The Beginning

Chapter 55: The Undeliverable Express XII (below)

Chapter 55: The Undeliverable Express XII (below)

You and Qin Rourou have searched the internet in vain for information about Xiao Heyun, but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, with nothing concrete to show for it.

Although you can use your position to find out the address, telephone number and identity card details of Mr Xiao Heyun, it does not help to trace his personal details.

Even if you have actually saved a lot of people, you don't have a needless "saviour" complex, otherwise you should be saving not old people on the streets or women being assaulted, but the 2pm bus accident, the many natural and man-made disasters in the country... ...

How small can your power be?

Probably to the extent that you can't even step into a five-star hotel with your head held high.

"That's right. ......"

Qin Rourou, as an ordinary woman, naturally has a certain longing for "heroes".

For the first time, Qin Rourou's face looked bewildered after hearing that you were completely at a loss as to how to save someone you didn't even know.

She starts to help you figure out what to do.

"If he can still answer his phone in the morning, can you stand by his front door early in the morning, tie him up and trap him as soon as he shows up, and deliver it to him when it arrives in the afternoon, forcing him to sign for it?"

Qin Rourou asks brainily.

"Then in case it doesn't time cycle, won't I be a kidnapper?!"

You shake your head in panic.

"Aren't you a prisoner of time now?"

Qin Rourou shows his hands.

"I'd rather go through the time loop every day, than go to jail!"

Unfortunately, such a literary statement does not resonate with you, and your head still shakes like a rattle.

There's nothing to be done, and she's back to helping you figure out what to do.

"Then can you go to your courier's sorting centre early in the morning, get Xiao Heyun's delivery in hand early and deliver it in the morning?"

Qin Rourou asks again.

"You can't get it, each department has its own responsibilities between them and we can't initiate any courier until it's been assigned to our point by the computer."

You reluctantly decline the offer.

"Or you could call the police in advance and say something happened to him?"

"The police asked me what had happened to him and where, how could I tell them? I can't tell you how I know, what if something does happen and I'm arrested as an accomplice?"

"Hey, I'll just resign myself to the time loop and leave it at that!"

The more you discuss the issue, the more you fall into a dead end, and Missy's advice does little to throw you off, so you lean back on the sofa in frustration and close your eyes.

"I think you could try my method, if you really can't hold out, it's better to be locked up than to keep cycling through time like this." Qin Rourou takes the cat from your arms so that the "burden" can be lightened.

You nod and decide that if it comes to that, you'll have no choice but to try and tie Xiao Heyun up and force him to stay out of the house and collect your deliveries in the afternoon.

You can't be tied up and have an accident, can you?

You stay with the lady for more than an hour and, seeing that it is late, you quickly say goodbye and continue to deliver the goods.

Anyway, after a serious talk like this, and with someone to advise you in a serious way, not to mention the usefulness of the idea, at least you are no longer alone in the world, and in some cases, no longer without anyone to talk to.

After this contact, most of the little bit of resentment you had towards each other is gone and you have a strange feeling of "seeing each other as friends".

"Let's have dinner together tonight, I'll make something random for the evening."

As you are being escorted out, the young lady says to you, "After dinner, we can watch a movie together."

"I have quite a few films here about your current situation, and since there are so many in this genre, maybe there are quite a few people in the world who have had the same experience as you."

The little sister suggested seriously, "You could watch these films, maybe it would give you a reference to your current situation?"

"Yes, thank you."

You promised her.

With yesterday's experience, you worked hard for the rest of the day to get the vast majority of the deliveries out, and they would have been delivered even faster had you not wasted a little time with the lady.

But the Xiao Heyun delivery still hasn't been delivered, and there's nothing we can do about it without it sticking in our throats.

Today you are not expecting to end the time loop and pedal back to the delivery point, telling your master you have an appointment after work and can't join them for dinner.

Colleagues at work were up in arms, asking if you had a girlfriend.

You stammered and explained that it was just a girl you met while delivering, not a girlfriend, but you were laughed at for having the heart of a thief, and people came to cheer you on.

No matter how much you explain that it's simply dinner, your colleagues just hem and haw, and you get so grossed out laughing that you take off your uniform at work and change into the unusual clothes you left at the office, red-faced and refusing to leave.

"I'm not leaving! I'm staying for dinner!"

"Get lost lad!"

Your master laughs, knocks you on the head and pushes you out the door.

"You have to be bold to chase a girl, don't give me halfway and come back!"

You blush and go to Miss Cat Litter's house and knock on the door.

"You're here? There's just one more dish to go, I don't know how to cook anything big, it's all homemade small dishes, don't mind."

She gestured to a pair of slippers in the entrance hall.

"These are the new shoes I just bought this afternoon, you wear these."

"Oh, good."

You're not quite as comfortable as she is, and slightly flattered, you put on the little blue bear slippers and follow her inside.

It was getting dark and the house lights were on with a soft yellowish glow that tinted everything in the house with a warm hue, including the people.

Instead of the odd nightgown and halter dress with cashmere shawl, Qin Rourou looks much younger, cuter and less uncomfortable in a conservative loungewear outfit.

For the cooking, she had pulled up her hair, and from behind she could see her long, slender neck and slender figure showing, all beautiful as a picture.

You wash your hands and come out, your eyes fixed on the kitchen, and you have a feeling that you don't know what time it is.

You can't remember how long it's been since you've stood in a brightly lit house like this, watching someone else cook for you.

In the army, you ate the big pot of rice in the canteen, in the company, you ate the box lunch sent by the company uniform, you lived alone and occasionally ate, you would only pass yourself off with a simple meal or even instant noodles.

If you hadn't gone through the time loop, you probably wouldn't have set foot in one of those sophisticated, fine dining restaurants to try out the delicious delicacies that will leave you in awe.

But even a meal in a fancy restaurant is still not the same as one that has been specially manned for you.

Qin Rourou comes out with the food and sees you leaning against the doorpost, staring at her, smiling and teasing: "What are you looking at? I've saved a bunch of films for practice, so I've found the right ones for you this afternoon, so I'll probably watch them all night."

She is used to staying up late to do her homework, having watched films and worked on sets with her peers when she was doing the study sessions.

But it's the first time I've watched a movie at home with a man I don't know very well yet.

You woke up like a dream and went to wash your hands and help serve and carry the plates.

The meal is indeed just a home-cooked meal, a tiger skin green pepper, a fried egg with tomatoes, a roast pork, and a small casserole of creamy corn and pork ribs soup, which is full of colour and flavour at first glance.

You were already hungry after a long day's work, and the meal was particularly to your liking, making you forget to even talk and stifle yourself to just eat.

This kind of attitude is the greatest encouragement to the chef. The lady watches you happily as you munch on your food, and from time to time, she even gives you a bite of the food for fear that you will be too polite to eat the meat.

You intuitively got up after the meal and helped the lady clean up the dishes and the kitchen, washing all the pots and pans, wiping down the hob and draining the water, and scrubbing all the rags with your hands.

After eating, you took a short break and came together in the small living room to watch the recommended movies that Missy was projecting on her mobile phone.

The films are old and new, scary and suspenseful, and a few are even action films that will blow your mind if you don't normally watch a lot of movies.

Watching the hero of the movie actually take the time to learn a ton of stuff after being trapped, you're especially in awe of the inspiration.

"Hasn't this been a waste of many years?"

Your eyes widen as you watch the hero spend the day constantly switching women, "That's... that's not good, is it? Isn't that hooliganism?!"

That's a hell of a lot of progress in only one day!

"It's not impossible to meet the right person, even if you only know them for a day."

In the pitch black atmosphere, the occasional bright and dim light from the big screen made it impossible for either side to see each other's faces.

"...... It depends on the person."

The little sister leans on the armrest on the other side of the small sofa, sweeping unobtrusively through the dim light over your long legs that occupy almost half of the sofa, and says slyly.

"Eh? But this one's just a middle-aged, blighted uncle."

You shake your head in wonder.

The young sister withdrew her gaze with some disappointment and returned her attention to the screen.

"If one day you stop the time loop and get back to your normal life, will you still come to me?"

She asked suddenly.

You freeze and think for a moment.

"...... more than half, no way?"

The dim light hides your expression, and the reality that you won't remember anything tomorrow makes it easy to say what's on your mind as you have no desire to lie

"I'm just a courier living in a crummy basement, and you have a small house, but you can see that it's exquisite everywhere; and from the way you talk, and all the books you have piled up in your house, you must not be too badly educated, and I went into the army after high school ......"

Such you and her, if not for such a bizarre encounter, but just a casual acquaintance, one standing outside the house to deliver and the other inside to sign for the delivery, where would be any deep friendship?

"We're simply in two worlds."

"But I will certainly come to your rescue every day as long as it remains in the cycle of time."

You take her melancholy for worry and say to her firmly, "We're kind of friends now, and I'm never going to let anything happen to you!"

"Then you must remember to come to my rescue every day."

There was a light smile on the little sister's face and a radiant glow in her eyes.

"Well, come every day."

You made a promise.

The middle-aged man on the screen has finally found true love, and on the night when the two men truly embrace each other, the time advances quietly to the next day.

The film ends early the next morning when the hero and his lover wake up in each other's arms.

You shrink back a little in embarrassment at the sight of the way the hero of the film ends his leg.

The leg had already been next to the young lady's before, and the place where it touched was warm and soft. Just now, I was watching the movie especially absorbed and didn't notice, but now that the movie was over it felt as if it was going to be hot.

Noticing your embarrassment, the lady turns on the light and gestures for the two of you to take a break, drink some water and eat something before watching the next one.

The sudden brightness of the light washes away the somewhat ambiguous atmosphere of a moment ago, and you get up with relief to drink water, go to the toilet, return to the sofa again and start watching the next one.

It is a film about living a dream, where the protagonist finds his true inner yearning after the cycle of time, gives up his present false life and starts again to pursue his dream.

"What about you? What's a dream you've buried in your heart that you've never gotten around to?"

The little sister talks to you like a normal small talk.

"My dream?"

You are stunned.

"Yeah, maybe like in the movies, by the time you start to finish your dream, the time loop is over?"

Having watched two movies and already a little tired, Missy stretched lazily, "You want to think about it?"

It has been many years since anyone has asked you questions like dreams and the future.

So you think about it for a while before you answer uncertainly.

"It's ...... go back and continue your studies, right?"


The little sister stretched out with a start.

"My family was in a bad situation back then, and if I was going to college, my mum would have to work another odd job, which was too hard, so I took the initiative to become a soldier. I didn't understand at that time, I didn't know that going to college and then going to the army would keep my schooling, and it would be convenient to stay in the army or take the officer school in the future, then I understood, and it was too late ......"

You unconsciously touch your shoulder, "I'm twenty-two now, I can't continue to serve, but I think I can still study, right?"

Having said that, I was a bit worried when I started studying again at such an old age.

The time, effort and money spent are not to mention the social recognition of what is read out after work, and whether people will look at him differently ......

Such concerns grew, and he never took the step.

"You can take the police academy, right? Being a police officer should should be similar to being a soldier?" The little sister said, "The police academy in our province is for high school veterans, and you're not too old, so if you pass the exam to go to the police academy, you can study too. Go enroll in a coaching class and ask how to take the police officer school exam, with your physique, you'll definitely have no problem with physical fitness, and you're still a veteran, so there might be an extra point policy."


You unconsciously sit up straighter, completely oblivious to what's playing in the film.

"Is this still possible?!"

"You can try it!"

When my little sister saw how excited you were, she smiled and said, "You got all that time for nothing anyway, so there's nothing wrong with asking and trying more, right? Besides ......"

"How do you know that what the wandering old man said to you is right?"

She plays with her hair with her fingers and glances at you absently.


"Look, every movie has a different approach to leaving the time loop, some are to fall in love and find true love, some are to find their true inner yearning, and since the delivery route is now stuck in thought, do you want to try a little of each?"

The little sister raises an eyebrow at you.

"It's really all useless, it's not too late to send another courier, at least you've experienced a different life too."

The television in the living room, where the hero and heroine are in love on a dangerous battlefield.

The reality is that you are faced with a new invitation in a daze.

whether you should continue to deliver your deliveries until they are all done, based on the elderly person's response.

Or try the lady's suggestion and try each method?

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