The Beauty Cultivation Technique

Vol. 1 - Chapter 15 - High Dance

Chapter 15 High Dance

Ye Long took Ji Yaoge to her cave. As the senior disciple of Chi Xiu Palace, her cave wasn’t as luxurious as Lady Ying Shuang’s. The outside was a small peach grove next to a tiny spring-fed clear pond. The environment was serene and rich in spiritual energy, making it one of the best cultivation spots in the Twin Glow Valley.

It was already summer, and the peach blossoms had faded, leaving branches heavy with peaches. Dew from the night still clung to them, making the peaches look even more plump and juicy. Ji Yaoge couldn’t help but steal a few more glances, swallowing secretly—the beast's spiritual bone had altered her temperament subtly and she couldn’t completely eradicate the changes, only control them.

“Are you craving them?” Ye Long saw through her at a glance.

Ji Yaoge smiled awkwardly. At over two hundred years old and having abstained from food for many years, she now felt like a child, which embarrassed her greatly.

“I’ll have someone pick some for you later,” Ye Long said gently, looking at the peaches on the branches.

“Thank you, Senior Sister,” Ji Yaoge thanked her.

“They’re just a few peaches. No need to be so polite if you like them,” Ye Long waved her hand and stepped out of the peach grove.


As they reached Ye Long’s cave, they saw Ren Zhongping under the spring. He wore a moon-white wide-sleeved robe, his long hair half tied, with a clear beauty mark on his forehead, exuding an aura of otherworldly elegance. However, Ye Long’s gaze suddenly turned cold.

“Senior Sister,” Ren Zhongping bowed respectfully to Ye Long.

Ji Yaoge found it strange. Everyone in the sect said Ren Zhongping was Ye Long’s close confidant, so they should have been closer than others. But it seemed they weren’t intimate, and Ren Zhongping was quite respectful, even afraid of Ye Long.

“What are you doing here?” Ye Long stroked the handle of her curved blade, not returning the salute.

Ren Zhongping didn’t look at Ji Yaoge, remaining bowed. “I came to apologize to Senior Sister.”

“For what?” Ye Long looked down at him, devoid of gentleness.

“For what happened to Junior Sister Ji. It was my fault. Senior Sister Yue Xiao has a proud and wild nature. If she didn’t vent her anger, I feared Junior Sister Ji’s days would be even harder, so I took this desperate measure. I hope Senior Sister can forgive me,” Ren Zhongping said calmly.

“Oh? Even punishing her with hard labor was just a temporary measure of yours?” Ye Long showed no sign of softening.

“It was my oversight,” Ren Zhongping maintained his bow.

Ji Yaoge stayed silent, guessing that Ren Zhongping knew Ye Long intended to protect her, so he came to confess. She didn’t speak, letting Ye Long handle it while quietly gripping the jade tube at her waist, gently removing the stopper…

“Zhongping, you’ve been with me for years and should know I dislike those who are fickle and manipulative. If you want to follow Yue Xiao, I can make that happen. You don’t need to please both sides and suffer this way,” Ye Long said, staring at his back with a piercing gaze. “Although I need someone to practice the Southern Bright Technique with, it doesn’t have to be you.”

A murderous aura leaked out inadvertently, completely different from her kind demeanor towards Ji Yaoge.

“Zhongping wouldn’t dare. Zhongping is willing to follow Senior Sister,” Ren Zhongping trembled slightly, almost kneeling, the earlier elegance disappearing completely.

Ye Long raised her chin slightly. “I’ve given you a chance. Since you’ve made your choice, don’t forget today’s words. If you offend again, it will be considered betrayal.” Her words were light but allowed no argument.

Ren Zhongping didn’t even dare to lift his head, only saying, “I will remember Senior Sister’s teaching.”

“Leave,” Ye Long said no more, leading Ji Yaoge to the cave.

Ji Yaoge followed, glancing back repeatedly. Ren Zhongping didn’t look at her once. Only after Ye Long was far away did he straighten up, expressionless, standing for a moment before slapping his own neck. He quickly reached into his long hair, scratching as if stung by an insect.

A faint golden light fell from his hair into the grass, like stars darting about, unnoticed, and flew into the jade tube on Ji Yaoge’s skirt. She quickly replaced the stopper.

“What are you looking at?” Ye Long turned back, the murderous aura gone.

“Senior Sister, it’s not worth damaging your relationship with Junior Brother Ren over my matter,” Ji Yaoge said, turning away.

“There’s nothing worth or not worth. Besides, my warning wasn’t entirely for you. He knows Yue Xiao and I don’t get along, yet he keeps trying to please her and has done many things behind my back. I’ve turned a blind eye, but he’s gone too far,” Ye Long said, lifting the cave’s restriction and leading Ji Yaoge in.


Ye Long’s cave had three sections. The outermost was a reception area with stone tables and chairs, piles of wine jars, and a few vines growing from the walls, reflecting her carefree nature. The middle section was for practice, with nothing but two rows of weapon racks. The innermost was her private cultivation room, but Ji Yaoge only stopped at the practice area, not knowing what the inner room looked like.

The floor of the stone chamber was painted with a crimson array, with a skylight overhead letting soft light fall in the center. The walls were carved with simple human figures with various expressions. After a few glances, Ji Yaoge felt the eyes of the figures seemed about to move.

Ye Long had already walked to the weapon rack, her hands behind her back. “Stand in the center of the array.”

Ji Yaoge withdrew her gaze but didn’t follow the instruction, instead asking, “Senior Sister, you haven’t told me why Senior Sister Yue Xiao always targets me.”

Ye Long had just opened her mouth when Ji Yaoge continued, “And there are so many disciples in the sect. Why do you, Senior Sister, pay special attention to me, with my mediocre talents, and protect me repeatedly?”

This question has existed for a long time. The gap between her and Ye Long was vast, and they had no daily contact. Ye Long wasn’t someone with an overflowing heart of compassion, so why help her time and again?

Ye Long laughed softly. “You’re quite stubborn, relentless, just like her.” She looked at the light falling through the skylight, silent for a long time before speaking.

“Yue Xiao isn’t targeting you; she’s targeting me. And I help you not only because her trouble with you started because of me but also for another reason...” Ye Long leaned against the wall, drawing a purple double-headed shuttle from the weapon rack, playing with it as she spoke.

“Because of what?”

“Because you remind me of Yue Xiao.” Ye Long wasn’t someone who talked much or liked to confide, but looking at Ji Yaoge’s clear eyes, she suddenly felt like sharing.

Ji Yaoge was surprised. “I remind you of her?”

Ye Long nodded, her figure flashing as she suddenly appeared beside Ji Yaoge, her left hand around Ji Yaoge’s waist, her right pressing her shoulder down, forcing Ji Yaoge to bend back.

“Your bones are too stiff. I’ll help you loosen them before we start,” Ye Long said crisply, changing Ji Yaoge’s posture rapidly while talking. “Isn’t it strange? Yue Xiao and I don’t get along, yet I still care about her?”

Ji Yaoge was about to say “yes” when her left leg was lifted to shoulder height, standing like a golden rooster, her bones almost tearing apart. Ye Long continued, “Yue Xiao and I entered the sect one after the other. We weren’t Lady Ying Shuang’s disciples then, just ordinary low-level cultivators like you.”

They were about the same age. Ye Long, valuing loyalty, took great care of Yue Xiao, who called her Senior Sister. The sect’s resources were limited, making cultivation for low-level disciples tough. They supported each other through countless nights, a hundred years passing in a flash.

“Yue Xiao was a lot like you when she first entered the sect. Not particularly beautiful, average in talent, struggling with cultivation, often bullied by senior disciples, much like your current situation. Seeing you reminds me of her. She, like you, never complained about the hardships. We were very close then. She even planted the peach grove outside during our fasting practice to satisfy my cravings,” Ye Long’s tone was gentle, but her hands were firm, pressing Ji Yaoge to the ground. “We cultivated together, hunted together, faced life-and-death situations together many times. Once, she almost lost her life saving me. Our bond was one of life and death.”

Ji Yaoge once thought she had such a bond a few months ago.

“Later, we both became Lady Ying Shuang’s disciples, and our situation in the sect improved. A batch of new disciples joined, including a junior named Xu Ting, a genius in seductive techniques, whose charm soon rivaled Yue Xiao’s. Xu Ting was good at currying favor, approaching her for her status despite my warnings, which she ignored, resenting my advice. She fell for him, but Xu Ting secretly seduced outer sect female cultivators, using them as cauldrons. I had no evidence and feared he’d use her as a cauldron once his cultivation improved. I lured him with the Southern Bright Harmony Technique, and he betrayed her for it. Since then, Yue Xiao thought I seduced Xu Ting and hated me.”

Ye Long pressed Ji Yaoge’s waist harder, making her cry out in pain. “Bear with it. My story isn’t finished.”

“What happened next?” Ji Yaoge gritted her teeth.

“Later, Xu Ting, who was up to no good, stole the Southern Bright Harmony Technique after entering my cave, leading to his deviation and death by my hands. Yue Xiao hated me even more. Over the years, she’s tried to alienate anyone close to me, either drawing them to her side or making their lives difficult. Ren Zhongping is one she tried to win over.”

“What does all this have to do with me?” Ji Yaoge felt her whole body aching.

“We had no connection. Three years ago, at the Chi Xiu Palace Ceremony, I helped you when you were mocked, seeing you reminded me of her. Later, I secretly aided you a few times, but Yue Xiao noticed and thought I wanted to take you under my wing, so she started making things hard for you. If I help, she’ll get worse. If I don’t, your life will be hard. It’s all because of me,” Ye Long said. If she hadn’t intervened, Ji Yaoge might still be a low-level disciple with a smooth life.

Ji Yaoge wasn’t moved, her attention was on her body. “Senior Sister, be gentler.”

“Useless. Get up!” Ye Long released her.

Ye Long had used some spiritual power, leaving Ji Yaoge unable to resist, kneading her like dough. But standing up, Ji Yaoge felt refreshed, her bones stretched to the limit without injury, even nourished.

“Rest for a while,” Ye Long pushed her to the wall, then flew to stand in the array’s center, bathed in skylight. “I taught Yue Xiao the Celestial-Demon Dance. Though her talent was average, her perseverance was extraordinary. She closed herself off for three years to master it. You can’t learn it in three days, but you can pick up enough to pass the trial.”

She twisted her waist and raised a leg. “Do you know the origin of this dance?”

“Lady Ying Shuang created it, I heard?” Ji Yaoge replied.

Ye Long laughed. “Yes, but you weren’t wrong either. It’s indeed a courtship dance.”

Ji Yaoge blushed, recalling her comparison to monkeys.

“This dance originated from Lady Ying Shuang’s bedchamber with the former palace master, initially to please him. It later evolved into today’s Twelve Celestial-Demon Dance. Don’t underestimate it. Seductive dances are looked down upon, but many can’t resist their power. Do you know why?”

“Because they attack the mind, their depth is immeasurable,” Ji Yaoge said.

Ye Long gave an approving look. “This dance, performed by twelve people, six celestials and six demons, combined with celestial-demon music, has 376 variations, directly attacking the mind. The higher the practitioner’s cultivation, the more terrifying its effect. It’s not a low-level technique. Moreover, the dance steps themselves are valuable, flexible and strong, perfect for female cultivators. If you master the steps and familiarize yourself with the dance, the seductive technique can come later.”

Ye Long taught earnestly, and Ji Yaoge learned diligently.

After explaining the dance’s features, Ye Long’s toes lightly touched the ground, her brows dancing, transforming as if into another person.

“This dance varies with the dancer’s temperament. Watch my Celestial-Demon Dance and see how it differs from Yue Xiao’s.”

With that, Ye Long’s long hair brushed her cheeks, her body leaping like a silver ribbon.

Ji Yaoge watched intently, afraid to miss a step. Any last bit of disdain for the seductive dance vanished, along with the superiority she felt from being from Wuxiang Sword Sect—realizing all techniques have value.

Ye Long’s dance was vigorous, every step and leap strong and elegant, blending softness and strength, filled with battle intent. Compared to Yue Xiao’s seductive dance, Ye Long’s was passionate and stirring, touching Ji Yaoge deeply.

Her heart pounded like a war drum, resonating with Ye Long’s steps, the rhythm thunderous. The battle intent surged like waves on a vast sea, magnificent and boundless. For the first time, Ji Yaoge felt her blood boil from a dance.

She wanted to learn this dance not just to get by but to master it completely. She was greedy, wanting more.

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