The Amusing Adventures of a Directionally Challenged Dad and Daughter

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Old Gu Six held a steaming, heaping bowl of rice, lost in thought.

When did he give his daughter the image of a rice bucket?

Seeing him daydreaming, Chang'an urged him, "Dad, eat quickly, we'll be leaving soon."

Old Gu Six couldn't find the answer, but half a stick of incense later, he had finished every grain, using a handful of ash to wipe the bowl clean.

It was so delicious, he felt like he could eat a bit more.

As soon as the thought occurred, Old Gu Six's pupils shook, and he found the answer.

That's where the rice bucket image came from, always wanting a little more, always feeling like he hadn't eaten enough.

Old Gu Six: ...

He was clearly a handsome and heroic father, yet somehow became the rice bucket dad, a transition that took him by surprise.

But he couldn't blame himself, it was because his daughter's cooking was too delicious, making him want more after eating.

It wasn't his fault, he wouldn't take the blame.

Yang Mingxiao's roar echoed across the land, and everyone looked ahead, even refugees from other groups couldn't help but crane their necks to watch the drama unfold.

"I already said those fish were from Old Gu Six for us, for us, dad why did you give them away?"

Yang Poxiao's face was also gloomy as he looked at his father. He had planned to fry some small fish for his wife and son that night, and send some over to Chang'an as well.

He never expected his good old dad to give all the fish away to the villagers.

The village chief scolded Yang Mingxiao with a stern face, "It's just a few fish, is it worth shouting at your own father like that?

We're all villagers, we need to help each other. The refugee road is still long, you can't be so selfish."

Yang Mingxiao was about to explode with anger. Was this really about being selfish or not?

Those villagers begged for their fish today, who's to say they wouldn't demand their food supplies tomorrow, using the excuse that the village chief should help fellow villagers.

Their dad was just too naive, wanting to help everyone but lacking the means. Seeming fair on the surface, but actually wronging his own family for the sake of others.

One day they'd be dragged down by him.

Chang'an asked her Old Gu Six father, "Is this the fair and just village chief you mentioned?"

Indeed fair and just, sharing the fish with everyone, inconveniencing his own son to accommodate others.

Old Gu Six pursed his lips and stayed silent. He hadn't noticed it back in Qingfang Village, probably because he didn't interact much with the other villagers, so he only had a superficial understanding of the village chief.

Yang Poxiao said coldly, "From now on, we'll only fetch water, we won't bring back any more food. That half rabbit was from Old Gu Six for my brother and me.

We plan to cook it for my wife, my brother, and the children to eat. Don't count on getting any."

At this, Yang Shu Xiao, the third son of the Yang family, objected. He was the most educated in the family, having passed the Tong Sheng exam already. This year he was supposed to take the Xiucai exam, but then the natural disaster struck, shattering his dreams.

He was the most favored son, his parents saving the best food for him, saying he needed more nourishment for his studies, even their fourth, most beloved son had to make way for him sometimes.

"Elder brother, we haven't divided the family yet, so anything you bring back is for all of us to share. Even if you don't want to give any to me and our fourth brother, you have to let our parents eat, right?"

Yang Mingxiao rolled up his sleeves. He had been annoyed by his younger brother's theatrics for a long time and wanted to divide the family.

"Then let's divide, I've been sick of you for ages anyway."

Mrs. Yang wiped away tears. How did it come to this? How did they reach the point of dividing the family?

All her life, she took her husband as her master, doing whatever he said without objection. Now her sons were fighting like this, and all she could do was cry helplessly.

The village chief slapped Yang Mingxiao hard across the face. "Want to divide the family? Not a chance, unless you're banished from the Yang clan entirely."

Yang Mingxiao was also stubborn. Since the world was in chaos anyway, and he had no plans to pursue an official career, nor did his two sons intend to become scholars, he might as well be banished.

As for carrying the stigma of being unfilial, if he left and went somewhere no one knew him, who would care?

"Then banish me. This family has to divide today, no matter what."

The village chief pointed at him, too angry to speak, then glared at his eldest son. "You feel the same way?"

Yang Poxiao knelt before the village chief and kowtowed, making his intentions clear that he too wanted to divide the family.

"Fine, very well, then get out, no matter if you live or die you're not part of the Yang family anymore. I, Yang Demin, have no selfish, ungrateful sons like you."

The village chief summoned the Yang clan's patriarch and struck the names of the two brothers, their wives, and children from the family tree.

The patriarch advised them briefly, but seeing it was no use, gave up. Though from the same clan, this was a family matter. But for such an incident to occur in their prestigious Yang clan was still somewhat embarrassing.

The Yang patriarch was also displeased with the two brothers. Making such a big deal over something so small, they had no fortitude whatsoever.

So be it, let them be banished, they wouldn't tarnish the reputation of the rest of the Yang descendants.

The brothers were given their share of the family's belongings, one third of the food supplies.

The family had one ox cart and two wooden carts. One wooden cart was given to the brothers when their share was divided.

With their banishment, their household registration was also split off and given to the two brothers.

The brothers decided to travel together as refugees for now, and start fresh once they settled somewhere.

They pulled their belongings on the wooden cart, their wives and children following behind, moving towards the rear of the refugee caravan.

Mrs. Yang chased after them crying, "Elder sons, you're leaving your mother behind?"

The brothers knelt and kowtowed three times to Mrs. Yang, saying "Mother, take care" before turning and leaving without looking back.

Mrs. Yang ran after them, but the village chief pulled her back. "If you go with them, I'll divorce you, and you can be with them instead."

Hearing her husband threaten to divorce her, Mrs. Yang didn't dare move or cry anymore, obediently following the village chief back.

The villagers who had demanded the fish shrank back to their places, not daring to make a scene.

But they also didn't think they were in the wrong, believing the Yang brothers were too selfish and petty instead.

The two brothers ended up at the rear of the caravan next to Old Gu Six.

Yang Mingxiao grinned happily, not looking the least bit upset about being driven out by his own father.

He said, "Old Gu Six, please look out for us from now on."

Old Gu Six thought this person seemed a bit unhinged. If he didn't want to give up the fish, he shouldn't have. Who would dare stir up trouble over it?

Now he's been kicked out of his family, so what?

"Old Gu Six, don't look at me like that. My older brother and I have had enough of our father's indecisive nature. This is a good opportunity."

The feud within the Zheng family over the division of the household had been going on for some time, delaying their departure. But as soon as the gong sounded, the convoy that had been prepared to set off began to move, leaving Wu Erlai and his mother behind.

Chang'an lowered the bamboo curtain and drew up the cloth curtain. She felt like she was constantly moving in and out of spaces, and the bamboo curtain alone didn't feel secure enough. During the commotion at the Zheng family, she had taken the opportunity to draw a layer of cloth curtain inside the carriage.

Previously, no one might have noticed, but after a long time, it would be hard to remain undetected. It was better to keep it well concealed.

She had placed a large basin of ice inside the carriage, so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable from the heat.

The brothers Yang Poxiao and Yang Mingxiao were pulling and pushing the carriage respectively, with the two youngest children, aged three, seated inside.

Yang Poxiao's eight-year-old son walked alongside his mother.

The two brothers felt that they didn't need to assist the burdens Yang Zhengxiao and Yang Shuxiao, lest they have it too easy.

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