The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 210 210: Strategy

Vor and Lancaster took a long walk around the empty streets of the city, discussing about battles. Vor informed Lancaster about the flaws in his fighting style that he had noticed in recent battles.

Not only did he tell Lancaster the problems, but he also told him that solutions that could be used to minimize those flows until he perfected his fighting skills.

"And that's why you should protect yourself from all sides, and not just front because that's where most of the dangers come from. When you fought, I noticed that you were trying to do that, but now how it should be. Instead of focusing on everything at once, you kept shifting your focus from one thing to another."

"But despite that, you still did good, so if you just work on that, you could improve more.'

"I see. I will try to see what I can do with that information."

"Don't worry; you aren't alone. I'll be training with you from now on. I'll make sure you become the best warrior there is," Vor patted the shoulder of his descendant.

He really liked being able to talk to his descendant like this since this removed his initial hesitation and made him understand Lancaster more.

Lancaster also found it somewhat better. Until recently, Vor was like a complete stranger to him, but at the moment, he was able to see just what he was truly about. At the core, he seemed to be a real good person who had suffered a lot in his life. Despite that, Vor didn't show it.

"In our training, I'll also tell you how to control your wild side. It might take some time, but I'm sure you should be able to control it. You're quite talented... Just like him..."

"Him?" Lancaster asked, wondering who this guy was talking about. Who was he like?

"My son... It looks like he managed to escape the slaughter and continued the Bloodline. He's also the reason you are here," Vor answered. "He was just twenty when we were attacked, and he was quite similar to you. You share many features with him, including some physical features," Vor smiled.

"You miss your family?" Lancaster asked, even though already knowing the answer to some extent.

"You don't?" Vor asked in return. His family was Lancaster's family as well.

He lowered his head before explaining further. "I miss them a lot. It's like it was just yesterday when they were right beside me, and now all of them are dead..."

Lancaster nodded. He could understand what that felt like. Unfortunately, he didn't know what his real parents were like. He should only guess that they must be similar to Vor to some extent, just as brave. For them to have to abandon their son, it must be quite hard to do it as well. Just what kind of circumstances had to be there to make them do it? If only he knew.

Vor noticed Lancaster's expressions. " I'm sorry."

"For what?" Lancaster looked up in confusion.

"For not being able to protect your family. For now, being able to make sure that you all got the life you deserve. It's because of me that my son had to hide from the world. It is because I was weak that he had to run all his life from the enemies. In a way, it's also because of me that your parents couldn't be there to help you as you were growing up."

" If I was stronger at that time... If I had managed to protect my people, none of this would've happened..."

"It's not your fault." Lancaster refuted. "If so many people attacked at once, let alone you, no one in the world would've been able to stop them. Moreover, before I lost my family, you lost yours. I don't even know what I lost since I never knew my parents in the first place, but you... You know what you lost. And you'll always have to carry that pain with you..."

Vor went silent, not knowing what to say. He realized that he needed to stop speaking about the past since it was just scratching their wounds more. They needed to focus on the future instead.

"I think we should go back. They must be ready by now. As for your training, you should eat up something first. We will start your training tomorrow."

He stopped and turned around, realizing they had already reached the end of the city. However, as soon as Vor turned around, he noticed a black Carriage in the distance. Atlas, Lilith, and Luna were sitting on top of the carriage, looking at them.

It looked like they had been ready for a long time, but because they didn't want to disturb this moment for them, they were just waiting in the back.

Atlas started looking elsewhere as soon as they were caught, as if they weren't observing the two.

Vor and Lancaster walked back to the carriage. Vor simply glanced at Lilith with a grateful gaze. He knew it was her doing, and it was good.

Atlas and the others also jumped down from the carriage, landing before Vor.

"Are you two done?" Luna asked.

"We are. We should get going now," Lancaster responded. "We need to get Misella as well. It's better we don't waste much time."

"Misella? Who is she?" Vor asked, slightly hoping that it was another descendant of his.

"She is my sister," Atlas explained before others could.

"Since when do you have a sister?" Vor looked weirdly. He had known Castiel for a long time. He knew that the guy had no sister. Where did the sister pop up from?

"It's not his blood sister, but someone who is like a sister," Lancaster explained the story that he had heard, and Atlas didn't correct him. The lies about this had gone so far that he couldn't correct them even if he wanted, without looking like the bad guy.

He just agreed. Everyone entered the carriage while Lancaster explained everything regarding where they were going, still keeping the thing about bringing someone back to life a secret. The carriage left for their final destination.

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