The Best Director

Chapter 9 - 9 Casting

Chapter 9 Casting

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hollywood, located in the northwest suburbs of downtown Los Angeles, is where the headquarters of major film companies are situated, as well as a popular tourist destination and a sacred ground for cinema.

When Wang Yang first arrived in Los Angeles, he visited Hollywood, touring Paramount Pictures, walking the Walk of Fame, and seeing the hand and footprints at the Chinese Theatre. His purpose for coming to Hollywood today is not to sightsee but to find the male and female leads for “Paranormal Activity.”

Finding actors isn’t something that takes place on the streets, observing passersby to determine if they’re fit for acting roles, that’s what talent scouts do. Hollywood has its own system for casting films. Today, Wang Yang was planning to visit the Actors Guild.

The Screen Actors Guild (SAG), founded in 1933, is the largest actors guild in the United States with over 120,000 members. Along with another union, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), with over 70,000 members, these two unions comprise almost all actors in the country.

The purpose of the Actors Guild is to seek benefits and rights for its members—for instance, introducing job opportunities to actors, defending their rights, and handling labor contract negotiations with the Producers Association, among other things.

Decades ago, Hollywood operated under the studio system, where directors, actors, writers, and others were under contract with movie companies, essentially as employees. This gave the movie companies significant power and bred many unsavory and dark practices.

However, as various unions were established, the system improved, and the market matured, directors and actors stopped signing employment contracts with movie companies and instead signed contracts per film, changing the relationship from employer-employee to one of collaboration. These changes have offered better protection for the rights and interests of industry personnel.

Take the casting system as an example; it’s now a system of checks and balances. No single party, not the director, the producer, or even the head of the investment company, has absolute power. When casting actors, you can approach agencies, but eventually, they will also turn to the Actors Guild. The Actors Guild, following your requirements, will notify all eligible members and arrange a time for auditions. The audition panel consists of the director, the producer, and an agent dispatched by the Actors Guild.

In the end, only actors who receive unanimous approval from all three parties are granted the role. While the agent’s role is more supervisory, if any party disagrees, the actor won’t get the role.

So here, even if an actor has a deal with a director, don’t expect it to succeed, because the director alone doesn’t have the deciding power. Moreover, this is an industry that values professional reputation. If a producer or director becomes entangled with a union and tarnishes their reputation, making money becomes difficult, and finding work even more so.

The American film market is mature with countless films and innumerable industry professionals each year. In such a fiercely competitive market, any director faces immense pressure to turn a profit when making a movie.

Look at Hollywood, where making a movie can easily involve tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of US dollars of investment, possibly involving dozens of companies. These companies have straightforward demands: profit, with the minimum expectation of recouping costs and not incurring losses. If someone with a bit of power messes up and causes a loss for the investors, the investment companies will not let them off easily. At best, they’ll be publicly disgraced; at worst, they’ll be taken to court and end up in prison.

Moreover, many directors go years without making a film. When the opportunity arises, they won’t allow themselves to miss it. They won’t be foolish enough to risk their future for a moment of pleasure. There are plenty of ways to meet women; however, if their movie bombs at the box office, their career is essentially over.

Success and reputation are extremely important to both directors and producers. If the movies you produce are box office poison, or you have a scandalous reputation, no investor will trust you with their money.

Just look at the disaster of MGM’s “Windtalkers,” directed by John Woo, which cost $120 million to produce but only grossed $77 million worldwide, resulting in tremendous losses for MGM, a plummet in stock value, and a reshuffling of its executives. Woo lost the trust of investors and had to return to China to make “Red Cliff.”

Why did it fail at the box office? Simply put, with hundreds of movies released every year, American audiences have become very discerning. With so many options, which do they choose? Most moviegoers check reviews before entering the theater to decide, and it goes without saying that a bad movie is a bad movie; no matter how extravagant the promotion or how beautiful the female lead is, critics won’t hold back because they need to write popular reviews to secure their jobs.

There are more than enough women willing to sell their looks; just see the Playboy bunnies. But you don’t see them landing leading roles in movies, not even minor characters. It’s not how the industry operates.

But of course, the industry is filled with many other dark aspects, discrimination against homosexuals, racial discrimination, and gender bias.

Take a 70-year-old actress and a 70-year-old actor, for example. The elderly woman usually gets cast as a grandmother, but the old man could still star in a romance with a 20-year-old woman.

“Welcome to SAG,” the receptionist warmly greeted Wang Yang as he walked into the Actors Guild. “Are you looking to join the Actors Guild? Just pay an annual fee of 1,500 US dollars, and we will provide you with insurance, job opportunities, and protect your rights.”

“No, thank you. Perhaps I will join the Directors Guild in the future,” Wang Yang replied with a smile, shaking his head before explaining his purpose: “I’m preparing to independently shoot a DV film, and I need two actors, the male and female leads. They should look to be in their twenties, not too fat or too thin, with no specific requirements for appearance. Oh, it’s a horror film, and the shooting will probably take about a week. The pay for both roles is four thousand.”

After hearing Wang Yang’s words, the receptionist crinkled her eyebrows in a smile and said, “Oh, four thousand dollars isn’t much, but I’m sure there will be many people who need it. Alright, I’ve made a note of it. Let’s arrange an audition time and place. We will inform all eligible actors, and whether they attend the audition is up to them. So, when and where?”

“The sooner the better, how about tomorrow? Is it okay to do it at my house?” Wang Yang suggested, his home was the setting for the film, and auditioning there would be ideal.

“I’m afraid that won’t do, you know, the interview location should be in a public place,” the staff member shrugged, then added, “And to rush it wouldn’t be good either. Some members haven’t received the message yet, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on the right candidates, would you?”

Wang Yang nodded, although he was racing against time, he still couldn’t afford to delay matters. After thinking for a while, he said, “How about three days from now? The location will be at ‘Sweetheart’ café on Sunset Street.”

“OK, your name and contact number?”

Once everything was registered, Wang Yang paid a fee of two hundred US dollars, and it was all settled. Now, all that was left was to wait.

In the three days while waiting, Wang Yang stayed at home, watching horror movies in his mind all day long to perfect his script. These days, Wang Yang got quite scared, had trouble sleeping at night and would wake up to any sound—all thanks to those horror movies.

American horror films were just gory, more nauseating and shocking; the subject matter and budget of “Paranormal Activity” decided that the horror of this film was a psychological play. Therefore, RB horror films were his main research focus. It was RB horror that was truly terrifying, the kind that gave a stifling sensation, whether it was “The Ring,” which had already been released in January of this year, or “The Grudge,” which would not be released until 2003… Each one pushed Wang Yang to the brink of a mental breakdown.

Fortunately, he could chat with Jessica on the phone every day, listening to her sweet laughter, or else Wang Yang would have gone insane.

On the day of the interview, the script “scared out” of Wang Yang was finally completed. He had incorporated many horror ideas of the future, chosen through the thought process of an ordinary American, a collection of psychological horror. If “Paranormal Activity” could faint people in the future, then this completely altered “Paranormal Activity” being released now could certainly scare people to death!

The interview was scheduled to start at 9 a.m., and Wang Yang got up early as usual, practiced his boxing, had breakfast, and then headed to the ‘Sweetheart’ café on Hollywood’s Sunset Street.

When Wang Yang arrived at the café, he found that Jessica, who had agreed to come the night before, had already arrived early. She was sitting there, smiling and waving at him, so Wang Yang walked over, chuckling to himself and murmuring that poor Joshua, who had classes and couldn’t come, said he would keep an eye on me, haha!

“Hi, you must be Yang, right?” Just before 9 o’clock, the staff member sent by the actors’ union arrived too—a middle-aged Caucasian wearing black-framed glasses. He showed his ID to Wang Yang, his name was Mark Strong, and he said with a smile, “I’m in charge of today’s interview.”

“Hello, Mr. Strong,” Wang Yang gave him a light hug, Jessica greeted him as well, and shook hands with Strong.

Upon seeing Jessica, Mark Strong sounded an “Oh,” as if he had discovered a treasure, unable to take his eyes off her, “Beautiful lady, are you also here for the interview?”

Jessica shook her head, “No, sir. I’m the film’s producer.” She smiled, looking at Wang Yang and joking, “I’m just here to watch the fun. Yang is the chief examiner today; what he says goes.” Wang Yang spread his hands and made a silly face.

“Oh, I see,” Mark Strong sat down and ordered a coffee from the waitress, continuing to eye Jessica and said, “Miss Alba, actually, I’m also an agent, and you’re very beautiful with a particularly enchanting quality. In my many years of experience, you could become an actress.”

Wang Yang and Jessica both smiled upon hearing this, Jessica said, “As a matter of fact, I am already an actress, and a member of the actors’ union.”

Mark Strong immediately laughed heartily, “I knew I wasn’t wrong.” He glanced at Wang Yang and then at Jessica, curiously asking, “Interesting, young director, why don’t you let your girlfriend audition for the lead role in the movie?”

“Oh, oh! No, no…” Hearing Mark Strong assume they were a couple, Jessica reflexively denied it, “I’m not his girlfriend.” After saying that, she sneakily glanced at Wang Yang with her heart pounding, filled with expectation. Why was she filled with anticipation?

Seeing her deny it so quickly, Wang Yang felt somewhat disappointed and just smiled, “We’re just good friends.”

“Oh ho,” Mark Strong shrugged, “Not being the girlfriend doesn’t mean she can’t star in it, right?”

Jessica took a sip of coffee to hide an unnatural look on her face. However, she studied acting, so she quickly controlled her expression and explained with a smile, “Yang says I’m too young and not suiting the age of the female lead.”

“Yes, I need the female lead to look like she’s in her twenties,” Wang Yang added, although he had actually reconsidered later whether to let Jessica play the lead role. But in the end, he stayed with his initial decision. Because he had already seen several horror movies starring Jessica in the future in his mind, and they really weren’t outstanding; to put it bluntly, she simply didn’t fit into a horror film.

Mark Strong, who seemed to have become a fan of Jessica’s, expressed his dissatisfaction, “I think she’s quite suitable.” He then twisted his mouth, “Of course, the young director has the final say.”


Seeing Jessica become somewhat unhappy, Wang Yang couldn’t help but curse Mark Strong in his heart. Wasn’t this making things difficult for him? He wanted to explain to Jessica but didn’t know what to say.

Fortunately, the first actor to come for the audition finally arrived, bringing an end to the weird silence at the coffee table. The first to come was a white female actress with light blonde hair, dignified and pretty, with some freckles on her face. She handed her resume to Wang Yang and introduced herself nervously, “Hi, everyone, my name is Anne Darren.”

Wang Yang flipped through her resume, born in 1978, 20 years old this year, having taken acting classes in high school and participated in local stage plays. After graduating from high school, she came to Hollywood to try her luck, but her two years’ acting experience was almost all as an extra, meaning roles without lines.

He looked at Anne Darren sitting across from him and asked, “Annie, if you encounter a ghost at home at night, what is your first reaction?”

Anne Darren furrowed her brow in thought, then cautiously said, “Maybe scream?”

Scream? Wang Yang immediately put a cross in his mind, but considering Anne’s early arrival, which showed she took the audition very seriously, he continued with an impassive exterior, “Then imagine it’s late at night, you and your boyfriend are sleeping in bed, originally in a sweet slumber, but suddenly footsteps emerge, right outside the bedroom corridor. You’re startled awake.” He gestured for her to proceed, “Please demonstrate how you would express your state upon waking up.”

“OK, OK, let me think.” Anne Darren blinked non-stop and after a moment, took a deep breath and said, “Here I go.” Wang Yang nodded his head, and together with Mark Strong and Jessica, watched her.

Anne closed her eyes, then slowly opened them with a “hmm” sound, furrowed her brows, a scared look searching left and right, appearing utterly clueless about what to do. After her performance, she let out a long sigh, looking at Wang Yang with nervousness and anticipation, “That’s how I’d do it just now.”

The performance was too theatrical, heavily influenced by stage drama and utterly unsuited for the naturalism of a DV film. Wang Yang put another cross in his mind and shook his head, “I’m sorry, Annie, you don’t meet my requirements…”

“Oh my God!” Anne was clearly stricken, holding her head with her voice trembling, on the brink of tears, “Can you let me try again, please, please?” She didn’t wait for Wang Yang’s response and expressed a frightened look on her face.

“No, no, I’m very sorry…” Wang Yang returned her resume to her, even though he sighed inwardly, in that moment he had to be heartless, “Annie, your performance has not yet shed the style of stage plays. This is a DV film; I need naturalistic acting, so the audition is over.”

Anne’s eyes reddened, and her face filled with disappointment as she stood up, “Thank you for the opportunity to audition.” With that, she walked away despondently.

Jessica shook her head in empathy, frowning, “I know how heartbroken she is now. Every time I fail an audition, I get that sense of defeat, like I’m worthless, abandoned by God.”

“Sorry…” Wang Yang sighed. Becoming an actor, how easy can it be? Just the SAG alone has more than one hundred and twenty thousand members, how many of them are famous actors?

According to the statistics of the Screen Actors Guild, of those more than 120,000 members, less than 5% make an annual salary over $100,000. And the proportion of members who earn between $1 and $4,999 a year? 72.1%.

Wang Yang offered a salary of $4,000 for one week’s work, which breaks down to $571 per day. The current rate for extras in Hollywood is $80 per hour for non-union members, and $120 per hour for union members. So his contract is not very generous, but for the extras, it is not a small deal. Moreover, the role in question is a lead. Opportunities like this are rare. Director Wang Yang? Who’s that? A movie with a budget of $10,000? You must be kidding! But who cares, at least it’s the leading role, plus there are $4,000.

Thus, many came to audition. By that morning, Wang Yang had already auditioned close to two hundred people, none of them satisfactory, failing to meet his basic requirements.

Looking at the strong muscular black man in front of him, Wang Yang asked, “If you were woken up by a strange noise while sleeping, what would be your reaction? Please show me.”

“I guess I would curse out loud, FUCK!” The muscular man cursed fiercely, menacingly saying, “Which bitch woke me up?!”

Wang Yang could barely hold back a groan. Performances like this would turn a horror film into a comedy! He shook his head, “I’m sorry, sir, you don’t meet my requirements…”

“What? I don’t meet the requirements? MAN, you must be joking!” The muscular man slammed the table and glared at Wang Yang, “I acted so well, and you say I don’t meet the requirements? Hey, seriously, are you trying to mess with me? Is this some kind of scam?”

“Sir, please calm down,” said Wang Yang, furrowing his brow.

“Calm down? Calm down what!” The muscular man yelled even louder, drawing the attention of everyone in the cafe. He leaned forward, standing with his hands on the table, and cursed, “Little bitch, do you think your movie is some precious treasure? You won’t let me act? FUCK!”


Jessica was somewhat startled, and Wang Yang, holding back his own rage, said, “Are you looking for trouble?”

Just then, Mark Strong calmly called out to the muscleman, “Hey, buddy, I know your name, and if you keep this up, I’ll definitely tell the actors’ union.”

“FUCK!” The muscleman cursed again, truly afraid to stir up trouble. He left, cursing under his breath, and before he went, he looked at Jessica with glittering eyes, something almost all men did before leaving. Of course, the look from this muscleman was particularly annoying. He mocked, “Hey, sweetheart, if that Chinese toothpick can’t satisfy you, come find me! I’ll make you scream for mommy!”

“Man, you’re asking for it!” Wang Yang flew into a furious rage and abruptly stood up to charge at the muscleman.

“Yang, Yang!” Jessica reacted swiftly, quickly standing up to catch Wang Yang, but couldn’t match his strength, unable to hold him back. In desperation, she wrapped her arms around Wang Yang’s waist from behind with all her might, her head buried in his back, shouting, “Don’t go, don’t!”

“Jessica, let go of me!” Wang Yang was also struggling with all his might to move forward, boiling with anger inside. Not only had this muscleman offended Jessica, but he also reminded him of Terrence Ben who had wronged him before, with the same physique, the same infuriating expression!

Seeing Wang Yang ready to burst out, the Black muscleman didn’t dare to respond to the challenge and hastened away, not wanting to fight and face possible consequences from the union if things got out of hand.

Watching the guy flee the café and get farther and farther away, the brute force in Wang Yang gradually subsided. He sighed and said with a bitter smile to Jessica behind him, “Why were you like this before, and still are now? Why won’t you let me beat that guy up?”

“Yang, don’t go…” Jessica still clung tightly to Wang Yang. At that moment, it was as if she had returned to nine years ago when Wang Yang was about to beat up Peter and his gang for her. She had held him back in the same way, and the emotions from that time suddenly surged, syncing up with her current feelings, a mixture of tension and a sweet sensation that was indescribably good.

“Wow, this is like a scene from a movie!” Mark Strong joked from aside, snapping Jessica back to reality. She quickly let go of Wang Yang, a shy and awkward smile on her face, and Wang Yang smiled as well. Mark Strong said, “Don’t worry, I’ll report that guy’s name to the union, and he’ll get the punishment he deserves.”

He tapped his wristwatch and added, “Young director, it’s already noon. Isn’t it time for a break?”

Wang Yang looked at his watch, which was nearly 12 o’clock, and nodded, “Yeah, lunchtime.” He then called the waiter over and instructed that if someone came for an audition, to tell them they were out for lunch and would continue the auditions at 1 p.m.

“Where shall we go for lunch then?” Mark Strong asked.

At times like these, every penny must be saved, Wang Yang was in no mood to play the big spender, he shrugged and said, “I’m just going to the nearby diner to grab a burger.” Jessica also said, “Me too.”

Mark Strong nodded indifferently, “Oh, then I’ll come back at 1 p.m. I’m going to have lunch at the restaurant down the street…” He looked at the two and smiled, “Then I won’t keep you any longer.”

“Then you better get going!” Wang Yang said, somewhat irritably. Mark Strong left first with a couple of “OK, OK”, and once he was truly gone, Wang Yang and Jessica seemed a bit awkward again. Wang Yang tried to be playful, “Why did you stop me just now? There’s no teacher to punish me for fighting now.”

Jessica rolled her eyes and said, “Oh, there’s no teacher now, but there are police.”

They laughed and joked for a bit, then called over the café’s waiter to pay the bill, and walked out, chatting and laughing.

Just stepping out of the café, they saw a pretty girl with long blonde hair hustling into the café. Wang Yang didn’t have time to take a good look, but felt that the girl looked familiar. He wasn’t sure if she was there to grab a coffee or to come for the audition.

With that doubt, Wang Yang and Jessica hadn’t walked ten steps down the street when a distant shout came from behind, “Wait, please wait!”

Wang Yang and Jessica stopped and turned around, it was indeed the pretty girl from before, who had caught up with them. She jogged up, her height of around 165 cm, made her look up at Wang Yang even in flat shoes. She asked, “Hello, are you Mr. Wang Yang?”

“Yes, I am,” Wang Yang nodded.

The pretty girl smiled and said, “I’m here for your movie audition. Can I still audition now?”

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