The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 213 213: Fountain

The ground started splitting apart as a frack developed not far from Atlas. The crack became around two meters wide and five meters long before the trembling of the ground stopped.

"That must be the entrance."

Atlas picked all four key fragments after making sure that nothing else was happening. He walked to the huge crack on the ground.

Through the crack, he didn't even see anything. Everything looked dark on the inside. There was no way for him to even know just how deep the fall was.

He opened Misella's coffin. It was easier to carry her inside than the entire coffin. He picked up Misella's body in his arms before he moved closer to the crack and jumped down without thinking about what could be inside. Even if there was nothing there, he could still use his flight spell to come out.

Vor and Lancaster also jumped down, curious as to what they were going to see inside. Lilith reinforced the protection of her barrier even more before she also jumped inside the crack with Luna.

Because of the Darkness, which made it impossible to see anything, none of them knew exactly how long the fall was going to be. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be a long fall either. It was quite tame. They only fell for around two minutes before reaching the ground.

Atlas landed on the ground and moved aside, knowing others must be coming as well. He didn't want them to fall on him.

Moreover, as soon as he landed on the ground, the darkness seemingly disappeared, and everything turned bright. It was as if the entire place was filled with light now, despite there being no visible source of light.

Lancaster and Vor also landed here, right behind Atlas. They also moved aside before observing their surroundings.

Luna and Lilith also arrived. Not a single person amongst them had ever been here, so it was the first time for all of them.

"What is this place?" Vor asked Atlas, noticing the bizarre place. It was quite strange. The walls were plain white, with not even a speck of dirt on them. In fact, they had never seen a cleaner place than this.

What was even stranger was that the walls had some carvings. There was a green mark carved on one of the four walls. The mark was quite similar to what was in Atlas' hands. The other walls also had similar yet different marks.

The other marks were similar to what the other Progenitors had. It was as if each of the four walls here depicted one of the Four Progenitors.

Vor was sure that this place was related to the Progenitors, but how?

"This was the place where the Progenitors were born," Atlas answered before stepping toward the center of the hall.

There was nothing in this place other than this one hall. There were no doors or hallways that could connect this place to any other secret place. That meant they only had this place. Whatever he had to do, he could only do here.

"Lilith, do you know the process to bring someone back as a Progenitor?" Atlas asked Lilith. It was his first time, so he had no idea. He could only guess. Castiel didn't tell him anything about this either.

"I don't know. I've never been here before." Lilith shook her head. "I know nothing when it comes to this."

"Wait. Did you say bringing someone back as a Progenitor? What did that mean?" Vor and Luna both asked at the same time.

They used to think that it was impossible for there to be more Progenitors. Did he mean there was a way to make more of them?

Even Lancaster was a bit surprised. He knew that Atlas wanted to bring Misella back to life, but even he didn't think that it was going to be as a Progenitor. Then again, this made sense. Vampires were undead, so Misella coming back to life as a Progenitor wasn't the same as her coming back as a human.

"It means what you think it does," Atlas responded. "I don't know if it's possible or not, but I'm going to try everything I can to bring Misella back."

In the center of the hall, Atlas could see a small fountain coming out of a small pond. The water of the fountain and the pond appeared to be crystal clear. He could also feel that there was something special about that.

If he didn't know what exactly could turn a person into a Progenitor, then he was going to try everything here and see if his luck worked in anything.

He knew that four orphans came here and became Progenitors. It could be possible that they bathed in this pond which changed them. If not, he was going to try other ways.

He stepped closer to the pond and placed Misella's body inside, only keeping her head outside.

"If you're trying to see if the pond changes her, you should free her. Let her body enter the water completely. If she turns, she won't have a problem coming out. And if she doesn't, she is already but breathing. Just try." Lilith reminded Atlas.

Atlas took her advice and ultimately freed Misella's body. Her suggestions did make sense.

Instead of floating in the water, Misella's body submerged in the water, landing inside. Fortunately, the pond was only two meters deep, so her body didn't go too deep.

After leaving Misella's body in the water, Atlas stood up. While he gave the pond some time to work on Misella's body, he observed the other places. If this pond wasn't it, then he needed to find something else to try.

It was hard to find anything else though. Other than the pond, there weren't many things inside the hall that could be of use. He expected there to be some stone of something that could make someone a Progenitor by just touching them, but apparently, it was too optimistic.

Other than the pond, there were only the four walls, each with a unique mark on it. He walked to the wall, having a feeling that there was something in them.

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