The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 22

My Villains Episode 022

6. Broken Things (3)

“Ha ha ha-”

After leaving the plaza, we were able to catch our breath by the time we passed through the market and entered the West Street.

Daria, who was catching her breath, looked at me and asked with a tired expression.

“Ha ha ha- isn’t Poi having a hard time?”

“I’m fine, so get some rest.”

What surprised her was that I had regained my breath with just three or four breaths. Even though he ran through the crowds with grain bags on his back, heavily armed, he was only sweating a little.

Daria knelt down and took a moment to catch her breath. A little of the disheveled apron slipped down under the leaning upper body, but between them, something huge-


I quickly turned my gaze to admire the birds freely roaming the sky. Contrary to the hideous atmosphere of the city, the sky was extremely peaceful. The sound of chirping birds, the bright sunlight, and the sea breeze that blows over my ears disperse my


“are you okay?”

“Whew. thank you. Thanks to you, I live.” …nice, nice!

If it had been Ellen, not Daria, she would have kicked her in the shin, saying, ‘You idiot, you’re here now!’

I handed over an apology with a more sorry heart.

“I’m really sorry. I just glanced at it for a moment.”

“no. Who knew that would happen in that brief moment? It’s my fault. I should have been careful.”

A look of remorse was evident on her face as she mumbled.

No self-blame? why!

“Daria What do you mean? They are bad assholes. How

is it your fault?”

When I raised my voice, Daria gave a moment of surprise and then shook her head.

“It is wrong for a young woman to go out to the square despite the vicious atmosphere of the city. I should have been more careful…”

…what bullshit is this?

I was dumbfounded and hesitated to ask.

okay. This is not Korea in the 21st century. I don’t know all of this world, but the Middle World’s Milanese kingdom, especially the city of South Harbor, was a place where people cheered when they saw people being hanged. It is foolish to use the logic and sensibility of modern people.

I sighed and grabbed Daria’s hand. It was rough here and there, but it was a slender hand.

“Don’t blame yourself, Daria. they are bad It’s not your fault.”

“…thank you Poi.”

Only then did Daria smile faintly.

We walked in silence for a while.

Then Daria suddenly asked a question.

“Come to think of it, Poi. Where did you go earlier?”

It was an ordinary question that did not feel anger or rebuke.

However, through my own life experience, I instinctively realized that this moment was a colossal crisis situation. The brain, which ran furiously for about 1.5 seconds in a sense of crisis, finally came up with an answer.

“Oh, actually, earlier…

I supported the grain sacks with one hand and put the other hand in the breastplate. After a few moments of fumbling, I handed the thing in my hand to Daria.

What came out was a cherry blossom ring.

“The stalls sell these things. I think it will suit you.”


Daria opened her eyes wide and accepted the ring.

Then, he put it on his finger and smiled brightly, as if a flower bud was blooming.

“Just right!”

“I’m glad.”

fortunate in many ways Judging by the look on his face, he seems to have earned quite a few points.

…But why would I instinctively try to seduce him? Is this a thrilling attraction or the behest of exploding testosterone?

After thinking about it for a while, I had a conversation with Daria about the flower ring.

She said there are no cherry trees in South Harbor. It’s all that the petals occasionally fall due to the northeasterly wind.

However, the ring I handed over was not a flower petal, but a whole cherry flower weaved together. So Daria was very curious and delighted.

Then Daria said with a worried expression for a while.

“By the way… will it be okay? I heard that those thugs earlier were Ubar’s subordinates.”

“Who the hell is that Ubar?”

“It’s the boss of a thug who dominates the market. Rumor has it that he is a terrifying guy who even touches salt and slaves…”

“The gang leader?”

Ah Kingpin Ubar! I remember now

Is it because of the overly vivid and brutal sense of reality? I often forget that I have fallen into a world in a game called the Dark World.

The Dark World was a game with some roguelike characteristics.

Hardcore Mode Items with random options The terrain and monsters that change every time a new campaign is started were just such roguelike features.

However, since the Dark World had a certain scenario, there were fixed monsters that were absolutely necessary for the game to proceed.

Such guys were commonly called ‘Picknems (an entity that appears unconditionally among enemies with a Fixed Named Enemy name)’.

There were four pick nams in Chapter 2 of the Dark World campaign, and the third one you will encounter is Ubar, the gang leader.

As for what kind of guy Ubar is…

If you follow the scenario and click on the NPCs in order, an event will occur on the dockside. What you will encounter there is Ubar, the gang leader, and his men.

okay. That’s all I know about him.

Of course, he knew everything about the strategy to catch Ubar and the types of random names he leads. But the problem is that I don’t really know the reason for the battle with Ubar in the scenario.

I know that right before fighting Ubar, he talks to the chief merchants and guards of Seongju City one by one.

But what kind of conversation did they have, why did Uvar and his henchmen suddenly appear on the dockside after that conversation, what was the letter Uvar had. I don’t know either.

It’s not that I don’t remember… Damn I never read it!

Kim Seung-soo, skip-chunga like a dog! How can you play a game since elementary school and not know the scenario!

As my expression faded, Daria asked with a dark expression.

“trunnion. Are you worried?”

“What are you worried about? There’s no way that Ubarr knows me.”

But Daria still had a dark face.

“You are very famous…”


That’s right damn it.

The battle on the dockside gave rise to the sophomore nickname of ‘bloody swordsman’.

Uvar should be able to easily obtain the information that the bloody swordsman is staying at the Boat Horn Inn.

“Of course, I might not have noticed. You were so…

“Oh. yes.”

What Daria was talking about was how I looked when I returned to the inn after the battle. It is said that the whole body was covered in blood so that it was difficult to recognize.

Daria smiled and said.

“You were also wearing a helmet, right? You probably didn’t recognize it.”

“Yes, maybe.”

I pretended to be calm and nodded, but… honestly, I’m terribly worried.

Uvar and his henchmen are pretty strong guys. Of course, if it was a game, he was confident that even a level 11 blood knight could wipe it out.

If you are a normal user, you must be at least level 15 to attack, but for me level 11 is enough. no it’s relaxing

But this is reality. Really, just in case – the guards and what if Ubar drags his men all over the inn… What then?

At the same time a new and more fatal problem came to mind.

If Ubar comes to visit me… What’s the scenario?

I returned to the inn, hiding my worries as much as possible. Because if she knew I was anxious, Daria would be frightened as well.

Wouldn’t it be enough to move the inn?

The fact that the already bloodied swordsman stays at the Boathouse inn is a fact that has spread to the city.

What if Ubar came to the inn to avenge his subordinate and I wasn’t there? You can take your anger out on the owner and Daria’s middle-aged men.

ha what? You can’t stay stuck in an inn all day.

…Yes, the correct answer is fast scenario progression. I need to break face with the lord of the castle or the captain of the guards and get help from the guards.

Around the time I came to that conclusion, I arrived at the inn.

After bringing the grain sacks to the kitchen, I was about to go upstairs when Daria stopped me.

“Poi wait a minute.”

“Yes why?”

Daria hurried closer and kissed her on the cheek abruptly.


It was such a quick move that I couldn’t even see the owner yawning at the bar or the vendors sitting at the table behind me.

I, too, had no choice but to be helpless.

…actually it’s a gourd. I could have avoided it, but I didn’t.

“Thank you for today.”

Before I could answer, Daria had sped away into the kitchen.

…what you want. It’s just like listening to people’s hearts.

Oh, it was the most proud day since I came to this world. Now take care of our broken wand stand and the perfect day will be over.

Thinking about that, I was climbing the stairs when I suddenly heard a sharp shout.

“Clean up your dirty hands, you bitch!” …It was Ellen’s voice. I flew up the stairs and opened the door.

“No, I just- uh poi?”

Eyeballs filled with blood quickly ran across the room.

Ellen, covered in sweat, was huffing on the bed with only her upper body raised. Fortunately, it didn’t look like he was harmed.

It was only after confirming that Ellen was fine that the surroundings came into view.

A bucket of wet cotton well water dripped on the floor.

After examining my expression, Gilius became contemplative and raised both hands and said,

“Oh Poi. This is Sister Olga’s _99

“Go away, old man.”

The situation was roughly guessed.

It seems that Sister Olga was away for some reason, and Gilius stayed by Ellen’s side instead.

And when Ellen woke up, she must have been trembling as usual.

“No, I think you misunderstood something.

“Get out.”

I understand, but I have a rough idea of what’s going on…

I read the bewilderment and horror in Gilius’ eyes. Not embarrassment and resentment.

“Wait a minute. I couldn’t resist the urge when I saw Gilius talking about

this .

It jumped at him, grabbed him by the neck, and hung him by the field leg, pinning him to the ground.


“Keheek kek! Ugh…

Gilius’ huge body floated in the air for almost a meter, then fell and smashed the floorboards.

In that state, when I tried to pull out the pulse, Ellen screamed.

“trunnion! stop!”

A sharp high-pitched sound makes you wake up.

What the fuck did I do? Why are you trying to pull out the knife? Are you going to kill me? Don’t you like the look in your eyes?

“I am fine. Nothing happened.”

When Ellen stopped me with a stammering yet calm voice, I let out a hot breath.


When I let go of my hand and stood up, Gilius, who was stuck on the floor, let out a sound of pain.

“Ugh, damn it. what did i do I’m just. ok.”

“…let’s go, man.”

“You crazy bastard, shouldn’t you apologize first! Ugh, it looks like there’s a crack somewhere.”

As Gilius stumbled to his feet and grumbled, I shot at him with a cold voice that surprised even myself.

“Old man. Shut up.”


“Because I can’t control myself well right now? I’m afraid I’ll lose if I talk nonsense, so get out quickly.”

Gilius twitched his chin and glared at me for a moment, but then he lowered his eyes and turned away.

As he left, there was silence in the room for a moment.

Is it because of the years of living as a member of society in modern times? It was embarrassing for me to show my negative emotions so clearly.

It was belatedly that I wondered if I had overdone it.

So I closed the door without saying a word and sat down next to Ellen. He looked at me with complicated eyes and kept his mouth shut.

With an effortless expression, I picked up a cotton cloth that had fallen on the floor and rinsed it in a bucket. Then, after squeezing out the water, he gestured to the guy.

“Hey, lie down. You sweat a lot.”

“I thought you were gone.”

what else is he talking about?

“Are you going? Where?”


“…Did you not wake up? What nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?”

Ellen shut her mouth again.

what? Why are you doing this?

Oh what a shame Well, I’ve been messing around like that before, but it’s funny how you act like you normally do.

The desire to make fun of him for a while to change the atmosphere soared

. It’s an adult to hold back jokes at times like this.

I put my hand inside the breastplate to pretend I didn’t know the baffled guy.

I take out the medicine bag Daria bought for me.

The flower bracelet, Mr. Ooi, got caught in his glove, came out, and fell off.

I opened the medicine bag with a calm expression and said.

“They say Oreg made the medicine himself. Perilla leaf, red thistle, and… uh, elder grass or something.

“Let’s eat some porridge later to fill our stomachs before we eat. Uh, by any chance- do you need to eat this 30 minutes after eating?”

“It’s embarrassing, so let’s do it. There may be ingredients that interfere with digestion…”

Ellen’s mouth was clenched to the point that her chin was twitching. It looked like he was holding back from crying.

Only then did I get a sense of the boy’s feelings.

I was so impressed.

Looking at the flower bracelet, I thought for a while.

oh i kinda like this

So, in this case, it would be the correct answer to finish it right? There’s no one to give me anything else.

“Give me your hand.”


“Give me your hand.”

Ellen calmly held out her hand. I held his hand and carefully put the flower bracelet on.

“A mixture of dianthus and plantain is said to make the person who wears it healthy. So, wear well while sick. Uh… is it a bit big?”

…It wasn’t a little big, but it seemed like it would fill my forearm.

Actually, when I was buying it earlier, I chose the one that fits my wrist without much thought. There’s no way I’m going to get hit by that guy.

But I said it calmly, not showing embarrassment.

“As if I could just cut it off a little and tie it back

together… I tried to take the bracelet back while saying that, but he quickly removed his hand and hid it in his bosom. Then he quietly examined the bracelet.

“Hey shit. Do you like it?”


he opened his mouth in a crying voice. At the same time, tears burst out as if waiting.

“.Huh OO uh ” — — ―I .

He tried his best to stop crying with his head down, but it was difficult to stop the burst dam again.

it’s big After all, the gift is timing.

I was tapping the guy on the shoulder with a proud heart, but Ellen spoke again.

“*Huh* this this…

“Yes, yes.”

“This is pig ragweed, you sick god.”


“…they said it was plantain.”

“It’s pigweed.”

…From the name, it looks like a dog or a pig. So, what is the name of pigweed? Pigweed.

The boy continued to speak while shrugging his shoulders.

“If you wear this*Keueun*, hives come up.”

“…I didn’t know.”

Do you really have to cry and say that? Can’t we just shut up?

“Give me this. I have to throw it away.”

When I stretched out my hand, he twisted his upper body and avoided my hand.


“Hives are coming up?”

“…Never mind.”

After that, he tried to snatch the bracelet for a while. But no matter how much I yelled at him, he just shook his head in tears.

“Yes, do as you please.”

“You’re going to *sniff* that asshole.”

…a cheap wand pedestal year.

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