The Amusing Adventures of a Directionally Challenged Dad and Daughter

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Old Gu Six and his daughter didn't care how others looked at them. They picked up their cotton clothes and left, thinking they didn't need to buy anything else.

Gu Six wanted to buy two more quilts, but Gu Chang'an stopped him, saying, "We have enough, no need to buy more."

They could have also skipped buying the cotton clothes, but it's best to follow local customs when dressing.

After leaving the clothing store, it was already getting late, and by the time they got home, it was dark.

Gu Chang'an cooked tomato and egg stir-fry, spicy pork, and a pot of rice in the villa's kitchen.

Old Gu Six didn't recognize tomatoes, "Daughter, what is this egg stir-fry? It's quite tasty."

"Tomatoes, if you like it, have more."

"Is this vegetable from that world too?"

"Yes, tomatoes can be cooked, eaten as fruit, or made into sauce, with many ways to enjoy them."

"It's a pity that such a delicious thing, there are no seeds here. Otherwise, when things settle down, we can grow some ourselves."


At that time, they thought, life is not easy, who has the energy to grow vegetables?

Moreover, the environment and climate at that time were not suitable for growing crops.

After dinner, Old Gu Six washed the dishes while Gu Chang'an took a shower in the villa.

He also brought out two buckets of hot water for Old Gu Six, knowing that in the hot weather, after a day of shopping in the city, one would feel sour.

"Dad, I've put two buckets of hot water in your room. Wash the dishes, take a hot bath, and it'll be more comfortable to sleep."

"Okay, thank you, daughter," a daughter like a little fairy, truly lucky and happy (^∀^)

Gu Chang'an didn't know what time it was, but since there was nothing urgent, he decided to go to sleep.

Old Gu Six went out after taking a shower and coincidentally met the Village Head's eldest son discussing something.

"Old Gu Six is here? Sit down and tell us what's on your mind."

Old Gu Six sat down on the long bench nearby and said, "Village Head, this afternoon, I bought grain in the city and heard from the shop assistant that several grain shops in the city have very little stock left, and the prices have skyrocketed.

Then I heard from the grocery store's errand boy that several wealthy merchants in the city have taken their families and left for the south, and the magistrate's family also left the city this morning."

The Village Head's eldest son, Yang Poxiao, said, "Father, it's true. I even heard that people from the neighboring county have already started fleeing."

The Village Head remained silent for a long time before softly saying, "Leaving one's homeland is difficult."

He then added, "Difficult as it may be, there is no other choice. The water in the well is almost running out, and if we don't leave for better prospects, we will only be waiting for death.

Even the mountains are starting to wither, and there is not much food left to find. Several months have passed, and we haven't received any disaster relief from the court. It seems we won't be getting any."

Old Gu Six said what he needed to and left. He left quickly and didn't hear the Village Head's attempt to stop him.

As he walked halfway, he heard the gong at the threshing ground being struck, and the villagers all hurried in that direction.

Old Gu Six continued walking home, knowing what the Village Head wanted to discuss - the matter of fleeing.

They had prepared their supplies, and when the time came to leave, they would leave together.

Old Gu Six and his daughter were unaware of the arguments at the threshing ground, and they slept peacefully.

One night passed without words, and the next morning, Old Gu Six made a vegetable and lean meat congee.

After finishing breakfast, they drove a donkey cart to the city, planning to buy some cooked food today.

The villagers preparing to escape the famine had also gone into the city early to purchase supplies.

As the donkey cart passed through the village, it sparked a discussion.

"Old Gu Six has replaced his cart with one that has a carriage. How much money do you think he really has?"

"We have no idea. People who earn a lot of money don't go around boasting about it."

"The old hunter must have left him some inheritance before he passed away, and he also knows how to hunt. Otherwise, why would Oldest Gu want to call him back?"

"Ugh, Oldest Gu has no shame. He never raised Old Gu Six, yet he expects him to take care of him in his old age."

"That's right. Filial piety is more important than anything else. Parents gave him life, so he should be grateful. People like Old Gu Six, who would harm their own father, are worse than animals."

"Exactly, there are no bad parents in the world. It's just that Old Gu Six was lucky to survive after killing his own mother. Oldest Gu kicked him out of the house because he was afraid he would harm his other children."

The sudden saintly remarks left the others stunned.

Who in Qingfang Village didn't know how miserable Old Gu Six's life was before meeting the old hunter?

Everyone kept their distance from them, avoiding playing with the "crazy" ones, fearing they would be infected.

Most of the villagers agreed to escape the famine. If the trees die, people die. Since they couldn't survive here anymore, they had to find a place where they could.

However, some stubborn old folks were unwilling to leave, insisting that their roots were here.

The Village Head had spent half the night trying to persuade them, but they wouldn't listen. So he gave up, letting them choose whether to leave or not.

Anyway, he was going to leave with those willing to go and find a place suitable for settling down.

In the city, Gu Chang'an and Old Gu Six spent the day shopping.

The diet was monotonous, with only steamed buns the size of an adult man's fist.

Due to the increase in the price of white flour, all foods related to flour also saw a price hike.

A basket of 20 steamed buns cost 5 cents each.

They bought ten baskets, totaling 200 buns, costing one tael of silver.

The palm-sized pancakes cost 5 cents each, and they also bought 200 of them, spending one tael of silver.

It's not that they didn't want to buy more, but the shop only had that much.

They also pre-ordered 500 steamed buns and 500 pancakes for tomorrow.

Cooking on the road was inconvenient, but steamed buns and pancakes could be eaten hot.

They bought some pastries as snacks to satisfy their hunger.

With nearly half a year of drought, the market was empty, with no vegetables or meat available.

Father and daughter went to the grain store and found that there was a purchase limit.

Overnight, the prices had doubled.

New rice cost 50 cents, old rice 45 cents, white flour 35 cents, and black flour 28 cents.

Each person was limited to buying two catties of grain per day.

Old Gu Six had planned to buy more grain, but upon seeing this, he gave up.

It seemed that the shopkeeper hadn't adjusted to the grain supply.

Gu Chang'an calculated the family's savings. Old Gu Six's father had 370 taels of silver saved, and yesterday's expenses totaled 186 taels.

Today, they spent 7 taels, leaving a balance of 179 taels.

After this calculation, she realized that in the poor community, their family was quite wealthy.

Let's hold off on buying jewelry for now, they've pretty much bought everything they needed.

There's no point in spending money on luxuries while fleeing, they can figure out how to make money once they settle down.

With nothing else to buy, the father and daughter went to a restaurant for lunch, spending two taels of silver.

To be honest, the food wasn't that great, it was a waste of two taels of silver.

As they left the city, they ran into fellow villagers at the city gate who offered them a ride.

"Old Gu Six, stop, please stop, I want to ride with you."

Old Gu Six ignored her, he recognized the woman as Mrs. Zhao from the Zhao family.

It was her who had advised him to return to the Old Gu family, saying that there are no parents in the world who are not worth respecting.

This person was now on Old Gu Six's blacklist, he flicked the reins twice, and the mule took off.

Mrs. Zhao, being old and frail, only ran a few meters before stopping and cursing.

"You heartless wretch, you deserve to be driven out by your own father, a penniless family with no sons, no one will even bury you when you die."

The curses of Mrs. Zhao were unheard by the Old Gu family, but passersby could hear her yelling at the empty air.

Everyone's faces showed disgust as they distanced themselves, thinking she must be a crazy woman?

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