The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 14: Inventory Skill and Chakra Unlocking

Chapter 14: Inventory Skill and Chakra Unlocking


The sound of an alarm clock rang throughout the room. Daichi opened his eyes. It was his 3rd day waking up in this world. He got up, turned off the alarm and got ready for the day.

He went downstairs to meet his grandpa. He had his breakfast and went back to his room. There were two main things he had to do today.

Testing the abilities of his Inventory skill and chakra unlocking.

He took out all the things he bought yesterday. There were several pens of the same shape and size and a couple others that were different. 2 stopwatch timers of the same built. The book on horticulture and cooking, along with the several pairs of dresses he bought with his grandfather the first day. Finally he took out the small cage with the white mouse in it.

"Ok. Time to see just what my inventory can do Inventory." He called out lightly.

A small window with dozens of empty boxes appeared. The first test. He wanted to see if time moved differently in the inventory space. So he set the 2 stopwatch timers and stored one in his inventory while he set the other in front of him. It will take some time to see the results so he proceeded with the next test.

He put 5 pens of the same color and shape. All from the same maker into the inventory. He saw that only one box was taken and saw a multiplier of 5 marked underneath the box.

He then stored the remaining pens but since they were different colors and built they took up another two boxes.

'Hmm. So even though they were the same items - pens, since they were different they took up different spaces. Probably the same for books and other stuff like scrolls or weapons.'

'I also should have several sets of clothes set and stored. For battle, camouflage, stealth, training and more '

Daichi then stored the books on horticulture and cooking in his inventory. Just as he suspected, they took up two boxes. Daichi was thoroughly testing the inventory skill because he only had 35 slots.

He needed to know if the slots would increase with each level up. He wanted to make sure he had some slots free in case he needed to store something unexpectedly while at the same time he had all the necessary items he would need.

Now time for his final and most important test. To see if his skill can hold anything living. He took the small mouse from the cage and tried to place it in his inventory slot.

A red notification appeared.

[Warning. Action Denied. Cannot store living creatures. Only exceptions are during special conditions.]

He put the mouse back in the cage and read through the message again.

'So under special circumstances I can store living beings. Need to look into that later.'

For his final test he put two sets of clothes in two slots. 'Equip.'

His current outfit changed to the one he imagined instantly. And then he thought about taking the pen and it appeared in his right hand. When he thought about his inventory he could see a subspace with all the stored items. It seems he could directly equip clothes and other items from his inventory.

'It seems I will be able to equip weapons and armor in an instant. A very useful ability indeed.'

Daichi went through various tests he deemed necessary and was happy with the outcomes. Around 30 minutes had passed. It was time to find out the results of the first test. He wanted to see if there was a time difference between the real world and inventory.

He took the stop watch out to see the time. He was shocked when he saw the time.

"It's the same time as when I stored it inside. Right down to the second. According to this, no time had passed from when I put it in the slot till I took it out. So time in that subspace is frozen."

Daichi was very excited. 'A very powerful ability. I can store foods all freshly prepared and they will stay like that as long as it's inside. Looks like I won't have to worry about going hungry or thirsty if I ever end up in an unknown terrain.'

Daichi's test with the Inventory came to an end.

It was finally time for him to unlock his chakra and train in it.

Kensei gave him 3 books yesterday. One on chakra control and theory, one that explains about hand seals and their purposes and the last one showing the details of the human body.

The reason Kensei gave the book on human anatomy was so he could figure out just how smart Daichi was and if he could even comprehend a small portion of such a vast subject. If he succeeded then Kensei would make sure Daichi would learn some basic medical techniques too. But Daichi didn't know any of this.

Daichi closed the door to his room. He had forgone exercise this morning because he wanted to be in the best shape when he unlocked his chakra.

Daichi took the book on chakra theory and control. He already had an understanding of what chakra was but that understanding came from his previous life. So he couldn't be sure what was doable and what wasn't. He was going to read the entire book to make sure he understood everything so he wouldn't mess up when he trained with his chakra.

For the next several hours Daichi read through every sentence in the book, committing them to memory. Only after reading the book did he understand that he only had the bare minimum knowledge about chakra. He had gained a far more understanding of the energy he was going to use when he was done with the first book.

The book contained several theories on chakra. How to control them, increase the chakra pool, and efficiently use them. It describes several control exercises for beginners.

By the time he was done reading the book he got several new notifications.

[Due to learning and understanding new information, you have obtained +3 INT]

[You have understood the basics of chakra and thus gained [Chakra Manipulation ]. Would you like to learn this skill? (Y/N)]

Not only did he get 3 INT stat points but also a new skill. He was very happy and accepted without hesitation.

[Chakra Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.1): This skill allows the user to manipulate their own chakra depending on their chakra proficiency. ]

Daichi now understood how to unlock and use his chakra. He sat in a meditative pose and concentrated. He meditated for some time and then brought his hands to form the Ram seal. He concentrated inwards for some time and suddenly he could feel it.

In his belly he could feel a warm energy just waiting to be unleashed. Although it was a small amount. Daichi mentally commanded the chakra to move and he suddenly felt a rush of energy filling his entire body. He opened his eyes and looked at his hands as if seeing them for the first time.

At that moment several new notification boxes appeared.

[You have actively used chakra for the first time. You have gained the skills [Lesser chakra affinity] and [Lesser chakra regeneration]. ]

[Note: Increasing both of the above skills passively increases the level of Chakra manipulation skill. ]

[Lesser chakra affinity - Passive (LV.1): This skill slightly increases the user's talent and ability to use chakra more efficiently. ]

[Effects: +5% growth rate of Chakra stat.

+5% Strength increase to all chakra based skills.

+5% Defense increase against chakra based attacks.

+10% increase to maximum CP.

-5% CP cost to all chakra based skills. ]

[Lesser chakra regeneration - Passive/Active (LV.1): This skill gives the user the ability to regenerate chakra at a slightly faster pace.]

[Effects: Regeneration Increased by 5% of base CP per minute.

+5% growth rate of Chakra stat.

Note: Meditation increases CP regeneration to 10%.]

[Due to continued chakra training, you have obtained +1 CHK]

Daichi started moving his chakra throughout his body. It was an arduous task given that he only just began, but he kept going. When his CP almost reached zero his CHK increased again.

[Due to continued chakra training, you have obtained +1 CHK]

He was going to wait for his chakra to regenerate at the normal rate so he could understand how long it took. He was going to read the other two books as he waited.

He took the one on Hand seals and began reading

As he read the book and understood new information,

[Due to learning and understanding new information, you have obtained +1 INT.]

His INT stat kept soaring. By the time he completely read the book a new skill appeared.

[You have understood the basics of hand seals and thus have gained [Minor Jutsu Creation] skill. Would you like to learn this skill? (Y/N)]

"BOOYAH. I'm so happy right now. Of course I wanna learn it."

[Minor Jutsu Creation - Active (LV.1): This skill increases the user's understanding, talent and ability to create new Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. When creating new jutsu:]

[Effects: +3% Success rate to create new Ninjutsu.

+3% Success rate to create new Genjutsu.

-3% Less CP requirements for new Jutsu created.]

"Oh man. I'm gonna abuse the hell outta this skill."

Daichi was excited about his latest skill. He had seen many forms of powers and techniques in many stories in his last life. He wanted to recreate some of them when the time came.

'My CP is fully restored. Time to exercise my chakra. I wanna feel it moving through every limb.'

Daichi sat down and focused. He started moving his chakra from his belly to his arms and then to his legs and back. His chakra was small in quantity and since it was his first day of training it was slow to reach the various parts of his body. But as time passed his control over his chakra got better and better.

[Due to continued chakra training, you have obtained +1 CHK.]

[Skill Lesser chakra affinity's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Chakra Manipulation's level has risen by one.]

As he kept training his skill and stats increased.

Once his CP bar was below 20% he rested and decided to take and finish the final book. The book on Human anatomy. It was complicated and even with his advantage he didn't understand most of it at first.

Daichi mainly focused on two things. 1. The chakra pathways system and ways that chakra interact with the organs. 2. The senses and how they function.

He read the chapters again and again and sometimes even took the first two books to clarify some doubts that formed. As he kept reading and understanding the anatomy his INT stat was rapidly rising.

[Due to learning and understanding new information, you have obtained +3 INT.]

[Skill Lesser chakra regeneration's level has risen by one.]

His INT stat had increased by 3 points by the time he stopped reading the book. And the regeneration skill level also increased. He wasn't even finished with a 5th of the book and yet he was able to increase his intelligence by such a wide margin.

"Learning new and advanced information is definitely the best way to improve INT stat. It will take me at least a couple weeks to truly understand and finish the entire book I can't believe I'm looking forward to studying."

He slightly chuckled to himself.

'Knock knock knock'. There were several knocks on the door.

"Daichi, you in there?" It was the sound of his grandfather.

"Coming." Daichi put the book on the table and opened the door.

"It's almost supper time kiddo. Come on. You don't want to miss dinner like you did lunch." Kensei looked at him with a knowing smile.

"What? I spent the whole day here?" Daichi was surprised. He didn't even notice the time passing. It was only then he looked at the window and noticed the sun was setting.

Kensei smiled. He knew the kid would be busy reading the books and might get lost in it. He suspected as much when he didn't show up for lunch. Since Daichi was studying he didn't want to disturb him as well.

It was only then when taking a closer look at Daichi that Kensei noticed something peculiar. 'No way. His chakra level has increased. Definitely much greater than before.' He had to know what happened.

"Daichi, did you do any chakra training today?" Kensei asked in a neutral tone, not giving anything away.

"Um." Daichi nodded. "I read the two books on chakra theory and hand seals. I was able to unlock my chakra and move it around my body. But not by much."

When Kensei heard this he kept a neutral face and in a calm tone congratulated him. "Well done. Now come on. Dinner is getting cold."

Both of them went down to eat their food. Both of them, thinking about different things.

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