The Aloof Prince Pampers His Wild First Rate Consort

Chapter 151

Yunjin used quiggong to head back to Qingzhou for the entire journey. Ding Xian followed behind, watching Yunjin’s light footwork skills, and had to sigh in his heart. She really had amazing ability.

This girl is really a fox, he may not be her opponent.

Who would have thought that the third Miss Mu, the beautiful but useless laughing stock of the imperial city, had such exquisite hidden skills in her arsenal.

However, he was also worried that Qin Muyue is back. This Mu Yunjin is not quite her opponent yet. He doesn’t know if she realizes this yet or not.

When returning to Qingzhou, the rain had stopped. Yunjin took a basket of herbs and walked towards the injured villagers.

“Come back, the princess has come back!” Someone shouted.

Yunjin walked quickly, handed the basket of herbs into the doctor’s hands, and said apologetically, “Sorry, I’m late.”

“It’s okay, there’s still time to medicate the remaining few.” The doctor took the medicine basket, checked the herbs, and walked aside.

Chu Li came out of a side room, glanced at her standing outside, and frowned, quickened his pace, to ask “Are you injured?”

“No.” Yunjin froze and shook her head.

Chu Li glanced at her, and his gaze fell on the traces of blood on her clothes, and his eyes flashed coldly, looking at Ding Xian to the side.

Feeling Chu Li’s cold gaze, Ding Xian was frightened, and immediately stepped forward, “His Royal Highness can rest assured that the princess was not injured. These blood stains were encountered after some fighting but she was not injured herself.”

Chu Li frowned, and gave a slight hum.

Qin Muyue watched this scene, and came over, looking at Yunjin with a smile, “It’s really hard for Yun Ge to run for so long, it’s almost dark, if I knew Yun Ge would be gone for so long I would have helped. It would have been done before the dusk….. “

Yunjin rolled her eyes and sneered, “Hindsight is a great thing!”

Qin Muyue smiled stiffly with her lips.

Looking at this scene, Yang Wanshan and others, one after another, felt the tension in the air. Combined with some rumors heard in the past, they stood to the side and did not dare to speak.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Yunjin looked at Chu Li and spoke, “It’s going to be dark, shall we go back first?”

Chu Li nodded.

“Brother Li, don’t you have two rooms in your house? Can I stay in your house tonight, too?” Qin Muyue stepped forward, smiling, with a look of pleading.

“No.” Chu Li refused, not even sparing Qin Muyue a look.

Qin Muyue was crestfallen, looked at the people around her, and smiled awkwardly, “Oh, I’m kidding, Lord Yang has prepared a place for me.”

Mu Yunjin held her tongue, secretly saying that there were so many Qin Muyue tricks, so she didn’t bother to pay attention, and went to the house arm in arm with Chu Li.

In the middle of the road, Mu Yunjin walked a little tiredly from her long day, lazily leaning against Chu Li’s arm, half of her body’s weight was entrusted to him.

Chu Li glanced at Yunjin with a smile.

Back at the house, Xiaoju greeted them and asked if the two would have a meal or bath first. Yunjin waved her hand, pulled Chu Li into the room, and closed the door.

“Look at this.” Yunjin took out the yellow paper amulet and handed it to Chu Li.

Chu Li took the paper amulet, quickly glanced at its contents, and moved his eyebrows slightly. He went to the candlestick on the table, and burnt the paper.

“What’s wrong?” Yunjin asked puzzled.

“It’s just ordinary paper. Don’t bother about it anymore.” Chu Li looked at Yunjin and said warmly.

Mu Yunjin frowned slightly, remembering that in Qingfeng Mountain, the man in white said that the written paper amulet was done by a foreign shaman, but Chu Li also said that it was ordinary paper. Who should she believe?

Wanting to stop thinking, she patted her head and cursed herself. Of course she should listen to Chu Li, who exactly was the man in white!

“Then I’ll take a bath first.” Mu Yunjin stretched her back, no longer thinking about the contents of the yellow paper, sorted out her clothes, and went out.

After she went out, Chu Li’s eyes completely darkened, and his voice was low, “Ding Xian …”

“This subordinate is here.” Ding Xian walked in from the door.

“What happened in Qingfeng Mountain today?” Chu Li glanced at Ding Xian.

Ding Xian heard the words, thought for a while, and said, “Today, this subordinate followed the princess to Qingfeng Mountain, and lost her halfway. When I reached Qingfeng Mountain, I saw seven or eight corpses dressed in black at the foot of the mountain.”

“The corpses had a black dark armor on their bodies. Later, the princess came down from the mountain, saying that she had killed those people in black.”

Chu Li narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then thought of something. ”The King in the East – those sound like his hidden guards.”

“Ling Dongguo …” Ding Xian was stunned, and exclaimed, “Yeah, no wonder his subordinates mark was familiar. It turned out to be Ling Dongguo people.”

After that, Ding Xian looked at Chu Li and realized that there was something wrong.

Why did the hidden imperial royal guard who came from the east appear in Qingfeng Mountain, and why were they killed by the princess? It seems that he is still one step behind.

“Qin Muyue’s trip, have you found out about it clearly?” Chu Li murmured.

“This subordinate went to investigate. Indeed, because of unrest in the border area, the emperor sent Miss Qin to deal with the tribes.” Ding Xian said.

“Oh …” Chu Li heard the words and whispered, “That’s some coincidence. Mu Yunjin just returned with a paper amulet from a foreign shaman in Qingfeng Mountain, likely from one of these tribes, and Qin Muyue just happens to be given orders to deal with these foreign tribes at the border.”

Ding Xian was surprised in his heart, thinking how incredible, “Your Royal Highness, do you mean, is there a secret connection between Miss Qin and these tribes?”

“Chu Li, I’ve finished washing.” Mu Yunjin entered the room at this time.

Seeing that Ding Xian was also there, Mu Yunjin glanced at the two of them and sat at the dressing table, slowly combing her hair.

Chu Li glanced at Ding Xian and motioned him out.

Ding Xian immediately left.

After Ding Xian walked out, Chu Li approached Yunjin and put his hands on her shoulders. “Were you really not injured today?”

Mu Yunjin shook her head and lowered her comb. “No.”

“Good.” Chu Li answered.

The next day, when the sky had just risen, Chu Li opened his eyes slowly and looked at the sleeping person. A slow burst of qi in his palm filled Mu Yun’s brows and sealed her sleeping point.

Chu Li got up and left the house.

When he came to the west to check the dam, Qin Muyue was already waiting there, and saw Chu Li alone, and excitedly greeted him.

Chu Li nodded faintly.

Seeing that Chu Li finally responded to her today, Qin Muyue was a little excited, stepped forward, and her face was lit up with a smile.

Aside, Ding Xian saw this and spoke to Chu Li. “Your Highness, yesterday, my subordinates found some foreign people outside the Qingfeng Mountain near here. These tribes are not from the West, and I wonder if they are planning to make some bad moves in this region.”

“Foreign tribes?” Chu Li’s eyes were surprised and he looked at Ding Xian.

“Yeah, they speak tribal languages ​​outside the known vernacular, and your subordinates don’t understand what they are saying.” Ding Xian said.

Qin Muyue heard that and a huge smile blossomed on her lips. “Brother Li, when Muyue fought at the border, I also fought with these foreign tribes. These people were so greedy that they often wanted to annex some of our cities in the West. They were repelled by our army but not defeated completely, and recently when my brother and I returned to the Imperial City, I was rather impatient to come back.”

“Um.” Chu Li nodded slightly. “Do you understand their language?”

Hearing Chu Li asking her questions, Qin Muyue was even more excited and smiled. “Yes, I have done some research into it.”

After that, Qin Muyue added another sentence, “Brother Li, I was also sent to deal with these tribes this time. Why not go with me? In this case, those leaders will definitely see you when they know it’s you. Some are frightened. Resolving these matters in advance will bring peace and stability to the Western Yuan Dynasty. “

“Well? Brother Li …”

Ding Xian stood on one side, listening to her soft voice, and reached out and stroked the goose bumps on his arms.

“Okay.” Chu Li responded to Qin Muyue’s request.

“Really? Brother Li, do you really want to go?” Qin Muyue was incredulous.

Chu Li nodded and glanced at Qin Muyue, “When do we depart?”

“If it’s not too inconvenient, then now!” Qin Muyue couldn’t hide her excitement, and when Chu Li followed her to the border, she would definitely find a way to become Chu Li’s woman for real.

At that time, once she is pregnant with Chu Li’s child, Mu Yunjin will never want to fight with her again!

Before leaving, Chu Li specially spoke to Song Chun, the head of the Purple Guard, and told him that he must not tell Mu Yunjin that he had gone to the border.

Yunjin slept for a long time, only waking up late at dusk, to hear the sound of rain from outside, she hugged her quilt to herself, she was tired.

After she glanced at the hour, she frowned, “Xiaoju …”

Xiaoju pushed open the door and came in, “Princess, you are awake.”

“Where’s His Highness?” Mu Yunjin looked at the empty spot beside her, frowned, and thought, how could she sleep so deeply today.

“His Highness …” Xiaoju grabbed her head. “His Highness went out with Ding Xian early this morning and hasn’t been back since.”

Yunjin nodded faintly, presuming that Chu Li would not be returning for another while, she lay down again and shooed away Xiaoju.

Yunjin had been lying on the bed until the sky was completely dark, and Chu Li still hadn’t come back. Now she couldn’t lie down anymore, so decided to get dressed and venture out.

After finding some clothing and putting it on, Mu Yunjin spoke to Xiaoju and went out the door of the house.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, Song Chun popped out of nowhere and bowed to her. “Greeting to the Princess.”

“Why are you here?” Seeing Song Chun, who had always been hidden, Yunjin smelled something fishy.

Song Chun smiled, “The prince and guard Ding went out early in the morning and ordered his subordinates to protect the safety of the princess here.”

“It’s getting dark and it’s raining again. Where is the Prince going?”

“Walk away casually.” Mu Yunjin said, took a lantern from one side, bypassed Song Chun, and went out.

Behind him, Song Chun grabbed his head and was full of embarrassment. His Royal Highness and Ding Xian threw it at him, but it was a mess. This princess is no ones fool!


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