The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 41

My Villains Episode 041

11. Secret Passage (2)

Thanks to the sudden surprise killing of the leader, I was able to deal with the rest of the bandits without difficulty.

I stopped them with my shield in front, and Arnal, who had come through the darkness barefoot with me, shot an arrow from behind.

After another one was hit by an arrow, the bandits forcibly rallied and charged at us—

“Flammae satus!”

I gave up on Ellen and Grania Luke who appeared from the other side.

Following the flaming arrows, wind fists flew in, and Grania finished off the guys who had completely lost their fighting spirit.

After the battle, while Grania was interrogating the lucky survivor, I wiped off the blood on my body and put on my clothes.

Meanwhile, Mr. Luke approached and handed over the armor he had entrusted to him.

“Thank you, Mr. Luke. Could you start with the breastplate?”

“Here it is. But how can you not be there, Phoenix-kun?”

“yes? What?”

When I asked again as I put a loop on my stomach, Mr. Luke continued by tying the strap around his side.

“They say the authors are magicians.”

“… ah.”

“I was honestly dubious. I wonder if he’s attacking innocent people for no reason.”

um how do you explain this?

The reason I guessed that they were magic bandits based on their presence was, of course, thanks to my experience in the game.

‘Torvald the Quickfoot’ was the first picknem (an entity that appears unconditionally among enemies named Fixed Named Enemy) that you encounter for the first time in the Dark World Campaign Chapter 2.

As you wander through the sewers, you will inevitably come across this guy with at least four and ten underlings. But I searched every floor from the 1st to the 4th floor of the sewer, but I couldn’t find a group of Torvalds.

That’s why about 10 people in the car that was thinking it was strange noticed signs heading to the wrong place. Can’t you doubt it?

But I couldn’t tell Mr. Luke these things.

“Hmm- It’s hard to explain, but I guessed it halfway.”

“By persimmon?”

“Oh, and I also had my doubts. If there really exists a secret passageway to the outside, I wonder if the enemy might be using it…” ”

…I see.”

Mr. Luke put on an ambiguous expression for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

“Well, you were a blood mage. No wonder your intuition has developed.”

“Oh, what is that?”

I was just talking about it Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Luke.

As I was evasive like that, Arnal, who was wearing leather shoes next to me, said in a tone that he was tired of it.

“It’s intuition, it’s nabal, and next time I’ll decline this stupid operation. I can’t even guess what the hell and how much I stepped on while running frantically.”

“Is this a stupid operation? It was quite a success.”

Taking only Arnal and taking a detour behind them was a strategy I came up with on the fly. The enemy didn’t know of our existence, so it felt like a waste not to launch an ambush.

Of course, it would be difficult to kill all five of them. But for me, who had a high agility score, and Arnal, who had been taught by the hunter, it was worth trying.

Although the creaking plate armor and thick-soled shoes had to be removed.

Thanks to that, I was able to subdue them without a single wound, but Arnal still said he didn’t like it.

“It was because I was lucky. I still can’t believe that such a lame operation worked.”

“Hey, if you want to argue, just say it.” “It’s not a fight- uhh. Just in case you’re saying, don’t do things like this with people around?”

“What is this?”

At my question, Arnal frowned as if he really didn’t know.

“Acting like a berserker. Rumors are strange, but if you go around like that, everyone will think you’re a heretic or a madman. When I hired you, the military commander-in-chief objected—no, this is okay.”

It’s a word that worries me, but I feel bad for nothing.

It’s not ‘be careful not to be misunderstood’, it’s ‘be careful not to get caught’, isn’t it?

And you’re unarmed? If it’s a military commander, it’s the general I met in the battle at the dockside. what is that person

As I was about to express my question, Ellen, who was inspecting the crossbow I had returned, interrupted me.

“That’s right. It was a needlessly risky operation.”

“Hey, I chose the safest way in my own way, right? And-”

Oh wait. Did this guy just agree with what Arnal said?

When Arnal and I looked at each other in surprise, Ellen turned her head and added a few words.

“They weren’t that great anyway. What are you taking the risk for?”

Well, I received Arnal’s opinion… but I’m still the one talking to him. ambiguous

Still, where is the reaction like this? You should be satisfied with this.

“Oh that’s right. Wasn’t it something you didn’t know about though? They could have been very dangerous.”

“Phoenix is right.”

As if the interrogation had already been completed, I saw a demon lying on its side behind Grania, who was approaching this way.

“The one over there whose head was split is called ‘Fast-footed Torvald,’ and he’s a leader of the bandits. In terms of rank, it is said to be in the top five.”

“Huh” 1Z3.

Instead of the silent Ellen, Arnal frowned and asked.

“A leader of the Magic Bandit? Why did a guy like that come all the way here?”

“They found a secret passage by chance while scouting the surroundings. I was on my way back after confirming that this was the South Harbor sewer.”

“for a moment. Then, isn’t the exit hole already blocked?”

“I don’t think so. You came right in as soon as you found the secret passage.”

Ha accidentally found a secret passage? I saved this magician, and he’s going to go crazy.

Smirking inwardly, I passed Arnal and Grania’s conversation in one ear and approached Torvald’s corpse.

His corpse was still bleeding from its head. Fortunately, the aisle sloped slightly toward the central waterway, and instead of soaking the owner’s body, blood mixed with white lumps was flowing somewhere mixed with filth.

As I searched the corpse’s arms, Ellen caught up with me and said,

“Poig cloak.”

“huh? Cloak?”

“I feel the magic. It’s like a magic tool.”

“Oh yeah?”

is it a gain?

After listening to Ellen’s words, I undid the black mantle.

The cloak was short enough to barely reach the hips and only covered one shoulder. It seemed to be made of wool, but no matter how I looked at it, it didn’t look like something I would wear for the purpose of keeping warm.

“Hmm. What kind of magic is it?”

“Give me.”

Upon receiving the cloak, Ellen quickly closed her eyes. Golden hair fluttered slightly in the windless sewer. It was clear that he was operating mana.

“…Umm, I can feel the repulsive force against mana.” “What about repulsive force?”

“It’s magic resistance. Other than that, I don’t know.”

Mr. Luke, who had approached before he knew it, inspected his cloak and added, as if he had been attracted by the wind caused by Ellen.

“It is not a cursed item. I don’t feel any evil energy.”

“is that so? then.”

I gladly brushed off the cloak a couple of times before tying it around my left shoulder.

As Torvald had been doing, he wrapped the rope around his torso and fastened it to a brooch hanging around his chest, and he felt a strange sensation.


It feels like a thin film is covering the whole body. It was unfamiliar, but not an unpleasant sensation.

Is this magic resistance?

On the other hand, I liked the cloak because it wasn’t too long, so it didn’t get in the way, and because it was made of a heavy material, it didn’t flutter frivolously.

And above all, it was very black, probably because of the good dye.

In a word, I got goosebumps. All I got from Poison was a few poisoned daggers and a curved sword, but I got some pretty good stuff from Torvald. It makes me feel better.

“how is it? suited?”

Wearing a cloak and showing off his arms proudly, Mr. Luke smiled and nodded while Ellen narrowed her brows as if she was pathetic.

“Keep doing what you’re doing. If you have magic tools like that, you might have something else useful.”

“Hey, isn’t it difficult to say something cool?”

“Don’t be foolish.”

I’m doing too much.

I grumbled through Torvald’s arms and found several vials.

The glass bottles were all of an unusual color, and at first glance they looked like unusual objects.

“What is all this?”

I decided to call Grania and Arnal to look at the items.

Fortunately, the young mercenary and hunter, the old mortician and the young wizard had enough knowledge to discover their identities.

As you can see, the things in the glass bottle were magic potions.

There were six glass bottles in total, one for ‘potion of infrared vision’, two for ‘potion for wound healing’ – commonly called ‘potion’, and two for ‘sleep potion’.

All of them were essential, but the jackpot was the last potion. That’s

“’potion of invisibility’? Aren’t you very precious?”

“that’s right. I didn’t expect to find it in a place like this…” In the game, ‘Torvald the Quickfoot’ would turn invisible and launch an ambush when his HP was cut to half.

Could it be that he had a potion of invisibility because of that setting?

Ellen held up a vial of gray liquid and held it up to the torch.

Then, shaking the bottle a few times to check the viscosity, he clicked his tongue and added.

“It’s not fairy powder, it’s a crude thing wearing an invisible moth cocoon. The effect won’t last even five minutes.”

“Oh minute? and where is that?”

The potion of invisibility was a very useful item even in the game.

This is because it is an all-purpose item that can be used to steal expensive items, to be surrounded by enemies and to assassinate difficult enemies.

An enemy wearing an item with a transparency detection option or an opponent with high agility will be able to see through it… but isn’t it a low-level section now? There would be very few things to be noticed unless it was canceled due to violent action or taking damage.

“What are you surprised about? Potions of invisibility made at the Palace of La Palais

often last for over an hour. There are no side effects.”

“Hey, it’s okay. I don’t even want an hour.”

It’s a crude thing, so the effect only lasts 5 minutes? In my experience, 5 minutes is an awfully long time in a PvP situation.

“For now, let’s roughly distribute the potions.”

I decided to take the potion of invisibility, and gave the potion of infrared vision to Arnal, an archer. The wound healing potion was to be entrusted to Grania and Ellen respectively.

The one given to Grania was a kind of compensation for her injuries, and the one given to Ellen was given as a means of keeping it as she was in the most protected position.

The potion of sleep had no particular use, so I decided to get it. Maybe someday it will come in handy

Arnal, who had received the potion and looked at it curiously, muttered as if he had suddenly remembered it.

“Come to think of it, the surprise attack was good.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Wouldn’t he have been in trouble after drinking the invisibility potion if he had given me a chance to ask if it was cobalt or tobalt? I may have missed it.”

At Arnal’s words, Mr. Luke also nodded his head.

“Someone could have been seriously hurt. I’m so glad.”

Well, the reason I decided to ambush them in the first place was because I knew that Torvald was a nuisance.

He used his subordinates as meat shields to attack and run away repeatedly, then turned invisible and even attacked them, so I wanted to deal with it first.

Fortunately, my colleagues were grateful for my luck, but no one had any doubts about my exquisite strategy.

I guess I think I was really lucky. It’s a bit disappointing that no one knows… but it’s a relief.

I licked my lips again and searched for Torvald’s arms. This is because my goal in the first place was not these magic potions.

“Isn’t it all turned? What are you looking for so hard?”

“Wait a minute.”

After roughly answering Arnal’s question, I continued to knead Torvald’s clothes and finally realized that something was inside the shirt.

A piece of fabric the size of a palm was padded on the inside of the tunic, which had been turned inside out as if it had been half peeled off.

When I tore off the loosely stitched top, I found a paper envelope covered with ink.

“Uh, that’s-”

“…It’s a letter.”

Leaving behind the startled voices, I took a closer look at the paper bag.

It was a luxurious material that was as smooth as an egg shell and was lumpy at the same time.

Hmm, I think the ‘evidence of inner pain’ I saw in the game was in the form of a scroll.

After fiddling with the paper for a while, I tore off the ink pad with no seal on it.

After reading the letter in one breath, my head went blank.

The path currently being used by your parent company is risky and narrow, making it unfavorable to the company.

Four days later, at sunset, we will secure an official route. There are many derived routes near the official route, so it is recommended to break through the bow in various directions.

With 300 sacks, you will be able to maximize profits while maintaining speed.

Please spread the news to your friends in the south as well. They will also be happy to cooperate. In addition, please pay special attention not to infringe on the interests of the three parties.

We will greet you with a green flag, so

please make no mistake.

May 20th.

by LC

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