The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 468

My Villains Chapter 468

66. Prince Silver (23)

Upon receiving Prince Ulkar’s proposal, King Ruilix II broke off the meeting and returned to the garrison.

They said it was to discuss with the other Elector Counts. I wonder if that’s what you’re trying to do It’s not common in the world to be able to communicate from a distance, but if you’re a powerful person like an emperor or an electorate, you’ll have that much.

At first glance, it seems that they are planning to officially confirm Lu Yan’s position and completely end the war.

I thought it might be a little rushed, but it’s not something I can’t understand. From the emperor’s point of view, Ruyan becoming the electorate would be beneficial, but not harmful


It is worthwhile just to end the war with Milanol without losing territory.

Since the invasion of Milanol was initiated by the Duke of Avilambos arbitrarily, there is no reason for the emperor’s prestige to be damaged even if the war ends in a draw.

Of course, the military funds and supplies consumed to raise a large army must be a waste. However, the reason why the emperor prepared such a large army in the first place was to conquer the south, not the east. Ruilix II considered it the long-cherished business of the empire to subdue the pagan sultans and take away the colonies in the southern continent they occupied.

Since the war with Milanol ended without any damage, turning the horse’s head to the southwest and striking the Amir allies would be a very attractive option for the emperor.

It would be painful to say that he could turn the royal family Sturmterk’s rival, the Duke of Strom, into a half-asshole, and it would be very enjoyable to increase the number of his direct vassals.

In addition to this, the emperor’s power will be further consolidated if he can obtain additional voting rights as an elector, albeit a half-baked one, according to our proposal under the condition of confidentiality.

Of course, even if Ruilix II accepted the offer, it did not mean that Ruyan became the full owner of Angst and Obdorf. Prince Ulkar planned to distribute more than half of both provinces to the knights of the last kingdom, and through Ruyan, it was a sim mountain that would have an influence close to domination. In other words, the prince becomes the de facto great lord.

Unless the emperor was an idiot, there was no way he wouldn’t know that Lu Yan was nothing more than a boss. Nonetheless, the reason why he accepted our proposal positively must be that he judged that the relationship between Prince Ulkar and Ruyan could not last forever.

The rights as a half-electoral count and the owners of Angst and Obdorf are real. Anyway, officially it is Rouyan and the collateral Strom family he will establish.

Right now, Prince Ulkar would exert absolute influence, but as time passed and Ruyan grew old enough or his successor inherited the title, there was a high possibility that their current relationship would fade away. Moreover, since Prince Ulkar was a foreign royal family, it would not be easy for his influence to be passed on to the successor.

“…But, what happens in the distant future is none of my business.”

After the meeting, I returned to the small riverside village with Prince Ulkar and the other cavalrymen and scratched my eyebrows as Heyla finished his long explanation.

“If this fucking war is over, that’s it. Complicated stories interest you.”


“You are very firm. What’s wrong?”

Heila looked at me with very determined eyes.

“You will soon become the lord of Eisbobalt. You can’t act like it’s someone else’s business. It will be none other than you and your children’s business.”

“…Ah, my head hurts already.”

I cupped my forehead and shook my head.

“I don’t intend to be bound by titles or territories. After the region is roughly stable, I will either find a substitute or hand over the title to someone else and leave.”

Heila blinked quietly. They seem to be weighing whether what I said is sincere.



It seems that Prince Ulkar’s path to becoming the King of Slaughter has been blocked to some extent, so it was time to prepare for the next chapter.

If we omit the sixth chapter where the King of Slaughter appears as a boss – the royal road, the next chapter will be Chapter 7 ‘Ancient City in the Sky’.

The ancient city in the sky is otherwise called the “Emperor Capital”. The institution here refers to ‘Atica Catharus’, the capital of the ancient empire, not Miteltang, the capital of the Mittergerant Empire.

Only now, eight hundred years after the ancient empire was destroyed by the ‘light of the end’ summoned by the evil mages, Attica Catharus is regarded as a legend. However, as I experienced while playing the game, the capital of this ancient empire must still be wandering in Middle-earth, hidden above the clouds.

I sighed annoyed as my head seemed to be getting more complicated as I was inferring the future while tracing my vague memories because I had skipped all the scenarios.

“Grunt. First of all, we need to find Achillem Nur, the dark knight. You never know what kind of trouble it will be.”

Heila, who had been staring at me until then, slowly parted her lips.

“Why should I?”


“The grandmasters of La Palais Palace say that the place where the dark knight is supposed to be is the royal road.”


“To reach the royal capital, you must ride a horse for a month. it’s that far away Why are you interested in what goes on in those places?”

I replied with a puzzled face.

“Well, Ellen is chasing the dark knight…

” “That’s Ellen’s business. And Ellen is a dark knight. She wants to stay by your side no matter what.”

“…not really.”

“curious. The reason why he is bothered by the position of the lord and is interested in the affairs of the Dark Knight.”

“That’s right… It was right in front of my nose that Achillemnur first appeared. Should I feel some sense of responsibility?” The words I brought out to be vague were not going to work. Heila looked at me with the same gaze and asked another question.

“Eisbovald? You killed the mayor of Passyhorse and the dignitaries and razed half the city to ruin. But I don’t think I feel responsible for Eisbobalt.”

“I’m not saying you’re going to abandon the city and leave. After taking care of it to some extent, he said he would leave the work to others. Things won’t get better for a city or a territory just because I’m annoyed by myself


Heila was as expressionless as at the beginning of the conversation, but I could tell that I hadn’t fully understood what I was saying, perhaps because I had gotten used to her.

However, in order to prevent the apocalypse, it was impossible to sit back and solve the scenario of ‘Dark World’, such as chasing the dark knight and finding an ancient city in the sky. If I were to give such an explanation, I would have to tell you that I am closer to Kim Seung-soo than Phoenix-no, even if I hide that part, the spirits of the other world are mixed like impurities.

There was no need to talk about it at this point, so I kept my mouth shut despite Heila’s persistent gaze.

In this world, telecommunication spells are certainly considered innovative and phenomenal technologies. However, that never guaranteed smooth communication at the level of making a phone call or exchanging text messages through social media.

Each time a message is sent, a rare medium must be used like water, and the caster consumes a huge amount of mana. No matter how good communication spells are, the number of messages a wizard can send is limited to six or seven per day.

Moreover, since the amount of information that could be conveyed at one time was limited, it was only natural that the emperor would take a long time to discuss with the former princes.

In the meantime, we had to stay in the riverside village. During the unexpectedly prolonged stay, two messengers

came to visit.

The one who appeared first was none other than Sir Eor Dan, the envoy of Count Akele, the ‘good blood’.

This talkative blood knight had an audience with Prince Ulkar and explained the situation.

“Your Excellency Count wants to pursue the ‘Witch of Praise’.”

As Heila had told me a few days ago, I glanced at her and opened my mouth slightly.

“It looks like the fish people have fled along the river, right?”

“I guess so.”

The prince and the other knights looked stunned when they heard that the fishmen, led by the Witch of Hymn, had fled across the river to escape the Ironscale Fleet.

“under. I wanted to see signs of the end of the war, but the fish people!”

As if responding to Atalanta’s lament, Lord Eordan quickly opened his mouth.

“His Highness, the 3rd Prince, please put your mind at ease. If you just turn a blind eye to Angst’s approach to the interior, the Irish army will wipe them out in an instant.”

Prince Ulkar, who was staring at the emissary of the Ironscale Fleet, smiled and opened his mouth.

“Whoops. Didn’t His Majesty grant permission for that?”

It was understandable why Lord Eordan had finally come here. He probably thought that the Angst region would soon be occupied by the emperor’s army and put a request there. Then, he must have come to this place after grasping the situation or seeing signs that the prince’s rule will be consolidated.

Even though the circumstances were obvious, Sir Eordan calmly gave an answer with an expressionless face befitting a blood knight.

“Erasing the monsters is in the public interest, so he told me to cooperate well with the new lord, Prince Luyan.”

“is it.”

Prince Ulkar asked a new question instead of criticizing his opponent for his impudence.

“Is Count Akele stepping out in person?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“What are the witch of hymn and the fish-men, why are they chasing them so zealously?” The Irish envoy responded without hesitation, as if it had been prepared.

“The fishmen have been a major obstacle to maritime trade since ancient times, and the three fleets of Ireland have subdued them whenever they have a chance. This time, too, is just an extension of that.”

“The subjugation was at sea, right? As far as I know, I’ve never gone up to the depths of the land to chase after the fish-men like now.”

“It was the case with the fish people, but the Witch of Hymn is different. The monster leads the fishmen like a well-organized army, enchanting and incapacitating humans with its evil songs. It is natural to take unprecedented measures against an unprecedented threat.”

“…that’s not wrong.”

Prince Ulkar stared at Sir Eordan, then smiled.

“Do as you please. Ayland and Angst are like neighbors across the ocean, so any help is welcome.”

“You are right. Thank you, Your Highness, the Three Princes.”

“I just want you to leave immediately after the clearing is completed or if we ask. Regardless of whether it’s Obdorf or Angst, it’s not long since they’ve been occupied, because if the foreign troops run wild, the people will be anxious.”

“of course. I will be extremely careful not to harm the villagers.”

Even though the agreement was concluded so easily, the prince asked if he still had any questions.

“So where are Count Akele and his army now?” Lord Eordan hesitated briefly enough to barely show it before opening his mouth.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know.”

” I do not know?”

“Yes, Your Highness. It was eight days ago that I departed from the anchorage to convey the will of the Count. My guess is that they are waiting for permission.”

“…hmm. is it.”

To roughly interpret the look in Prince Ulkar’s eyes at that time, he said, ‘You’re talking bullshit. Are you guys the ones who act like gentlemen like that?’

His premonition was indeed correct, and on the very evening that Sir Eordan had an audience with the prince, the advance guard deployed by Sir Liam picked up Eyland’s movements. It was discovered that about 200 cavalry units led by Count Akele were heading north, bypassing the riverside villages.

Considering the distance to the Bluescale Fleet’s anchorage, it was possible to guess that they were secretly searching for Angst Naeji from the very beginning.

The second messenger was from Eisbowald and was a very familiar face.

“lily! Phoenix Master!” “…Mummy? Why are you here?”

The news that the freckled Mira, who had been attached to Ellen along with the one-eyed Simos, ran for half a day to deliver the news was completely unexpected.

First of all, the gist of the news was that a certain priest and his group arrived at Eisbo Balt and contacted Ellen.

Aruis de Goodman’?”

“Yes, that’s right. They say he knows Nari.”

The name of the cleric Mira gave me was somehow familiar, so I remembered who he was after racking my brains for a while.

“…that young monk? Where did you belong to?”

Enorique society’.”

“Oh right. Norrick Priory.”

The monks belonging to the Norik Society are those who serve under the lord of the frontier, censor disquieting books, or interrogate heretics. They were the ones who had met once each in South Harbor and once in Modos, and they were also beings that acted as the Heretic Inquisitors of the Church of El Ganore.

A man named Lewis was among them a monk he had met in South Harbor. After learning that Luke was not an ordinary Younggeummido but an evil necromancer, I reported this to the church, and the priest who interrogated me was Louis.

“But why did that man come to Eisbowald?”

“They said they were chasing the trail left by the King of Death.”

“The King of Death? Luke?”

I was dumbfounded and burst out laughing.

“The bastard died in front of the Seteniora Monastery. The mogchi put one dagger through his neck and one into his forehead. I saw the priest and the guards there, but what are they talking about?”

“The cleric said that the undead led by the King of Death are still active.”

“Princess Theodora wiped out those undead too?”

“I don’t know. That’s what the monk said.”

Mira shrugged her shoulders and continued to share the news.

“Anyways, Ellen-sama seems to think she’s got the clue. It is said that the one who killed the saint of Sete Niora was a death knight tainted with demonic energy, so if you follow his trail, everything will be fine.”



I quietly scratched my eyebrows.

Looking back, the reason many high-ranking priests could not heal Saint Abel was that his wounds were stained with demonic energy. It was Luke’s Death Knight that made that wound.

And that same Death Knight ran away carrying Luke, who died after being hit by my operation, on his back.

It was natural for the priest of the Norik Society to follow the traces of Luke and Ellen to pursue Magi to be interested in the Death Knight.

“So what are you going to do? Are you sure you don’t want to move separately?”

“It is not. After all that hard work, I finally met Nari, but are you going to fall again, Ellen?”

Mira added with a face as if asking if it was obvious.

“I decided to wait for Nari. The group of monks also decided to take a break and search around the city, so by the time the negotiations are over and we’re going back, I think Adari will be right.”

“Yeah, so what? … But wait a minute, you say you search around the city?”

“Oh, that’s it.”

She replied with a big nod of her head as if she had forgotten.

“They say the place where the monks and their party are searching is in the nearby forest.”

“forest? what forest?”



The Zeln Tree is a huge forest that stretches from the northwest of Obdorv to the High Castle on the plateau across the border. can be seen with both eyes.

In a word, it is a story that the traces left by Luke—or his Death Knight—was found close to Icebovalt.

“What is this again?”

I narrowed my brows in pain, but there was no time to ponder.

This was because within an hour of hearing the news from Mira, the emperor’s message that the edict was ready reached the riverside village.

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