The Best Director

Chapter 6 - 6 Finalizing the Movie

Chapter 6 Finalizing the Movie

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Jessica, I’ve wanted to be a director, to make films, ever since I was very, very young. And now, I’ve decided, I’m going to take action, not just think about it, I’m going to make a film! An independent film!”

Upon hearing Wang Yang’s emphatic statement, Jessica was stunned, “Make a film?” She could only think of one possibility, asking, “Do you mean to write a good script and then seek investors to fund the production?”

Contrary to her expectations, Wang Yang immediately shook his head, “No, I’m not planning to look for investors; with my current resume, I wouldn’t be able to get any. So, I’ll finance it myself!” He took a sip of the newly served coffee, feeling less bitter with a goal in mind, and smiled, “I’ll do all the work except acting. Of course, I’ll think about distribution later, I don’t want to worry about that now, I want to get the film made first!”

“You’re financing it yourself?” Jessica was dumbfounded. In her mind, making a film, even a low-budget independent film, surely required hundreds of thousands, right? She remembered that Wang Yang’s family ran a restaurant and wasn’t wealthy, so where would he get the money for filming? Doubtful, she asked, “Yang, can you tell me, what’s your budget?”

Wang Yang revealed a mysterious smile and raised a finger, saying, “Ten thousand US dollars! Jessica, my budget is only ten thousand US dollars.” He laughed and spread his hands, “That’s all I have.”

Jessica was taken aback again, ten thousand US dollars? How much film could that buy? How long a film could that shoot? She asked in bewilderment, “Yang, are you joking? How can you make a film with ten thousand US dollars?”

“It’s simple, I’m making a DV film.” Wang Yang smiled as he unveiled the mystery. DV filmmaking is an emerging method that uses digital features to avoid expensive film costs, doesn’t require a large crew, and provides an opportunity for young people like Wang Yang, who lack funds, to showcase their talents. He said confidently, “I haven’t finalized the script for the film, but I already have an idea.”

Seeing Jessica’s still puzzled and skeptical expression, he couldn’t help but ask, “What? Jessica, don’t you believe me?”

“Oh, no, no…” Jessica hastily denied, seriously saying, “Yang, I absolutely support your filmmaking, and I want to help you as much as I can! Good friends should help each other, right? But your plan…” She frowned and shook her head, “I can’t comprehend how to shoot a film with ten thousand US dollars. Maybe I just don’t have that concept in my head.”

“Ten thousand is enough, enough to make a good film!” Wang Yang’s expression became serious, “Jessica, believe me! You’ll see, but I need your support!”

Jessica looked into his eyes and nodded seriously, “Yang, I believe in you, you can do it!”

“Thank you!” Wang Yang smiled, feeling much lighter with someone else’s support, a feeling that was very pleasant after being weighed down by depression for so long.

Just then, a cell phone ringtone suddenly went off. Jessica said “Excuse me,” and took out her mobile phone from her exquisite purse to answer, “Mom? Oh, I know, I’ll come home for dinner. Yeah, I was planning to go home after watching ‘Titanic’, but guess what happened! I ran into a classmate from San Francisco at the cinema! Oh, he’s different, he’s a very good friend of mine.”

She smiled at Wang Yang and continued, “I’m with him in the café now. Yeah, I’ll be right home.” After hanging up, she shook her cellphone in her hand, saying, “I have to go home.”

Jessica’s family was Catholic, and since her dad had been in the military, she had been brought up with strict discipline. Wang Yang knew this from before and besides, it was indeed getting late, so he nodded, “Yeah, then let’s settle the bill.”

“Yang, do you have a cellphone? Here’s my number, this is my MSN account…” Jessica took a piece of paper and a pen out of her purse, quickly wrote down her cellphone number and MSN account, and then pushed the paper and pen towards Wang Yang.

“This is mine… but I don’t have internet installed at the place I’m renting.” Wang Yang took the paper and pen, wrote down his cellphone number and MSN account on the blank space, then tore the paper in half and pushed it back, “There.”

Jessica looked at the numbers on the paper, then put it back in her purse, saying happily, “If there’s anything you need help with, let me know; and when you decide what film you’re going to make, tell me, I’m really curious how a movie can be made with ten thousand dollars.”

“Okay, I will.” Wang Yang shook the paper in his hand and laughed, “Can’t let Peter steal it this time.”

“Then you better take good care of it,” Jessica also smiled sweetly.

After paying the bill, they left the cafe, and Wang Yang hailed a taxi for Jessica. As she held onto the car door, she looked at Wang Yang and said softly, “Yang, I am really happy today. Thank God for letting me see you again, my good friend.” Wang Yang smiled and said, “Me too.” Jessica bent down to get into the car, made a phone call gesture, and laughed, “Keep in touch! I’m off, bye!”

“Bye!” Wang Yang waved, watching the taxi drive away.

After retrieving his cardboard box from the cinema, Wang Yang took the bus home. He lived in a relatively remote and rundown neighborhood in Los Angeles. His apartment building was old and dilapidated, with rusted iron staircases and hallways cluttered with boxes of miscellaneous items. Despite its shabbiness, the rent was cheap, only $800 a month, and the area was fairly safe.

Wang Yang’s rental was very simple, with the plaster peeling off the walls and furniture that was almost falling apart, lacking in appliances. As soon as he opened the door, he even saw a rat scuttle past.

“Oh, jeez! Mr. Rat, please don’t eat my sandwich, that’s my dinner!” Wang Yang shouted, hurriedly putting the cardboard box down and quickly going to his equally simplistic kitchen. He lifted the lid off the pot and, thankfully, the sandwich was still there!

He breathed a sigh of relief, famished after a busy day, and decided to dig in. While eating, he sat down on a sofa full of big holes, reflecting on the day’s events. He actually felt rejuvenated, as if today had been filled with too many happenings.

Life’s encounters are truly amazing. He had forgotten about Jessica Alba, and yet today he had been reunited with her; and then, after being hit by the BB car, he miraculously saw the future of cinema…

Well, since God had given him this gift, he had to seize it properly, he couldn’t let himself just go with the flow! Wang Yang finished off a sandwich in a few bites and, settling comfortably against the sofa, closed his eyes and slowly entered the movie library in his mind.

He needed low-budget films, the lower the cost, the better! With this thought, a bunch of movies appeared in his mind, mostly comedies, but looking at their budgets, most were made with several million dollars. Wang Yang couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “Lower, even lower…”

Then, a slew of movies disappeared, leaving only a handful. He carefully examined them and found two that were most suitable for his current situation. The first was “The Blair Witch,” and the second was “Paranormal Activity.”

Both of these films were ultra-low-budget horror movies, shot with DV cameras, using a mockumentary filming technique that was not technically difficult. This style was pioneered by “The Blair Witch.”

“The Blair Witch,” with a production cost of just $60,000, roughly tells the story of three film students who, armed with DV cameras, went to Burkittsville in October 1994 to investigate the local legend of the Blair Witch. To find the Blair Witch, they ventured into the woods of Black Hills near the town but soon vanished.

Later on, people and the US government searched for them, employing helicopters and even satellites, but without any trace, the search was abandoned.

A year later, a few more students ventured into Black Hills forest and discovered a package in a very secluded cabin. The package contained the diary of one of the missing students, Heather, and a pre-edited movie reel, documenting all the terrifying events that happened to the three during their disappearance a year ago.

That’s the story of “The Blair Witch.” During the promotion, the film was said to be adapted and produced from that reel, leading people to believe it was a true story, but it was all just a movie.

However, this promotional method and the movie’s mockumentary style pioneered a new trend. If all went as expected, “The Blair Witch” would be released next year, then rake in $140 million at the North American box office, plus an additional $108 million overseas, grossing a whopping $248 million worldwide! Now, look at its production cost, $60,000.

Another movie, “Paranormal Activity,” tells the story of a young couple moving into a new home, a large house in the suburbs. However, it seems there’s something unclean residing in the house as various paranormal phenomena and inexplicable noises occur frequently. The couple decided to record with video cameras in lieu of their own sleeping eyes to see what was really happening in the house. They installed cameras in every corner of the house, hoping to capture a ghost. Unfortunately, this led to a terrifying outcome for them.

The production budget of this movie, which was released in 2009, was even lower, only $11,000! But the box office was staggering: $107 million in North America, $85 million overseas, for a horrifying global total of $193 million.

Wang Yang barely needed to think before he chose “Paranormal Activity.” There were several reasons: “The Blair Witch” would be released next year, so it might have already been filmed by now. Even if not, there was the risk of it clashing with other releases; whereas “Paranormal Activity” wouldn’t be out until 2009, with no worries about release conflicts; and most importantly, he only had $10,000 on hand right now.

“Alright, let’s see what this movie is like…” Wang Yang selected “Paranormal Activity” and then “played” it in his mind. An hour and a half later, he stood up suddenly, drenched in cold sweat, took a long breath, and said with unsettled breath, “Although there was a long dull stretch in the middle, the ending almost scared me to death…”

“Paranormal Activity… Paranormal Activity…” Wang Yang, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, muttered to himself. Although he hadn’t seen many horror films, he dared to say this one was definitely a hit. He looked around the house. Couldn’t this house be renovated to become the setting of the movie? The camera work of the film was not difficult; he could certainly shoot it…

With this in mind, Wang Yang clenched his fist and exclaimed, “Let’s shoot it!”

Having decided which movie to film, Wang Yang suddenly felt a surge of excitement, and he paced around the house animatedly, eager to share the news with someone! He remembered Jessica and took out the piece of paper with her phone number on it, dialing it on his phone.

The call connected quickly, and hearing Jessica’s “hello” on the other line, Wang Yang immediately said, “Jessica, it’s me, Yang. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”

“No, I don’t go to bed that early. Ha!” Jessica laughed on the other end, her smile surely sweet.

Wang Yang excitedly said, “Jessica, I’ve got some great news! I’ve already decided which movie to shoot! Got an idea for the script too.”

“Oh, that was fast. Can you tell me about it?” Jessica sounded excited as well.

“It’s a horror movie, basically about a couple moving into a new home…” Wang Yang recounted the story of “Paranormal Activity,” and concluded, “The key is the ‘found footage’ filming method of the movie, it will be an innovation! I just need to renovate the house I’m living in now, then rent some furniture and appliances, even the DV camera, and search for actors in Hollywood. Haha, ten thousand US dollars should be enough to shoot it!”

But Jessica complained, “Yang, it’s nighttime! Are you trying to give me nightmares?” After saying this, she laughed again and said, “It sounds interesting. Can I be the female lead in the movie?”

Wang Yang thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, “No, Jessica, you’re not right for the part. I need a woman who looks about twenty-five years old; you’re too young. And…” He joked, “You’re too beautiful, which would distract the audience and prevent them from feeling terrified.”

“Oh, I see…” Despite the compliment, regret was evident in Jessica’s tone. She said, “Can I still help out then?”

Wang Yang laughed, “Of course, I’ll start working on it tomorrow. Are you free to help?”

“Yes, I’m free,” Jessica regained her cheerful voice.

After chatting for a while longer about the plans for the next day, they bid each other goodnight. Wang Yang took a shower, brushed his teeth, then collapsed into bed in his room. After a long tiring day, he had been eager to sleep, so he quickly fell asleep.

He had a dream, a dream about the annual Oscar ceremony, walking down the long red carpet, Jessica in a beautiful evening gown holding his hand, both of them smiling as they entered the award venue, with reporters on both sides of the red carpet relentlessly clicking their cameras, the click-clack sounds, and the flashlights emitting a dazzling brightness.

“Jessica, Jessica, look over here! Yang, Yang, this way, this way!” the reporters shouted, trying to catch their attention, while another loudly asked, “Yang, Jessica, do you think tonight’s Best Director and Best Actress will be you?”

“Yang, it’s said that you and Jessica have known each other since you were kids and you promised to become a director and an actress, is that true?” another reporter asked.

Wang Yang was about to answer when he suddenly realized that all the reporters and photographers were holding DV cameras.

Meanwhile, in an upscale residential area of Los Angeles, Jessica also lay deep in sleep, lost in a dream.

In her dream, she returned to her second year of elementary school, the day she came to a new school. Led by the teacher, she arrived in the classroom that was already nearly full of students, even though it was early morning.

The teacher clapped to quiet everyone down and said, “Folks, starting from today, we have a new friend among us, she’s the transfer student, Jessica Alba. Let’s welcome her! A round of applause, everyone!”

The classroom responded with a few lethargic claps, and the troublemaker, Peter, even hissed. The teacher ignored him and said, “Now then, Jessica, why don’t you introduce yourself?”

Jessica shyly hesitated for a moment before saying quietly, “Hi everyone, I’m Jessica Alba, I like dogs, I like movies…”

“Likes dogs, haha…” At that moment, Peter below burst into loud laughter, causing Jessica to stop speaking. She became uncomfortable, feeling as though everyone in the room was laughing at her, at her buck teeth, her braces, her accent…

The teacher glared at Peter and said sternly, “Peter, it’s very impolite to interrupt someone while they’re speaking! Got it?” Then, turning back to Jessica, the teacher asked, “Anything else you wish to say, Jessica?” Jessica quickly shook her head vigorously, and the teacher continued, “Alright then, where should we have you sit, Jessica?” He scanned the students, but each one turned their head away, showing their reluctance, except for Wang Yang sitting at the very back, who did not turn away. “Well, Jessica, you can sit next to Wang Yang. Yang, you take good care of Jessica, alright?”

“OK, no problem!” Little Wang Yang nodded and smiled.

Little Jessica walked down timidly with her head lowered, taking her seat, and quietly placed her textbooks and other items into the drawer. She noticed that the boy named Wang Yang next to her kept staring at her with a smile, which made her even more uneasy.

“Hello, I’m Wang Yang,” he introduced himself, speaking excitedly, “I like movies too. I think we’ll have a lot to talk about. Have you seen ‘Cinema Paradiso’? Wow, that movie is awesome! I particularly like Alfredo; he’s so funny… It’s just a shame I never found out what film Alfredo cut because when Toto watched those films at the end, my mom covered my eyes and said I could only watch them when I grew up… I figure, maybe I have to become a director like Toto to be qualified to see those films, right? You know, Alfredo is a director, and he can watch; later, Toto became a director, and he also could watch…”

Jessica said nothing from beginning to end, simply and quietly listening to Wang Yang go on and on. Gradually, her body relaxed, and the anxiety in her heart lessened…

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