The Beginning

Chapter 57: The Undeliverable Delivery (XIV)

Chapter 57: The Undeliverable Delivery (XIV)

Young people nowadays sleep late, especially in the "programmer's street" flats, where most of the programmers are from the nearby technology companies, and it is common for them to work overtime, or to stay up until 1 or 2 pm.

So you don't have to worry about getting bumped into by Xiao Heyun early in the morning.

You're not in uniform, you're in your regular clothes, rolled up and tucked into your backpack, looking like a regular programmer carrying a computer bag to work.

You feel your way into the flat with ease, wait for a while by the entrance door, follow the early morning residents into the building and take the lift up to the thirteenth floor.

You've got a better idea of what's going on here, having spent the last night in front of Xiao Heyun's house.

The one on the left is where Xiao Heyun lives. You have checked under the door mat and inside the electricity box, and there is no spare key, which means he lives alone and is too cautious and meticulous to leave any security risks to others.

But that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do to keep him from going out.

You take out the strong glue you have prepared and drip the glue through its thin opening along the doorway of the security door, filling a whole circle around the doorway of the security door, and dripping the glue into its keyhole, plugging it full of glue.

You figure that programmers don't get up too early, and if they do, it's before they leave the house.

Most people open the door, push it and find it won't open, they will check if the lock is broken or the safety is not open, you will be able to drip the place are dripping strong glue, the lock eye has been glued, the door without particularly strong force is difficult to get open.

The house was probably rented, and as an ordinary tenant, it was unlikely that he would risk paying a large sum of money in compensation to violently damage the security door; the most likely option would be to call the property to have it repaired.

One way or another, plus changing doors and locks, you might be able to drag it out for a few hours, as long as you drag it out until the courier sorting comes over at noon and you can immediately rush over to deliver the courier.

It's a choice you've made, and you've thought about the kidnapping and other offers Qin Rourou has suggested to you, but you have to think about your future, no matter how bizarre your situation is, and Qin Rourou can accept that you have such a record, her family may not, so you have to make sure you're a clean man to be able to pursue a nice girl like that.

But you underestimate the man Xiao Heyun.

You run back to work as soon as you've done your prank-like deed, not wanting to be late and lose your job, but also not wanting to miss Xiao Heyun's package.

When you've finished your morning delivery and are running to Xiao Heyun's house at noon with your delivery, you've just stepped out of the lift and before you can dial the phone, you're pinned down by the security guard who arrives.

It turns out that Xiao Heyun didn't call the property at all, but called the fire brigade directly to ask them to come and break down the door after he saw that strong adhesive had been dripped into the door, and incidentally called the police.

This apartment building is owned by a property and there is no surveillance in the hallway, but there is in the lift.

The only person who arrived on Xiao Heyun's floor at that time of day was you with a large bag on your back. Although you had no previous criminal record and could not be traced, you must have had a purpose in targeting Xiao Heyun's home. The police had asked the property owner to keep an eye on the elevator surveillance, so that when you appeared, you would be controlled and then wait for the police to arrive.

As for Xiao Heyun, the fire brigade came and removed the door frame. The property owner agreed to cover the cost of replacing the door as a result of poor security.

So from start to finish, Xiao Heyun just lay around the house making a few phone calls and things worked out.

When it was time to go out, he asked the landlady to supervise the changing of the door, asked her for the keys later and went out with his bag on his back, without too long a delay at all.

From start to finish, you don't even see Xiao Heyun's face.

The police who got the news came and took you away straight away.

They suspected that you were intending to take revenge and, after finding out that you and Xiao Heyun had not had any dealings, repeatedly asked you why you were doing this.

You said that you were only playing a prank, but your status as a courier was somewhat sensitive and the police were concerned that your intention to do so would give you the opportunity to continue the "crime" when you made subsequent deliveries, so they called your company and informed your team leader that you might be using your position to make such a "prank ".

Sitting in the police station, you know that this time you've definitely lost your job, and in the way you least expect.

You are only dropping strong glue, which does not cause any other adverse consequences and is not considered a malicious incident, so the police decided to detain you administratively for five days and ordered you to pay compensation for the security door, which is a total of 2,000 yuan in full.

You've dutifully paid your fine and are honestly prepared to try something else tomorrow when the clock cycles, when you look up and see the time is almost 2pm and suddenly remember that you haven't saved Miss Kitty Litter today!

You ask the police to go to the neighbourhood where the lady lives and protect Qin Rourou, who lives on the 5th floor, and tell her about the origin and appearance of the air-conditioner.

"What? Is this still a gang operation for you?"

Such detailed information made the police suspect you once again.

"Tell me honestly, were you responsible for breaking the door, and your accomplice then disguised as a lock repairer to commit the burglary or robbery? Don't think that if you give up your accomplice, you'll be fine.

In order for the police to take it seriously, you bite the bullet and just admit it.

The police were immediately called to Qin Rourou's neighbourhood and broke down the door in the nick of time to rescue the girl who had almost been assaulted and to arrest the air conditioner who had trespassed on the premises.

But when the person is brought back for trial, it doesn't match your previous confessions at all.

The other party does not admit to knowing you at all, nor does he know anything about strong glue dripping from the house, but only admits that he saw a single young woman living alone in the other party's house and committed the crime on a whim.

You were repeatedly questioned and given no reasonable explanation and by about 4pm you suggested that a child would have fallen from an upper floor in a particular neighbourhood at about 4.30pm and informed of the features of that home's security fence.

The police went to that neighbourhood based on the tip you gave them and did save the child who had accidentally fallen. Because they had prepared in advance, the child was safe and no one hurt their arm like you did, so it was a happy ending for all.

Now, when the police officers in the police station look at you again, they look a bit confused.

You know that this sequence of your behaviour is unusual and there is no way to explain it with rational reasons.

If you were a resourceful person, you might be able to come up with something like a "prophecy", but you are too stupid to come up with a reason to bluff, so you are silent.

All the investigations are at a standstill, you are a veteran, in the army has been active, year after year to win the standard, since the independent employment has not done anything wrong, except this drop of strong glue ridiculous move, can not find you and others in cahoots with the motive and purpose of the crime.

Not to mention the fact that two other families were saved based on your "tip".

"Don't you have anything else to explain?"

The police were probably curious about you too and didn't press you in a very forceful manner, but just patiently were enlightening you, "Why do you know these things?"

An air conditioner can be said to be complicit in a home invasion crime, but a child almost falling off a building when his grandparents are home can't be said to be part of a criminal gang's plot, can he?

Even if they could, what good would it do them to do so?

You are relieved to learn that everyone who should be saved has been saved, and you are prepared to resist passively and spend the night in the guardhouse, waiting for the chance to do it again tomorrow.

However before you can be put in, another officer comes looking for you.

The officer who comes to see you is kind looking, you would never think he was a policeman without that uniform, he looks like a teacher, and when he sees you, he smiles and pulls a stool in front of you and sits down.

"My surname is Zhang, you can call me Mr. Zhang, or you can call me Officer Zhang."

He shows you his ID while flicking a photo out of his phone and gesturing for you to see it.

"Look, do you know this man up there?"

On it was a very clean-cut and civilized young man with a pair of half-frame glasses, and despite the photo ID, he still had a small smile on his lips and seemed like the kind of person who would get along well.

Although you don't know what a detective wants from you, you cooperate and look at it half-heartedly, then shake your head in bewilderment.

"No, I don't know this man."

"Think again."

Mr. Zhang reminds you in a gentle tone, "Or maybe you are more impressed with the name, like ......"

He looks closely at the expression on your face.

" Xiao Heyun ?"

You hear the name is a shock and a slight shiver runs through your body.

Mr. Zhang caught the slightest change, and he immediately narrowed his eyes.

"You know the name? Why? Where have you heard it before?"

All of a sudden, the gentle temperament that had just been on Mr. Zhang's body suddenly changed, as if a sword had been sheathed, showing the true nature of the criminal police.

You say honestly as he stares a little at you.

"Delivered his delivery, know the name."

"There should be more than that, right?"

Mr. Zhang fondled the photo on his phone, "I've heard about what happened to you, it looks like you did something bad, but I think, maybe you know something and want to do something good, is that right?"

You nodded involuntarily as you were held in his gaze.

"Then can you tell me why you suddenly went and sealed the door of Xiao Heyun's house early in the morning?"

With your cooperative attitude, Mr. Zhang's demeanour suddenly mellows down again.

He pulled the stool a little closer to you, lowered his body, came closer to you and asked.

"Do you not want him to go out?"

You hesitate, considering that you still need time to cycle the next day and are not afraid to tell the truth, so you nod again.

"How did you know something was going to happen to him? The same way you alerted the police to the air conditioning worker and the child's fall earlier?"

Mr. Zhang looked even more nervous and even gulped as he spoke.

Of course it's the same, of all the couriers, he's the only one who can't deliver every day, something must have happened this afternoon.

You continue to nod your head.

"Something did happen to him."

Mr. Zhang's hand is shaking as he holds the phone and his eyes are dead set on your expression.

"At 1:45 this afternoon, a passenger found a bomb on a bus in the city and reported it to the police. When we got the news and rushed to the scene, the bus tried to force its way onto the more crowded Cross River Bridge, and my colleagues had to drive to force the bus to stop in order not to cause more casualties ......"

He closed his eyes.

"My colleagues, who were caught in the explosion of the bus, are still in hospital."

Even though you guessed that Xiao Heyun was in trouble every afternoon, you could never have imagined that this Xiao Heyun would be in trouble like this, and you look back at him in disbelief.

"This young man called Xiao Heyun was in the car."

Mr. Zhang saw your expression and knew you didn't know what had happened to him either, and your expression was a bit lost.

"There were oncoming and offcoming vehicles saw an argument in the car, and the scene surveyed, also found this Xiao Heyun finally fell with the alarm, either with the alarm, or with the alarm to subdue the assailant unsuccessfully, unfortunately sacrificed ...... "

"Our investigation into Xiao He continued and found that you glued the door to Xiao Heyun's house with strong glue in the early morning, sealed the locking hole in the doorway again and then left there and went on to work ......"

He looks at you, already soulful, and suddenly whispers heavily in your ear.

"Tell me, do you know something!"

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