The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 109

My Villains Episode 109

28. Long Bill (1)

The corrupting spirit kicked out a dull kick. I just stuck to his leg and pierced the hrunting.


Branches and leaves crumble helplessly. It’s a completely different, futile hand taste from stabbing a knife into the flesh.


He came swinging his arm to shake me off.

It is like a fist like a huge pile of fallen leaves. It doesn’t look threatening from the outside, but I didn’t know what was inside, so I hurriedly threw myself and rolled on the floor.

A dull gong sound passed by and I ran as if bouncing and landed between the spirit’s legs.

Then, recalling Lord Ankir’s teachings, he began to wield the Hrunting with both hands. The blade lying on top of my head swings like a pinwheel.


Whenever the red sword light flashes, leaves, rotten corpses, and broken stems scatter in all directions.


The spirit, whose legs were dug up, collapsed in vain. It was then that Utequai approached and swung a dolma.

“Go back to nature!”


The moment the dolme touched the spirit, leaves and twigs scattered in all directions, like feathers falling out.

If you look closely, the head of Utequai’s dolme is shining light green. The effect of neutralizing spirit-type enemies, which is the representative option of ‘Slonhe’s Maul’, was activated.

The spirit, with its bony trunk and black glowing nucleus exposed, struggled dully as it fell.


I stepped on a fir tree trunk and jumped like a long jump.

So twist your body and stretch your arms. A red blade cuts through the core at the center of the spirit.


A low scream echoed through the mountains. Surprised mountain birds jump up, and things that don’t know whether they are wolves or wild dogs howl.

By the time the noisy mountain regains its peace. The decaying spirit disappeared without a shape, leaving only dry tree trunks and leaves.


It was an unexpected encounter, but I solved it with ease.

It could have been easily cleaned up with a single fireball, but otherwise the entire mountain would have turned into a sea of fire. You don’t have to go through the thrilling experience of slicing up monsters while being chased by a hot wildfire in real life.

It was then.


“Hey, what a surprise.”

Startled by the sound of something breaking, I looked down and saw that the hrunting was cracking. The crack that started faintly spread like a spider’s web and covered the entire chestnut blade.

Utequai, who discovered Hrunting’s anomaly, frowned.

“Phoenix! Your sword is strange.”

“no it’s okay.”

I quietly watched the Hrunting change.

Having sucked the blood of countless enemies, Hrunting was now growing. It is being reborn as it shatters its amber shell.

“…weird. It’s like a snake.”

“I know.”

Like Utequai’s murmur, Hrunting, who shed her skin and revealed her sleek sword body, reminded me of a white snake. A milky blade with fine black veins shining through it.

“…that’s cool.”

A smile leaked out of me at Utequai’s reluctant expression.

The blade got a little longer. I think I need a new scabbard.

A few people who inhaled the poison complained of dizziness and collapsed, but no one died thanks to the quick antidote.

A person who has gone down and a traveler has collapsed, but they both say that if they rest, they will get better soon.

“Don’t lie down, you have to sit with your back leaned against. Don’t touch me just like a massage.”

“All right. Thank you sorcerer.”

Ellen raised her hand to the merchants and slowly floated and landed on my arm. It goes without saying that he keeps his haughty expression.

The expression that pretends to be that walcle…. I want to hit the public.

Perhaps reading my expression, Ellen blinked her eyes under her robe.

“why?” “……no.”

Fortunately, most of the party were mercenaries or merchants. Ordinary farmers or nobles would have looked down on a magician who did not reveal his identity.

In severe cases, it is unlucky to have a wizard as a member of the party, so they make a fuss about expelling them from the group. Wandering wizards in the Middle World are usually treated like that.

Sitting on my arm, Ellen lifted her robe and quietly looked around the forest.

“Something is strange.”

“Strange? what?”

“The flow of mana is unnatural.”

At his words, I also raised my blood.

“Can you feel it? Something is out of the ordinary.”

“…well, yes.”

Of course I couldn’t feel anything. Considering the difference in magical power between Ellen and me, it was natural.

Since Ellen was making a disturbing expression for some reason, I patted her on the knee and said,

“If you go to Longville, you will find out. let’s go.”


“Wow, it’s so wide.”

At my words, Ellen silently nodded and looked down the ridge. There stretched out our destination, Longville.

Yes, we have finally arrived in Longville. It had been a month and a half since we had departed from South Harbor.

Longville was a manor in the mountains with mountain ranges in three directions. Looking down at the sunset through the mountain range, Ellen opened her mouth with interest.



“Remember when we looked down at South Harbor together?”

“huh? Ah, when you escaped from the crypt? You almost died then.” “It looks wider here than the South Harbor I saw then.”

“I know. But didn’t you close your eyes because you were scared then?”

“…you didn’t close your eyes?”

Fields spread out on all sides of the territory, and a rocky mound rose in the center. On top of a mound of rocks that looked just like a long tray, there were houses made of straw, winding roads, and small vegetable gardens.

At the innermost part of the mound were two stone buildings. The building with a wide courtyard would be the lord’s house, and the wide square fort on top of the mound would be a stronghold.

The residence, which seemed to be several kilometers in circumference, was tightly guarded with thick wooden fences. There was only one gateway through which one could enter the fence, and it looked very heavily guarded.

“…and that must have been a lot of hard work.”

“There are mountains all around. You have to do that to stop the monsters.”

“Umm, is that so?”

struggling to survive There could be no greater motivation than that.

I don’t know much about the castle, but it looks like it will be difficult to capture.

If someone were to capture Longville, they would have to climb a six-meter-high rocky hill and break through a formidable gate, or climb over a four-meter barrier and break through the innermost keep. Is this even possible?

That’s right, in the original scenario, the robber baron led his men and occupied this place. How could he have occupied the place?

The gateway was crowded with farmers, mercenaries and peddlers. As the soldiers guarding the gate were checking each and every one who tried to enter Longville, time naturally had to be delayed.

In the end, it was around dusk that our ascendant stood in front of the gatekeeper.

“Where are you from?”

“I’m from South Harbor.”

“What about things?”

“Salt spice fabrics… and stuff like that.” “Salt and spices.” While the attendant and the gatekeeper were talking, I was observing the soldiers.

Longville’s soldiers seemed to have strong discipline. They didn’t chat with each other, didn’t look away or do anything else. It was simply scanning the visitors one by one with a keen eye.

The only armament was a quilted armor, iron helmet, and long spear, but the lack of equipment was not noticeable due to the elite atmosphere.

The gatekeeper, with four soldiers, began to watch the people in the wagons and carts. The task of checking luggage and asking people where they came from continued.

Bows and crossbow halberds were immediately confiscated. The mercenaries handed over their weapons without much resistance.

And finally the gatekeeper stood in front of us.

“Where are you from?”

“I am from Ireland.”

“Eyland? Does the horse come from across the narrow sea?”

When I nodded, the gatekeeper hesitated for a moment before asking a question.

“What is your status?”

Seeing the gatekeeper’s persistence, it seemed that Ellen and Utequai would also get into trouble. In particular, since Ellen is a mage without a hand, it must be a problem.

…haha I guess I’ll have to figure it out eventually.

I replied with my stomach tightening.

“I am Phoy Nyx, a knight of Prince Ulkar.”

Of course, there is no such thing as an ID in this world. It means that there is no way to prove whether a person is a farmer, aristocrat or royalty, anytime, anywhere.

Of course, I had something like the ‘Certificate of Ownership of Lavalton Manor’, but it was quite rare to prove my identity with it. Showing your hand is only for wizards.

After all, most people recognize a person’s identity by their appearance and manner of speaking.

In that sense, I was clearly a knight both in reality and outwardly. I don’t know how to speak.

Perhaps that was the reason why the gatekeeper kept his head down while putting on a puzzled expression.

“…It’s an honor to meet you, sir Phoenix.”

“I am also pleased to meet you.”

“Can you tell me the purpose of your visit to that city?”

“It’s a trip.”

“It’s a trip. May I ask where you are going?”

I asked, scratching my eyebrows.

“Should I tell you?”

“No, not like that.”

As the gatekeeper’s gaze returned to Ellen and Utequai, I quickly jumped.

“Here, this lady is now under my protection. This is… well, an escort.”

At my answer, the gatekeeper gave me a grotesque expression.

“…so you’re protecting that mage? A knight?”

“Is there something wrong?”

In general, female wizards are not treated as ‘ladies’ unless their status is truly noble. In other words, they are not subject to the knight’s protection.

The gatekeeper seemed a little embarrassed to know that, but soon nodded.

“If you do, I will inform the Yeongju-gwan.”

“…to the permanent residence?”

“yes. Since he is a knight of Prince Ulkar, the lord will also want to see you.”

The gatekeeper who said that had a very cold expression on his face.

um what did i do wrong?

“And the heinous weapons carried by the slaves and guards there

should be left at the gate.” When the gatekeeper pointed at him, Utequai burst into anger.

“I am my mother’s warrior! No one’s slave!”

When the savage with his upper body exposed suddenly shouted, the startled soldiers aimed their weapons at him. Seeing that, I quickly dissuaded Utequai.

“Ugh yumma! Stop shouting and speak nicely!”

“Braak! Heplia onsome!”

Fortunately, he did not act violently, but the gatekeeper’s face turned white just by shouting loudly from the excited Utequai.

“Quickly calm that savage! Or I will attack!”

…I’m suddenly pissed off.

“Did you just order me?”

“yes? no that’s it.”

“No, what is it? And if you misuse your tongue, you should apologize first. Do you threaten?”

“Sir, that’s a misunderstanding-”

I said as I shot him, and the gatekeeper stuttered in embarrassment. I swallowed something boiling and sighed deeply.

“Whoa. It’s a misunderstanding, it’s nabal, and I apologize quickly.”


“Apologize for calling this friend a slave. If you want to go over well.”

Just when the gatekeeper was speechless, a woman appeared from inside the gate.

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