The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 216 216: Return

While a miracle was taking place on earth right before the Atlas and others, war preparation was being made in another place, far away from earth.

A man stood on the balcony of his majestic castle, looking out into the distance.

"How long before we're ready to leave?" he asked the person behind him.

"We should be ready to leave in a few hours. All our men are already ready. We are going through final checking," The middle-aged man in the back answered. "But Your Highness. I was wondering if we should wait for his Majesty to return first. He isn't here, and we are going for a war..."

"Father is busy with something else, and it's good that he isn't here. It's because of him that we have to go through this war. If he had been precise last time and if he had finished the enemies, we wouldn't have to go through this, would I?" The young man retorted.

"He took pity on those ants and let them live after listening to my sister's pleas. That was the biggest mistake he made. This time, I won't make the same mistake. I'll be leading us this time, and I won't have any pity on those ants," he further stated. "We might be back from this war before my father comes back."

"Finish the checks faster. I will also get ready. I want everything to be ready by the time I leave the castle!"

"Yes, Your Highness."

The young man entered the castle again. He went back to his room which only he was allowed to access.

Inside his room, there was a bed right in the center. On the bed, there were multiple times lying, but the most eye-catching of them was the Armor of the man.

The young man walked to the bed and started wearing the Armour.

Even one shoulder plate of his Armor alone weighed twenty kilos, let alone the entire Armor. It was unclear just what this Armor was made from to make it so heavy, despite being so thin.

After donning the Armor, which protected his entire body except his face, the man left his room.

The young man left his room, where some of his men were already waiting for him. The men greeted him and accompanied him outside the castle.

The citizens of the city watched the young Prince leave. Seeing all the recent preparation, they were sure that they were going to war; as for what kind of war, no one knew. They didn't even know who the enemy was.

Only the Young Prince and his people knew who the enemy was. None of the citizens worried though. They had complete faith in their warriors, who had dominated the entire galaxy for centuries. There was no one who could threaten them, so it was nothing to worry about.

The young prince left the city. Outside the city, there was a huge barren land. However, the land didn't look as barren anymore as most of the land was filled with massive space ships now. The huge metallic ships looked quite powerful.

Around the hundred ships, there were thousands of Warriors who were waiting for their Prince's arrival so they could be allowed to leave.

Observing the men, the Prince nodded. He didn't give any speeches or any briefs. He didn't need to give. All these men were warriors, and their duty was to fight. There was no need for any speech to make them understand what they needed to do.

The Young Prince entered the ship, which was in the lead, and entered it, followed by his Generals.

The other men also entered their respective ships.


Misella held Atlas' hands as if signaling that she was alive. She still hadn't opened her eyes.

After a few seconds, her aging also stopped as she started looking like she was in her early twenties. It wasn't just her body that aged but also her soul. It was as if the stone wanted to make sure that her body and her soul were compatible with the immense strength she was going to receive.

Atlas noticed a strange mark appearing on the back of Misella's hand as well, which was similar to his mark yet somewhat different in places. It wasn't just the color that was different, but there were a few more minor differences.

No matter what, Atlas was happy. He was really close to success, and it looked like he was almost there. The stone was working! Now all he needed was for Misella to open her eyes.

Seeing the happiness on Atlas' face, even Lancaster felt quite happy.

Some more time passed, and finally, Misella opened her eyes. Her deep blue eyes were still their original color, just like her hair which was blue but longer.

As soon as Misella opened her eyes, she found herself inside water. Scared and feeling like she could suffocate, she hastily sat up, bringing her head out of the water. The first face she saw before her was Atlas, but his face was different. She couldn't recognize him.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking all around. Fortunately, she couldn't find anyone here who looked like a Vampire. Even Atlas didn't look like a traditional Vampire from his eyes.

She wondered if she was still in the Severis Castle.

"Misella... Welcome back to life, little sister." Atlas hugged Misella without thinking anything.

"Uhh?" Shocked at being abruptly hugged by a stranger, Misella hastily pushed Atlas away.

She had just awakened as a Vampire, not knowing just how powerful she was. The strength behind her firm push sent Atlas flying back.

Atlas fell out of the pond. Fortunately, he was unharmed.

He stood up again. "I should've thought about it..."

Lancaster was told that Misella knew Atlas. Seeing her act like a stranger and push him away was surprising. He wondered if Misella also lost her memories to not recognizing him. He didn't know that the face she knew was completely different.

"Misella, look at your reflection in the water!" he called out. That was the only way to make her understand faster.

Misella looked down, only to get stunned even more. She couldn't recognize her own reflection. She looked much older. Her face was also longer now. She touched her face, making sure it was indeed her.

"What is happening? What did you do to me?" she asked. Her head started aching heavily.

" I am Atlas! I brought you back to life!" Atlas exclaimed. To prove his identity, he also told things that only Misella and he should know regarding their childhood and their time inside the castle.

"Also, I didn't tell you one thing before. You loved beetroot juice, but I didn't. I hated it. It tasted really bad. That's why I always drank it before eating, so it didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth. Jason wasn't the only one with this thought!"

With his words, Atlas had managed to somewhat convince Misella that there was a possibility of him being Atlan, but she didn't understand how. How did he look different now? And what about her? Why was she looking like this?

"How did it..." She stood up, blank.

Atlas told her about her death. He told her how she made a mistake, and she was killed by Carlisle for it. Hearing his story, Misella's memories started clearing up to some extent. She remembered being feasted on by Carlisle.

Her fingers gently brushed around her neck. There were no marks left there anymore. Atlas told her how she was already dead by the time she was returned to him. Since then, he found her and brought her back to life.

"How is this possible? How can I come back to life from death?" Misella asked.

"You're not alone with that question, little girl," Vor smiled wryly. "There are many of us who have the same question. Just know that it worked somehow."

"That's right. Atlas had worked really hard to save you. He took so many risks that you can't even imagine. All over the possibility of bringing you back..." Lancaster also chimed in.

Misella looked at the others. "Are they also the ones who were with us in the cell?"

Since even Atlas now had a different face, she wondered if the others were the same.

"They aren't. The children inside the cell have been freed, and the Carlisle Clan is destroyed. These people aren't the ones in the cell. They are way more than that..."

"They are the ones who helped me in my journey. They are my friends and the ones who gave me support when I needed it the most."

"She is Lilith. She had been with me since the start. She taught me everything I know. She is my friend, my teacher, and no less than my family.'

"That's Luna... Ah, she is also a friend." Atlas didn't know how to describe Luna since he hadn't known her for long enough.

"That's Vor, the new King of Werewolves who helped me get what I needed to save you."

"And lastly, that's Lancaster... Whatever I say about him isn't enough. He is like a brother... No, he is way more than a brother to me!"

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