, intrigued by Karyl's response, nodded thoughtfully. "Waiting for the right time... Interesting. Speaking with you, one can easily forget you're only twelve," he mused, arms crossed.

Don't worry. I haven't entered the library because it really isn't time yet, Karyl thought as he accepted the dagger. The moment you leave for the palace is what I've been waiting for. His eyes glittered with determination.


Einheri, created 250 years ago by the Grand Sorcerer Kaye Aesir, was more than just a library. It housed numerous books related to magic, some even personally amended by Kaye Aesir himself. Even after all these years, the Grand Sorcerer's protective enchantments continued to guard the place.

Why hadn't the Imperial Court or the Ivory Tower of Dawn, the center of magic, coveted this remarkable place? The answer was simple: no one knew its secret.

The Grand Sorcerer Kaye Aesir is said to have completed Einheri and cast a singular spell upon it.

If the magic's conditions were not met, the place was nothing more than an ordinary underground storehouse, about twenty square meters, filled with low-level magic books.

Sadly, after his death, no one could unravel its secret. There was no other way to explain this other than his twisted nature. Over time, even the Aesir family—the only ones who could be expected to know the secret—had lost its influence, and now no one showed interest in the secret.

Except for one; Only one person knew.

It's me, Karyl thought, smiling quietly to himself.

The condition of the magic is quite absurd, after all.

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